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Author: inpetz


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 Author| Post time 18-7-2012 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply 60# juita

ohh huhu..saya OCD sebab tu under depression..saya under chronic depression..
I was in terrible trauma dulu..sekarang dah okay sikit laa..

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Post time 18-7-2012 07:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 53# inpetz

those guys? ur exes?

x sure psl treatment ocd/cd kat msia ni tp tgk web mmha ade supposrt groups - phaps u can check this out. rsnye kalo kat spital gomen ade traind kaunselors/therapists - yg ni penah jumpe ke?

meds can be addictive n ade side effects (my friend yg cd tu cite), thats y i suggest u look in2 rawatan cara Islam pulak. give it a try, if u havent. there r also books that u can read up.

one step at a time, one problem at a time, ya.

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Post time 19-7-2012 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply  cagOO

bukan adik beradik, memang penyakit was-was pun..
inpetz Post at 18-7-2012 15:24


kalo camtuh nenek me ade gak la OCD neh....
suke amik wuduk byk kali....
ingatkan mmg suke main ayor

sian nenek

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Post time 20-7-2012 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Reply  selyusi

yes, perfectionist..I am very perfectionist dalam relationship..
tu yang buatkan ...
inpetz Post at 18-7-2012 14:52

   TT ni lebih dlm soal perhubungan kan? adakah ex2 TT sblm ni x kekal sbb x tahan ngan perangai yg suka tanya & syak yg bkn2?klo btl.... maybe TT blh cr org yg sama ada penyakit mcm TT, rasa ape yg diaorg pernah rase bersama TT sblm nih.. kot2 lah TT blh ok skit... hehehe..... dah terkena sendiri kan....

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Post time 20-7-2012 12:49 AM | Show all posts

kalo camtuh nenek me ade gak la OCD neh....
suke amik wuduk byk kali ...
cagOO Post at 19-7-2012 17:02

   hehehe..... klo nenek tu dah lain tuh bro.....

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Post time 20-7-2012 09:20 AM | Show all posts
hehehe..... klo nenek tu dah lain tuh bro.....
Esterozie Post at 20-7-2012 00:49

bro??gurl ok...cute gurl

btol la same kes...pasal nenek aku tu jenis yg was2
kalo pasal cinta tatau la sbb dy dah tua kan...

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Post time 20-7-2012 10:44 AM | Show all posts
bro??gurl ok...cute gurl

btol la same kes...pasal nenek aku tu jenis yg was2
kalo pa ...
cagOO Post at 20-7-2012 09:20

   ops...... ampon hehe....
klo nenek ko tuh dr muda mmng mcm tuh maybe btl ar kot.. tp klo dah tua2 nih br mcm tuh.. lain ar kot...... dah lbh kedapa nyanyok tu kot.....

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2012 04:22 PM | Show all posts
terima kasih semua..saya akan fikirkan mcm mana..

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Post time 23-7-2012 10:45 PM | Show all posts
kalau ko tanya ostad azhar idros ngn patol barry.. diorang akan kata.. "KEMBALILAH CARA ISLAM..BERMUZAKARAN DAN BANYAKKAN BERZIKI:..

oleh sbb ko tanya aku.. aku ckp... penyakit ko ni ko sorang je boleh ubatkan... caranya...figure out sndiri... mungkin smasa bercinta ko dah telebeh manje mengade2 ngn bf ko..oleh itu aku cadangkan ko carik jantan macho yg kasar... baru boleh WHIP U INTO SHAPE!

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 01:06 PM | Show all posts
pakwetizzaqyah posted on 23-7-2012 10:45 PM
kalau ko tanya ostad azhar idros ngn patol barry.. diorang akan kata.. "KEMBALILAH CARA ISLAM..BERMU ...

tu laa..saya dah dapat first love saya ni balik..hamboih..keras kemain..haha tapi saya rasa dia boleh jadik suami yg baik..
dia mcm leh kawal saya laa..tapi taktau la..betul la..mungkin saya dulu asyik bertanya dan suka memaksa..sekarang bila ada orang
suka kat saya, saya jadik takut nak balas..nanti diorang pergi jugak..


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Post time 28-7-2012 08:08 AM | Show all posts
inpetz posted on 14-7-2012 08:28 PM
Reply 10# ellyahmad_1983

i have been treated to OCD illness. its one of anxieties disorder gak.  ...

u sure u not bipolar? OCD yu ni x pernah dengar lak obsess ngan lelaki

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Post time 28-7-2012 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Bipolar disorder or bipolar affective disorder, historically known as manic-depressive disorder, is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated energy levels, cognition, and mood with or without one or more depressive episodes. The elevated moods are clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes, or symptoms, or a mixed state in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time.[1] These events are usually separated by periods of "normal" mood; but, in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, which is known as rapid cycling. Severe manic episodes can sometimes lead to such psychotic symptoms as delusions and hallucinations. The disorder has been subdivided into bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymia, and other types, based on the nature and severity of mood episodes experienced; the range is often described as the bipolar spectrum.


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Post time 28-7-2012 08:17 AM | Show all posts

OCD and Bipolar Disorder

Although They Have Different Symptoms, OCD and Bipolar Disorder May Be Linked

By Owen Kelly, Ph.D., Guide

Updated August 23, 2010 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

Clinical research suggests that OCD and bipolar disorder co-occur with each other at a higher rate than would be expected by chance. Importantly, the presence of bipolar disorder can affect OCD symptoms and treatment. Let’s explore the link between OCD and bipolar disorder.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Before discussing the link between bipolar disorder and OCD, it may helpful to first describe the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness where the affected person experiences one or more "manic" or "mixed" episodes; however, most people with bipolar disorder have also had one or more episodes of depression.

Mania is a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least one week. A manic episode is usually accompanied by three or more of the following symptoms.

•inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
•a dramatic decrease in the need for sleep.
•feeling more talkative than usual or a pressure to keep talking.
•racing thoughts.
•feeling extremely distracted and unable to focus.
•increase in goal-directed activity (often of a social, professional or sexual nature).
•excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences, such as spending sprees, sexual indiscretions, or impulsive investments.

To be diagnosed as a manic episode, these symptoms have to be severe enough to cause major disruption at work or at home. In addition, a manic episode often requires that the person go to the hospital for treatment. It is not uncommon for people with mania to show features of psychosis, such as delusions.

Currently, there are four subtypes of bipolar disorder: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymia, and Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

•Bipolar I is the most severe form and usually requires hospitalization.
•Bipolar II has similar symptoms, but the mania is not as severe; however, people affected by bipolar II often experience severe depression.
•Cyclothymia is an illness in which the person fluctuates rapidly between periods of hypomania and depressive symptoms that are not severe enough to meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode.
•The Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category includes disorders with bipolar features that do not meet criteria for the specific bipolar disorders.

OCD and Bipolar Disorder

Research has established a strong link between bipolar disorder and OCD. It has been estimated that between 10 to 35% of people with bipolar disorder also have OCD, with most reporting that their OCD symptoms started first. Indeed, OCD is thought to be the most frequently occurring anxiety disorder among people with bipolar disorder.

Interestingly, one analysis found that OCD occurs with bipolar disorder at much higher rate than major depressive disorder. This study found that people with bipolar disorder are between two and five times more likely to have OCD than people with major depressive disorder.

In general, people who are affected by both bipolar disorder and OCD seem to have very high rates of other forms of mental illness; in particular, panic disorder as well as impulse control disorders.

Although there is not one particular gene that links OCD and bipolar disorder, there is increasing evidence that these two disorder may share some genes. Behaviorally, both people with bipolar disorder and OCD show decreases in specific types of verbal memory.

OCD and Bipolar Disorder: Implications for Treatment

When bipolar disorder and OCD occur together, the symptoms of bipolar disorder tend to be much worse and more difficult to treat than bipolar conditions that occur without OCD. People with both OCD and bipolar disorder also tend to show more frequent use and abuse of substances such as drugs and alcohol. Substance use often complicates treatment and usually predicts worse outcomes. There is also some evidence that when OCD occurs with bipolar disorder, there are less checking compulsions but more obsessions related to religious and sexual themes.

It is important to note that OCD in the presence of bipolar disorder may require the use of different treatment strategies, as many of the antidepressants that are commonly used to treat OCD can sometimes exacerbate or even cause symptoms of mania or hypomania. Also, when OCD and bipolar disorder co-occur, it has been suggested that treatment of the bipolar disorder symptoms take priority owing to their potentially destructive and harmful nature.

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2012 02:09 AM | Show all posts
yipun_78 posted on 28-7-2012 08:17 AM
OCD and Bipolar Disorder

Although They Have Different Symptoms, OCD and Bipolar Disorder May Be ...

yeah, i am OCD category. under depression,biasalah..huhu..i am okay..there is slight difference kadang-kadang..OCD people always think that they might hurt other people if they make mistakes..and we don't like bad people actually..but sometimes we act bad sebab taktau apa yg betul..those mistakes made me learn a lot..people should be given chances, but not too many..

i selalu rasa i akan hurt people kalau i tak mengalah. i always feel i am useless lebih2 lagi dalam relationship. relationship is not revolves only love, tapi family, working environment semua..i selalu rasa was-was..tu saja.but now i feel better maybe sebab i'm going to be an adult..hehe.

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Post time 29-7-2012 10:24 AM | Show all posts
OCD tu hape? detail plz??
in malay okey. aku x phm english.

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Post time 29-7-2012 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Aku OCD gak sikit..kenkadang sampai kawan-kawan aku malas nak layan sebab aku akan tanya mereka dah kunci pintu ke belum dekat 5-6 kali..pastu derang akan terus jawab "DAHHHHH!" malas aku nak tanya dah

sebenarnya OCD ni kau jangan layan sangat..kalau kau layan..lagi teruk nanti.

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Post time 30-7-2012 07:20 AM | Show all posts
spy^patrick posted on 29-7-2012 10:24 AM
OCD tu hape? detail plz??
in malay okey. aku x phm english.

Obsesif Kompulsif (OCD)

Ciri-Ciri OCD

Sebelum seseorang individu dilabelkan mengidap OCD, mereka perlu menepati criteria seperti berikut:-
  • orang itu obsesional dari aspek pemikiran, bayangan atau cara yang bertubi-tubi (rumination), contohnya dia merasa tangannya kotor walaupun hakikatnya tidak.
  • Individu terbabit berada dalam keadaan resah, cemas, tertekan dan merasa tidak selesa dengan keadaan ini.
  • Sedar dan apa yang berlaku sebenarnya bukan sesuatu yang sengaja dibaut-buat tetapi datang dari luar 'ego alien' pada dirinya.
  • Individu tersebut tahu bahawa idea atau bayangan yang hadir dalam dirinya itu adalah karut, tidak logic dan tidak sepatutnya berlaku.
  • Melawan dan menahan idea yang datang dan menyebabkan dirinya menjadi resah.
Pemikiran atau bayangan ruminasi obsesional ini boleh dibahagikan kepada sama ada:-
  • Was-was
  • Kebersihan
  • Melakukan sesuatu secara perlahan-lahan (slowness)
Biasanya disusuli dengan tindakan kompulsif atau perbuatan yang dilakukan berulang kali. Individu yang mempunyai kesemua ciri-ciri ini biasanya cepat marah, mudah tersinggung di mana fungsi sosial mereka menjadi tidak terurus.

Malah, tumpuan fikiran mereka juga sering terganggu mengakibatkan hubungan sosial dengan orang lain dan keluarga sering menimbulkan masalah.

Individu yang tergolong dalam kumpulan ini biasanya sering berkeadaan seperti:-
  • Kemurungan
  • Sedih
  • Kurang selesa
  • Cepat letih
  • Berat badan menurun
  • Cepat marah
  • Tidak menghiraukan aspek pengurusan diri seperti kebersihan atau kecantikan.
Sekiranya pesakit berhadapan dengan konflik, symptom OCD ini boleh berubah dari segi keterukannya dimana ia boleh menjadi lebih serius.

Bagaimanapun, sekiranya masalah atau konflik yang dihadapi dapat diatasi dengan cara yang baik, symptom-simptom ini akan berkurangan.

Adakalanya symptom-simptom yang terdapat pada OCD boleh didapati pada penderita-penderita penyakit mental lain seperti skizofrenia, manik depresif, psikosis, kemurungan, penyakit mental organic dan lain-lain.

Faktor-Faktor Yang Meningkatkan Risiko Seseorang Mendapat OCD
  • Genetik - ( Keturunan ) Ahli keluarga yang mungkin mempunyai sejarah penyakit ini meningkatkan lagi risiko OCD.
  • Organik- Masalah organic seperti lesi dibahagian-bahagian tertentu otak juga merupakan satu factor bagi OCD. Masalah saraf seperti yang disebabkan oleh meningitis dan enkefalitis juga adalah salah satu penyebab OCD.
  • Personaliti - Mereka yang mempunyai personality obsesif lebih cenderung mendapat gangguan OCD. Ciri-ciri mereka yang memiliki personality ini ialah seperti keterlaluan mementingkan aspek kebersihan, seseorang yang terlalu patuh pada peraturan, cerewet, sukar bertolak ansur dan tidak mudah mengalah.
  • Pengalaman lalu - Pengalaman masa lalu / lampau juga muda mencorakkan kaedah seseorang menangani masalah diantaranya dengan menunjukkan symptom OCD.
  • Konflik - Mereka yang mengalami gangguan ini biasanya menghadapi konflik jiwa yang berpunca daripada apa juga masalah hidup.
Contohnya hubungan antara suami-isteri, di tempat kerja, keyakinan diri, ketuhanan atau ada sahaja yang boleh mencetuskan konflik dalam diri. Namun konflik ini tidak dapat dileraikan dengan cara yang positif atau betul menyebabkan mereka berasa tertekan dengan konflik tersebut. Dengan erti kata lain, apa juga tekanan, peristiwa atau tragedy yang boleh mencetuskan tekanan akan menimbulkan symptom-simptom OCD.

Ciri-Ciri OCD
Dalam proses penyiasatan, doctor akan mengambil kira latar belakang dan sejarah pesakit termasuklah:-
  • Tempoh berlakunya masalah tersebut
  • Punca sebenar tercetusnya masalah
  • Tempat simptom OCD sama ada lebih ketara di rumah atau di pejabat
  • Keseriusan simptom sekiranya penderita menghadapi masalah.
  • Peringkat keterukan yang dihadapi.
Sekiranya pesakit menghadapi konflik atau tragedi yang serius, prognosis mereka biasanya lebih baik berbanding individu yang tidak diketahui punca penyebabnya.

Doktor perlu menentukan sama ada penyakit atau simptom OCD yang dialami pesakit bersifat primer atau sekunder penyakit mental yang lain.


Biasanya doctor akan memberi ubat anti-obsesif seperti chlomipramine dan fluxomine bagi membantu menenangkan pesakit. Ubat-ubatan ini juga berpotensi menghapuskan fikiran obsesional pesakit.

Adakalanya pesakit terpaksa mengamalkan ubat-ubatan ini dalam tempoh yang agak lama seperti dua hingga tiga tahun bergantung kepada tindakbalas.

Pendekatan psikologi
Pendekatan psikologi yang merangkumi psi****rapi kognitif dan psi****rapi tingkahlaku:-
  • Psi****rapi kognitif - pesakit akan dibantu mengatasi masalah ini melalui cadangan dan perbincangan berdasarkan pemikiran yang rasional.
  • Psi****rapi tingkah laku - Tetapi ini lebih bercorak kepada pendedahan dan tindakan pencegahan yang berperingkat-peringkat.
Bagaimanapun, sembuh atau tidak seseorang pesakit bergantung kepada:-
  • Keseriusan masalah yang dihadapi
  • Kerjasama dan patutnya terhadap rawatan yang diberi
  • Sokongan individu yang hampir seperti ahli keluarga, rakan-rakan atau teman.
  • Tempoh mengidap penyakit tersebut.
Pesakit juga perlu dibantu mengatasi masalah yang mereka hadapi sama ada masalah kewangan, perkahwinan, hubungan social atau sebagainya.
Malaysia Mental Health Association (MMHA)

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Post time 1-8-2012 06:42 PM | Show all posts
sy rasa caranya jgn letak high expectation....misalnya kita jgn score markah fizik   98%...sbb kalau kite juz dpt 48% kite akan down giler2...

misalnya sy sendiri x expect my bf boleh dipercayai letakkan dlm minda, dia lelaki normal, klu die pernah berskandal skdr auka2 dgn budak lain itu adlh sekeliling dia , kawan2 dan adik beradiknya mengatakan die setia...

bg sy pula die cukup bagus apabila kenalkan sy dgn kwn2 dan familinya sbb itu tandanya die serius dgn sy saje..nk dijadikan cerita die kantoi pernah bercinta dgn budak sekolah...kekecewaan sy sangat sedikit kerana sy dah pk dr awal "die mcm ada awek lain je"..

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Post time 1-8-2012 06:49 PM | Show all posts
dulu mase sy ade bnyk jerawat sy xkisah..time sekolah...smpilah sy dimalukan dlm kelas oleh guru sy jadi sy sgt malu dan berusaha jaga wajah...
sy ingat lagi ade iklan penjagaan wajah oleh artis camelia...camelia beri tips, nak jage wajah jgn biar rambut lepas ke muke..sbb tu kalau anda perasaan camelia selali ikat rambut die , tak pernah die buat style rambut fringe (betul x ejaan ni)..sejak itu sy jadik takot bile rambut sy kedepan dan kene muka, tkot jadik jerawat bnyk..dlm hal ni kalau betul la simptom forummer atas ni tulis, kire sy ade lah ocd ni pd tahap takot2 n curiga dgn kebersihan...

kemudian sy tanamkan diri utk tak fikir sbb itulah sy ade jerawat sebaliknya sbb vitamin c, penjagaan wajah n faktor genetik..skrg alhamdullillah tahP kerisauan sy x ambil kisah sbb bg sy itu semua berada di minda kita..kita yg kena usaha utk tak fikir yg negatif...semuanya hanya spekulasi....

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Post time 25-2-2013 08:00 PM | Show all posts
Antara punca-punca OCD, Kesan dan Akibat serta Jenis-jenis gangguan dan cadangan ikhtiar perawatan OCD:

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