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Author: Truth.8

Melayu oh melayu

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 06:39 PM | Show all posts
Saya setuju. Tiba masa utk orang yg bukan melayu jadi PM....

Zaid mahu bukan Melayu pegang jawatan penting  :

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2015 10:53 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 25-12-2015 03:44 PM

M'sia kekal No 5 aliran keluar wang haram tertinggi

Malaysia sekali lagi tersenarai antara lima negara yang mencatatkan purata aliran kewangan haram tertinggi sepanjang dekad ini.

Menurut laporan tahunan terbaru Global Financial Integrity (GFI), yang beribupejabat di Washington, Malaysia telah kehilangan jumlah terkumpul sebanyak AS$418.542 bilion (RM1.8 trilion) sejak tahun 2004.

Pada tahun 2013 sahaja, Malaysia kehilangan sejumlah AS$48.25 bilion, kata pemerhati kewangan global itu.

Aliran keluar modal haram, kata laporan itu, berpunca daripada pengelakan cukai, jenayah, rasuah, dan aktiviti haram lain.

Malaysia juga kekal pada kedudukannya sebagai antara lima negara dengan aliran keluar kewangan haram tertinggi.

Selepas menduduki tempat kedua paling teruk pada tahun 2010, kedudukannya "bertambah baik" dengan berada di tempat keempat pada 2011 dan kekal di tempat kelima sejak 2012.

Bagi tahun 2013, Malaysia sekali lagi berada di kedudukan di belakang China, Russia, Mexico dan India.

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Post time 28-12-2015 02:47 AM | Show all posts
dr no 2 jatuh no 5
dahlah gitu, tarak pingat ke atau diuar2kan kat media

camni le = firaun alaf moden

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Post time 3-1-2016 02:55 AM | Show all posts
tagas replied at 26-6-2015 10:00 AM
Apa lu ingat lu kapir lahnat perfect sgt ka

Ni masalah hati n sikap manusia

kapiaq makan babi, lu tak mo ikut makan babi?   

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Post time 3-1-2016 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 3-1-2016 02:55 AM
kapiaq makan babi, lu tak mo ikut makan babi?

wa mkn ka tak mkn lu pedulik hapa

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2016 10:45 AM | Show all posts
orangbesi replied at 28-12-2015 02:47 AM
dr no 2 jatuh no 5
dahlah gitu, tarak pingat ke atau diuar2kan kat media

malaysia skg semakin tenat...kerana tamak dan rakus ..
bangsa siapa ini? u nilai lah


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 Author| Post time 4-1-2016 10:47 AM | Show all posts
tagas replied at 3-1-2016 08:47 AM
wa mkn ka tak mkn lu pedulik hapa

negara yg makan babi lebih maju dan mengawal korupsi...contoh China ...makan rasuah...di tembak mati


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Post time 4-1-2016 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 4-1-2016 10:47 AM
negara yg makan babi lebih maju dan mengawal korupsi...contoh China ...makan rasuah...di tembak ma ...
Stil got corruption

even punishment tembak bg mampos

So no need to proud

Need to eat more pig hokey

Last edited by tagas on 4-1-2016 12:35 PM


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 Author| Post time 4-1-2016 01:12 PM | Show all posts
tagas replied at 4-1-2016 12:29 PM
Stil got corruption

even punishment tembak bg mampos
Stil got corruption

even punishment tembak bg mampos

So no need to proud

Need to eat more pig hokey

corruption in china compare malaysia?
corruption in singapore compare malaysia?
this country eat pork but less corruption.
so, kasi tembak orang makan rasuah...makan rasuah lebih     sial  dari makan babi


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 Author| Post time 4-1-2016 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Melayu lagi kah?????

   CEO mohon injunksi dari siasatan Institut Baitulmal

Hafiz Yatim     Hari ini, 4:50 petang     Hari ini, 4:51 petang

Ketua pegawai eksekutif (CEO) Institut Profesional Baitulmal Sdn Bhd memohon perintah injunksi terhadap badan itu daripada menjalankan siasatan dalaman terhadapnya.
Dr Syed Omar Syed Agil, 55, dilantik sebagai CEO pada September 2014 dan sejurus selepas itu mendakwa ada perkara yang tidak kena sedang berlaku.
Susulan itu, beliau membuat laporan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) pada Ogos 2015 dan laporan polis pada September tahun yang sama.
Laporan itu dibuat supaya siasatan dapat dibuat terhadap Institut Profesional Baitulmal.
Bagaimanapun, laporan itu membuatkannya tertakluk kepada siasatan dalaman dan langkah penggantungan kerja.
Susulan itu, Syed Omar memfailkan saman bulan lalu dan permohonan injunksi.
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini menetapkan 12 Februari untuk pendengaran permohonan itu dan meritnya di hadapan hakim John Louis o Hara.
Syed Omar diwakili oleh Amer Hamzah Arshad.


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Post time 4-1-2016 10:55 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 4-1-2016 01:12 PM
corruption in china compare malaysia?
corruption in singapore compare malaysia?
this country eat ...

Useless to compared

if dat country also got corrupt  

eat & eat pork until die

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2016 11:00 PM | Show all posts
bila melayu berkuasa:
SPRM sahkan unsur rasuah dalam isu bauksit Kuantan
link  :

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 Author| Post time 7-1-2016 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Adakah Malaysia tenat kerana orang2 melayu yg kuat makan rasuah?

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menahan empat kakitangan Pejabat Tanah dan Galian (PTG) Kuantan termasuk seorang pegawai kanan kerana disyaki meminta serta menerima rasuah dari pelombong bauksit tidak berlesen.

Pengarah Bahagian Siasatan SPRM, Datuk Mohd Azam Baki berkata bayaran rasuah itu bagi melindungi kegiatan haram pelombong bauksit daripada dikenakan tindakan oleh pihak berkuasa.

"Nilai wang rasuah yang terlibat dalam kes ini lebih daripada RM100,000," katanya dalam kenyataan media hari ini.

Menurutnya, kesemua mereka yang berusia antara 30 hingga 38 tahun kini ditahan reman selama seminggu bermula hari ini mengikut Seksyen 17 (a) Akta SPRM 2009.

Selain itu berhubung kes sama, SPRM turut mengesan kegiatan penjualan dokumen pemindahan bijih mineral atau borang 13D secara haram kepada pelombong tidak berlesen.

Borang berkenaan dijual dengan harga RM150 hingga RM200 meskipun ia hanya bernilai RM1.

"SPRM juga tidak menolak kemungkinan melakukan tangkapan susulan dan telah mempunyai maklumat berkaitan pihak-pihak terbabit," katanya.

Sementara itu SPRM berharap semua pihak termasuk masyarakat setempat bertanggungjawab bagi memastikan aktiviti perlombongan bauksit tidak terkawal dapat diatasi.

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Post time 8-1-2016 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 4-1-2016 10:45 AM
malaysia skg semakin tenat...kerana tamak dan rakus ..
bangsa siapa ini? u nilai lah

ooooo sedara
kat negara mana yg aman damai tenteram yeeee
merangkumi semua kan

hanya minoriti penduduk2 yg ada hati n perasaan je
yg cuba memulihkan kembali situasi
....semampu yang terdaya

sedara ada mencuba tak?????????

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 Author| Post time 8-1-2016 03:59 PM | Show all posts
orangbesi replied at 8-1-2016 03:26 PM
ooooo sedara
kat negara mana yg aman damai tenteram yeeee
merangkumi semua kan
ooooo sedara
kat negara mana yg aman damai tenteram yeeee
merangkumi semua kan

hanya minoriti penduduk2 yg ada hati n perasaan je
yg cuba memulihkan kembali situasi
....semampu yang terdaya

sedara ada mencuba tak?????????

siapa  pentadbir negara ini?
kalau negara  lain x ada aman damai, napa ramai muslims hijrah ke   negara2 barat?? sebab keadilan ..


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Post time 10-1-2016 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 8-1-2016 03:59 PM
siapa  pentadbir negara ini?
kalau negara  lain x ada aman damai, napa ramai muslims hijrah ke  ...

pentadbir kebanyakan negara pun adalah jahil/kurang arif dgn agama kan
pentadbir/pemimpin tak semestinya betul
walau kena pancung sekalipun kan

muslim berhijrah?
mungkin utk hijrah kepada yg lebih baik
atau mungkin utk mengecapi dunia cam mereka2 yg cintai dunia
dan mereka tidak menyintai saudara2 mereka yg dekat di negara asal mereka

adooiiiiii........aku pun terdaya semampu aku je leeee
tak daya banyak2 sedara

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Post time 11-1-2016 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Please stay within Comparative Religion discussion.

Ini cerita kutuk melayu dah patut masuk board isu semasa daaa...

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Post time 16-1-2016 03:12 AM | Show all posts
Edited by razzims at 16-1-2016 03:14 AM

ok first thing, u should judge a race by their culture.

second, in every society there is very likely to have assholes.

third, we live in age of deception. 200 yrs back we are not like this.

zaman melaka dulu orang melayu prosper. it all changed when the british came.

the brits "civilized" us, secularized us, brainwashed us and colonized us thru deception and military force. the brits are famous for their spies eg. lawrence of arabia, matahari. at one point even all the sultan willing to let go power (obviously blackmailed) . it happened not because we are an inferior race.

global economy is failing

we dont know if our government are complicit or coerced into this mess.

so save ur judgement on us. please.

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 Author| Post time 16-1-2016 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 16-1-2016 10:43 AM
razzims replied at 16-1-2016 03:12 AM
ok first thing, u should judge a race by their culture.

second, in every society there is very li ...
the brits "civilized" us, secularized us, brainwashed us and colonized us thru deception and military force. the brits are famous for their spies eg. lawrence of arabia, matahari. at one point even all the sultan willing to let go power (obviously blackmailed) . it happened not because we are an inferior race.

r u sure british? during 40's until 70's many students include malay, speak and write good english. we have lot good ministers during that time who able to speak good english and even now.

the british need to bring indians and chineses because they found the malays not able to do the job....when the british took over india, they are confident indian able to job so did not bring others...

the problem ...probably I am saying probably on the arabs  brain wash the malays... look at the present situation the young malays join ISIS.....did not the arabs brain wash them? why in arab country  there is no attacked? probably the arabs are involved......

also, during   40's until 70's we can see many mix race working in goverment department as well in public there totally different...
one example the Bank...I do not open account if there is one race bank...

I give my thumb up to Public Bank...multi races are  employed...


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Post time 16-1-2016 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by razzims at 16-1-2016 02:09 PM
Truth.8 replied at 16-1-2016 10:42 AM
r u sure british? during 40's until 70's many students include malay, speak and write good engli ...

the brits are clever u see. u want independence? sure. just be "civilized" like us. u learn like us, u work like us, talk like us, vote like us, even celebrate independence waving flags like us. malay leaders didnt wear the abaya or baju melayu, they wear suits. for a malay touch they throw in the songkok. malaysia become the almost perfect british colony. of course the brits couldnt make all the malays 100% carbon copies of themselves, but the resemblence is there. for those of us who resisted, never had power.
are u sure the baby boomers generation of malays leaders did a good job of running the country. for example tun mahathir. yes there were lots of development. klcc, putrajaya, etc etc. but guess who gets to pay for all of this. not mahathir. not his generation. and these problem are not spesific only to malaysia.

one of the charachter of the malays is that we love islam.

but theres problem in the world of islam. we know british spies infiltrated the arab peninsula just like they did to us. and these spies did somethings that are not nice, thats why they operate in secrecy.

so the they manage to:-

1) destroy the othmani caliphate
2) balfour declaration
3) give power to saudi wahabi coalition

to the takfiris, even the muslims are not true muslims

if u look closely, isis didnt just attack the non muslim. (with recent events in jakarta)

dont be fooled. even bin laden can claim he can demolished 4 buildings with only 3 airplanes. indeed there is a coalition of the saudis, mossad and cia. it connected during sept 11 2001, when islam is vilified and targeted. first casualty of war is always the truth so they say.

the brits actually are not very nice, ask ghandi or the chinese during the opium war.
as i said. even before the brits bring in the chinese and the indians. the malays prospered.
ps:- i never trust people with impeccible suits. most of them are politicians and bankers. the two biggest assholes in the modern history


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