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Author: albronzzo

[Tempatan] Versi 9: Pengganas Sulu Letak Senjata Tanpa Syarat! – Tegas PM

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
FaiQ_FeuhRer posted on 7-3-2013 05:35 PM
keseluruhan 52 lanun mampos

maknanya 31 ni yang kena iar strike la...
si azimudine tu masih tak jumpa...

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Kiram dah Karam, Kiram tengah layan lagu Karam


Dapatkah putik kan menjadi bunga
Kiranya cuaca sering gerhana
Dapatkah kasih bersemi selamanya
Ataupun aku harus berserah kepadaNya
Yang Maha Esa

Mestikah ada satu perngorbanan
Sehingga terjadinya perpisahan
Kiranya itu satu permintaan
Perlukah kau dan ku merelakan

Kita hanya insan yang selalu mengharpkan
Suatu yang indah dalam percintaan
Di kala tiba dugaan mendatang
Aku kau tinggalkan

Karam aku di lautan duka
Bila wajahmu hilang di mata
Tiada berita pengubat rindu
Di kala sendu

Kubiarkan luka di hati berdarah
Sehingga kering dimamah mentari
Apakah salahku
Disakiti begini

Perlukah aku terus mengharapkan
Camar yang hilang kembali ke sarang
Apakah masih ada kerinduan
Yang tersimpan di hatimu sayang...

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Pon-pon tumpang lalu, pengumuman-pengumunan!

Penceroboh di sabah adalah pengikut kiram(raja palsu), mereka adalah penganas.

Raja sulu sebenar(Sultan Bantilan Muhammad Muizzuddin II.) tidak ada kena mengena dengan pencerobohan disabah. Harap maklum.!

Last edited by zamkumis on 7-3-2013 05:45 PM


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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
wah kejap je rmh 9.. ... tansenjata/pix_gal1
geli btl tgk gg dia nih kuning. nak jadik sultan biarlah bersih sikit. buat bleaching ker

Last edited by girly.. on 7-3-2013 05:47 PM


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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Babai posted on 7-3-2013 05:32 PM
PM kata tambah lagi 5 Battalion kat Sabah? Betul ke ni? Jika benar, apakah maknanya ini?

makna nya keadaan tidak terkawal walopn
mentri & IGP ckp keadaan terkawal

kalo terkawal perlu ke hantar lg battalion ke LD

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia rejects Sulu Sultan’s ceasefire plea, wants all militants ‘destroyed’                                
@ 05:00:16 PM 07-03-2013               
March 07, 2013
LAHAD DATU, March 7 – Malaysia has rejected calls for ceasefire by the Sulu Sultanate, telling the self-proclaimed royal Kiram clan to surrender unconditionally if it wanted to end the gun battle with its followers in Sabah.

“Gencatan senjata satu pihak tidak diterima oleh Malaysia kecuali kalau militan menyerah diri tanpa syarat,” Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (picture) tweeted this afternoon.

[Translation: Call for unilateral ceasefire not accepted by Malaysia except if militants surrender without condition].
He said for the welfare of Sabah and all Malaysians, every single Filipino militant in the Sulu army should be “destroyed”.

“Jgn percaya dgn tawaran gencatan senjata oleh Jamalul Kiram. Demi kepentingn rakyat Sabah&seluruh rakyat Msia, hapuskan dulu semua militan,” he said in another posting.

[Translation: Do not believe the offer for ceasefire by Jamalul Kiram. For the good of Sabah citizens and all Malaysians, destroy all militants first].

At 12.30pm today, the self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, speaking through his spokesman Abraham Idjirani, called for ceasefire in Sabah, following reports that more of his soldiers are falling at the hands of Malaysian security forces during the fierce gunfight in Lahad Datu.

According to a series of postings on Philippine news network ABN-CBS’s Twitter page this afternoon, Idjirani told a press conference in Taguig City where the Kiram family resides that the call for a ceasefire was to avoid more bloodshed and “crimes against Filipinos” in the conflict zone.

“The call for ceasefire is in view of deaths of followers in Sabah.

“Sulu sultan says followers will not take action but will stay where they are,” he added, referring to the self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III (picture).

Idjirani said the Kiram clan, who this morning revealed they have not heard from their army in Sabah since yesterday, hopes Malaysia will heed their call for a ceasefire.

“Royal army will take a defensive stance,” he added, according to the tweets. “The families will fetch their relatives in Sabah once Malaysia heeds call for ceasefire.”

In ABN-CBS’s report on its website, Idjirani said the Sultanate’s call for an end to the violence was also due to reports that the mop-up operation by Malaysian troops had even led to the death of a newborn baby at a prison cell.

The network reported that Idjirani admitted that by taking a defensive stance, the Sulu army would be placing themselves at a disadvantage, but the spokesman said this was to show the world “that the sultan and the sultanate are observing Islamic tolerance”.

It was reported earlier today that United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has called for an end to the clashes in Sabah between Malaysian security forces and Sulu gunmen who had intruded the state, saying that the matter should be resolved peacefully through dialogue.

The call for dialogue could likely be seen as giving legitimacy to the estimated 200-odd Filipino rebels in Sabah – a group said to be followers of the self-proclaimed sultan of Sulu Jamalul Kiram III, one of the nine claimants to the Sulu Sultanate.

The Philippine media have placed the death toll in Sabah at 40, including eight Malaysian policemen, with more reports streaming in that more Filipino militants are falling at the hands of security forces here.

Idjirani has also conceded that at least 10 of the Sultanate’s fighters in Sabah are dead, 10 others captured and a further four are wounded from the fierce gunfights in the coastal Lahad Datu district.

According to the spokesman on a report on ABN-CBS’s news website, Agbimuddin Kiram, who is the brother of self-styled Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, had counted 10 heads missing from his crew after they regrouped.

Agbimuddin is leading the group of 235 soldiers from the Sultanate’s “royal security force” in Lahad Datu, where they landed on February 9 to stake their claim over the north Borneo territory.

Information on the number of Filipino militants captured or killed so far has not been verified by Malaysian officials.

According to a report on The Star today, Malaysian police have detained dozens of suspected sympathisers of the gunmen in Sabah, including even relatives of Agbimuddin, one of whom is believed to have played an advisory role to the Sulu group.

Malaysia kicked off an all-out assault on the militants in a dawn aerial attack on Tuesday, raining down bombs and heavy artillery fire on Kampung Tanduo from 7am, before deploying ground troops to secure the perimeter.

But the massive strike had reportedly failed to hit its target as news poured in to the Kiram clan in the Philippines that Agbimuddin and his followers had not been hit.

According to news reports, the crown prince had then called home to say that the bombs were 1km off-target, adding that his clan of rebels were on the run, but battle-ready.

The last communication between the Kiram brothers was yesterday morning, where Agbimuddin reportedly told Jamalul that his men were still unharmed and in hiding.


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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
"Rasmi setakat petang ini 52 orang musuh telah dibunuh dan ramai lagi yang cedera. Antara yang terbunuh ialah ketua mereka berpangkat jeneral tetapi belum dipastikan sama ada dia adalah adik kepada Sultan Sulu yang mengetuai tentera pengganas menceroboh dan menyerang anggota keselamatan."

adik kiram sudah mati?

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
susah, diorg dah nyorok, disorok, blend in, mesti x dpt pon full 200 tuh

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:45 PM | Show all posts
momomikomiki posted on 7-3-2013 05:36 PM
dari twitter...

#opsdaulat KPN & PAT: Jumlah keseluruhan pengganas yang maut ialah 52 orang @501A ...

dah 52 hmmmmmmmmmm..semoga sabah kembali aman

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:45 PM | Show all posts
bobby2008 posted on 7-3-2013 05:41 PM
aku pelik macam mana boleh mati 52 orang, mana diorang beli peluru?

apa yg ko maksudkan ni??52 tu si lanun la

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Astro ke? Haha....
Luahan dr

Iwan Mul's

orang awam -- kami bekerja waktu pejabat. jika rajin buat overtime. gaji kami besar. cuma perlu beri komitmen terbaik. kami sentiasa bersama keluarga. hari perayaan kami sentiasa ada.

tentera---kami bekerja 24 jam sehari. kalau malas baru kami dapat lelap ayam. gaji kami kecil x setanding sijil n masa perkhidmatan. waktu perayaan jika ada belas kasihan dari pegawai atasan. tapi kami kena bagi komitmen terbaik, kena korbankan mentaliti kami, korbankan nyawa kami, korbankan kasih sayang kami. sentiasa tiada masa bersama keluarga terutama ketika bertugas. badan kami utk negara, makanan kami alakadar, perut kami buncit bila usia meningkat kerana kehilangan banyak hormon akibat lasak. pakaian kami x perlukan jenama.


betul ke aman? aman bagi rakyat. tapi bagi kami, kami sentiasa berperang. mental kami sentiasa di uji

orang awam--blahlah askar....penceroboh masuk senang jer, askar buat apa?

tentera--kami tiada belas. ikotkan jiwa kami cincang penceroboh negara. tapi kami penuh disiplin. strategi kami demi rakyat yg x berdosa. bukan semua pertahanan kami dibenarkan.

orang awam---alahhhh. polis kita dah mati. askar jalankanlah tugas

tentera malaysia---negara diplomatik. malaysia sering gunakan perbincangan sebagai langkah utama. memang polis dah ada yang mati. tapi kalau tentera masuk campur. peperangn akan berlaku. bukan sahaja polis, malah org awam turut akn terkorban.

orang awam---dahlah. kerajaan lembap. tentera malas kami rakyat ketakutan

tentera----inilah penghargaan yang kami terima dari rakyat setelah korbankan keluarga kami, mental kami, hidup kami dan harta kami utk negara. tapi kami tetap setia kepada negara. nantikan arahan dan kami akan bertindak. tindakan kami ada strategi. polis pon hebat cuma mereka x d beri kuasa oleh undang2. rakyat bersuara, kami terima, arahan diberi, kami mara. kerana Malaysia, kita yang punya

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ifanonline posted on 7-3-2013 05:41 PM
kan aku dah ckp...najib suruh puak2 sulu suck malay more talking cock...

Brotak gak najib ni..yg ni aku bg credit kt dia..

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:45 PM | Show all posts
silap. pening suda~ Last edited by chazey on 7-3-2013 07:18 PM


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Post time 7-3-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
lipans posted on 7-3-2013 05:44 PM
"Rasmi setakat petang ini 52 orang musuh telah dibunuh dan ramai lagi yang cedera. Antara yang terbu ...

thanks 4 update!

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
ampin posted on 7-3-2013 05:40 PM
52 orang daripada asal 200. ada lagi 150 +/- balance...

perang belum selesai lagi ni

jangan tanya update kat thread ni..tak sahih katanya
tengok berita tv3suku saje


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Post time 7-3-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
He said for the welfare of Sabah and all Malaysians, every single Filipino militant in the Sulu army should be “destroyed”.

zahid pun suruh kiram suck his cock...

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
nape tajuk umah baru sendu sgt!!..

nah letak ni jadik tajuk...

Lets karam the Kirams for good!

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
mixed posted on 7-3-2013 05:44 PM
makna nya keadaan tidak terkawal walopn
mentri & IGP ckp keadaan terkawal

x fhm2 lg ke?

kan pm dh bgtau nk restructure balik kawasan sabah yg punya 800,000 pendtg filipine........adoooiiiiiii

xkan la nk tunggu isu lahad datu dh selesai baru nk hntr berbatalion............

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Post time 7-3-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
logy posted on 7-3-2013 05:26 PM
yay...... najib nak bubar parlimen dos bro...  pasal berjaya menyatukan ummah sulu dan mesia...huhuh ...


gambar avatar tu ada kucing atas kucing...


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Post time 7-3-2013 05:47 PM | Show all posts
Babai posted on 7-3-2013 05:32 PM
PM kata tambah lagi 5 Battalion kat Sabah? Betul ke ni? Jika benar, apakah maknanya ini?

nak cover kawasan keselamatan khas
kawasan pantai timur sabah
tawau.kudat.sandakan kot
tapi ada 3 bandar tadi disebut


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