Reply #60 munkyG's post
uiks..pes taim dengau tu,munky..hehe |
xde clue ke? |
Reply #59 firdaruddin's post
guana + cecco? |
Reply #63 a.ceCCo's post
bukan la...memang ada nama binatang tu...
p/s ida jawab dah betul...huhu dia menang..tahniah.. |
Reply #65 ida88's post
The Saiga typically stands 0.6-0.8 meters at the shoulder and weighs between 36 and 63 kg. Their lifespan ranges from 6 to 10 years. Males are bigger than females and are the only sex to carry horns. The horns have some value as Chinese traditional medicine and for that reason Saiga are now endangered by poaching. The Saiga is recognizable by an extremely unusual, over-sized, and flexible, nose structure. The nose is supposed to warm up the air in winter and filters out the dust in summer.
Saigas form very large herds that graze in semi-desert steppes eating several species of plants, including some that are poisonous to other animals. They can cover considerable distances and swim across rivers, but they avoid steep or rugged areas. The mating season starts in November, when stags fight for the possession of females. The winner leads a herd of 5-50 females. In springtime the mother gives birth to, in two thirds of all cases two, or in one third, one single foal.
:bg: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saiga_Antelope
nah cecco kasik hadiah!
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Reply #69 firdaruddin's post
aku br je nk jwb
narwhal ni dolu2 aku sll ingat die adek badek ngn ikan todak |
Reply #71 ida88's post
mcm tak ikhlas nk bagi kannnnnnn? |
cecco, bg la yg senang2..
anak kucing ke..anak rimau ke..nak jugak jwb betul. |
Reply #68 a.ceCCo's post
aku rasa kalau narwhal ni di kacuk dengan kuda, akan menghasilkan unicorn lah.. |
Reply #79 a.ceCCo's post
jwpn dia: anjing yg mcm mop tu
betul la kan..tp tak tau la nama apa. bagi la hadiah,cecco. |
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