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Author: amazed

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 2009)

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Post time 23-7-2009 01:55 AM | Show all posts
boring. climax @ ending cam haram

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Post time 23-7-2009 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aisyah_putri at 23-7-2009 10:51

boring? i enjoyed this movie. cinta tigasegi ron-lavender-hermoine is so fun!

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Post time 23-7-2009 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aisyah_putri at 23-7-2009 10:51

boring? i enjoyed this movie. cinta tigasegi ron-lavender-hermoine is so fun!
aisyah_putri Post at 23-7-2009 10:35

Yup for once kita nengok character lain dlm lime light instead of Harry
Well Ron - Hermione love-hate relationship dah lama dah..dari movie/book 1 lagi. Asyik kejap gaduh kejap ok

Ramai kata movie ni too dark. What do you expect? Pumpkin Juice? Yelah kalau ikut buku pun watak ni dah umur 16 thn.  Cam kita kita gak..umur 16 thn takkan lah situasi sekeliling kelas ..kawan2 tu sama cam masa kita sekolah rendah (yelah umur 11 ngan 12 thn ni sama cam kita kat sini yg sekolah rendah). Dlm buku pun dah bagi hint dark situation since dr Book 4 lagi. Ni ikut buku tau bukan movie tau.

frankly mmg lah sapa2 yg baca buku Hary potter ni takkan puas hati sbb tak byk bhgn lawan2 lepas tu byk bhgn yg best dr buku tak letak dlm movie. ikut standard twin pun twin pun tak puas hati. tapi kalau nak bandingkan ngan previous movie; Order of Phoenix, twin puas hati sikit sbb director dia cuba tebus balik kesalahan yg dia buat dlm Order of Phoenix (pada sapa yg tak, movie 5 until final directed by the same director....yup like it or not...Warner Bros hired him *sigh*). Dari segi special effect..this one better dr Order of Phoenix...although he cut out totally the first 2 chapter from the book. Isy nak gak nengok Kreacher ngan "I won't! I won't!" . Lagi satu dia tak letak beberapa memori Pensieve macam :
1. Bob Odgen jumpa the Graunt family (family mak Voldermort)
2. Voldermort jumpa pewaris Helga Hufflepuff
3. Voldermort jumpa Dumbledore utk apply jawatan Defence Against Dark Art

Lagi satu dia org tak letak kenapa Snape pilih nama dia jadi "Half-Blood Prince"? Teruk nak explain kalau bawak  org y g tak baca buku Harry Potter

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Post time 24-7-2009 07:36 AM | Show all posts
aku rasa org yg boleh layan teenage crushes enjoy lah movie ni kot...
aku tak baca buku, tak expect apa2 pun rasa citer ni boring giler.

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Post time 24-7-2009 09:46 PM | Show all posts
apa pulak boring engkorang ni teruk betullah
citer tu enjoy bestlah jugak
mungkin sebab :-
1)masa yang panjang 2hours berbaloi dgn wang berbanding hp5
2)jrg tgk tv/layan cd - sebulan sekali tgk tv
3)aku baru habiskan dateline keja ofis

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Post time 24-7-2009 10:20 PM | Show all posts
dlm 2 jam byk benda penting diceritakan antaranya
1.memujuk/ofer slughorn jadi cikgu semula
2.unbreakable spell antara nacissa dgn severus utk protek Draco jika Draco gagal kill pengetua
3.harry memerhatikan gerak geri Draco yg mencurigakan@membuat sesuatu rahsia
4.twin buka joke shop di diagon ally slug yg suka berparti
3.coupla antara lavender dan ron
4.ginny yg ramai boyfreind
5.sukan bola baling, harry jadi ketua pasukan Ron goal keeper
6.harry tetiba jadi terer dalam potion sbb dpt buku severes snap, severes kan terer potin termasuk maknya snape. tu pasal tau bezoar utk selamatkan ron, dan menang felix bertuah, hary tipu ron dia bg ron sblm pertandingan bola baling
7.buku potion milik half blood tu byk jampi dari dark art ketika severus dulu try jadi death eather. harry try spell kpd darco kena kat toilet
8.sesi celup2 dlm besen memori cuma memori 1 ada (ofer masuk skol kpd tom riddle), no 2, no 3 no 4 xde pulak
9.tugas harry ambil memori slughorn
10.tugas mencari baki hoxcrux

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Post time 24-7-2009 10:54 PM | Show all posts
11.cave scene spt yg digambarkan dlm book
12.pengetua mati dibunuh severus, wand powerful jatuh ketangan Draco sbb buku 7 kata harry akan lawan Draco, wand powerful elder wand milik harry+invisible cloak+batu ajaib dlm hp1. menjadikannya master of death
13.Lakonan Luna n Lavender bagus, cuma xbyk papar kawan2 lain spt longbottom, kwn Draco, Dean, Seamus
14.requirement room yg Draco buat sesuatu, part burung,epal, lama sgt xpatutlah berkali2 pulak,
15. terjumpa cikgu pakai spec tu meramal sesuatu tejadi mlm itu xde
16.ron memakan coklat yg dijampi potion love yg sepetutnya bg kat harry oleh xxx
17.lagu weasley our king xdok
18.cikgu agains dark art x penah kekal, mesti betukar setiap tahun

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Post time 26-7-2009 02:41 AM | Show all posts
da tengok tadi.. kuciwa takde scene ni

After seeing Harry cast an unusual curse, "Sectumsempra" (a dark curse which leaves deep gashes) against Draco Malfoy, Snape attempts to repossess the Half-Blood Prince's Potions book, but Harry gives him Ron's copy instead and hides his copy in the Room of Requirement. Harry gets detention from Snape and misses the Quidditch finals, but Gryffindor wins the Cup. During the victory celebration Harry spontaneously kisses Ginny, and with Ron's grudging approval they begin dating.

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Post time 26-7-2009 11:17 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok dah crita nie....saya tak tgk buku dia..cuma layan movie  jer....utk half blood prince nie kira okla..tkk banyak sgt magic dan yhesss....dark....cuma effect nyer leh tahan...berdesup jer rasa sbb tgk wayang....hehe

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Post time 27-7-2009 02:10 AM | Show all posts
okey lar cuma ending tu tergantung....

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Post time 28-7-2009 10:38 AM | Show all posts
not worth it lngsung tngok citer ni kt gold class aritu. :kant:
agak boring.
tp aku fhmla nape profesional critics bg review bagus.
leh bg dlm 6/10 je. quite dissappointing.

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Post time 29-7-2009 12:08 PM | Show all posts
aku tertido nengok pilem ni smalam....
sangap tul movie nih....

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Post time 29-7-2009 03:07 PM | Show all posts
last monday aku g tgk ...
aku x penah bc novel dia..
tp x seperti film2 yg sebelum ini...
aku tertido ...
maybe penat kot sbb g lepas balik kerja..

3/5 for this film

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Post time 30-7-2009 10:03 PM | Show all posts
suka tgk pic ne..


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Post time 1-8-2009 07:26 AM | Show all posts
aku baru jer nak tgk crita ni hari nih .. so sabau dulu tuk bagi komen .. heheh XD

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Post time 1-8-2009 08:24 AM | Show all posts
sedih bagi aku mmg bosan
byk bab dlm buku xde
positif thingking tunggu HP7 and 8
kata follow buku

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Post time 16-8-2009 08:57 PM | Show all posts
citer paling bodo dalam sejarah HP, menyesal tak sudah aku pi tengok, buang masa buang duit, buang tenaga

aku bagi -4/10

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Post time 31-1-2017 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru tgk cter ni tadi, n aku x faham sapa half blood prince? Mcm xde lak cter dlm movie ni? Mcm bkn watak utama je, ke aku x perasan sbb duk tgk hp.

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Post time 1-2-2017 03:39 PM | Show all posts
September14 replied at 31-1-2017 10:51 PM
Baru tgk cter ni tadi, n aku x faham sapa half blood prince? Mcm xde lak cter dlm movie ni? Mcm bkn  ...

half blood prince tu prof snape la, buku tu dia punya, kan ada masa last tu prof snape ngaku kat harrymasa kat depan rumah hagrid tu

motip thread 2009 naik balik


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