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Author: Elle_mujigae

❤ The Korean 10-Step Skincare Routine ❤

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Post time 18-12-2017 02:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hotmak replied at 18-12-2017 09:28 AM
wet tissue lepas tu guna cleanser, lepas solat topup toner, moisturizer dgn sunscreen balik

Rajin nyer bawak toner

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Post time 19-12-2017 09:46 AM | Show all posts
nak share 10 steps yg i try buat,

Ni my regime kalau pagi2 -
1. Clinique cleanser guna sonic brush
2. Cosrx bha sol toner
3. Cosrx bha blackhead liquid
4. Cosrx aha whitehead liquid
5. Cosrx snail mucin essence - ni tengah nak abiskan, nak try yg lain pulak
6. Clinique smart serum
7. Clinique dramatically moisturiser

Ni regime lepas balik keje -
1. Clinique cleansing balm - ni rasa nak tukar pulak guna heimish cleansing balm
2. Canadian clay mask - 2x/week
3.  Cosrx salicylic acid cleanser guna sonic brush
4. Cosrx bha sol toner
5. Cosrx bha blackhead liquid
6. Cosrx aha whitehead liquid
7. Cosrx snail mucin essence
8. Clinique smart serum
9. Clinique dramatically moisturiser
10. Laneige sleeping mask - 2x/week

so far, dapat la kulit ploles yg dikehendaki tu. tapi nak maintain ni agak la memerlukan kerajinan. kadang2 kalau i malas, i tak buat pun yg malam

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Post time 19-12-2017 02:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 15-12-2017 06:54 PM
Sorry kalau out topic...nak tanya kalau korang yang bekerja kan...time zohor korang solat cuci muka  ...

I pakai Garnier micellar water...wipe guna face cotton...mmg hilang make up. Lpstu I cuci muka guna pencuci muka. Lepas solat....I tepek make up light2 semula.

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Post time 20-12-2017 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Guccibamboo replied at 18-12-2017 10:48 AM
My skin care practice
1. Make up remover - I pakai micellar water ....mmg tanggal lah make up2 I... ...

cepat tak effect guna EO utk jerawat tu?

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Post time 20-12-2017 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Setelah byk kali i cuba re-arrange skincare routine, akhirnya i buat cmni & berkesan utk kekalkan moisture bagi kulit kering kontang mengelupas i neh.

1. Nivea Mud facial wash. Kkdng i campur dgn Sephora Metamorphosis powder utk scrub. i limitkan 2x seminggu je.
2. Toner - Thayer's Rose Water
3. Essence - Safi Rania Gold Essence. i x sangka yg ni berkesan utk kulit i. sblm ni i cuba both bio essence gold & rose gold water, dua2 buat kulit i berjerawat. i pakai SKII essence, bkn takat jerawat, bagi kering teruk ada la
4. Moisturizer - Eucerin face moisturizer for dry skin.
5. Sunblock - Caudalie anti ageing sunblock.
6. Lps tu tepek segala mak nenek mekap yg ada

1. Makeup remover - Sephora oil makeup remover + Garnier Micellar water.
2. Oil cleanse - Klairs cleansing oil. klo pakai light makeup, i jump terus guna yg ni. kalau x, back to step 1
3. Wash - Nivea Mud facial wash.
4. Scrub - Skinfood Black Sugar + Honey. kkdng i tukar dgn Origins Rose mask/scrub.
5. Mask - klo dah pakai dua benda dlm step 4, i xde pakai dah. sbb dia mask & scrub. klo x, i guna Origins Ginzeng mask.
6. Toner - Klairs toner.
7. Serum - any TO products yg i ada, ikut pada giliran.
8. Oil - TO Rosehip oil.

xtau la betul ke x i buat. but it works on my skin, so ok

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Post time 20-12-2017 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijaulover1 at 21-12-2017 07:47 PM

Ni i punye night routine
1. CosRX Low PH cleanser
2. Klairs supple prep toner
3. Missha first treatment essence
4. The ordinary niacinamide
5. The ordinary advanced retinoid
6. Hada Labo premium hyaluronic acid
7. Klairs rich moist cream
8. Nutox eye cream

Twice a week pakai the ordinary AHA + BHA peeling solution, cosRX BHA power liquid and lanegie sleeping mask just not on the same day

Siang tambah sunblock cosrx aloe vera soothing sunblock and tak pakai niacinamide and retinoid

Jenis kulit : combination skin tp lebih pada dry

Ingat lepas nih nak try cosrx snail cream tapi tak tau nak pakai step yg mana


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Post time 21-12-2017 01:09 AM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 20-12-2017 01:56 PM
Setelah byk kali i cuba re-arrange skincare routine, akhirnya i buat cmni & berkesan utk kekalkan mo ...

kalau waktu siang, masa pakai make up & kulit u kering sangat, cuba try face mist. i guna bio essence miracle water, time2 rasa kulit kering tu try spray. i guna masa winter, memang kurang la kulit menggelupas. kulit i dah la berminyak tapi rasa kering sangat time sejuk. maybe sebab udara yg kering, kalau climate mesia kan panas & lembab.


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Post time 21-12-2017 02:44 PM | Show all posts
anissa_kyra replied at 21-12-2017 01:09 AM
kalau waktu siang, masa pakai make up & kulit u kering sangat, cuba try face mist. i guna bio esse ...

i guna aloe face mist from face shop. kt office i simpan face mist from la-roche posay.

time winter kt tmpat i ok, kulit x kering. helok je. tp time summer, siap la..berbulu je  muka. tapi hujung2 summer hari tu, i ada test buat 10 step routine ni. nampak improve jgk kulit i. lps tu skip sana sini, kering balik

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Post time 21-12-2017 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by honey_dew_melon at 21-12-2017 03:37 PM

Dah lama i dok follow this thread and hari ni teringin nak share my beauty routine.

skin type : oily, acne prone, sensitive

1. sk2 gentle facial wash
2.hada labo tamagohada lotion
3.cosmoderm spot treatment
3.sk2 essence
4.antipodes brightening serum
5.sk2 rna
6.biore sunscreen spf50 dr sophia

1.biore oil cleansing (rose) *this one memang okay dengan i sebab tak pedihkan mata as i have sensitive eyes compared to the regular biore oil cleansing that one memang buat mata i pedih.
2. antipodes juliet brightening cleanser
3.dr sophia's mask (charcoal and pumpkin masks, alternately)- the pumpkin mask is highly recommended. memang nampak muka glowing2 sikit hehe
4.hada labo tamagohada lotion5.cosmoderm spot treatment
6. sk2 essence
7.antipodes worship serum
8.sk2 deep surge
9.himalaya lipbalm hehe

untuk exfoliate i prefer chemical exfoliate ( guna hada labo aha lotion and before this guna alpha h micro cleanse) sebab tak buat kulit i merah-merah. for now, other than guna hada labo lotion i guna tea leaves from teabag yang i minum pagi2 to exfoliate my skin naturally hehe

tak cukup 10 steps pon lagi but lepas ni teringin nak pakai balik alpha h products -liquid gold and micro cleanse. memang best sangat. kulit jadi smooth je and tak cause breakout.

and the best part after religiously follow this routine is my skin dah kurang oily and dapat rasa macam dah balance. if not mesti akan rasa oily tapi kering. nampak sangat my skin tak well hydrate sebelum ni.

oh lagi satu next week nak start guna cosryx low ph cleanser tu heee bestnyaaa tak sabarrrr sebab reviews semua vavaboom sangat.

sekarang pon xdela flawless giler2 but my beautician cakap dah banyak improved. my pores getting smaller. my skin texture pun nampak makin smooth and my acne pun reduce jugak, but i still breakout here and there but it's ok sebab i know why i breakout


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Post time 21-12-2017 04:40 PM | Show all posts
sronok tgk uols share macam2.
dr thread ni dpt tau various brands yg pelik2.
byk masa & cost kalo nk cantik kan.

btw any suggestion cleansing oil yg best?
iols dh biasa pkai ZA cleansing oil & HADA Labo cleaning oil.
so rs nk tukaq try brand lain plak.

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Post time 21-12-2017 05:37 PM | Show all posts
i dh tgk real life kulit korean cmne. last week i bru balik dr seoul.
ya awloh sissss, laki pmpuan kulit floless, pores xde lgsung.
sbb negara dorg kn sentiasa sejukk, matahari terik tp sejukkk.

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Post time 21-12-2017 07:48 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 21-12-2017 02:44 PM
i guna aloe face mist from face shop. kt office i simpan face mist from la-roche posay.

buat 10 steps ni memang banyak improvement dekat kulit. cuma rajin dgn malas je. i kalau malas, selalu skip evening routine. tido muka kosong je

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Post time 21-12-2017 07:49 PM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 21-12-2017 05:37 PM
i dh tgk real life kulit korean cmne. last week i bru balik dr seoul.
ya awloh sissss, laki pmpuan  ...

i rasa cuaca pun memang memainkan peranan penting. sebab tu kulit diorg plolessss.

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Post time 21-12-2017 10:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anissa_kyra replied at 19-12-2017 09:46 AM
nak share 10 steps yg i try buat,

Ni my regime kalau pagi2 -

Nak tanya cosrx bha sol toner tu u guna untuk spot treatment or satu muka? Sebab i dah beli tapi tak berani lagi guna sebab dia kira macam chemical exfoliator kan?

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Post time 21-12-2017 11:38 PM | Show all posts
sejuk replied at 21-12-2017 10:47 PM
Nak tanya cosrx bha sol toner tu u guna untuk spot treatment or satu muka? Sebab i dah beli tapi t ...

bha sol boleh guna utk spot treatment/toner. percentage bha kat dalam bha sol cuma 1% if compared to bha liquid which is 4%. low percentage of bha dlm bha sol is a reason why bha sol is not a proper chemical exfoliator. bha liquid tu memang chemical exfoliator. so kalau naik jerawat lepas pakai bha sol, tu memang normal breakouts. tapi kalau berduyun2 jerawat naik lepas u introduce bha liquid, itu memang purging. nak introduce pada kulit u pun kena ambil masa step by step. u tak boleh pakai terus pagi petang daily used. u kena try dulu once a week, then twice a week, then increase the frequency. sebab takut nanti purging teruk sangat.

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Post time 22-12-2017 09:42 AM | Show all posts
salam. nak share effect selepas dah berbulan buat 10 steps korean routine (dan bertukar2 produk hahaha)

kulit meols jadi cerah dan dark spots / hyperpigmentation from pimples mmg cepat baik dan parut cepat pudar

thanks to this thread dan few threads, meols mmg study sgt ingredients utk tepek kat muka, what to eat and what not to eat for my ' sensitive and acne prone skin' ni

mmg tak lokek berbelanja utk sincare / make up sebab its worth it

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Post time 25-12-2017 12:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sebelum ni yg step utk exfoliator turn I guna dermalogica mask atau guna fruits shj...., tp minggu ni I guna cosmoderm exfoliator...., mcm best jugak cosmoderm exfoliator....rasa smooth je muka lps pakai. Cuma  yg x best nye...bila lambat basuh exfoliator gel tu tertinggal kat muka jd keras....susah nak tanggalkan.

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Post time 27-12-2017 02:13 PM | Show all posts
dah habis khatam benang ni..nak share jugak my skincare routine .
kulit i jenis berminyak n acne prone

1 - remove mekap - nivea michellar water / biore oil cleansing (ptg/mlm je)
2 - cleanser -nature republic aloe vera foaming cleanser / cetaphil ( time breakout)
3 - exfoliate - exfoliator bio essence (2x seminggu)
3 - toner - soothing and moisture aloe vera
4 - essence - cosrx snail 96 mucin (yang ni best sgt2. kulit cerah n scar cepat pudar)
5 - sheet mask - macam2 brand ikut suke ati (3x seminggu)
6 - eye mask - pure beauty (pakai time rajin)
7 - moisturiser - the face shop 99%aloe vera soothing gel/organic aid vitamin E
8 - sunscreen - sunplay skin aqua UV watery gel spf 50 (baru stat pakai n so far ok dengan kulit yang oily nih )

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2017 02:37 AM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 4-12-2017 11:53 AM
hahhaha! tu la, i pn sama pelik. dok tonyoh hari2 pn ada lagi kotoran, mai mana ntah

i be ...

kita takde thayers toner..hehe...tapi beauty youtuber yg kita follow suka toner dari Thayers ni...beliau kata toners ni murah je tapi bagus...


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 Author| Post time 31-12-2017 02:51 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 1-1-2018 09:27 PM
sofiazara replied at 4-12-2017 01:19 AM
ce suggest moisturiser utk combo skin..

kita suggest pakai serum yg hydrating sebagai moisturizer kalau combination skin atau oily skin....sekarang kita pakai serum ni from Wild Ferns sebagai pelembap love love!

Manuka Honey Radiance Renewal Facial Serum....based serum ni selain honey, ada aloe vera so it is a very moisturizing serum...texture dia thick,pekat  sbb ada aloe vera..tapi cepat diserap bila sapu kat muka..perfecto!  serum biasa texture nya watery ibarat kuah sup tapi texture serum ni ibarat kuah/sos yg dah diletakkan tepung jagung.. jadi pekat gitu...


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