So well, TECHNICALLY the picture doesn't prove that the Hornet can carry slammers since it's a rhino featured in the picture. Well we do OBVIOUSLY know that the Hornet can, of course, so there. That said, even if the Hornet could carry ten slammers (which would be awesome, who cares if it has a lousy combat radius), I believe Malaysia needs to get more than the current 20 that she possesses?
But, as I said, I may be living in the dark ages. It's been a while since I commented in this forum.
sekali pak najib buat pengumuman beli s400 beratus biji baru terdiam kut dorang, campur sikit buk ngan pantsyr , ha terus pitam aku fikir, nasib baik la us tu tekan kerajaan ukraine jgn jual kochulga kat kita , klu jual pun bagi sekatan sikit klu tak berpeluh gak mrk ni ,
eerr... bro if its true it can carries 10 slammers, no need to bother
about the combat radius bro... ur tiny island is so so near.. u really
believe that RMAF only keeps 20 , then our govt have done its job
nicely..that is to convince its neighbour that My is not a threat...