FALSE PREGNANCY (PSEUDOCYESIS) A false pregnancy is a condition in which the female displays physical and emotional signs of pregnancy but is not carrying kittens. The cat's breasts swell and produce milk, her abdomen is distended, she gains weight, eats more and continually works at preparing a nest for the kittens she expects, but is not to have. The cat need not have been mated to have a false pregnancy. The symptoms usually appear after the cat has gone out of heat and may persist for several months. You will have to wait a month or so before you can determine whether the cat is pregnant or having a false pregnancy. After a month you can palpate for signs of kittens by gently feeling through her abdominal wall for lumps. As a true pregnancy progresses and the kittens increase in size, the lumps become larger. The cat with a false pregnancy will not have lumps, although she will manifest most other signs of pregnancy. If your cat has a false pregnancy, you will have to cater to her idiosyncrasies. Tranquillisers and sedatives will help calm a cat that is constantly meowing, working on a nest or mothering old shoes or other objects. False pregnancies can recur. While the cat can mated and bear kittens, there is no telling when another false pregnancy may occur. Spaying of course, will eliminate the condition... |