Macammana nak selamatkan hp yg dimasuki air?
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Reply #7 Ekka's post
lagi satu..
pakai high air pressure.. cam kat bengkel keter/motor tu...
kasi blow waterrrrrrr... |
Originally posted by sako_72 at 16-12-2007 07:58 PM 
Ini cuma ikhtiar saja berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri yang thumbdrive aku termasuk dalam washing machine dan handphone jatuh kat toilet.
Kalau handphone/thumbdrive korang basah atau termasuk wa ...
kaedah yang bagus....2 thumbs up...:pompom::pompom: |
Kena banjir? hantar handset tu ke pusat pemindahan banjir  |
copy dari website lain..

t one point of your cellular life you may get your cellphone or mobile device wet. So what do you do? Panic!
Here are some advice from Wikihow on how you can save your wet cellphone or mobile device:
Ever dropped your cell phone in the sink, or even worse, the toilet? Did you ever leave it in your pocket and run it through the washer? It usually means you have to replace your phone, but sometimes if you抮e fast, you can save the phone!
1. Get it out of the water as soon as possible. The plastic covers on cell phones are fairly tight, but water can enter the phone over time. But this time may be quite short - 20 seconds or less. So grab your phone quickly!
2. Remove the battery. This is one of the most important steps. Don抰 take time to think about it; electricity and water do not mix. Cutting power to your phone is a crucial first step in saving it. Many circuits inside the phone will survive immersion in water provided they are not attached to a power source when wet.
3. Remove your SIM card. Some or all of your valuable contacts (along with other data) could be stored on your SIM. To some people this could be more worth saving than the phone itself. SIM cards survive water damage well, but some of the following steps are unnecessary i.e. don抰 heat it. Just pat it dry and leave it aside until you need to connect your phone to your cellular network. Note that many phones by specific providers, such as Verizon, do not use SIM cards.
4. Dry your phone. Obviously you need to remove as much of the water as soon as possible, so you can save it from getting into the phone. Use a towel or paper towel to remove as much of the water as possible.
5. Allow the phone to dry. Since you do not want to ruin your phone or lose all of the numbers in your phone book, you need to allow the phone to dry. Also, ringtones and graphics stay with the phone - not the SIM. Don抰 try putting the battery back on to see if it works as this would risk damaging the phone with a short circuit. Put the phone into a bowl of rice to dry it.
6. Wait. This is the hardest part - leaving your phone alone, with battery and SIM card out, while it dries slowly. Tricks like leaving your phone in a bowl of dry rice or silica gel (like the packets found in shoe boxes) will help to expedite moisture evaporation. They might also have side effects like getting rice in your phone. Just put it someplace reasonably warm and dry, uncovered so water can evaporate, and wait.
7. Test your phone. After you have waited 10 minutes, make sure everything is clean and dry looking and re-attach the battery to the phone and see if it works. If your phone does not work, try plugging it into its charger without the battery, if this works, you need a new battery, if not, wait another few days. If it still won抰 work, try taking your cell phone to an authorized dealer. Sometimes they can fix it.

Rice can dry up your phone too. To dry your phone more quickly than room temperature air can manage, immerse it in a can of dry, uncooked rice. The rice will absorb excess moisture, drying your phone from the inside out.
1. Don抰 heat the battery or it could leak or explode. Lithium-ion batteries are sensitive. If you use an oven or hairdryer, make sure to remove the battery first.
2. Be careful with the refrigerator method because LCD (liquid crystal display) screen of your mobile phone is in semi-liquid state so if it freezes the display will be damaged for good.
3. If you use alcohol make sure to do so outside, and do not apply heat in any form, not even the gentle heat of a monitor. Do not hook up the battery till the alcohol smell dissipates.
4. Do not apply too much heat to your phone, as mentioned above. You don抰 want to melt or burn your phone.
5. Most modern phones have more than one liquid damage indicator (stickers that change color when wet) on them, only one visible to you (and sales/technician agents), and chances are, if the sticker under the battery is triggered, then the odds are that the internal stickers you can抰 access are tripped as well. This will still result in you paying a voided-warranty fee in the long run. Warranties don抰 cover water damage, insurance does. And not all insurance companies or plans will honor water damaged phones.
6. Even if all these steps are followed, minerals dissolved in the water can precipitate on solder and component pins, causing corrosion or shorting. Components pins are packed so closely together in a modern cell phone that even a small encrustation can create a short, rendering the phone inoperable.
7. Be warned that manufacturers place stickers that will display 搗oid |
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Reply #12 dollah_mufc's post
fuiyooo.. gud info sharinggg...  |
Reply #14 dollah_mufc's post
nah kacang kudaaa...
(boley pulak aku bagi kat koo.. hehee.. sorry Ax)  |
dah suap kacang dah  |
Reply #10 medangmru's post
member aku hp die penah masuk dlm jag isi air sirap..
lepas die angkat die terus bukak bateri n jemur hp dan bateri nye atas almari..
atas almari tu ada kipas siling yg jarak nye hanya 40cm antara bilah kipas dan permukaan atas almari..
kipas tu sentiasa di on kan selama 3 hari dan dibiarkan pada kelajuan maxima..hasilnye lepas 3 hari hp nye kering dan boleh digunakan seperti biasa tanpa cacat cela..lepas bbrp jam die jemur tu ada gak semut2 datang hurung die nye fon...cerita ni masa aku kt hostel dulu.. |
pengalaman aku plak henpon termasuk lam washing machine..nasib baik tak terendam lama sangat...hehe...aku tanggal bateri, jemur tengah panas...da bajet phone tu akan tamat riwayat...tapi umurnya panjang...masih lagi leh guna...huhu...luv u samsung! |
baru jumpe thread ni..
tp apakandaya..
dah terlmbt |
kes ni terjadi kat myra di hari pernikahan myra ..baru lg terjadi... adik ipar myra bg tau...jgn on hp terus.tp offkan..lepas tu buka bateri dr belakang hp tu...jgn tutup cover belakng dia biarkan pisah mcm tu...pastu myra masukkan dlm plastik, ikat ngan getah....myra letak belakang peti ais..gantung la atau kalu ada tempat dia leh terleak gitu kat belakang peti ais tu pon ok.... biarkan semalaman selama 3 hari berturut2....
pastu baru buka hp...alhamdulillah dpt digunakan lg hp tu...xyah g kedai..
insiden ni terjadi anak sepupu myra masukkan dlm beras dlm besen besar yg berisi air... nk mengamuk pon xleh gak...huhu salah sdiri... ingatkan xde apa2 yg membahayakn hp bila baby tu pegang..wawawa kenangan terindah x dpt dilupakan...menggelabah gak ar..wawawa |
kalau jemur ape akan jadi ? sebb aku dah jemur enpon aku.;.. huhuhuh !!! nokia n95 8g tuhhhh |
3 ari kne tggu...
lme tu, |
hp n82 aku selam dlm air banjir..
aku dah keringkan..
lps tu bile aku psg bateri,trus lampu merah kamera nyala..
hp aku dah takleh on..
boleh repair ke tak eh??
syg nye kat hp n82 aku.. |
saye mmg mengaplikasikan cara2 di atas....alhamdulillah sume ok |
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