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Author: hedpe

Cerita cinta dalam hidup aku..

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Post time 4-10-2007 08:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #60 andria's post

Emmm.... bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman ker?

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 Author| Post time 4-10-2007 04:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #60 andria's post

well, what u said is true.. aku just tanak banyak memori jer..nanti lagi susah nak lupakan dia..btol tak?

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Post time 4-10-2007 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hedpe at 4-10-2007 16:58
well, what u said is true.. aku just tanak banyak memori jer..nanti lagi susah nak lupakan dia..btol tak?

Betul. But on the other hand, the more u fight things, the harder it gets. So sometimes, the best way, is to just go with the flow...
Why pray for something negative, when u can pray for something positive? Correct?
Besides, it's not as though she belongs to anyone, right?
True, sometimes, kita takut nak mohon sesuatu yg positif, sebab kita takut kecewa berkali ganda, sekiranya yg positif itu tidak terjadi...
Jadi utk protect diri, kita lebih rela kecewa awal2, dari kecewa di kemudian hari.. ini normal.. ini adalah satu cara manusia utk melindungi diri...
Bolehlah dikatakan sebagai tindakan refleksi tanpa sedar...  
Tapi seringkali kita lupa, 'we are, what we think...'
Apa yg kita fikirkan, akan menjelma dlm realiti...  
Kerana itu kita harus berhati2 selalu dgn minda bawah sedar...
Minda bawah sedar sebenarnya mempunyai kuasa yg sgt kuat utk memanipulasi kehidupan manusia... kalau saja ramai yg tahu...
So, to make it short.. berdoalah yg positif, dan yg baik2..
Selebihnya, serahkan kpd Yang Esa..
Then u will feel more relax...
Why worry about something that u cannot change, and does not have control over?
Usaha dan berdoalah.. kalau ada, adalah..  kalau takde, anggap saja takde jodoh..
Apabila kita redha dgn apa yg berlaku, percayalah, Tuhan akan menggantikannya dgn sesuatu yg lebih baik dari itu...



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Post time 5-10-2007 01:27 AM | Show all posts
tak best la cerita cinta ko ni... cam tengok citer indon pukul 6 kat tv jer... takde nilai-nilai estatika langsong... plot tunggang langgang... itu belOm lagi sentoh pasal pilihan diksi lagi tu... lontaran imaginasi kurang... tak berkesan beb... tak berkesan... ini tahap budak sekolah darjah 2 fail pereksa punya karangan jer ni... ahahaha...

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 01:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #64 cipOt_cedOt's post

tapi ko baca gak kan..hehehe..thnx anyway..haha

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Post time 5-10-2007 08:15 AM | Show all posts
betul memang susah bila suka kat kawan rapat ....

tapi i bagi tips sikit ... kalau u tak dapat buat dia GF u,  jangan risau, u still boleh kawan balik dengan dia ... tapi u mungkin perlu cari dulu GF lain .. bila dah dapat u contact balik ngan kawan u tuh.

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Update 04/10/2007

2.00pm - Masa Hamie ngan aku main sms tadi, kitorang ada macam selisih faham skit..its actually nobody's fault tapi maybe kitorang bincang salah time Hamie macam upset skit...

9.oopm - Aku msg hamie cakap sorry pasal apa yang terjadi petang tadi walaupun hal tu bukan salah saper2 just that i feel bad becoz i brought it up..hamie macam tanak layan aku..dia kata dia penat and dia tanak cakap hal tu lagi..aku cakap la ok..hamie cakap sorry for being a terrible friend.. aku bitau hamie,"youre not..u just need rest...goodnite"

Update 05/10/2007

7.30am - Aku sms good morning kat Hamie, just wanted to check if she feels better than yesterday... Hamie balas macam biasa.. dia cakap dia tak kerja harini and rasa migrane skit.. so aku bitau la dia makan ubat and sambung rest..

4.00pm - Aku jalan sorang2 kat midvalley..heh takde kerja.. teringat lak kat hamie...aku sms dia tanya pasal migrane dia dah hilang ke blom..Hamie cakap migrane dia dah ok and dia on the way nak gie Johor tgk kawan dia..and dia cakap dia balik kl hari ahad..aku cakap kat dia jaga diri leklok and jgn lupakan aku bila kat johor nanti..Hamie cakap,"lupa skejap jer..nanti bila aku balik kl ingat la balik..hehe.."

..erm maybe she needs so space dari aku aku fikir maybe i should give her some space.. aku nak try tak sms Hamie la sampai hari ahad..harap2 aku boleh tahan...

Update 06/10/2007

10.00am - aku baru bangun dari tido dengan harapan aku dapat msg dari Hamie...bila aku tgk handphone aku..thank god..1  message from Hamie.. @6.52am -"Hedpe..i'm cold..i wish i could hug someone right now..i miss him.." ..well, i wish i could help....


11.00pm - Aku msg Hamie since dia dah balik kl ni..dia cakap dia ada kat shah alam lepak ngan member diorang..Hamie ajak aku join..aku cakap boleh join tapi lambat skit since kereta ayah ngan adik aku pakai..dia cakap datang jer kol baper pon..ak

1.00am - ayah aku baru balik and aku terus siap2 gie mandi nak gie shah alam. Aku sms Hamie yang aku dah on the way..

1.40am - Hamie sms aku cakap dia terpaksa ciow awal sebab ada hal..aku suruh dia tunggu jap sebab aku ada bawakkan dia skit kuih raya..

1.45am - Bila aku sampai jer Hamie dah ada kat dalam kereta nak ciow balik aku pass ar kuih raya kat Hamie then terus lepak ngan member2 yang lain..lepas 10 mins Hamie pergi, dia sms aku cakap sorry sebab  tak dapat lepak..aku cakap takpe..lenkali boleh lepak sama2...

5.30am - Hamie sms "Hedpe, miss u oredi..hehe..nite nite!" ..aku masa tu tgh tido and mmg dalam keadaan mamai..aku pon ngan beraninya reply,"i wish u were next to me rite now, Hamie..nite..." ...!!?!!..betul ke aper yang aku buat ni? lantak ar..

10.30am - Hamie sms aku "Morning lollipop!"..hehe..kitorang pon sms ar sampai tgh hari...pastu aku ajak Hamie tgk wayang since its been 2 weeks kitorang tak kuar 2 orang jer..Hamie cakap ok..hehe..tonite it's a date!

sambung sini dong

[ Last edited by  hedpe at 14-10-2007 06:49 AM ]



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Post time 6-10-2007 12:45 PM | Show all posts
hedpe, this is my sincere advice to u.

If u want a woman to question her feelings for u, try the disappearing act. Take a vacation for a week or two, or even a month for that matter (the longer, the better, for this experiment), but DON'T tell her. Just go. Switch off ur hp. Sometimes, we don't know what we have, until it's gone. So while u're gone, she will have the time & space to question her feelings for u. Within this period, she will know, how she really feels for u. Does she regard u just as a good friend, or has she actually fallen for u, but she's just using her ex (no offense) as an excuse to be with u...  ? If it weren't for ur friend (her ex), she wouldn't have a reason to be with u, right?

Consider this experiment a way to help her get to know her true feelings for u. Let her questions herself. If she misses u, if she can't keep wondering where u are, what happens to u, or why u're gone, then she HAS fallen for u. Only thing is, she herself may not realize this yet. So this, will make her realize (hopefully).

How will u know if/when she has fallen for u or not?

When u get back, switch on ur hp. But DO NOT call or even sms her. Wait for her to call/sms u. If she does not call/sms u, DON'T PANIC - SHE WILL. Just give her some time. If she calls u, DON'T answer now. Skip her call at least 3 times. If u finally answers her call, answer it AFTER it rings 6-7 times. RELAX and be cool. Don't talk much, don't even ask her any questions, EXCEPT, how she is. If she asks u what has happened, just tell her, u went to do some soul searching...  stop there. Let it be anti-climax. Let her think what she wants to think. That's it. Same goes to if she sms u - DO NOT respond immediately. Wait 24-48 hours at least. If she sends u more than 1 sms, DO NOT reply all. Reply ONLY the latest. And make it simple & short. That's it. Just 1 sms is ENOUGH. Then, IGNORE her.

What's the point in doing these? This will push her to the edge. This will indirectly FORCE her to think about the relationship between u & her, because all this while, u are there for her. She was always in the comfort zone. But when u're gone, it will force her to think, WHO U R to her, in her life. Does she really regard  u as a good friend, or is there more than meets the eye? Only she knows... so this is one way of giving her an ultimatum...

Will it backfire? It might. There is no guarantee. But guess what? At least, U KNOW where u stand. This is UR INITIATIVE. If u expect her to make the 1st move, it will probably never happen, because as a woman, she has her pride and dignity. But if somehow, she does tell u directly, or give u hints, that she MISSES u while u were gone, then u're half-way through. Go slowly, and take it from there. NEVER rush things. And remember, DO NOT ask her directly about her feelings. She may resent it.

This experiment (pardon the term), will yield only 2 results. Either she's interested in u, or not. There is no in-between. If she doesn't give u any interesting responses after all u've been through, then BE PATIENT, and REDHA lah. Maybe she IS interested in u, but she just needs more time, so all in all, only time will tell. Whether u're willing to wait for her, or not, then that is a decision, only u can make.

Last but not least, the basic lesson in love, is to first, let LOVE go... BE MODERATE, BE HUMBLE, BE STRONG. Don't ever be desperate for love, because love will come, when u least expect it...  And remember, no matter what u do, ALWAYS have faith in God. Trust HIM. God works in HIS mysterious ways....  



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Post time 6-10-2007 09:55 PM | Show all posts
bagus nasihat ni ... tq andria ...

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Post time 7-10-2007 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thedude at 6-10-2007 21:55
bagus nasihat ni ... tq andria ...

U are most welcome.   

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2007 04:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #68 andria's post

no doubt about your suggestions but for the time being i dont think its a good idea for me to use this method.. lagipun, everytime Hamie msg aku, tangan aku ni mmg gatal nak reply cecepat...hehe

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2007 04:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #66 thedude's post

apakah motifnya itu? huhu

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2007 05:22 PM | Show all posts
updated!!! hehe

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Post time 10-10-2007 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hedpe at 8-10-2007 04:53 PM
apakah motifnya itu? huhu

Kalau u confess kat dia .. tapi dia tak sudi .. kadang-kadang lepas tu dia rasa tak selesa nak kawan ngan u takut seolah2 dia bagi harapan palsu kat u.
Tapi kalau u dah ade GF (atau buat-buat macam dah ade GF) dia rasa ok jer berkawan.

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2007 06:43 AM | Show all posts

6.00pm - Aku msg Hamie ajak Sahur malam karang since malam karang malam terakhir sahur untuk bulan puasa tahun ni..Hamie cakap ok jer kalau dia boleh bangun..

9.30pm - Hamie sms aku cakap "Hedpe, aku tak boleh nak tido la..tolong dodoikan aku..hehe.."..aku bitau dia, kalau tak bole tido apa kata kalau aku datang sekarang jer..kitorang supper sama sama..

10.30pm - Aku sampai depan rumah Hamie..kitorang gie A&W PJ pastu aku hantar dia balik...lepas aku hantar dia balik tu, Hamie call suruh patah balik sebab semua orang dah tido and takde saper nak bukak kan pintu untuk dia..aku pun patah balik amik dia and kitorang gie jln2 sementara tunggu waktu sahur..aku bawak Hamie jln2 kl...sempat ar lalu chow kit semua tu..kitorang borak macam2 dalam kereta sampai tak sedar dah pukul 3...sebelum hantar Hamie balik rumah lagi skali, kitorang singgah jap kat Kg. Baru beli nasi lemak antarabangsa..masa tgh beratur beli nasi lemak tu aku buka citer kat dia yang aku pernah tindik kat telinga aku.. so Hamie pun pegang2 la cuping telinga aku nak check ada lagi ke tak lubang tu...Hamie cakap,"Aku ada extra ear ring..jap lagi nak pakaikan kat ko la..hehe"..aku cakap jgn mengada..kang kalau berdarah cuping telinga aku,camner..tapi si Hamie ni degil..sambil aku bawak kereta, dia sibuk nak pakaikan earring kat telinga aku..last2 skali aku cakap kat dia pakaikan masa depan rumah nanti...

3.45pm - Kitorang dah sampai depan rumah Hamie... bila sampai jer aku terpaksa ar serahkan cuping telinga aku kat Hamie sebab aku dah janji ngan dia..Hamie ni pon pakai kan la earring tu kat aku..masa dia pakai kan ear ring tu, aku macam terdetik hati nak confess kat Hamie yang aku suka kat dia...kalau tak sekarang bila lagi aku boleh confess?

4.00pm - Aku confess kat Hamie...aku cakap kat dia..yang actually aku suka kat dia...Hamie nampak terkejut...apa aku dah buat ni?! Shaiitt!!...aku macam tak patut bagitau dia jer...awal sgt ke...erm..takpe least i have the gutts to tell her that..aku cakap kat Hamie yang Hamie tak perlu lah fikirkan pasal tu buat masa sekarang..ambil la sebanyak mana pon masa yang dia nak...Hamie menggangukkan kepala tanda setuju...lepas tu aku terus hantar Hamie balik rumah...

aku harap aper yang aku buat ni betul....


8.oopm - aku sms Hamie "Kenyangnye..".. Hamie tanya aku makan aper..aku bitau la yang aku makan rendang daging yang mak aku buat kan..Hamie cakap kat aku dia rindu nak makan rendang daging mak dia..aku pon offer la kat Hamie kalau2 dia nak rasa rendang mak aku..Hamie cakap "Kalau tak menyusahkan ko, aper salah nye...".. Aku pun hantar la rendang2 yang mak aku buat kat the same time aku dapat ar jenguk Hamie di malam raya...


8.00pm - Hamie buzz aku kat YM..kitorang pon borak macam biasa.. aku perasan yang Hamie tak sentuh apa2 pon pasal aku confess aritu...erm..lega skit rasanya sebab aku macam tak sedia lagi nak dgr keputusan dia..biarlah aku confess awal and dia pikirkan betul2 pasal benda ni...and for the time being biarlah aku jaga Hamie macam aku janjikan kat dia..dalam kepala aku masih teringat masa aku tanya Hamie pendapat dia pasal aku..Hamie cakap yang aku mampu buat dia tersenyum... ;p..itu dah cukup memandai untuk aku...


11.31am - aku baru bangun tido..terus on computer and YM aku..ada satu YM message dari Hamie pukul 6.51am.."I miss you.." ;p u made my day, Hamie...

12.46pm - Hamie msg aku "Hedpe, i hate to tell you this but i really2 miss you..takpe ke miss ko? ko xkesah? hehe".. ;p adakah ini satu hint yang dia dah boleh terima aku?


1.00am - Aku call Hamie nak kejutkan dia bangun dari tido sebab kitorang dah janji nak lepak minum.."Hamie..bangun..dah kol 1..boleh bangun tak ni?"..dengan lembut Hamie jawab "boleh kot.."...aku pon biarkan la dia amik masa bersiap..bila aku dah nak sampai rumah dia, aku call lagi skali..dia jawab "errm...macam nak sambung tido jer..sorry hedpe".. aku pon tak kisah la..aku suruh dia sambung tido sebab aku pon kesian dia dapat tido 2 jam jer..

2.30am - Aku baru sampai rumah then Hamie sms.. "sorry hedpe..aku baru bangun tido..mamai tadi.."..hehe..aku pon bitau hamie yang aku dah sampai rumah dah pon..Hamie cakap yang dia miss aku..aku tanya dia "ni ko tanak sambung tido ke..tak ngantok ke?".."hedpe,kalau aku ngantuk takde nyer aku cakap aku miss ko...i miss u..hehe"..then aku cakap,"so how now? nak jumpa tak?".."Nak! tapi bukan dalam mimpi ar.."..hehe..aku macam dah paham2 yang hamie nak jumpa aku jugak malam aku pon msg,"ermm k k..aku gie siap skarang..."..Hamie replied "yeay! drive carefully k!"

4.00am - aku sampai amik Hamie kat rumah..kitorang pon gie la minum kat mamak sambil borak sampai pagi...

7.00am - aku ngan Hamie singgah kat lake kawasan rumah dia sebelum hantar dia balik..kitorang duduk situ then tetiba Hamie bagitau aku "sorry tau hedpe..aku still susah nak terima semua benda ni..."..aku cakap kat dia.."Jgn la risau..i'm trying to work on it..kalau tak jadi pon aku tak kisah..."..aku pegang tangan Hamie sambil Hamie labuhkan kepala dia kat bahu aku..kitorang diam membisu buat seketika sambil menikmati suasana pagi yang sedia sepi tu...


12.01pm - Aku baru bangun tido...Hamie tak reply msg aku sejak malam tadi..pagi tadi masa aku terbangun sekejap aku msg good morning kat Hamie..still tak reply..aku call pon tak aku try lagi skali tengahhari ni..Hamie jawab..dia cakap sorry sebab dia takde credit and malas nak angkat phone sebab dia tgh gado ngan kakak dia..kitorang pon borak2 la sekejap..lepas tu sebelum letak aku cakap la ''bye"..dia cakap "bye" balik..aku cakap "miss u.."..dia cakap "errmmm"..well i guess she's having a bad hair day...


12.00pm - aku baru bangun tido and terus check email aku..1 frenster msg from Hamie..erm.. "hai.its 8.50 a.m and believe it or not i'm still awake.hehe.i wanted to call u,but my phone was in nem's room.aku xhafal number ko,so xle la nk sori hedpe..aku baru je lps masak nasi grg,daging black pepper n sambal udang ni.nk ajak ko mkn ngn aku,tp ko tau la aku nk call ko pun xle..aku super bosan smpi sgup masak2 ngn basuh baju ngn kemas da cm ngntok.jap lg aku nk kte jmpe mlm kang jela ek..have a nice day today.miss ya"...


12.00am - Hamie ajak aku datang bbq kat rumah dia..masa kat bbq ni Hamie tunjuk satu buku(aku lupa la tajuk buku tu)..its a Zodiac book..Hamie suruh aku baca..aku pun cari ar zodiac aku ngan Hamie.. Capricorn-Aries.. well, bukan la nak percaya tapi mmg banyak characteristics yang buku ni terangkan mmg ada kat aku ngan Hamie...and after i read this book, the only word appeared in my mind is PATIENT...aku kena banyak bersabar ngan Aries girl katanya..then tetiba Hamie datang duduk sebelah aku and tanya aku "Ko rasa aku bole sayang ko tak?" "Sorry hedpe, aku still takde rasa ape2..." ..aku cakap lar.."aku tak expect pon ko sayang aku secepat ni..." ...PATIENT...PATIENT...

lagi sambung disini yahh..hehe

[ Last edited by  hedpe at 1-11-2007 02:11 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 14-10-2007 06:53 AM | Show all posts
updated!!!! huhu

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Post time 14-10-2007 09:11 AM | Show all posts
Best ar cite real life lovestory ko nih hedpe. Jgn berenti menulis. Kita orang nak tau kesudahannye. Well kalau dah kuar banyak kali bersama, mesti la minat antara satu sama lain. Cume dia masih terkenang arwah sbb bayak memories but she must go on with her life. Maybe coz still fresh in her mind.
Make sure kenal dia betul-betul. Jangan gopoh. Kalau dapat kenal dengan adik-beradik dia pun bagus. Kira macam unofficial risik la.



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 Author| Post time 14-10-2007 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Note: Thread has been banned by manager

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2007 10:49 AM | Show all posts
ler..apsal reply aku tak kuar kuar ni...

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2007 07:02 PM | Show all posts
lupa lak nak wish korang semua...SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!

[ Last edited by  hedpe at 14-10-2007 11:11 PM ]

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