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Author: RatuDunia94


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Post time 20-11-2017 05:49 PM | Show all posts
RatuDunia94 replied at 20-11-2017 05:40 PM
Eh cuols link vote tu officially dr MUO ke? Rasanya mcm fans yg buat utk suka2 jah..

erm....ya la...rasa fishy pulak... ada kat ig miss indon kata undi thru twitter n apps jer...huhu

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Post time 20-11-2017 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yg iols tau voting will start on 20th. Which tomorrow lah for kita. Katanya esok diorang akan upload gambar glamshot, dan masa tu lah voting starts. Cara vote ada dua. Kat twitter dan kat mu punya website.

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Post time 20-11-2017 05:56 PM | Show all posts
I tak sabarrr nak tengok siapa yang akan dapat title "Mariam Habach" award 2017

I predict either Miss South Africa or Miss Colombia

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Post time 20-11-2017 06:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RatuDunia94 replied at 20-11-2017 05:40 PM
Eh cuols link vote tu officially dr MUO ke? Rasanya mcm fans yg buat utk suka2 jah..

Ha-ah.. Tu la i bru nak tnya td.. Sbb kat missuniverse website xda plak.. Kat app mu pun blm ada vote

Konpius i

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Post time 20-11-2017 06:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Trunkk_ZZ replied at 20-11-2017 05:56 PM
I tak sabarrr nak tengok siapa yang akan dapat title "Mariam Habach" award 2017

I predict either  ...

Jgn la demi.. Merata2 muka sheols tau, bikini sheols ada, kat dlm bilik sheols ada jgk.. Kalau x kena pilih, mmg fuhhhh xtau nak kata apa

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Post time 20-11-2017 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Link tu salah ke? Gigih I vote tau. Nanti dah official boleh vote inform okeyh. Thanks!

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Post time 20-11-2017 06:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
orglama replied at 20-11-2017 03:45 PM
Boleh tak i samakan sammy dgn nek vanessa? Tp sammy versi yg jauh cantik & pilihan pageant lover t ...

But ye laa.. sammy mcm ada all the good bits of out prev reps. Nek vanessa included
But sammy cantik berganda2 ok. Dok sebelah powerhouse sheols tak tenggelam pon.

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Post time 20-11-2017 06:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
moonbug replied at 20-11-2017 04:09 PM
Dah vote. Baru 2000++ vote utk Sammy

How to vote?

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Post time 20-11-2017 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Edited by MissAzalea at 20-11-2017 07:02 PM
MarissaMiller88 replied at 20-11-2017 04:37 PM

umpama menjilat ludah balik...dorg kutuk malaysia tiada identiti curi identiti kuda ke ...


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, educate yourself before you speak...

Approximately, there are about 60.000 orangutans left in the world.

  • 10% Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus abelli)
  • 90% Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus)

And 50% of the world orangutans population live in the rainforest of Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.

Reference :

Oh, and there are more Dayak people in Indonesia compare to those numbers to the amount Dayak people outside Indonesia.

Just so let you know.

Now let's move on talking about MU'17, shall we?

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Post time 20-11-2017 07:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissAzalea replied at 20-11-2017 06:58 PM

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, educate yourself before you speak.. ...

Ur orangutans have been abused and was even the most popular prostitute in Kalimantan, Poli. And u indons has the audacy to use orangutans inspired costume

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Post time 20-11-2017 07:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Trunkk_ZZ replied at 20-11-2017 09:56 AM
I tak sabarrr nak tengok siapa yang akan dapat title "Mariam Habach" award 2017

I predict either  ...

hahaha, award baru ke noks?

btw, kenapa liputan kali ne kurang ye? last year, berlambak jah video kat utube.. takyah nak g ig bagai..

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Post time 20-11-2017 07:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pasal orang utan pun nak berdebat... gigih nau nak menang segala segi! Ishhhhh....

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Post time 20-11-2017 07:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RatuDunia94 replied at 20-11-2017 05:40 PM
Eh cuols link vote tu officially dr MUO ke? Rasanya mcm fans yg buat utk suka2 jah..

La.. x official ke? Punya la ramai yg vote hahahaha. Siap diorg promote Sana sini sob3

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Post time 20-11-2017 07:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
WhiskeyScotch replied at 20-11-2017 04:28 PM
Thank you for the link. I dah vote. Jangan lupa berkempen suruh family, sanak saudara, jiran tetan ...

Katenye x official. Sedih sob3

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Post time 20-11-2017 08:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Semangat ya nak vote. Meols pun tak sabar

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Post time 20-11-2017 08:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
How I wish porem.cari bole choose n block id yang tak berkenan ala2 instagram,ignore n scroll pn kadang terbaca jugak

BTW nk vote secara official kat link mane yang betul?update sini ye sesape yg tau

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Post time 20-11-2017 08:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eddysheddy replied at 20-11-2017 10:36 AM
Yelah.. yelah.. yelah... kami mmg hebat dan baik hati.

Dahlah layan babe..boring btol npk komen dorang ni..dush! Tu yg jd malas nk masuk benang ni..
Go sammy!

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Post time 20-11-2017 08:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yang ni sahih tak

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Post time 20-11-2017 08:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
masnona replied at 20-11-2017 06:57 PM
How to vote?

Ada link kat page belakang2 tp now katanya it's not the official voting page. So I pun tak sure sekarang yg mana satu official page

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Post time 20-11-2017 08:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
WhiskeyScotch replied at 20-11-2017 04:28 PM
Thank you for the link. I dah vote. Jangan lupa berkempen suruh family, sanak saudara, jiran tetan ...

Boleh sekali vote ke byk kali ni?

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