Post time 4-5-2014 12:30 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
dlm byk2 soalan kat atas muka bumi ni,knapa soalan mcm tu juga ditanya,tanya kat bdk non-muslim pulak tu..sengaja memesong akidah non-muslim lah tu.. :lol
Post time 4-5-2014 12:55 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
stars83 posted on 4-5-2014 12:30 PM
dlm byk2 soalan kat atas muka bumi ni,knapa soalan mcm tu juga ditanya,tanya kat bdk non-muslim pula ...
Kalau muslim tanya non muslim, tu bkn memesong akidah la.. tu hanya bertanyakan general question utk tgk reaksi candidate..
kalau non muslim tanya muslim, then itu baru la agenda yahudi nasrani utk menyesatkan ummah isele.. time tu wajib kite demo bakar church and heret kepala lembu
Post time 4-5-2014 04:27 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
chazey posted on 4-5-2014 11:07 AM
Aku nak tengok apa reaksi kakak jika benda sama berlaku pada pelajar Islam berumur 18 tah ...
I got asked more than that ...relax je, the way you react...kalau pelajarislam tu pandai...and calm collected..would this be a problem..silap silap if sge is clever dis boleh maneuver the panelists suh ulas buku dan brown..
Dlm interview inteerdonal skills., they want to see u and your 3d personality...sebab tu banyakkk candidate msia 4 flat dlm paper bila interview soalab mcm ni pun ... tak tahu nak respons...
Post time 4-5-2014 05:16 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
stinger_attack posted on 4-5-2014 04:58 PM
Frasa relax je tu ibarat masuk lift tekan butang sendiri ka?
The only reason you were asked mor ...
It depends on your definition of 'more'. Yep , if you treat an interview as a suorce of personality threat...then problem la...
Relax le...just be confident lah well you addressed the question tu...
Post time 4-5-2014 05:22 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
stinger_attack posted on 4-5-2014 04:58 PM
Frasa relax je tu ibarat masuk lift tekan butang sendiri ka?
The only reason you were asked mor ...
And it sounds like you are talking from your experience ye hahaha...hmm why iam not surprised, hmm....interesting.
Berape banyak interview after spm...?
Hehe...kalau more my field it can be either 2 things...u are damn good so they want to know the ceiling are performing rather poorly...depends onthe questions laa..
Post time 4-5-2014 06:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ce tanye pm najib jenis2 najis mughalazah mutawasitah,maunye kene pecat bogel terus pegawai MARA tu, dlm Mara ni penuh org PAS belakang2 kutuk umno gak
bodo punya tukang interview....tak kena mengena kot......senang cite melayu umno bak org sarawak kata PALOI equal to BODOH......tanya laa soal berkenaan....pasal agama islam dia tanya tak ke banggang.......sah2 budak ni masa dia form 1 sampai form 5 pun dia belajar pendidikan moral jer....memang malaysia ni agama rasmi dia adalah agama islam....n bahasa kebangsaan malaysia ialah bahasa malaysia(bkn bahasa melayu sbb melayu ni ada byk slang....utara,perak,n.9,pantai timur,sarawak dan sabah)......cukup sekadar tu jer dia tau sudah...tak yah lebih...kalu lebih kang byk plak dia persoal pasal islam....di explain berkali2 pun org bkn islam tak kan paham.....makin buat jd bahan gaduh better dia org ngan agama dia org....kita ngan agama kita...skrang zaman dah berubah.... Last edited by sidewinder on 4-5-2014 07:39 PM
Aku nak tengok apa reaksi kakak jika benda sama berlaku pada pelajar Islam be ...
Husband akak kena ambil subject agama lain masa bljr kat us dulu. So dia bljr psl agama kristian. Xde lah plk terpesong aqidah dia. Xde lah plk ngamuk sakan.
mbhcsf posted on 4-5-2014 05:22 PM
And it sounds like you are talking from your experience ye hahaha...hmm why iam not surprised, hmm ...
I never had to apply for any scholarship.......I was always short.....if there were to be any interview needed, it was mere formality.......
You see the difference.....?
"We are very honored and privilege to have you accepting our scholarship, when others can only drool"
Kau nampak tak ayat panel of interviewers kat aku?
hantulaksa posted on 5-5-2014 01:14 PM
Husband akak kena ambil subject agama lain masa bljr kat us dulu. So dia bljr psl agama kristian. ...
alaaa standard laa tu....kat IPTA org non-muslim belajar jer tamadun islam lek jer......persoalan dia skranng ni perlu kan officer MARA tu tanya pasal agama islam kat pelajar non-muslim ? sbb tak kena mengena pun.....tanya laa soalan technical pasal engineering ke sains ker....paling busuk pun pasal politik malaysia......ohh lupa....officer MARA ni keje kerajaan....paham2 jer org keje kerajaan ni mcm mana....keje start kol 8...punch card dulu...pastu keluar minum sampai kol 10....kol 12 makan sampai kol 2....kol 4 minum kol 5 masuk balik...5.30 balik...itu laa rutin org keje kerajaan hari2