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Author: BoogieChild

Sister In Islam (merged: strike_freedom, ct_og, Karisma)

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Post time 29-8-2003 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ione2bliv at 2003-8-25 04:53 PM:

Dear A_T,

Obviously you were rushing when replying to my post.
I never consider my post was a fatwa. That was only my opinion as a result of my observation. I believe the same apply  ...


Ok if you do not consider your statements as a fatwa then it's fine with me.

You seems to know that a fatwa is not something that you issue out without proper backing up from relevant sources with relation to the past and  present practices/fatwas. Yet you continue making contradictory statements about an ulamak who died without correcting his fatwa. If another person can prove that a fatwa is wrong (or no more applicable ) by quoting relevant sources with proper reasoning, with  support from Al Quran, Hadith, then there is always room for an update. This is done all the time.

As examples, Qardhawi updated the hukum on musical instruments and photographs based on his interpretation in the modern context. Alcohol was also ruled out to be halal to be used as perfume and can be worn during prayers. Smoking was updated from makruh to haram.

Looking back 1000 years ago, Islam came to Tanah Melayu, and spread. Almost ALL Malays in Tanah Melayu converted to Islam (converting from Hinduism, Agnostic, Aethesim and so on and so forth).

Think again. Islam came to Tanah Melayu through traders and merchants from India doing spice business during those times.  Why the Malays did not copy the Indian merchant dressing style? Why the Malays during those time did not copy the dressing style of the arabs in in the 15th century?

If you think carefully, Islam gave lights to the mind of the Malays. The minds of the Malays about godly matters changed. But not the the dressing of the Malays. Go to the muzeum. Look up our traditional dress, in 13th, 14th,...19th century. Has Islam changed that? Has the ulama during those time changed that?

First of all, I think you and I agree that Arab dressing style is not wajib in Islam. For me, any dressing style is OK for Islam, as long as the aurat requirements are fulfilled. If you're a male, you shouldn't dress as a female and vice versa, unless the clothes are unisex of nature.

I am not a historian and my opinion has no authority whatsoever in this matter. But logically, several guesses are:
1) The malay male style of clothing already fulfill the requirement, so no need for the ulamak at that time to focus on that.
2) The malay female style of clothing already fulfill the requirement for among muhrims. Since at that time, malay females probably seldom go out and mix with their non muhrims (of course there are exceptions but not as widespread as today), so there is no need for ulamak to focus on that. Even many of the old photos were taken at private homes and were probably meant for private collections only.
3) Religious Education wasn't that easy at that time. Most people were illiterate, so most education were probably through talks/private lessons. The audience were more difficult to reach with the absence of microphones,
printing medias were also limited. It was obvious that many info. didn't got through - the Malays were still doing stuffs that were clearly syirik such as Mandi Safar, witchcrafts, worshipping trees, etc in the 50s, 60s and 70s.

It is important to also note that there was NO FATWA issued at that time that says hair CAN be exposed.

If you think carefully, all the middle east dressing style only came to Malaysia after Iran revolution back in 1979. Why?
Are going to say, al the while before, 1979, all the muslims were wrong?
All the ulama before 1979 wrongly interpreted Quran  verse 24:31?

I agree that Iran revolution triggered some fundamental changes in how Malays view their religion.Alhamdulillah, it was Allah's will. However, it is not so accurate to attribute the change in dressing style to that alone. Syiah's influence remain small in Malaysia, and a call to revolution to replace gomen by force was not that popular even now. So you need the other side willing to be influenced.

One important factor that contributed was probably education. In the early 80's, people were generally better off economically and were better educated. You have more talks/education on religion in TVs and radios. Magazines about Islam became more popular. More religious books were translated. People can read more about their religion. And they can learn. And they decide what they want to do. And some malay females decide they want to wear tudung. Maslow's hierarchy of need at work? Maybe.

Once the trend caught on, it spread like wild fire. Causes of social phenomena usually cannot be easily explained. Like I said earlier,it was Allah's will.

To say Muslims at that time prior to 1979 were all  wrong is probably a bit cruel. Maybe they didn't know? They didn't received the information? They were not educated on the aspect due to reasons listed above? I don't know. What I know is that I am living today and I am not going to hide using last century's ignorances.

[ Last edited by always_typo on 29-8-2003 at 05:40 PM ]

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 30-8-2003 03:27 AM | Show all posts
Wahhh...susahla kalau berhujah pakai lojik je...

Langit takde tiang..camane die boleh berdiri...ada lojik ke ? :bg::bg:

So tu lah bila kita fikirkan takde kesudahan , berbalik la kita pada rukun iman..

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Post time 31-8-2003 07:55 PM | Show all posts
Tak paham le...... Tudung tu wajib ke sunat kiranya??? :stp::stp::stp:

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 1-9-2003 02:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acong at 31-8-2003 07:55 PM:
Tak paham le...... Tudung tu wajib ke sunat kiranya??? :stp::stp::stp:

Menutup aurat tu wajib..caranya terserah..

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Post time 1-10-2003 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Bala.. bala..

Apabila org jahil.. berlagak alim..
Apabila org alim.. bercakap ikut nafsu..

Kalau jahil.. tanyalah org alim, bertaqwa dan bersikap sederhana..

Yusuf Qardhawi kata:

Ilmu itu mencegah daripada berkata tanpa ilmu
Taqwa itu mencegah daripada berkata ikut hawa nafsu
Kesederhanaan itu mencegah daripada pemikiran yang jumud dan liberal


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bj This user has been deleted
Post time 2-10-2003 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BoogieChild at 12-8-2003 11:34 AM:
A BUNCH of brash women who knew very little about Islam - this was how the founding members of Sisters in Islam (SIS) were perceived when they started out in 1988.

The group, however, continues ...

Pengaruh barat

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Post time 3-10-2003 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Don't bother to read the content. Absolutely BORING!!!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!

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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 6-10-2003 12:19 AM | Show all posts

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jejaka mahal This user has been deleted
Post time 6-10-2003 09:35 PM | Show all posts
satahu aku pompuan ni tak wajib pakai satu je...
tak pakai sepender,hukumnya tak berdosa
ada sesapa tak SETUJU??

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Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
Post time 6-10-2003 09:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nazad at 2003-10-1 04:48:
Bala.. bala..

Apabila org jahil.. berlagak alim..
Apabila org alim.. bercakap ikut nafsu..

Kalau jahil.. tanyalah org alim, bertaqwa dan bersikap sederhana..

Yusuf Qardhawi kata:

Ilmu  ...

Nak tanya sikit... mana lebih besar dosanya kalau tak solat fardhu dan satu lagi tak tutup aurat?

Nak kempen yang mana dulu?

kau sendiri solat dah cukup ker?

[ Last edited by Terong Pipit on 6-10-2003 at 01:55 PM ]

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Post time 7-10-2003 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Kempen solat lah dulu.. kalau dia dah solat.. mesti dia tutup aurat.. itulah yang sepatutnya.. sebab dalam Quran sebut: "Sesungguhnya solat itu mencegah daripada perkara keji dan mungkar".. tutup aurat itu suatu kemungkaran.. ingkar perintah Allah.. jadi solat itu sepatutnya mencegah diri dia daripada tidak tutup aurat..

aku tak pandailah nak tahu yang mana satu lebih besar dosa dia.. setahu aku... ulama membahagikan dosa kepada dosa kecik dan besar hanyalah suatu pembahagian dari sudut ilmu.. tetapi dari sudut amalan.. dosa besar ke kecik.. sama saja.. wajib dijauhi..

Tetapi oleh kerana musuh Islam (termasuk yang bernama Islam juga) sentiasa tak berputus asa mengadakan kempen 'membuka aurat' maka sepatutnya bagi orang Islam mengadakan kempen 'menutup aurat'.. lawan tetap lawan

"Kau sendiri solat dah cukup ke?" <----- lebih baik tak perlu ditanya kpd org lain dan lebih baik tak perlu dijawab kpd org lain, tanya dan jawab untuk diri sendiri lebih baik.. :2cool:

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Post time 7-10-2003 10:58 AM | Show all posts
kitikat tak berani nak ckp dose besar ke kecik, tp ape yg kitikat blajar (ustaz nih mmg byk ilmu, dia gune this one book: dosa2 besar, dosa2 kecik, base arab tak silap) tak pakai tudung (or tutup aurat) tuh bkn tergolong dlm dosa besar.... TP WAJIB bagi UMAT ISLAM MENUTUP AURAT.

TETAPI, dosa2 kecik kalau asik wat and takde keinsapan, akan jd besar gak... nak2 org yg try ubah hukum dgn mengatakan perkara tuh tak berdosa, tak silap mase skolah menengah nye matapelajaran agama islam dlm buku teks ader jugak mentioned sape2 yg ckp sedemikian rupe dah jatuh syahadahnye, wajib la mengucap balik dan bertaubat. (3 cara berlakunya syirik: dgn perbuatan, dgn perkataan, dan dgn hati)..

hukum ALLAH tuh tetap tidak boleh diubah, nak lakukan ke tak tuh terpulang, tp jgn lah sebab kite tak nak turut perintah ALLAH kite boleh ckp perkara tuh tak wajib. melakukan DOSA, dan mempercayai perkara DOSA itu bkn satu DOSA adalah dua perkara yg amat berbeza sekali.

[ Last edited by kitikat on 7-10-2003 at 11:00 AM ]

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Post time 7-10-2003 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kitikat at 7-10-2003 10:58 AM:
kitikat tak berani nak ckp dose besar ke kecik, tp ape yg kitikat blajar (ustaz nih mmg byk ilmu, dia gune this one book: dosa2 besar, dosa2 kecik, base arab tak silap) tak pakai tudung (or tutup a ...

betul tu kitikat... kadang2 kalau kita sebenarnya tak tahu hukum ni takyah pandai2 buat statement, rujuk dulu pd 2,3 org yg tahu... agama tetap agama... tak bole nak dicampur adukkan dgn duniawi... tak perlu jadi sekular... dan tak perlu jd hipokrit.. mungkin kita rasa hukum tu tak sesuai tuk di adaptkan dlm hidup kita tak perlulah kuar statement kata dalam islam tak cakap pun macam tu mcm ni... mmglah kadang2 ayat al-quran tu tak state kan secara terang lagi bersuluh tapi kan ke ade perbandingan hukum... cth mcm dadah... hukumnyer haram sbb ijtihad dr hukm asal... mmgla al-quran tak sebut dadah tu haram... dan tak jumpa pun satu ayat yg sebut terang2 dadah tu haram... tapi ada ayat yg mengharamkan manusia berbuat atau mengambil sesuatu yg membinasakan dirinya.. so, sbb dadah ni boleh binasakan org maka hukumnya haram.. simple aje... dlm kontek memakai tudung, mmg takde ayat yg specific kan macama mana bentuk tudung yg kena pakai tuk tutup aurat atau kewajipan memakai tudung... yg ditegaskan adalah kewajipan menutup aurat, yg hanya membolehkan kelihatan muka dan kedua tapak tgn...

betul takde ayat al-quran yg kata wajib pakai tudung tetapi ada banyak ayat yg menberitahu ttg azab tidak menutup aurat... dalam hal ni mmg tak salah sisters in islam kata pakai tudung tak wajib sbb dalam al-quran tak kata specific tudung tapi yg salahnyer kalau org men interprete tk perlu menutup aurat.. kalau tak mau pakai tudung ada optional lain... pakailah kelubung atau apa pun at least menutup aurat... dan memenuhi syarat2 penutupan aurat tu sendiri...


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seek1u This user has been deleted
Post time 7-10-2003 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Terong Pipit at 6-10-2003 09:54 PM:
Nak tanya sikit... mana lebih besar dosanya kalau tak solat fardhu dan satu lagi tak tutup aurat?

Nak kempen yang mana dulu?

kau sendiri solat dah cukup ker?

[ Last edited by Terong  ...

Dua 2 dosa besar..takde pilihan..:cf:

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Post time 8-10-2003 01:20 PM | Show all posts

Dosa2 Besar

Mengikut imam Azzahabiyy dalam kitabnya "Al-Kabaair" beliau menghimpunkan jenis dosa-dosa besar sebanyak 70 perkara seperti berikut:

01 - Belajar ilmu dan sembunyi pengetahuan
02 - Bersaksi palsu
03 - Berjudi
04 - Bersumpah palsu dan bohong
05 - Berbohong
06 - Bergambar di baju (bila sembahyang)
07 - Perempuan pelacur
08 - Berbuat buruk terhadap yang lemah
09 - Berdebat dan memusuhi
10 - Bersifat dayus
11 - Bercakap kasar dengan orang tua
12 - Dusta nama Allah dan rasulnya
13 - Derhaka pada suami
14 - Derhaka pada hamba Allah, anggap baik dirinya
15 - Hakim derhaka
16 - Homosek (seagama/sejenis)
17 - Mengurangi timbangan
18 - Lari seorang hamba dari tuannya
19 - Lelaki menyerupai wanita
20 - Lari dari medan perang di jalan Allah
21 - Membunuh manusia
22 - Membunuh diri sendiri
23 - Mengamalkan sihir
24 - Meninggalkan sembahyang lima waktu
25 - Meninggalkan sembahyang jumaat
26 - Menderhaka kepada kedua ibu bapa
27 - Memutuskan hubungan silaturrahim
28 - Melakukan zina
29 - Makan harta anak yatim secara tidak betul
30 - Makan dari kekayaan haram
31 - Memberi dan menerima rasuah
32 - Melabuhkan pakaian kerana berlagak sombong
33 - Makan riba
34 - Minum arak
35 - Mencuri
36 - Merompak
37 - Melakukan kezaliman
38 - Melakukan pengkhianatan
39 - Menyebut-nyebut pemberian
40 - Mengingkari janji
41 - Memfitnah
42 - Mengutuk orang islam
43 - Merasa aman dari kemurkaan Allah
44 - Menipu harta rampasan
45 - Melampaui batas
46 - Menuduh zina terhadap orang baik
47 - Memakai emas dan sutera (bagi lelaki)
48 - Mempercayai nujum dan sihir
49 - Menjadi bapa sanggup
50 - Mencari kesalahan orang lain
51 - Menganggu orang lain
52 - Menganggu tetangga
53 - Menyakiti dan memaki orang islam
54 - Mengintip dan membuka rahsia orang
55 - Mencaci sahabat Nabi
56 - Mengurangi wasiat
57 - Mengingkari takdir
58 - Putus asa dari rahmat Allah
59 - Penipuan dan kezaliman terhadap rakyat
60 - Riak dan mempamerkan diri
61 - Syirikkan Allah dengan sesuatu yang lain
62 - Sombong serta angkuh
63 - Sembelih untuk selain Allah
64 - Tidak mengeluarkan zakat
65 - Tidak berpuasa di bulan ramadhan
66 - Tidak mengerjakan haji jikalau mampu
67 - Tidak istinjak selepas kencing
68 - Tidak mendengar cakap ibu bapa
69 - Tipu daya
70 - Wanita menyerupai lelaki

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Post time 18-12-2003 07:40 PM | Show all posts
Naik atas balik hmmmm....

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racerX This user has been deleted
Post time 18-12-2003 08:37 PM | Show all posts

Ni saja nak kena ni...

Engkau ni tak serik-serik lagi ke? Bercerita buih mulut pasal hak pempuan dalam komuniti yang digonggong lelaki, engkau ingat ada orang nak dengar ke, Encik Marquez? Itupun nasib baik buat nakal kat Internet... kalau kat tepi jalan engkau pelaung macam ni aku rasa malam ni mak engkau dah buat tahlil arwah.

Itupun kalau diorang rasa tahlil arwah tu tak bida'ah... kalau tak dengan rumah mak kau tu sekali menyungkur menyembah bumi.

Kau tak tau ke kita orang Islam ni tak leh tolerate benda-benda asing begini? Dah nama pun Sisters in Islam; mak aku nak sebut pun tergeliat lidah. Nama omputih macam tu, mestile agen kapir Yahudi semua tu.

Lebih banyak faedah kalau kau gi vote samada kita patut tolerate homosexual ke tak tu.

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ione2bliv This user has been deleted
Post time 19-12-2003 04:16 PM | Show all posts

kau dengar nasihat encik racer tu baik baik  marquez.
nanti  kena buat lauk baru tahu.


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Post time 15-3-2005 11:28 PM | Show all posts
sisters in islam...lawak ade la..ade ker serbuan ke atas disko..tak hadhari

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2005 02:18 PM | Show all posts


Rights advocates have expressed outrage, albeit belatedly, over the arrest and detention of followers of Ayah Pin, a 65-year-old man espousing an all-encompassing religious philosophy who had been jailed for deviating from Islam.

Sisters in Islam (SIS), in a statement dated yesterday, condemned the authorities

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