amiraira replied at 9-3-2015 12:44 PM Biar la dulu Lain kali la
Use magic Report
budak_gemuk91 replied at 9-3-2015 12:29 PM da tempah tp xdpt at tgn lg...hutang2
budak_gemuk91 replied at 9-3-2015 12:29 PM bole ke??hehehe
Tashu replied at 9-3-2015 12:04 PM ratu angin...leh? senonoh x?
Tashu replied at 9-3-2015 12:06 PM mkn kt cafe tadi...sedap jugak.
Tashu replied at 9-3-2015 12:27 PM What is a "ower Bank" ? A power bank means a bank which have a lot of power? Haha. Hell no. It's a ...
amiraira replied at 9-3-2015 12:28 PM Mana ade Nk manja2 je
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