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Author: blastoff

[Dunia] Mesej Utk PM10: FDA CONFIRM kaitan vaksin covid dgn darah beku di paru2 & sistem salurdarah serta kurang/tiada oksigen di jantung...mati mengejut sana sini dok berlaku

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Post time 24-12-2022 04:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 24-12-2022 03:31 PM
Kau ingat negara china ada kat planet marikh ke yg boleh berlaku peningkatan drastik kaw kaw penyak ...

Speechless dah xtau lg nk ckp mcm mana. Negara2 lain yg xguna sinovac elok je berhuhu haha merata dunia. Cina sana je sibuk xhabis2 lockdown. Negara dia komunis pulak tu. Mmg suka kurung rakyat.

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Post time 24-12-2022 04:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Akak dah mulai percaya sister belastoff sebagai the next prophet sebegituh sister. Kempen kesedaran heshe tentang malaysia bakal banjir teruk jua jadi kenyataan udah dekkk… ramai dah yang mampos dengan bencana itteww sis. Engkau orang tak sedar2 lagi ke dan masih nak mempersenda heshe ke sister? Ujong2 engkau orang yang nampak bodoh dan bangang dek2 sekalian.

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Post time 24-12-2022 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Edited by zasrfikri at 24-12-2022 05:59 PM

actually before 2019, ramai je mati sorg sorg kat umah either tua or muda. ini pun sebab vaksin ke. tak baca berita ke selama ini. banyak je faktor org mati mengejut selama ini. tp vaksin juga nak dihighlight. org dah move on pasal vaksin ini. manakala  isu banjir ni dari era hujung 90 an dah wat kajian year by year banjir akan makin teruk sebab kesan rumah hijau, ozon makin menipis dan ais kutub  makin cair. skang dah ada wat kajian tahun 2030-2050 banyak kawasan daratan skang akan pupus tenggelam air sebab banjir, tsunami or air pasang. so banyakkan membaca. end of story. nape la ramai sgt org bodoh zaman skang. prophet kejadah apanya. semua dah ada berita akan banjir berbelas tahun dah pun. kat sekolah pun ada mention benda ini. paling ketara selepas tsunami 2004.

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 05:59 PM | Show all posts

18 ogos 2022

Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 06:01 PM

Ini kes mati mengejut gakk,  jumpa dah membusuk menghitam di sarawak pada ogos 18 2022 dilaporkan, di percayai telah mati 4 hari yg lalu

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 06:16 PM
zasrfikri replied at 24-12-2022 05:56 PM
actually before 2019, ramai je mati sorg sorg kat umah either tua or muda. ini pun sebab vaksin ke.  ...

So stakat nih sebanyak 14 mayat dijumpai mostly dalam keadaan membusuk berulat pungg ada pada masa dan tarikh berbeza dalam tahun nih yg masuk news naaa, bawak mai kat aku laaa tahun2 2019 atau sebelum tu sebanyak camtu atau lebih dalam NEWS secara FORMALLY dilaporkan mengenai mayat2 membusuk dijumpai ......

Kalau takat nak rely kat cakap kau je main sembur air liur camtu kemudian rasa diri terrrpaling bijakk , sapa2 pungg boleh claim yg sama, tapi bukti tarakkkk elek pocik

Errr yg FDA dah linkkkan covid vaccine dgn penyakit membawa maut tuh kau buat2 butaa kaaa ? Yg tahun2 2019 atau sebelum tu mana ada FDA link kan vaksin yg dah di cucuk jutaan manusia pada penyakit membawa maut camtu plakkk

err blood clotting di satu badan punya salur darah tak bawak maut kaa, jantung tarak oksigen tak bawa maut ka ? Dah jadi tahap Robot laa kalau clotting sedahsyat camtu pungg dok hidup gakk

So bukan stakat aku bagi bukti penemuan pengkaji FDA tapi bukti dari graf statistik kematian tahun 2021 elok lepas 1st vaccine rollout hingga 2022  ...malah bukti news yg secara rasmi melaporkan 14 kematian membusuk mayatnya ler yg dijumpai pada tarikh dan masa berbeza2 tuh ...itu semua bukti2 KUKUH menunjukkan penemuan pengkaji FDA benar2 telah dan sedang di alami yg telah di cucuk !


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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 06:27 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 06:32 PM

Ini lagik bukti kematian mendadak berlaku ramai bebenor selepas vaksin rollout di kanada , ddoktor2 muda dah mati seramai 80 org so far.......

yg alertkan mende nih pungg doktor pakar lah jugak , yg suratnya di paparkan kat bawah tu dan boleh dibaca kat link nih  https://lionessofjudah.substack. ... 760&isFreemail=true  

dan video mengenai perkara ni di link bawah ni boleh di tonton

Of course sama mcm kat thread aku nih , pencacai2 WHO, KKM dan pembuat vaksin akan sepantas kilat menafikannya malah akan disekat information camni dari tersebar lah kalau depa mampu buat camtu ler , tunjukkan terdapat usaha utk tutup bukti maaa





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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 10:09 PM

Msia di peringkat dos ke3, Apabila Ismail Sabri waktu tu PM msia pada bulan jan mengeluarkan kenyataan dos ke4 tak diperlukan lagi sebab tak mendesak, CEO Pfizer pungg kalut laaa kluarkan kenyataan media beberapa bulan kemudian yg dos ke4 diperlukan sebab katanya 3 dos sekalipun kekuatan nya akan pudar so tak begitu baik utk melawan jangkitan tak bertahan lama aka TAK BERKUALITI LER TUH

Pengakuan ketua Pfizer sundrik yg produknya tak berkualiti dan tak bertahan lama gitteww .......Dah sampai 3 dos pungg dok tak berkualiti gak dok tak boleh melawan jangkitan gakk, malah telah di linkkan pada side effect membawa maut blood clotting lack of oxygen di organ2 utama , kenapa desperate nak pakai jugak2 produknya tu ekkk ?

Mcm kat dunia nih Tuhan jadikan dia saja yg boleh menyelamatkan manusia dari kepupusan lah plakkk sehinggakan sehaprak kualiti produk pungg tetap perlu diutamakan no matter what....

Nampak dak betapa bodohhh dan tak logiknyaaa asyik dok rasa akan terdesak nanti utk guna jugak2 produk yg tak bertahan lama yg tak berkualiti tak mampu lawan jangkitan serta berside effect boleh membawa maut sampai mcm tuuu skali


Lengkapkan dos ketiga dahulu, keempat belum mendesak

PAKAR kesihatan mencadangkan supaya kerajaan mengutamakan kesihatan awam dalam pasca banjir dan melengkapkan dos ketiga penggalak pada masa ini. – UTUSAN/SYAWAL ROSLI

  • 3 Januari 2022, 7:30 am



Suntikan dos keempat vaksin COVID-19 diperlukan

Mac 14, 2022 @ 8:28pm

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Pfizer, Dr Albert Bourla. - Foto REUTERS

WASHINGTON: Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Pfizer, Dr Albert Bourla, berkata kebanyakan individu perlu mendapatkan suntikan keempat vaksin COVID-19 untuk terus melindungi diri daripada coronavirus.
Beliau berkata langkah itu perlu memandangkan perlindungan sedia ada semakin berkurangan, lapor akhbar New York Post semalam.
"Ini satu keperluan untuk kebanyakan orang,'' katanya dalam temu bual rancangan 'Face The Nation' di stesen televisyen CBS.
Beliau berkata demikian selepas ditanya sama ada penduduk Amerika Syarikat (AS) perlu menerima suntikan dos penggalak tahunan pada setiap musim luruh.

AS sebelum ini sudah pun meluluskan suntikan dos keempat vaksin bagi mereka yang lemah daya tahan badan.
Bulan lalu, Pengarah Institut Alahan dan Penyakit Berjangkit Kebangsaan (NIAID), Dr Anthony Fauci, berkata kemungkinan suntikan vaksin keempat sedang 'dipantau secara teliti'.
Menurut Bourla, dua suntikan awal berserta dos penggalak tidak dapat melindungi masyarakat daripada semua varian COVID-19 kerana kekuatannya akan pudar.
Beliau turut mengakui bahawa pengambilan suntikan dos keempat adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat dielakkan.
"Pada masa ini, perlindungan yang anda peroleh daripada suntikan dos ketiga sudah cukup baik untuk mengelakkan kemasukan ke hospital dan sakit teruk, namun ia tidak begitu baik untuk melawan jangkitan serta tidak dapat bertahan lama,'' katanya.
Sementara itu, Pfizer dan syarikat farmaseutikal lain dilaporkan sedang menghasilkan dos vaksin yang akan melindungi manusia daripada sebarang varian pada masa hadapan.
"Kami sedang berusaha dengan gigih untuk menghasilkan bukan saja vaksin yang dapat melindungi manusia daripada semua varian termasuk Omicron, malah dapat memberi perlindungan sekurang-kurangnya setahun,'' katanya. - AGENSI


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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 11:16 PM
mojarean_X replied at 24-12-2022 09:13 AM
Ini rancangan permulaan mereka utk mengurangkan populasi manusia 500 juta tu je ke?

rancangan mereka adalah utk create suasana "terdesak" agar yg masih hidup yg tak mati2 lagi tuuu yg depa nak dimatikan dgn kadar segera tuuu , akan dapat dihapuskan melalui dos2 booster berikutnya ler

So suasana "terdesak" bukan payah pungg, kata je virus varian tiktok mengganas semula yg 3 dos tak leh settlenya so automatik dos ke 4 akan dicucuk ler jawabnya utk booost tempoh maut bagi lagik pantas berlaku pada yg masih dok tak mati2 gak ler

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 10:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 10:30 PM
tobobon replied at 24-12-2022 09:13 AM
habis nak buat apa chuols?? nak bang non isytihar lockdown lagi ka?

nak umum beksin bahaya so mana2 ...

Apa nak buat ? Bangladesh baru beberapa hari yg lepas melancarkan dos ke4 , wanita hamil dan frontliner termasuk yg di sasarkan maaa, punya bodoh dah di akui oleh ketua CEO Pfizer tak boleh bertahan lama produknya tuh pungg masih dok jolok masuk gakkk kat badan rakyat .

Ingat Bangladesh je ke dahhh punggg berjaya dibuat utk rasa "terdesak" camtu ? Negara2 lain akan turut di phobiakan jugak lahhh , it's coming to town near you gitteww

So dari cara anwar buat donno je walau pung bukti bahayanyaaaa vaksin covid tu di paparkan utk tatapannya, tunjukkan dia nak follow apa yg bangladesh buat tu lahhh, tak menolak , tak menyuruh dihentikan walau dah jelas bahayanya produk tu bermakna dia nak ia di teruskan penggunaan nya di masa depan laaa .

So bersedialah utk hilang kerja nanti ok yg penjawat awam tu kalau tak nak di cucuk lah sebab dia boleh senang2 ubah akta itu ini diparlimen utk memaksa depa ler nanti .

Jadinya , samada mati kerana blood clotting lack of oxygen in the lungs and heart atau hilang jawatan ,

tapi apabila jiwa dan minda dah di brainwashh utk phobia kat covid maka pilihannya dengan rela hati akan serah diri je laa utk dicucuk sampai mampuss ler akhirnya sesambil hati redha mulut bersyukur amin amin , tapi hakikatnya MERELAKAN diri di tipu hidup2 lahhh
So dari sekarang pada yg tak nak di cucuk dgnnya nanti bersedialah kewangan utk survive situasi tanpa jawatan nanti ler


Bangladesh lancar vaksin COVID-19 dos keempatBernama
Disember 21, 2022 12:30 MYT

Individu berumur 60 tahun ke atas dan lengkap suntikan penggalak ketiga juga layak menerima suntikan vaksin berkenaan. - Gambar hiasan

DHAKA: Bangladesh pada Selasa melancarkan pemberian vaksin dos penggalak keempat kepada kumpulan sasaran di Dhaka, lapor Xinhua.
Kumpulan sasaran itu termasuk mereka yang bekerja di barisan hadapan memerangi pandemik dan golongan wanita hamil, kata ketua pengarah Direktorat Jenderal Perkhidmatan Kesihatan (DGHS) Ahmedul Kabir selepas melancarkan kempen berkenaan di sebuah hospital di Dhaka.
Individu berumur 60 tahun ke atas dan lengkap suntikan penggalak ketiga juga layak menerima suntikan vaksin berkenaan menerusi kempen ini, menurut DGHS.

Setakat ini, Bangladesh merekodkan sejumlah 20,36,938 kes, dengan 29,438 kematian dan 19,86,857 kes telah pulih.
Sehingga Disember 2022, kira-kira 339 juta dos vaksin diberikan kepada rakyatnya.


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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 10:32 PM | Show all posts
pooh~key replied at 24-12-2022 04:06 PM
Akak dah mulai percaya sister belastoff sebagai the next prophet sebegituh sister. Kempen kesedaran  ...

aku bukan prophet lahhh, sekadar menilai bukti2 kukuh sebagai cara utk elak dari di tipu hidup2 oleh sipenipu tegarrrr mcm CEO Pfizer tuh

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 11:11 PM

Nampak nih , ia information yg terpampang di website kerajaan amerika, yg Pfizer telah disabitkan kesalahan "penipuan" dan di fine dgn jumlah terbesar dalam sejarah USA , jenayah yg kerajaan amerika sundrik terus terang sebut sebagai membahayakan KESELAMATAN pesakit demi nak buat untung semata2 hingga menaikkan kos rawatan , mengancam keselamatan dan menjejaskan secara negatif perlaksanaan sistem healthcare yg berkesan

Lani pungg Pfizer buat balik penipuan yg sama hingga ramai jadik sakit hingga kos rawatan meningkat , keselamatan pesakit terancam serta sistem healthcare jadi meruncing's same ole same ole maaa

So soalan cepumasss .....kenapa merasa terdesak nak terima pakai JUGAK2 produk TARAK KUALITI dari penipu yg dah disabitkan kesalahan jenayah penipuan terbesar di amerika sampai camtu sekali ekkk ?  Awat BODOH SOMBONG sgt?

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ ... tlement-its-history

Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its HistoryPfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing

WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together " Pfizer") have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today.
Pharmacia & Upjohn Company has agreed to plead guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead. Bextra is an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005. Under the provisions of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, a company must specify the intended uses of a product in its new drug application to FDA. Once approved, the drug may not be marketed or promoted for so-called "off-label" uses – i.e., any use not specified in an application and approved by FDA. Pfizer promoted the sale of Bextra for several uses and dosages that the FDA specifically declined to approve due to safety concerns. The company will pay a criminal fine of $1.195 billion, the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter. Pharmacia & Upjohn will also forfeit $105 million, for a total criminal resolution of $1.3 billion.
In addition, Pfizer has agreed to pay $1 billion to resolve allegations under the civil False Claims Act that the company illegally promoted four drugs – Bextra; Geodon, an anti-psychotic drug; Zyvox, an antibiotic; and Lyrica, an anti-epileptic drug – and caused false claims to be submitted to government health care programs for uses that were not medically accepted indications and therefore not covered by those programs. The civil settlement also resolves allegations that Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe these, as well as other, drugs. The federal share of the civil settlement is $668,514,830 and the state Medicaid share of the civil settlement is $331,485,170. This is the largest civil fraud settlement in history against a pharmaceutical company.
As part of the settlement, Pfizer also has agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. That agreement provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter.
Whistleblower lawsuits filed under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act that are pending in the District of Massachusetts, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the Eastern District of Kentucky triggered this investigation. As a part of today’s resolution, six whistleblowers will receive payments totaling more than $102 million from the federal share of the civil recovery.
The U.S. Attorney’s offices for the District of Massachusetts, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and the Eastern District of Kentucky, and the Civil Division of the Department of Justice handled these cases. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts led the criminal investigation of Bextra. The investigation was conducted by the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the FBI, the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS), the Office of Criminal Investigations for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Veterans’ Administration’s (VA) Office of Criminal Investigations, the Office of the Inspector General for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Office of the Inspector General for the United States Postal Service (USPS), the National Association of Medicaid Fraud Control Units and the offices of various state Attorneys General.
"Today’s landmark settlement is an example of the Department of Justice’s ongoing and intensive efforts to protect the American public and recover funds for the federal treasury and the public from those who seek to earn a profit through fraud. It shows one of the many ways in which federal government, in partnership with its state and local allies, can help the American people at a time when budgets are tight and health care costs are increasing," said Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli. "This settlement is a testament to the type of broad, coordinated effort among federal agencies and with our state and local partners that is at the core of the Department of Justice’s approach to law enforcement."
"This historic settlement will return nearly $1 billion to Medicare, Medicaid, and other government insurance programs, securing their future for the Americans who depend on these programs,"said Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services"The Department of Health and Human Services will continue to seek opportunities to work with its government partners to prosecute fraud wherever we can find it. But we will also look for new ways to prevent fraud before it happens. Health care is too important to let a single dollar go to waste."
"Illegal conduct and fraud by pharmaceutical companies puts the public health at risk, corrupts medical decisions by health care providers, and costs the government billions of dollars," said Tony West, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division. "This civil settlement and plea agreement by Pfizer represent yet another example of what penalties will be faced when a pharmaceutical company puts profits ahead of patient welfare."
"The size and seriousness of this resolution, including the huge criminal fine of $1.3 billion, reflect the seriousness and scope of Pfizer’s crimes," said Mike Loucks, acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. " Pfizer violated the law over an extensive time period. Furthermore, at the very same time Pfizer was in our office negotiating and resolving the allegations of criminal conduct by its then newly acquired subsidiary, Warner-Lambert, Pfizer was itself in its other operations violating those very same laws. Today’s enormous fine demonstrates that such blatant and continued disregard of the law will not be tolerated."
"Although these types of investigations are often long and complicated and require many resources to achieve positive results, the FBI will not be deterred from continuing to ensure that pharmaceutical companies conduct business in a lawful manner," said Kevin Perkins, FBI Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division.
"This resolution protects the FDA in its vital mission of ensuring that drugs are safe and effective. When manufacturers undermine the FDA’s rules, they interfere with a doctor’s judgment and can put patient health at risk," commented Michael L. Levy, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. "The public trusts companies to market their drugs for uses that FDA has approved, and trusts that doctors are using independent judgment. Federal health dollars should only be spent on treatment decisions untainted by misinformation from manufacturers concerned with the bottom line."
"This settlement demonstrates the ongoing efforts to pursue violations of the False Claims Act and recover taxpayer dollars for the Medicare and Medicaid programs," noted Jim Zerhusen, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky.
"This historic settlement emphasizes the government’s commitment to corporate and individual accountability and to transparency throughout the pharmaceutical industry," said Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. "The corporate integrity agreement requires senior Pfizer executives and board members to complete annual compliance certifications and opens Pfizer to more public scrutiny by requiring it to make detailed disclosures on its Web site. We expect this agreement to increase integrity in the marketing of pharmaceuticals."
"The off-label promotion of pharmaceutical drugs by Pfizer significantly impacted the integrity of TRICARE, the Department of Defense’s healthcare system," said Sharon Woods, Director, Defense Criminal Investigative Service. "This illegal activity increases patients’ costs, threatens their safety and negatively affects the delivery of healthcare services to the over nine million military members, retirees and their families who rely on this system. Today’s charges and settlement demonstrate the ongoing commitment of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and its law enforcement partners to investigate and prosecute those that abuse the government’s healthcare programs at the expense of the taxpayers and patients."
"Federal employees deserve health care providers and suppliers, including drug manufacturers, that meet the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior," said Patrick E. McFarland, Inspector General of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. "Today’s settlement reminds the pharmaceutical industry that it must observe those standards and reflects the commitment of federal law enforcement organizations to pursue improper and illegal conduct that places health care consumers at risk."
"Health care fraud has a significant financial impact on the Postal Service. This case alone impacted more than 10,000 postal employees on workers’ compensation who were treated with these drugs," said Joseph Finn, Special Agent in Charge for the Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General. "Last year the Postal Service paid more than $1 billion in workers’ compensation benefits to postal employees injured on the job."


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 Author| Post time 24-12-2022 10:55 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 24-12-2022 11:00 PM

Yg lebih bodohhh sombong adalah yg dok petik nama Tuhan utk mempertahankan produk PENIPU tuh .....

waktu di cucuk dok alhamdulillah manjang sesambil nak Tuhan selamatkan diri tapi merelakan diri di cucuk produk penipu lah plak, lepas kena sakit teruk dok redha amin amin sesambil mensuci murnikan produk penipu itteww .....

dgn harapan syurga menanti apabila maut kang.....

errr Tuhan suruh mensuci murnikan penipu dan produknya kaaa dgn menaruh harapan pada penipu sampai tahap tuu sekalik ?

Bukannya nak taubat nasuha sebaliknya mempertahankan produk penipu tu sampai ke liang lahad lahhh haihhh.. ingat dah mati boleh patah balik ke dunia utk dapat bertaubat kembali kaaa ?

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Post time 25-12-2022 02:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kitmal replied at 24-12-2022 11:52 AM
Takda kaitan..Nad sakit lain.....( sumber sahih)

iols tanya belastoplah. i dont really care abt nad.

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Post time 25-12-2022 07:01 AM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 24-12-2022 10:24 PM
Apa nak buat ? Bangladesh baru beberapa hari yg lepas melancarkan dos ke4 , wanita hamil dan frontl ...

Semua kerajaan kat dunia ni adalah ZOG, jadi tak guna kalau berharap mereka ni akan lari dari naratif nwo.


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 Author| Post time 25-12-2022 08:31 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 25-12-2022 08:33 AM
kumurkumur replied at 25-12-2022 07:01 AM
Semua kerajaan kat dunia ni adalah ZOG, jadi tak guna kalau berharap mereka ni akan lari dari nara ...

ZOG aka Zionist Occupied Government , memandangkan CEO Pfizer adalah seorang berbangsa yahudi yg ibubapanya antara beberapa org yg telah terselamat dari holocaust di bandar pelabuhan greek ,

setelah di ancam utk di bunuh oleh Hitler , lani keturunannya plak dok ancam membunuh berjutaan manusia ....

Betul lah apa yg nabi sebut bahawa yahudi dan nasrani akan berjaya membuatkan ramai manusia ikut kehendak depa walau memudaratkan mcm mana sekalipungg lah kekdahnyaa,

fasa akhir ikut ikutan yg paling memudaratkan tu sedang berlaku lah apabila mati mengejut terkejung pung sanggup semata2 kerana tak nak kena apa yg siyahudi tu labelkan sebagai "covid"

Daripada Abu Sa'id al-Khudri RA, Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Kalian benar-benar akan mengikut jalan orang-orang sebelum kalian sejengkal demi sejengkal, sehasta demi sehasta sehinggalah jika mereka masuk ke dalam lubang biawak pun kalian akan memasukinya. Kami (iaitu kalangan sahabat) bertanya: "Ya Rasulullah, adakah mereka itu Yahudi dan Nasrani? Baginda SAW menjawab: "Siapa lagi (kalau bukan mereka)?" (Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari
dan Muslim)


Long before he stepped up to lead one of the world’s premiere biopharmaceutical companies, Dr. Bourla was born in Thessaloniki, Greece to a family with deep roots in the city’s Sephardic Jewish community. His parents were among the few to survive the Holocaust in the Greek port city. Although Dr. Bourla now lives in New York, he is deeply connected to his Greek Jewish roots.


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 Author| Post time 25-12-2022 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 25-12-2022 08:52 AM

80 org doktor yg telah mati kat kanada tuh mana masuk berita kematian seramai tuh .....malah cuba disembunyikan ada laaa jumlah yg mati tu lerr.

So sekarang kita bertanya , berapa org doktor2 kat msia dah mati style yg dialami doktor2 kanada tu ekk ? Aku bagi contoh naaa, kat bawah ni kematian seorang doktor muda seminggu yg lepas je,
dalam keadaan dia masuk half marathon dilangkawi tup2 mati selepas menamatkan larian ....itu news worthy lah kan yg sepatutnya di habaq di dada2 akhbar tapi jabatan tempat kerja dia je lahh plakkk cuma post ucapan takziah di facebook je

So kematian ramai doktor2 tak di riuhkan lah di dada akhbar agar orgramai tak jadi alarm lahhh agar anggap vaksin selamat sokmo lerrrr , agar para pencacai boleh guna alasan sebelum2  tahun 2019 ada gakk mati camtu so nak kesahhh apa

Tapi hakikatnya mana ada doktor2 dan nurse2 ramai mati plakkk sebelum wujudnya vaksin covid , that's why depa perlu sembunyikan bilangan yg mati dari pengetahuan umum agar tak nampak ketara jumlah yg mati tu laaa agar kepelikkan yg berlaku dapat disapu bawah karpet utk memberi tanggapan "biasa2 aja kematian mcm sebelum nih so abaikannn "

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2022 08:55 AM | Show all posts
they hate me for counting the dead in this thread , sebab akan nampak lah ramai2 sesgt yg sedang dok mati , padahal yg depa nak adalah agar kematian2 tu diremehkan dgn anggap "biasa2 aja nak kesah apa"........agar lagi ramai depa boleh BUNUH agar end up sama fate mcm yg dahh mati tu lerrr kekdahnyaaa

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2022 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 25-12-2022 09:13 AM
LadyCarefree replied at 25-12-2022 02:05 AM
iols tanya belastoplah. i dont really care abt nad.

Nampak di artikel bawah ni pengakuan doktor2 sundrik yg depa tak tau apa punca paru2 nya asyik dok berdarah secara berterusan je sehinggakan depa asyik dok kena kluarkan darah berkumpul je jadinyaaa lah plakk....

Pada aku jawapannya senang je, dr robert young dah pernah dedahkan yg dalam vaksin di masukkan parasit yg boleh membiak jad manyak bebenar yg terlampau keciknya ia jadi sukar utk di detect manusia atau medical tool kalau tak bebetul fokus utk mencarinya lahhh

Di sebabkan ia mampu mamah sel maka once tempat yg ia mamah tu dah jadi pecah lalu pendarahan berterusan tidak dapat tidak pasti berlaku kat organ yg dia pi kacau tu ler

Jgn harap lah pakar camna pungg kat KKM atau hospital swasta akan dapat kesan parasit itteww ler sebab depa tak cuba mencari kewujudannya pungg in the first place , nak jumpa camna kalau dah mencarinya pungg idakkkk gitteww  

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ... asih-berada-di-icu/

Nad Zainal disyaki alami autoimun, masih berada di ICU

  • 23 November 2022, 8:08 pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Pelakon Nad Zainal disyaki mengalami penyakit autoimun dan perlu dirawat dengan suntikan stereoid berdos tinggi.
Perkara itu dimaklumkan pelakon, Ungku Ismail yang menerima pengesahan doktor tentang keadaan terkini pelakon tersebut yang masih dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) di sebuah pusat perubatan di Ampang, dekat sini.
“Doktor memaklumkan, mereka belum dapat mengenal pasti punca yang mengakibatkan pendarahan berterusan berlaku pada paru-paru Nad.
“Doktor tidak dapat memastikan sama ada perdarahan tersebut berlaku disebabkan jangkitan bakteria lain memandangkan tiada simptom atau gejala lain,” katanya ketika ditemui, petang tadi.
Pelakon drama Cina Buta itu dimasukkan ke ICU sejak dua hari lalu selepas mengadu tidak sihat ketika menjalani penggambaran drama terbarunya.
Nad disahkan mengalami jangkitan paru-paru dan berada dalam keadaan kritikal sehingga terpaksa ditidurkan.

Sementara itu, pengarah terkenal, Shahrulezad yang turut berada di hospital tersebut memohon semua pihak mendoakan pelakon itu sembuh daripada jangkitan yang dialaminya.
“Saya dimaklumkan pendarahan pada paru-parunya berterusan berlaku dan doktor terpaksa berhempas-pulas mengeluarkan darah berkumpul.
“Ahli keluarga telah dimaklumkan tentang keadaan Nad dan mereka juga sudah berada di hospital.
“Pada masa sama, ramai penggiat seni dan kenalan rapat Nad turut berkumpul di hospital untuk mengetahui perkembangan serta memberikan sokongan.
“Buat masa ini, kita mengharapkan keajaiban berlaku dan sama-sama mendoakan agar dia cepat sembuh,” ujarnya.
Selain, Ungku dan Shahrulezad, antara rakan artis yang kelihatan di hospital termasuk Sharifah Amani, Nadiya Nisaa, Nabila Huda, Nadia Aqilah, Bella Astilah dan suami, Aliff Aziz serta ramai lagi.
Turut kelihatan bekas suami pelakon itu, Faliq Amiruddin yang ditemani dua anaknya, Budi Kalsom dan Fahad Ibrahim.


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Post time 25-12-2022 09:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bagusnya kalau dapat compare data before 2019 vs 2021/2022 average yearly berapa yg mati mengejut, exclude yg ada cobid..
Keliling iols pun ada yg meninggal terkejut, ada yg duduk elok2 selama ni sihat then lepas vaksin dapat cancer, ada yg cancer relapse then meninggal..

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2022 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 25-12-2022 09:25 AM

Nih link ke thread aku yg memaparkan penemuan yg di buat oleh pakar sel darah merah itteww ler so penemuan dr. robert young tu memberi penjelasan kenapa organ penting dalam badan yg dah di cucuk tu boleh jadi kurang oksigen ,

kalau darah beku maka ia akibat tindakbalas Graphene Oxide , kalau pendarahan tak henti maka ia akibat tindakbalas parasit, ikut yg mana satu jadi terlebih dulu lah kekdahnyaaa

Darah beku atau darah mengalir tak henti2 , dua2 menyebabkan badan jadi kureng oksigen laaa sebab sel darah yg transport oksigen ke seluruh badan , kalau dah sel jadi pepejal atau dok hilang je automatik kurang laa oksigen

Dr Robert Young saintis terkemuka dunia PAKAR sel darah merah : : Parasite dan Graphene Oxide dalam darahbeku


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