34# rastablank
until Terrex is battle proven, they can say anything. 
cmf_tin Post at 28-9-2009 06:50 
very easy. you subject it to all kinds of tests and see for yourself. Even the battelfield itself is not the best test. |
Battle field proven is totally different than any mock up tests.. Being shot at, being bombed, being abused to the very extend of endurance, being damaged and had to improvise its sustainability, etc.... Battle proven is the benchmark for quality test. |

kalau condor tukar ngan nih ok x? hu3... lawak jerk...  |
63# venez
Yg ni dah battle-proven menentang Joker |
61# Debmey
Oh i seee.....if the battlefield not the best test field, no wonder la uncle sam just sent their scrap assets to iraq... and at last use donkey to tow their tanks, just like jehud in lubnan and also SG at afghanistan...if it is still a happiest donkey family, they never go far the from the road...stupid donkey. |
Looks like you guys have no idea how armoured cars are tested.
Armoured cars are nothing new in battles. There is practically nothing that you cannot foresee and be tested. The real question is, how much do you want to spend to test. |
66# Debmey
So how it being tested??? |
basically endurance and different terrain tests. Live firing to make sure the ergonomics are right and your mountings can hold.
And since this is an APC, try out with infantry too.
The expensive one is to fire all kind of rounds at the vehicle at various positions.
It depends on how much money yu want to spend to test it sir.
All new vehicles are not battle proven. But they can be thoroughly tested. Its all up to you. |
Anyway wa prefer Polish punya Patria - AMV Rosomak - kalau jadi beli kita boleh continue credit line mcm masa beli PT91M.. |
kalu tak silap aku 2 tender untuk kereta perisai ni, satu utk mekanis , satu lagi utk armor. kalu campur mau seribu lebih ni. |
aku pun setuju atm paki patria amv, kalu piranha , atm perlu pilih versi terbaru , sebab yang lama tak berapa protect sgt. |
59# cmf_tin
Rosomak dgn Patria bukan design sama ke? Mcm mana pun design ni mmg aku suka. South Africa pun guna Patria utk ganti Ratel yg sebenarnya sama dgn Sibmas kita (sekarang makin suka dgn SADF lepas tgk filem District 9 hahaha). |
Rosomak AMV - Patria Polish version
Patria - Finland |
petikan dari blog :
KUALA LUMPUR: Since we are already talking about APCs, let me share something which I found out recently. Its a rather unique Malaysian phenomenon that things that failed to make the grade years ago somehow managed to return to our procurement pipeline.
Twenty-years ago, the M16A2 was beaten to the punch by the Steyr AUGA1 but fast forward to 2009, the Black Rifle is back in the hands of the Malaysian Army.
About 30 years or so, the French VAB (Véhicule de l’Avant Blindé “Armoured Vanguard Vehicle” in French) was passed over in favour of the German’s Condor when the Army chose a new APC to replace the Commandos. Fast forward to 2009, its the VAB that is replacing the Condors!
Well, not all of the Condors. The Army is expected to get a dozen or so VABs, in the 6X6 version, within the next few months to replace the Condors assigned to the Malaysian battalion in Lebanon as part of the UNIFIL contingent. I am told the Condors deployed to Lebanon are almost at their breaking point and need to be replaced ASAP.
As part of the Urgent Operation Requirement, the VABs is expected to be deployed to Lebanon directly from France. These VABs are not new, they are re-manufactured stocks most probably from the French army. But with our luck they will cost as expensive as brand new ones especially when kitted out with government-furnished equipment such as radios and guns!
erkkk, 2nd hand?
ntahler, tapi PAT menyangkal citer nih.. |
ntahler, tapi PAT menyangkal citer nih..
venez Post at 30-9-2009 15:37 
yer ler..bro kalau betul pun takan nak mengaku..
alamatnya berasap ler krusi PAT tu..... |
78# insignia
citer nih aku xleh confirmkanler... bukan bidang aku tapi citer nih mmg tengah panas skrg... |
79# venez
kalo xde duit sangat x kan la beli 2nd hand.... paling2 pun beli la ckit2 (beperingkat-peringkat) tapi beli baru punye... |
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