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Author: freebird

[Dunia] Setiap mangsa terkorban di insiden Makkah dapat SR1 jota

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Post time 16-9-2015 10:15 AM | Show all posts

Ya... kenapa orang selalu menangis bila akan berpisah dgn ahli keluarga/sahabat handai yg akan ke Mekkah.  Kenapa orang tak nangis bila menghantar mereka ke London, Paris, NY, Bali dan tempat lain2 lagi. Kalau kita sendiri yg pergi, adakah kita juga akan lakukan yg sama?  

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Post time 16-9-2015 10:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Brapa pesen kena cilok dgn orang tengah sis?

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Post time 16-9-2015 10:24 AM | Show all posts
nolya replied at 16-9-2015 10:15 AM
Ya... kenapa orang selalu menangis bila akan berpisah dgn ahli keluarga/sahabat handai yg akan ke  ...

It makes you no lesser a person...or kurangnya darjat nko disisiNYA...samada nko nanges kerna akan  berpisah buat sementara dgn orang yang akan  menunaikan haji atau yang akan pergi melancong ke PARIS.......

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Post time 16-9-2015 10:27 AM | Show all posts
famri7 replied at 16-9-2015 10:17 AM
Brapa pesen kena cilok dgn orang tengah sis?

Depends on the status quo or social standing in the community........of the middle man....
Kah Kah kah


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Post time 16-9-2015 10:30 AM | Show all posts
nolya replied at 16-9-2015 09:57 AM
dalam musibah ada hikmat, dalam hikmat ada rahmat
dalam rahmat ada ujian, menilai manusia mentaqwak ...

Tiada yang MUSTAHIL bagiNYA.......

Termasuk memberi RAHMAT tanpa syarat ( ujian)



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Post time 16-9-2015 10:34 AM | Show all posts
crankshaft replied at 16-9-2015 10:24 AM
It makes you no lesser a person...or kurangnya darjat nko disisiNYA...samada nko nanges kerna akan ...

Hamba Allah tetap hamba Allah jua.  Di mata Allah semuanya sama hanya taqwa yg membezakannya.

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Post time 16-9-2015 10:45 AM | Show all posts
crankshaft replied at 16-9-2015 10:30 AM
Tiada yang MUSTAHIL bagiNYA.......

Termasuk memberi RAHMAT tanpa syarat ( ujian)

bagi mereka yg sempurna akalnya, bagi mereka yg sempurna akil balighnya, tanggungjawab menjadi amanah, ada ujian di sebalik anugerah.

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Post time 16-9-2015 10:57 AM | Show all posts
Ciput berbanding dema 2.6 billion.

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Post time 16-9-2015 11:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
znorm replied at 16-9-2015 08:11 AM
MasyaAllah la quwwata illa billah. Yang terkorban insyaallah mendapat syahid. Waris pula mendapat pa ...

'Kamu' tu siapa?

Awak ni makhluk jenis apa pulak? Wali Allah ke?

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Post time 16-9-2015 11:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nolya replied at 16-9-2015 10:15 AM
Ya... kenapa orang selalu menangis bila akan berpisah dgn ahli keluarga/sahabat handai yg akan ke  ...

Diorg nanges lat airport sebab memang cita2 jemaah Malaysia utk mati syahid di sana....ada 2 kebarangkalian utk mati di sana...itu mungkin bakal dihempok dan kena pijak....

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Post time 16-9-2015 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Hikmah di sebalik musibah yang berlaku. Mungkin itu ungkapan paling tepat untuk mangsa-mangsa tragedi kren runtuh di Mekah minggu lalu.

Raja Arab Saudi, Raja Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, telah mengarahkan pemberian wang pampasan kepada keluarga mangsa tragedi berkenaan sebanyak SR1 juta (RM 1.1 juta).

Wang itu akan diberikan kepada keluarga setiap mangsa yang terkorban, termasuk mereka yang cedera dan mengalami kecacatan kekal akibat insiden malang itu.

Mereka yang mengalami cedera ringan pula akan diberikan pampasan SR500,000 (RM573,610).

Manakala bagi mereka yang tidak dapat meneruskan ibadat haji tahun ini kerana cedera dalam kejadian itu, akan menerima jemputan khas Diraja untuk menjalani ibadat haji tahun hadapan.

Visa khas juga akan dikeluarkan untuk ahli keluarga yang menjaga mangsa yang cedera dan sedang dirawat di sana bagi memudahkan urusan mereka.

Tragedi kren runtuh di Masjidil Haram mengorbankan 107 nyawa, lima daripadanya rakyat Malaysia.

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Post time 16-9-2015 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Mana satu yang bener? SR300,000 ker SR1Jota?

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2015 11:39 AM | Show all posts
King: SR1m for family of each crane victim
Last update 16 September 2015 4:46 am

JEDDAH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman has ordered massive payouts for the families of those killed and injured in last week’s crane crash tragedy, which claimed the lives of 111 people and injured over 238.
In a royal decree on Tuesday, the king announced that there would be SR1 million paid to each victim’s family, SR1 million to those whose injuries resulted in permanent disability, and SR500,000 for each of the injured, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The king stated that these payments would not exclude the families of the deceased, and the injured, from launching lawsuits through the courts for compensation.

He also announced that the Kingdom would host two family members of those who died, for next year’s Haj. Those who were injured and cannot complete their rituals this year would be able to return next year as the king’s guests. The family members of the injured in hospitals for treatment would be granted visit visas to remain in the Kingdom.

The king also reviewed the report of the committee investigating the incident, which concluded that the crane was blown over by strong winds on Friday while the machine was in an incorrect position.

The king ordered that the report be sent to the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution for further investigations into the procedures adopted by the Saudi Binladin Group.

Meanwhile, Pakistani Consul General Aftab A. Khokher has welcomed the king’s gesture. “This once again proves King Salman’s kindness and care for the Ummah,” he said. “Although nothing can compensate for the loss of life, this will bring huge comfort to the families of those who lost their loved ones.”

Syed Abu Ahmad Akif, the Makkah-based director general of Haj in Pakistan, said: “My salute to the benevolent king for making this large-hearted announcement. He is a true leader of the Muslim world.” Akif said Friday’s deceased were martyrs, and the compensation would provide good support for their families.

Some 11 Pakistanis died in the crash and 14 were injured. At the current exchange rate, the compensation for each Pakistani martyr will come to 27 million Pakistani rupees.

Indian Consul General B.S. Mubarak described the king’s compensation as unparalleled. “It is a great gesture on the part of the king and will help alleviate the suffering of the families and relatives of those who died,” he said.
He said other than the monetary compensation, King Salman’s announcement of inviting two relatives of each of the martyrs for Haj next year was “a very thoughtful gesture.”

In India, SR1 million equals 17 million rupees. There were 11 Indians who lost their lives in the crash and 19 were among the injured. Two are still missing, according to Mubarak.

A well-known American radio broadcaster of Pakistani origin, Qamar Abbas Jafri, who performed Haj in 2013, described the king’s announcement as unprecedented. “In my 50-year journalistic career, I have not heard of any Muslim leader announcing such a healthy compensation,” he told Arab News from Washington.

“When I saw the photos of the king in the Washington papers visiting the injured and personally meeting them in Makkah hospitals, I was very impressed. In the countries where we come from, such as India and Pakistan, leaders do not even care to visit the site of accidents. They only issue sterile statements.”

Jafri said the compensation reinforces the image of King Salman as “the king of kings.”

Rashid Mogradia, chief executive officer of the London-based Council of British Hajis, said: “It shows the generous nature of the Saudis and that of King Salman in assisting all those who were affected by the tragic accident.” The speed and transparency with which the inquiry was conducted and the guilty were named demonstrates King Salman’s utmost concern and care for the guests of Allah, he said.

Two Britons were among the 111 dead.

Atuk kaya!!!!

tahun depan atuk dan nenek baru dapat pergi haji, potong queue, ihsan Raja Salman...

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Post time 16-9-2015 11:39 AM | Show all posts

Pampasan RM1.1 juta kepada mangsa tragedi kren runtuh

Hikmah di sebalik musibah yang berlaku. Mungkin itu ungkapan paling tepat untuk mangsa-mangsa tragedi kren runtuh di Mekah minggu lalu.

Raja Arab Saudi, Raja Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, telah mengarahkan pemberian wang pampasan kepada keluarga mangsa tragedi berkenaan sebanyak SR1 juta (RM 1.1 juta).

Wang itu akan diberikan kepada keluarga setiap mangsa yang terkorban, termasuk mereka yang cedera dan mengalami kecacatan kekal akibat insiden malang itu.

Mereka yang mengalami cedera ringan pula akan diberikan pampasan SR500,000 (RM573,610).

Manakala bagi mereka yang tidak dapat meneruskan ibadat haji tahun ini kerana cedera dalam kejadian itu, akan menerima jemputan khas Diraja untuk menjalani ibadat haji tahun hadapan.

Visa khas juga akan dikeluarkan untuk ahli keluarga yang menjaga mangsa yang cedera dan sedang dirawat di sana bagi memudahkan urusan mereka.

Tragedi kren runtuh di Masjidil Haram mengorbankan 107 nyawa, lima daripadanya rakyat Malaysia.

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2015 11:44 AM | Show all posts
The king stated that these payments would not exclude the families of the deceased, and the injured, from launching lawsuits through the courts for compensation.

...dan mungkin dapat tambah lagi minimum SR300,000 melalui takaful BinLadin....

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Post time 16-9-2015 11:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Harap terus dpt directly  pd keluarga mngsa..jgn melaui org tengah

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Post time 16-9-2015 12:04 PM | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 16-9-2015 11:17 AM
Diorg nanges lat airport sebab memang cita2 jemaah Malaysia utk mati syahid di sana....ada 2 kebar ...

Persepsi saya begini.  Sebenarnya kalau ajal sudah suratan, ke Mekkah ke, ke London-Paris ke tetap saja akan mati.  Di bumi, di udara, di mana2 pun akan mati sprt mangsa peristiwa MH370 dn MH17.  Tetapi berangkat menunaikan haji ke Mekkah, ada kesayuan dan kesedihan yg menggamit perasaan.
Tangisan di saat akan berpergian bak ucapan selamat tinggal kepada segala kemungkaran yg pernah dibuat. Juga pernyataan maaf kepada ahli keluarga dan sahabat handai atas segala kesalahan/kehilafan yg pernah terjadi: tersalah laku, tersilap kata, terkasar bahasa.  Air mata yg mengiringi doa bagaikan pemadam titik2 noda dan dosa, dan air mata bak bekal yg akan mengiringi perjalanan jauh, menuju destinasi untuk kembali kepada yg Satu. Apakah perginya itu, bak mandi membersihkan diri di tepi perigi, panjang umur bersua lagi atau mungkin juga pergi yg tak akan kembali. Hidup? InsyaAllah tapi jika mati, itu pasti.


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Post time 16-9-2015 12:15 PM | Show all posts
freebird replied at 16-9-2015 11:39 AM
Atuk kaya!!!!

tahun depan atuk dan nenek baru dapat pergi haji, potong queue, ihs ...

Satu keistimewaan yg tidak terfikirkan.  Itulah rezeki namanya.  Allah yg maha berkuasa dan bekehendak atas segala2nya.

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Post time 16-9-2015 12:15 PM | Show all posts
freebird replied at 16-9-2015 11:39 AM
Atuk kaya!!!!

tahun depan atuk dan nenek baru dapat pergi haji, potong queue, ihs ...

Satu keistimewaan yg tidak terfikirkan.  Itulah rezeki namanya.  Allah yg maha berkuasa dan bekehendak atas segala2nya.

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Post time 16-9-2015 12:18 PM | Show all posts
cap_ayam replied at 15-9-2015 10:01 PM
Dapatlah meringankan beban kewangan waris2 .. tambahan pula yang ada anak kecil..

ingat nyawa boleh diganti dgn wang 1 juta? harap keluarga mangsa tolak pemberian wang 1 juta & tawaran pi haji yg diberikan sbg tanda protes.

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