Tetek ibuk kan memang sejak sebelum kawin pun dah lari alignment nya. Ingat tak gambar bikini tepi pantai tu |
Gud morning and salam semua. Semoga rumah ini sentiasa wangi
Baru habis merempit V20. Laju gila korang ni |
xAthenax posted on 13-10-2014 09:46 AM
sayang, kaka rasa sebab dia tidak pakai bra, baju dia berpadding
dari dulu berpadding, takde yang originalkah mau di tunjuk?
I nak jadi Kak Dar sat boleh? "Iolz punya muntot bentuk C"
Aku berminat nak tau bra jenis apa yg fasha pakai. Half cup? 3/4 cup? full cup? |
ida88 posted on 13-10-2014 09:54 AM
Analisa uols ni
I selalu wat analisis bila production tak mencapai target. so I agak terer gak lelagi bab tu hahahaha..
check in..
ptg smlm baru ngk page 92..
pagi nie dah umah baru..
congratesssssssssssss... |
bossned_ My fav shot ....Love is everywhere ,it's above us ,below us and beside us , but in my case, LOVE is in One place ,it's all in Her .. Love u beau @noradanish ..
By #NedPhotoGraphingYou #nncintahati #neno ️ 15h
xAthenax posted on 13-10-2014 09:46 AM
sayang, kaka rasa sebab dia tidak pakai bra, baju dia berpadding
satu padding tercicir agaknya tu alignment lari
Last edited by kmelankolia on 13-10-2014 10:25 AM
krukx posted on 13-10-2014 10:04 AM
Aku berminat nak tau bra jenis apa yg fasha pakai. Half cup? 3/4 cup? full cup?
half cup, full cup or 3/4 cup pakai jeee la..sbb aset pun kecik jerrr (kalau ikut langaus asset kegilaan jejai. ajari kemainnn langaus dok hina fizikal nd macam budak sekolah itu tergilakan F walhal aset 20 sennn jahhh walau tgh preggy ) hihihihihihihi. uolssss ignore je laaa aset kegilaan jejai ketimur dan satu lagi jauh kebarat. kalau langausss ilang pedoman baru kita tepek as a gift.
layan picca kesukaan i ;) lovely nd with son #purelove
noradanishYou've been a blessing from the start. I love u. #norayqal
bossned_ Good morning ! ....Whilst the demand is to take her picture , my girl is busy taking mine ... #neno #donthate #aintnothingwrongwithalittlebitofhating #nncintahati ️ 32min
ameersuresan Do the Zumba!
@alyshayasmin_ @noradanish
#sujakfamily #saturdaytea 15h
achik2009 posted on 13-10-2014 10:23 AM
bossned_ Good morning ! ....Whilst the demand is to take her picture , my girl is busy taking ...
style!! suka tengok nora danish sempoi masih lagi cun melecun #nofake #nofilter.
am pro photographer jerrrr si cantik nd
achik2009 posted on 13-10-2014 01:21 AM
noradanish I remember when u still in my tummy ;) u gave me the best feelin ever. My son, sehi ...
Apa maksud nora bila dia kata they can pretend tu..? Who are 'they' ?
ilya posted on 13-10-2014 09:40 AM
Eh!! lagi satu, How are tehtek orang pempuan boleh ke barat satu, ke timur satu..
Positifnya I fi ...
hahahaha.. siap ada landasan kapatebang kan kan kan......lapang je kat tengah tengah....
Check in!! Mak aih.. pantasnya tukar rumah, dapat insentif sempena Bajet 2015 ke uols?? (ok, lawak ekonomi sket di situ)
Looks like someone's accepted into the Sujak Circle.. alhamdulillah..
To the pretenders, pretend la terus, macam orang tak tau.. |
nw111 posted on 13-10-2014 10:27 AM
Apa maksud nora bila dia kata they can pretend tu..? Who are 'they' ?
waaaaa lamanyer tak nampak uolss nw111. busy ker???
syafiera_lewis They can pretend ? Refer to who ? All loving mommies will protect their children no matter what ! ,) @noradanish
noradanish "They" the pretender , trying to bring us down , but like i said God is Great. @syafiera_lewis
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