Dear brother Truth, when you renounce Islam...
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by Truth.8
i just check momenth ago, yes i hve dark brown round shape in my left hand (not palm). What is the meaning?
I have no idea ... but I know someone else who has such markings. He suffered Cancer and face Death before.
I have face Death 3 times (I have no Cancer as far as I know of) and have some abilities which similar to yours (and a few more).
Now you have one as well ... Maybe I should check a few friends who I know of who have similar abilities as well. I know at least 3 people.
:stp: I guess the birthmarks could mean either :
1. Someone tagged us for some unknown reason.
2. Someone cursed us with a VERY Long Life. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
In some science fiction way, I could say that we could have been some sort of guinea pigs, left on this World among this Humans who seems to be less intelligent (well ... not many people I know of who could read minds). A friend of mine could love that scenario. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
OR it could be nothing but just a black birthmarks on the back of hands of a few people on the Planet (3 in 6 Billions doesn't seems to be such a odd number, right?).
I bet is, it's nothing. Coincidence, I guess.
[ Last edited by Sephiroth on 12-9-2003 at 02:16 PM ] |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 12-9-2003 02:14 PM:
by Truth.8
i just check momenth ago, yes i hve dark brown round shape in my left hand (not palm). What is the meaning?
I have no idea ... but I know someone else who has such markin ...
Death 3 times ???? what u mean??
Talking about 3........well everthing in my life begins with three. I am number 3 in family, my new ID comes with 3 (after caculation), my house number is 3, my road is 3( Jalan xxxx 21), my car is 3(8229 after caculation), my pervious job ID card is 3 (21), I have few houses I bought sometimes back and all comes with 3, the address.
So, is the number 3 got any connection in my life?
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 12-9-2003 at 03:41 PM ] |
by Truth.8
Death 3 times ???? what u mean??
It means I almost DIED three times in the past - at age 3, 5 and 18. Nyawa LIAT. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Talking about 3........well everthing in my life begins with three. I am number 3 in family, my new ID comes with 3 (after caculation), my house number is 3, my road is 3( Jalan xxxx 21), my car is 3(8229 after caculation), my pervious job ID card is 3 (21), I have few houses I bought sometimes back and all comes with 3, the address.
So, is the number 3 got any connection in my life?
No idea ... never was much into Numerology. Maybe you could go and see some Indian fellow who knows this kind of things.
Well ... if you still become a Muslim, you probably end up with 3 wives also and probably 30 kids. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 12-9-2003 05:19 PM:
by Truth.8
Death 3 times ???? what u mean??
It means I almost DIED three times in the past - at age 3, 5 and 18. Nyawa LIAT. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Talking about 3........well everthing in ...
oic...died three times. Yes, i have three time dead experience at 1982, 1989 & 1997. 1997 was real scared because the knift went thru near my heart (mark of wound still there) and doctor was surpise I still could survived. 1997 I was almost dead for few second but alive again and 1989 ( not telling this secret).....
well God is great HE want me to be alive and healty now. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 10-9-2003 13:16:
Nur is right but not Jannah. Are u Muslim? u don't even know the meaning heaven in Islam? What is the meaning of heaven? It start with F
happy hunting.
May be Nur Firdaus?
Please be informed : Syurga = Jannah
Firdaus = name one of jannah
Who not understand u or me? |
Who is allah?
Is same God of Jews
Allah adalah nama kpd zat yg wajib ada..yg bersifat dgn segala sifat kesempurnaan..yg tiada mulanya.dan tiada akhirnya..adanya tiada disebabkan oleh sesuatu sebab atau kerana.
Dia tidak beranak dan tidak pula diperanakkan..Dialah yg menciptakan alam dgn tiada perlu kpd contoh dan alat..
Dia tidak menyerupai sesuatu dan sesuatu tidak serupa dgnnya.
Dia maha melihat,maha mendengar,maha berkuasa,maha berkehendak,maha kekal,Dia yg tidak memerlukan bantuan,Esa,maha mengetahui, Hidup,Berkata-kata,..Terkaya dari setiap sesuatu dan Berhajat segala makhluk kpdNYa...
Jika Yahudi menyembah tuhan yg demikian itu ...Insayaalah..sama...
Bukankah pengikut Nabi MUsa dan Ibrahim dan Isa menyembahNYa?
Who is Muhammad
Seorang lelaki yg diberikan wahyu untuk dirinya dan diwajibkan pula untuk menyampaikannya kpd seluruh umat manusia.
Dialah nabi dan rasul yg terakhir dari golongan Arab bangsawan dari suku Quraisy. Ayahnya bernama Abdullah Ibunya bernama Aminah.Lahir di Mekah dan Wafat di Madinah
Why Jews did not accept him
Sebab Baginda dari bangsa Arab sedangkan mereka mengharapkan nabi yg terakhir adalah dari bangsa Yahudi ( awak tak akan terima kenyataan ini bukan?)
Why he got the message in hidden dark cave????
Why not in open space???
Baginda kesana untuk berfikir tentang kejadian alam..Allah telah memilih tempat itu untuk menurunkan wahyu....
Kenapa Allah memilh tempat itu..? Hanya Dia yg mengetahui
..Awak merasa pelik..tetapi awak tak rasa pelik Nabi isa tiada ayah atau langit tiada bertiang..
Kenapa Allah perintahkan Musa ke bukit Thur..sedangkan Allah boleh terus memberikan kitabnya di mana-mana?
How sure he received that relevation from that cave???? or it just made stories???
Nabi Muhammad terkenal dikalangan kaumnya sebagai seorang yg jujur..Baginda tidak pernah berbohong seja dari kecil sehingga di gelar Al-Amin maksudnya yg dipercayai..satu-satu gelaran yg tidak perhan diberikan kpd sesiapa selain Baginda..
Ayat yg pertama diwahyukan adalah berkenaan tentang kejadian manusia..bagaimana Baginda tahu ilmu yg sedemikian sedangkan baginda seorang yg tidak tahu membaca atau menulis lebih-lebih lagi ilmu sastera..Baginda juga tidak pernah menunjukkan minat terhadap sastera walaupun Baginda lahir didlm kaum yg sangat suka bersastera...
(mungkin awak tdk dapat terima kenyataan ini juga kerana awak percaya lalau Yahudi terima maka ia betul..kalau Yahudi tolak maka ia salah...)
Sebenarnya awak mengikut Yahudi atau siapa??
[ Last edited by UFWL on 12-9-2003 at 09:58 PM ] |
Sebenarnya awak mengikut Yahudi atau siapa??
Saya taat kepada ajaran yg di turn oleh Tuhan kepada Ahli Kitab dan BUKAN dengan keturungan yg membutar belik ajaran Ahli Kitab ia itu Muhamamd. Nescaya, pengikut2nya menerima bala dari Tuhan ....yg berlaku diatas umat Muhammadan buat masa kini |
the bottomline is christianity is split into 3 -
unitarian christians worship ONE N ONLY ONE GOD like jews' yahweh n muslims' allah
twit twinity christians worship 2 gods in/as 1 twit twinity god which is different from jews' yahweh n muslims' allah
trinity christians worship 3 gods in/as 1 trinity god which is different from jews' yahweh n muslims's allah
unitarian christians, jews n muslims believe jesus is no god
but twit twinity n trinity christians believe jesus is god. wot rubbish :bg:
peace |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 14-9-2003 11:50 AM:
the bottomline is christianity is split into 3 -
unitarian christians worship ONE N ONLY ONE GOD like jews' yahweh n muslims' allah
twit twinity christians worship 2 gods in/as 1 t ...
No wonder Jews & Muslims who reject Jesus as God still into many problem. Twinity believer do not have problem and live very peacefuly. Why? Christ says " Peace I give to u" If we believed in Jesus as God, then peace will come and not war. Does Jews and Muslims have peace? |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
No wonder Jews & Muslims who reject Jesus as God still into many problem. Twinity believer do not have problem and live very peacefuly. Why? Christ says " Peace I give to u&quo ... [/quote Twit]
You have peace? You people are the trouble maker, the greatest kaypoh busy body in the world, the master of all deceptions, the instigators of all wars that have taken place in the world, the supplier and trader of all weapons of mass and any scale of destruction and you say you have peace. How can the destroyers of peace have peace?
Jesus has got nothing to do with you. Enough of your false claims, satan paul follower.
Jesus is in the same camp with the last prophet of God, Muhammad and all the other prophets before him. The followers of Moses have broken all possible commandments of God while the real followers of Jesus can only be counted with the fingers - the rest destroyed by the heretic paul and his partners in crime. |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 14-9-2003 12:23 PM:
No wonder Jews & Muslims who reject Jesus as God still into many problem. Twinity believer do not have problem and live very peacefuly. Why? Christ says " Peace I give to u&quo ... [/quote ...
Trouble marker????who Muslims and Jews? Or twinity believer who stay calm and peace.
The world can see clearly that the trouble marker (bomb blast, killling inocent soul & etc )the one who reject Jesus is God. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2003-9-14 01:46 PM:
Trouble marker????who Muslims and Jews? Or twinity believer who stay calm and peace.
The world can see clearly that the trouble marker (bomb blast, killling inocent soul & etc )the o ...
o yes, twit twinity n trinity christians r trouble makers of the worst kind. eg -
trinity christians white genocide native americans n aborigines n rape america, canada, australia, new zealand
trinity christian superdonkey bush feed halpless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist regime with billions worth of arms to genocide their hapless brethren, the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE as they chant piously luv their neighbour as thyself
trinity christian superdonkey bush genocide millions afghan innocents n rape afghanistan under the pretext of combatting terrorism
trinity christian superdonkey bush genocide millions iraqi innocents n rape iraq under the pretext of liberating iraq from cruel saddam hussein n saving the world from cruel saddam's weapons of mass destruction
where leaders of other religions as heinous as trinity christian superdonkey bush? where?
n u're white superdonkey wannabe. pity :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 14-9-2003 at 02:56 PM ] |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 14-9-2003 02:54 PM:
o yes, twit twinity n trinity christians r trouble makers of the worst kind. eg -
trinity christians white genocide native americans n aborigines n rape america, canada, australia, n ...
the ugly and pleasant words from you reflect that you so desprate, misguide, devlish behaviour, unwanted and etc.
U just could not send my truth, am i right? poor u. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2003-9-14 02:58 PM:
the ugly and pleasant words from you reflect that you so desprate, misguide, devlish behaviour, unwanted and etc.
U just could not send my truth, am i right? poor u.
ugly pleasant words indeed but they're HARDfacts
n me HARDfacts is a reflection of me bein realistic
n no way u can rebutt me HARDfacts
u dont like HARDfacts right?
they irk u coz the truth tells all about deceptive evil agenda of trinity christian superdonkey bush ur mentor :bg:
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-9-14 02:54 PM:
o yes, twit twinity n trinity christians r trouble makers of the worst kind. eg -
trinity christians white genocide native americans n aborigines n rape america, canada, australia, new zealand
trinity christian superdonkey bush feed halpless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist regime with billions worth of arms to genocide their hapless brethren, the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE as they chant piously luv their neighbour as thyself
trinity christian superdonkey bush genocide millions afghan innocents n rape afghanistan under the pretext of combatting terrorism
trinity christian superdonkey bush genocide millions iraqi innocents n rape iraq under the pretext of liberating iraq from cruel saddam hussein n saving the world from cruel saddam's weapons of mass destruction
where leaders of other religions as heinous as trinity christian superdonkey bush? where?
n u're white superdonkey wannabe. pity |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 14-9-2003 03:07 PM:
ugly pleasant words indeed but they're HARDfacts
n me HARDfacts is a reflection of me bein realistic
n no way u can rebutt me HARDfacts
u dont like HARDfacts right?
they irk u c ...
well....my thought was right after all....u just could not take my heat. Poor sonny he always in fake faith.![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2003-9-14 07:13 PM:
well....my thought was right after all....u just could not take my heat. Poor sonny he always in fake faith.
nuthin in ur brain to respond intelligently to me HARDfacts? i tot so :bg:
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-9-14 02:54 PM:
o yes, twit twinity n trinity christians r trouble makers of the worst kind. eg -
trinity christians white genocide native americans n aborigines n rape america, canada, australia, new zealand
trinity christian superdonkey bush feed halpless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist regime with billions worth of arms to genocide their hapless brethren, the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE as they chant piously luv their neighbour as thyself
trinity christian superdonkey bush genocide millions afghan innocents n rape afghanistan under the pretext of combatting terrorism
trinity christian superdonkey bush genocide millions iraqi innocents n rape iraq under the pretext of liberating iraq from cruel saddam hussein n saving the world from cruel saddam's weapons of mass destruction
where leaders of other religions as heinous as trinity christian superdonkey bush? where?
n u're white superdonkey wannabe. pity |
by Truth.8
oic...died three times. Yes, i have three time dead experience at 1982, 1989 & 1997. 1997 was real scared because the knift went thru near my heart (mark of wound still there) and doctor was surpise I still could survived. 1997 I was almost dead for few second but alive again and 1989 ( not telling this secret).....
O_o .... hmmm ... another similarities which we have in common. ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
a Knife almost miss your heart? Hmmm ... Accident OR ... :stp:
BTW, I remember you said you have a birthmark on your right hand, right? Check your left hand and see if you have another one on the same spot or not.
well God is great HE want me to be alive and healty now.
I guess He does. |
3 blind mice
3 blind mice
c how they ran
c how they ran
they all ran after the farmers' wife
who cut off their tails with a carvin knife
d u ever c such a din in ur life
as 3 blind mice :bg:
peace |
:re: A puppet and his poem ... :re: |
BTW, I remember you said you have a birthmark on your right hand, right? Check your left hand and see if you have another one on the same spot or not.
I have mole which is round dark brown in my right hand palm and dark brown circle mark in my left hand ( near uper hand/or near armpit).
So ???? why u ask?:re: |
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