Buddyclub P1, enkei RP01, wedsport? Mcmn lak? Hehe nk tau sgt nih, teruja gitu |
titan racing ok ke...???
[ Last edited by cikguranggi at 22-10-2008 06:41 AM ] |
Titan racing ringan x? Mana punya brand titan nih? Black racing ok x? |
Sparco? Ok x? Tlg bg nasihat skit. Nk angkut sport rim nih, x sbr dh ni hehe |
Reply #64 satriastendet's post
perghh.. ganas ko erkk.. nak tukau sport rim lakk..
aku pakai vios rim std jer lagikk... hehehe..
nak budget baper nyer rim ni??..
btw, aku rasa most of rim kat klang tu boley masuk ke PCD keter toyota ko tuuh..
lain laa pakai keter spesis rare cam proton tiara kee.. citroen kee... |
X le ganas mana pun, tp alang2 nk beli rim, aku nk pilih betul2. Dh pegi klang-meru sana dgn member tp xde yg berkenan. Plan nk g puchong/sunway-kedai potong. Risau salah pilih rim-pcd, offset, nk kena betul aku rasa. Offset vios ko brp? Engine 1.5 je tp kalau terambik rim 17 yg berat, menangis jgk kalo nk over-take lori kt jln KL-KB tu nnti |
Budget rm3k je. Rim+tyre size 17 :-) |
Originally posted by takumi86 at 22-10-2008 11:39 AM
perghh.. ganas ko erkk.. nak tukau sport rim lakk..
aku pakai vios rim std jer lagikk... hehehe..
nak budget baper nyer rim ni??..
btw, aku rasa most of rim kat klang tu boley masuk ke PCD k ...
PCD rim biasanya sama ada 114 atau 114.3, tak kira dier 3 lubang, 4 lubang atau 5 lubang..
PCD ngan baper lug hole tu, 2 benda yg berbeza.. |
Balas #68 satriastendet\ catat
budget 3k utk 17" rim+tyre tak dapat rasanya rim jepangggg.... enkei superlight 15" pun dah cecah 2900++ blom tayar lagi....
kalo 3k... at least 1k utk tayar... balance 2k taiwan / thailand bule dapat... try ushar Lenso...
takpun kedai potong kat puchong tu mmg kompom ada... tapi takleh nak timbang berat la.... |
Ok, up skit jd rm4k. Dh habis tinggi lh lps jual rim+tyre yg sedia ada. Mcmn nk tau enkei superlight? Advan, oz yg ringan2 tu? Ada code name or code no yg kita blh tau x? Time aku g klang tu, tokey tyre rim tu bgtau lh yg rim japan pun ada byk kelas2. Ada yg berat, ringan n sgt ringan. Tp x le aku tanya details coz jd mcm kaunter pertanyaan lak. So, aku tanya lh kt sini sblm duit aku habis unt rim sukan lak. Hehe |
Offset?! Sapa blh tlg explain? |
Originally posted by satriastendet at 22-10-2008 02:13 PM
Ok, up skit jd rm4k. Dh habis tinggi lh lps jual rim+tyre yg sedia ada. Mcmn nk tau enkei superlight? Advan, oz yg ringan2 tu? Ada code name or code no yg kita blh tau x? Time aku g klang tu, tok ...
alang2 up...ups sampai 6k bang...boleh tabur powder kat rim tu kasi wangi |
Originally posted by satriastendet at 22-10-2008 01:15 PM
Offset?! Sapa blh tlg explain?
The offset of a wheel is the distance from its hubmounting surface to the centerline of the wheel. The offset can be oneof three types.
Zero Offset
The hub mounting surface is even with the centerline of the wheel.
Thehub mounting surface is toward the front or wheel side of the wheel.Positive offset wheels are generally found on front wheel drive carsand newer rear drive cars.
The hub mountingsurface is toward the back or brake side of the wheels centerline."Deep dish" wheels are typically a negative offset.
If theoffset of the wheel is not correct for the car, the handling can beadversely affected. When the width of the wheel changes, the offsetalso changes numerically. If the offset were to stay the same while youadded width, the additional width would be split evenly between theinside and outside. For most cars, this won't work correctly. We havetest fitted thousands of different vehicles for proper fitment. Ourextensive database allows our sales staff to offer you the perfect fitfor your vehicle.
Offset seperti yang digambarkan ni, ada positif dan ada negatif.
Yangpositif, makna nya pusat rim secara khayalan = (imaginery) beradadiluar hub atau diluar badan kereta, berbanding dgn tempat rimdiskrukan ke kereta. Bila kereta ada 5 penumpang dan ada beban, tayarakan tersagat pada fender (body)depan, terutama bila diselekoh. Bilabumpy, atau jalan tak rata tayar menghentak fender depan kereta. Selalunya kereta dgn rwd, rimnya offset positif.
Bagi fwd, pacuan tayardepan, offset selalu nya negatif, pusat rim berada disebelah dalambody, skru rim diluar daripada pusat rim. Misalnya offset 38mm negatif,makna nya jarak pusat rim ke skru hub adalah 38 mm dari pusat rim yangberada dalam badan kereta. Jika offset terlalu banyak kedalam, tayarakan menyentuh body bahagian dalam. Selalu nya rim + tayar kena adaclearance 5mm atau lebih. |
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Rm6k?? X blh bang. Nnti budget lari, termenung aku hehe. Tq2 Tat. So, mcmn nk tau offset keta aku? Blh ukur sendiri x? |
pg up |
guano mung tak nak up up ni..up~ |
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