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Author: cikguranggi

Jangan panaskan enjin....jalan je terus

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Post time 7-10-2008 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikguranggi at 3-10-2008 10:31 PM
Pelik aku tgk iklan Esso ke Caltex apa kat TV skrg nih........

Petua dia........Jangan panaskan enjin jalan terus utk pemanduan yg lancar...

Bukan panaskan enjin barang 4-5 minit lg ok ke.. ...

ntah lah nyah...
mmg boleh jln terus pun...tak yah panas engine bagai,..,.
panas engine segala neh utk engine jaman tok nenek dolu2...
kau dok panas kan engine lagi banyak habis minyak jer lah...

keta haku pun tak pernah nak panas kan engine segala mcm tok nenek kita dolu,,...
start engine jln terus jer....
tak yah la kau nak pecut terus lepas jln... slow2 la drive masa mula2 tuh

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Post time 7-10-2008 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by metalique at 7-10-2008 10:20 AM
moto aku pn panaskan enjin dulu lebih kurang 1 minit... sambil2 kontrol macho atas moto...


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Post time 7-10-2008 11:17 AM | Show all posts
aku ikut je petua zaman tok nenek..

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Post time 7-10-2008 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikguranggi at 7-10-2008 10:42 AM
cuba ko suruh driver bas express pas start jalan jek terus.......nanti dia kata ko gila hapa...???

aku dah tanya driver2 nih...paling2 nak panas enjin 30 minit......nak sedap lg a ...

ishh ko nieh.. bas express kan pakai enjin diesel, memang lar kena panas, combustion dier bukan pakai spark plug, tapi pakaiheat..

takyah bas express, kete enjin diesel pong sama, kena optimun heat baru bleh gerak, tapi enjin petrol lain..

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Post time 7-10-2008 12:12 PM | Show all posts
haku rpm stable....... haku jalan

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Post time 7-10-2008 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by medangmru at 7-10-2008 09:50 AM
Err fast...yg tu kete sponsor ...bukan kete derang...yg tu belasah abih2....super gak ngan Despatch kat COmpany aku ni....Muto Company bawak cam pelesit...start trus masuk gear sampai meloncat2 m ...

err kete sponsor amender nyer?? nie kete yg utk dijual lar, lepas pasang, last test sebelum letak susun kat padang tu, test bawak laju-laju, tak caya, cuba ko anjurkan lawatan sambil belajar ke kilang proton.. heheheh..

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Post time 7-10-2008 01:07 PM | Show all posts
semalam baru tertengok iklan shell ckp utk jimat minyak pasang air-con pd tahap maksimum...ada betul ke?takpon aku yg salah dengar?

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Post time 7-10-2008 01:18 PM | Show all posts

Balas #67 toaster\ catat

kalau betullah tu...mmg tak lain dan x bukannya semuanya strategi nak memenuhkan Poket Stesyen Petrol Caltex lah...bila dah Bukak Air-cond tahap dewa....konpem mkn Minyak Kuat


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Post time 7-10-2008 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fast-N-Furious at 7-10-2008 12:20 PM

err kete sponsor amender nyer?? nie kete yg utk dijual lar, lepas pasang, last test sebelum letak susun kat padang tu, test bawak laju-laju, tak caya, cuba ko anjurkan lawatan sambil belajar ke ...

aku mmg ada buat lawatan ke kilang proton masa mula2 waja di pasang di plant shah alam... tak silap aku tahun 2000... dgn group WPC...
mmg benar le keta tu kena henjut... dibawak laju then apply brake... dan mcm2 test lagi... dan sbb tu la... sebahagian pengeluar kereta menetapkan minyak enjin perlu ditukar pada 1000km yg pertama.... utk memastikan minyak kekal fresh... then selang 5k/10k berikutnya...

pasal panaskan enjin... lepas start tunggu dulu RPM dlm keadaan stabil... then baru masuk gear.. dan apply pedal minyak secara berperingkat.. jgn tekan mendadak/melulu... tak perlu la tunggu sampai 10minit.. buat abis petrol jer...

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Post time 7-10-2008 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by toaster at 7-10-2008 01:07 PM
semalam baru tertengok iklan shell ckp utk jimat minyak pasang air-con pd tahap maksimum...ada betul ke?takpon aku yg salah dengar?

macam tak betul je... air-cond kereta menggunakan kuasa sehingga 5hp..jadi lagi kuat kita bukak.. lagi byk kuasa diperlukan.. dan secara taklangsung lagi byk le jumlah petrol yg terbakar...

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Post time 7-10-2008 02:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #70 ryo_takahashi1's post

aku minat dengan avatar ko lar.
50 hengget tuh!

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Post time 7-10-2008 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ryo_takahashi1 at 7-10-2008 01:31 PM

macam tak betul je... air-cond kereta menggunakan kuasa sehingga 5hp..jadi lagi kuat kita bukak.. lagi byk kuasa diperlukan.. dan secara taklangsung lagi byk le jumlah petrol yg terbakar...

takde lar, bukak kuat ker, pelan ker, sama jer power dier amik... aircond kete setau haku paling kuat dlm 2 hp jer.. kalau tak silap lar.. tak pernah ukur.. miahahha

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Post time 7-10-2008 03:56 PM | Show all posts
ntah le...nnt aku kompom balik kot2 iklan tu ada lagi mlm ni...dia kluar masa buletin utama...

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Post time 7-10-2008 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by toaster at 7-10-2008 03:56 PM
ntah le...nnt aku kompom balik kot2 iklan tu ada lagi mlm ni...dia kluar masa buletin utama...

yg haku tau, dalam radio ader iklan jimat minyak, bunyik dier lebih kurang camni..

- nak balik kampung, semua kena bawak beg kecik jer, tak berat, lagi ringan lagi jimat minyak, pas tu tak buleh pasang air-cond..

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Post time 7-10-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts
When it gets warm outside, your air conditioner becomes your best friend. This is most definitely true in your car, where temperatures can sky rocket to 170 degrees under direct sunlight. But most people these days are under the impression that the more you run your air conditioner the more gas your car will guzzle. Now that gas prices are higher than the cost to eat at McDonald's, people are starting to take precautions and do what they can to help with their cars fuel economy. The assumption that running your air conditioner burns way more gas is somewhat untrue. Leaving your air conditioner off makes barely any difference in the amount of gas you burn. With the advent of modern, more fuel efficient cars, this myth is busted!

The air conditioner draws its power from the engine which uses some gas, but with today's cars, this use of gas is minute. The air conditioner can decrease the fuel economy of your car up to 20% in some vehicles, but it depends on the type. Driving with the air conditioner is more fuel efficient than driving with the windows down. Driving with the windows down creates drag which means that your engine has to work harder to keep your car at the current speed; this burns more gas than if you just ran your air conditioner.

In the long run, using your air conditioner is far better than any other means of cooling yourself off in the car, unless you're driving in traffic. When you drive in traffic you aren't going very fast so the drag on the car is minimal. In these cases, you burn more fuel running the air conditioner than having the windows down. That makes sense. When you drive on the highway you can use either the air conditioner or the "window down" method to cool yourself, because, honestly, there is no noticeable difference in gas usage at those speeds.

Here are some tips about you and the heat in your car. Before you get into a hot car, roll down the windows and let it air out. There is nothing worse than getting into a hot car, sitting on a lava hot seat, touching a super hot steering wheel, and breathing stuffy super heated air. Your car needs some time to cool down for itself and for you. Once you believe it is cool enough to actually sit on the seat, turn on the car and run the air conditioner on recirculation. This will help the car cool down much quicker, and you can be on the road fast without sacrificing a layer of your precious skin.

So now that you know the air conditioner can be your fuel efficient friend, maybe you won't be so quick to turn it off or ignore it in favor off putting the windows down and choking on bugs. The air conditioner in your car burns much less gas than your window method, so give your air conditioner a chance and be cool in the heat.



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Post time 7-10-2008 04:32 PM | Show all posts

Balas #72 Fast-N-Furious\ catat

Mungkin jugak betul atau sebaliknya......

Aku pernah gak wat test bukak aircond sampai tahap maksimum( tahap 4 )  dan tahap minimum ( tahap 1 )  dan bandingkan dengan penggunaan miinyak ( beban penumpang yg sama of course ) dan hasilnya..penggunaan pada tahap maksimum menyebabkan penggunaan minyak yang byk dan meter minyak tu turun lebih cepat berbanding penggunaan minimum

Eksperimen lain :-

Lagi satu..pernah gak aku bereksperimen dengan menutup semua punca2 elektrik kat umah aku mcm Peti ais dan biarkan air-cond sajer berfungsi ....1st aku set pada tahap minimum ( Kipas tahap 1  ) dan pada tahap maksimum ( tahap 3 ) dan lihat pada jarum meter tu...mmg ada perbezaan...jarum meter mmg laju bila bukak aircond pada tahap 3 berbanding tahap satu...bila dah laju meter tu bergerak....of course bil elektrik aku semakin tinggi...

Dan aku tak tahu samada prinsip penggunaan air-cond rumah adalah sama ngan prinsip serta penggunaan air-cond pada kereta far aku tahu minyak tu digunakan utk menggerakkan enjin ....

Mungkin juga kondisi kenderaan tu sendiri perlu diambil kira...ujian2 yang dilakukan mungkin pada kenderaan baru dan enjinnya masih tip top....begitu juga air-cond rumah ..kalau air-cond tu dah "tua" ..mungkin ianya akan makan lebih tenaga berbanding air-cond yang masih bau kedai...wallahualam..

[ Last edited by  medangmru at 7-10-2008 04:34 PM ]

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Post time 7-10-2008 04:48 PM | Show all posts

Balas #74 Fast-N-Furious\ catat

off topik sat...
fast,abatar ko tue sapa...?

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Post time 7-10-2008 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fast-N-Furious at 7-10-2008 03:12 PM

takde lar, bukak kuat ker, pelan ker, sama jer power dier amik... aircond kete setau haku paling kuat dlm 2 hp jer.. kalau tak silap lar.. tak pernah ukur.. miahahha

tapi 5hp ni fakta le fast... ni aku dapat dari sanden / denso masa aku gi kilang dia dulu... cuma kaitan penggunaan blower rendah / tinggi tu dgn efek pada hp je yg aku tak pasti....

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Post time 7-10-2008 06:06 PM | Show all posts
aku pnh baca manual book 3 series...mmg pun ada tulis xyah warm up...terus jer jalan...x taw lar naper...aku baca x abis...

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Post time 7-10-2008 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ryo_takahashi1 at 7-10-2008 06:00 PM

tapi 5hp ni fakta le fast... ni aku dapat dari sanden / denso masa aku gi kilang dia dulu... cuma kaitan penggunaan blower rendah / tinggi tu dgn efek pada hp je yg aku tak pasti....

ler.. kan haku tulis "kalau tak silap"

haku pong dunoo.. tapi haku fikir balik, econ rumah haku pong 1hp jer kat bilik, ruang tamu punya 2 hp.. miahahah

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