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Author: phoebe

New Poll : Which is the best BreastPump ?

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #876 Arianna_Muchtar's post

Harap2 stok dalam freezer tu cukuplah.. Tak kira pulak berapa bekas.. Tapi roughly ok la..

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ceri_merah at 4/8/08 02:59 PM
Wah.. bestnya..

tu dah puas explain tu...
dia suh bagi sbb nape x jadi beli avent isis n nak beli medela ni...
plan lps ni nak beli playtex 4oz nye storage tu...
cooler mayb lam pantang kot beli..tgk progress camne sbb guna nak naik keje nanti kan..

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arianna_Muchtar at 4/8/08 03:03 PM
hahaha..betul tu ceri
kalau ibu dia teringat, harus ibu dia marah ayah dia
sebab susu susu ni tugas ayah pagi pagi

anna penah tertinggal susu
dah sampai rumah babysitter, babysitter tan ...

klu dini pun mau kejap2 dini call tnb..
yelah kita dah penat2 buat stok tetiba x leh pakai lak..

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arianna_Muchtar at 4/8/08 03:04 PM
seronoksnya dapat medela swing

takpela, hopefully spectra 3 anna ni leh bertahan ke anak no 2 dan seterusnya..aminn

lor...xpe2...hang ye spectra dah byk berjasa....
Insya'Allah klu ade rezeki lebey, hang pun leh beli gak....
jgn le sesedey...yg ptg anna dah berjaya bf...

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajasu at 4/8/08 03:08 PM
btw, sape molina?
peniaga thelilcaliph ker?

haah aja...tu founder thelilcaliph...
cepat service dia ni...
seronok sgt ni , x sabar nak dpt kat tgn ni...

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by an324 at 4/8/08 03:10 PM
beli kat web mana?
berapa ye beli?

an ni mcm terpengaruh nk beli swing la plak..
ish ish..

tgh offer..RM 652++
paling murah setakat ni...

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #886 dini_alieyah's post

murah banget tuh..

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Post time 8-4-2008 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arianna_Muchtar at 8/4/08 03:03 PM
hahaha..betul tu ceri
kalau ibu dia teringat, harus ibu dia marah ayah dia
sebab susu susu ni tugas ayah pagi pagi

anna penah tertinggal susu
dah sampai rumah babysitter, babysitter tan ...

anna, experiencing black out last week.. kalau dalam feezer, insya Allah tahan  5 hours tak cair tau
dengan syarat EBM tu biar bertindan dalam freezer dan jangan selalu buka pintu freezer (maklumlah kalau dah panik, sekejap nak gi tgk EBM dalam freezer)

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Post time 8-4-2008 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dini_alieyah at 8/4/08 03:20 PM

tgh offer..RM 652++
paling murah setakat ni...

dini, kak moli the lilcaliph tu servis tip top!
best sgt kalau e-mail dia tanya tip pumping ke, nak bersihkan pump ke

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Post time 8-4-2008 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 4/8/08 04:50 PM

dini, kak moli the lilcaliph tu servis tip top!
best sgt kalau e-mail dia tanya tip pumping ke, nak bersihkan pump ke

ooo ye ke...bleh lah dini korek2 ilmu...
skang ni dini duk bc u all nye posting yg lama2 pasal bf ni...yg mane nak simpan jdkan tips tu..dini copy & paste...nanti leh print n buat rujukan mase lam pantang...mcm nak amik peksa lah plak kan..takpe..ilmu yg sgt berguna tuk semua ibu2

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Post time 9-4-2008 10:20 AM | Show all posts
me da ada pam kedua...
medela mini e..
arituh me mintak review kat sini kan...

last week pi outstation kat tganu..
stay kat kenyir, air paip kat sink tu paannnasss giler!
me basuh pakai air tuh jer
kat sana pakai medela ni jer..senang sebab tak banyak parts nak basuh2 compare ngan avent...
hasil tenusu, sama jer dengan avent isis ku... biasanya leh dapat dalam 8-9oz sekali pump.

tapi berdasarkan pemerhatian...rasanya nak dapat letdown tuh agak sukar ler dengan medela nih...
ker aku yang tak biasa kott

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Post time 9-4-2008 10:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #891 erleyna's post

erleyna, nak serasikan diri dgn breastpump ni mmg makan masa.. give and take, dalam seminggu gak la nak biasakan dgn breastpump baru

takpe, pelan-pelan kayuh, insya Allah boleh.. masa aku dulu, sebulan pakai mini-e baru terror buat letdown.. hehehe

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Post time 9-4-2008 10:32 AM | Show all posts

Reply #892 limau_nipis's post

limau, harmony ok x? i'm surveying for someone...
selain dia manual, ape kebaikan nyer? brp lama limau guna harmony ek?
seems like it's expensive than isis..

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Post time 9-4-2008 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 7-4-2008 04:05 PM

kena guna bottle avent sahaja.. tak boleh fit standard bottle

thanks limau..

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Post time 9-4-2008 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Crystal masih mencongak-congak yang mana harus dirembat medela swing atau Spectra 3  :re: .

Review On Spectra 3

I just viewed the Spectra 3 xtravaganza and compare with the Medela pump in style that I just bought..very far different in term of price but the function is the same and even better..i guess..Anybody can find me a buyer for my Medela PIS so that I can start shopping this product..Kak Rita blh tolong:-)

reply from rita:
Dear Zurina, Medela PIS is a professional Grade pump and generally known in the breastfeeding circle as the BEST pump in the market. Frankly, you should be grateful to have it! I am a PIS user myself (been using it for 6 years) and I would NEVER even consider of letting it go!

I've been using this pump for almost four months is a really wonderful product..breast pumping has never been this easier and faster the dual pumping function and the exclusive bags, this package is really worth it.

Alhamdulilah..although i was in hurry..Puan Rita tak jemu melayan permintaan I..hehehe...after few days guna pump ni..alhamdulilah ...i manage to get around 4 oz one side ..memang bagus..and promotion Xtravaganza ni memang le menarik ..thanksss Puan Rita for recommended it..

just received my spectra and alhamdulillah, though i was in a hurry - i did not hv any problem at all to assemble the parts. managed to pump 8 oz within 15 minutes.

and thanks to kak rita for the efficient service. The service is superb and will definitely recommend to my friends.


spectra3 works wonderful! within 10 minutes, i able to accumulate 8-9 oz!easy to assemble all parts & no need to spend much time.. boleh relax jek, sib baik tak tertido terus while pumping..heheh..

1 disadvantge - must have electrical outlet.. but all in all, great me!


Ni plak Review on Swing

I would highly reccommend this pump.
This pump is portable. Comes with a travel bag, runs on batteries OR you can plug it in. The pump itself is about the size of a Hardees Hamburger. The breast shield is soft and very effective, you can control the speed and it has the letdown mode as well that automatically turns on after a few minutes. The breast shield is soft and comfortable, the suction and speed is the same as the symphony, the pump is SIMPLE to use, FOUR buttons-you can't NOT figure it out easily! It is FAST and emptys your breast totally.

NEGATIVES: (I have to stretch on this one cause I love the pump) It's not quiet, I don't know why the other review says it is.. It's actually louder then I thought it should be.. but not louder then the Medela Pump in style or symphony. But just not "quiet" I don't want you thinking you are going to get something you can pump with at the front of a mini van and noone in the back is going to hear..
It's a Single Pump... I know.. DUH.. but it is a negative, if only they made a double with this size base, I'm almost tempted to buy another.

I highly reccommend this pump, as a mom of three, I've tried a lot of pumps.. I think Medela is selling this pump short saying it is like the pump in style, I think it is comparable to the symphony!

I'm trilled with the Swing.
* It's cute and the parts are small enough to carry large handbag. The pump itself is about the size of a jumbo bagel. The breastsheild and tubing don't take up much more room. If you choose to plug it in then the cord with its wall wort are almost a large as the pump itself.

* It's extremely easy to use as the use of the 4 buttons is intuitive.

* It's quiet. My baby is a noisy eater and she's louder than the pump.

* I guess the drawback is only one breast can be pumped at a time. I found I can get 70ml in about 15 minutes, ie about the same speed as my child. However, it only takes one hand to hold the bottle/breastshield so I can use the computer at the same time. (If I pumped at a table of the right height I might be able to prop up the bottle/breastshield and have 2 hands free.)

This pump is awesome for an occasional user. I'll speculate that it would be good for someone who doesn't drive a car to work and doesn't want to lug a Pump In Style, and yet has the flexibility to allow pumping to take a little longer.


I'm so happy that I splurged and bought this. I was using a manual pump, and getting sore wrists and it took forever to do. The Swing, though a little pricier, is totally worth it! The two-phase part really works well. I was pretty dubious at first, but it's been a great help to me as I return part-time to work.

I'm a working mom of 2 and have -- until yesterday -- only used Medela's Pump in Style. The Pump in Style is a fine pump, and I appreciate its double capability, but it's heavy! I commute by bus (or walking), but I often work from home, and it was too much to keep lugging the Pump In Style with me JUST IN CASE I ended up needing it. So, I decided to invest in the Medela Swing as my "backup" pump to keep at home or use on the road. I love it! Pumping is not fun, and I've always found it to be uncomfortable (as in minimally painful). But I was very pleasantly surprised to find that pumping with the Swing was actually comfortable while being as efficient as the Pump In Style. It could be the Softfit breastshield (I have yet to try it with my other pump). The pump is quiet (my husband commented that he found the Swing's low tones and rhythm much more soothing than the louder Pump In Style) and very easy to control. In any event, I would highly recommend this pump to any mother who does not need double pumping capability. The Swing's portability and comfort are worth the investment.

asben dah bagi green light

[ Last edited by  crystal_biru at 9-4-2008 10:55 AM ]

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Post time 9-4-2008 11:37 AM | Show all posts
tetiba nak tepek kat sini


  • Dutch Lady - Susu
  • Ferrero Roche - Coklat
  • Wall? - Ais Krim
  • Ing -Insurans
  • Planta -Magerin
  • Lady? Choice -Magerin
  • Lipton -Teh
  • Shell -Minyak
  • Knorr -Perisa Makanan
  • Dove -Mandian
  • Sunlight -Magerin/Pe nc uci Pinggan
  • Radiant -Deodoran
  • Rexona -Deodoran
  • Ponds -Produk Kecantikan
  • Kieldsens -Coklat
  • Slimfast -Produk Pelangsing
  • Lego -Kismis
  • Philips -Barangan Elektrik
  • Duyvis -Makanan Ringan
  • Gouda -Keju
  • Robin -Pe nc uci Lantai/Pakaian
  • Ariel -Pe nc uci Lantai/Pakaian
  • Omo -Pe nc uci Lantai/Pakaian
  • Labello -Lip Balm
  • Pickwick -Teh
  • Venz -Mentega Coklat
  • Kinder Bueno -Coklat
  • Unilever -Syarikat
  • Dumex -Susu Tepung
  • Nutricia -Susu Bayi
  • Sunsilk -Shampoo
  • Fair & Lovely -Produk Kecantikan
  • Lux -Mandian
  • Vaseline -Lip Balm
  • Cif -Pe nc uci Lantai
  • Surf -Pe nc uci Kain
  • Wishbone -Pe nc uci Kain
  • Doriana - Keju Krim
  • Bertolli -Minyak Masak
  • Clear -Shampoo
  • Breeze -Pe nc uci Kain
  • Sun -Pe nc uci Kain
Sumber di perolehi dari Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia

pump avent tuh philips kan?? meh ler kita boikot sama2....ehehehehe

[ Last edited by  erleyna at 9-4-2008 11:38 AM ]

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Post time 9-4-2008 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajasu at 9/4/08 10:32 AM
limau, harmony ok x? i'm surveying for someone...
selain dia manual, ape kebaikan nyer? brp lama limau guna harmony ek?
seems like it's expensive than isis..

hello yang, sorry lambat notice your question ni
dalam sebulan dua gak la pakai harmony
pinjam SIL punya

harmony ni walaupun manual, sesuai la sgt untuk release engorgement masa awal-awal bersalin dulu
lepas tu dia ada 2 pahse expression gak, cuma manual la.. handle dia ada cam 2 way tau.. so kena tekan handle atas dulu, laju-laju, bila dah ada letdown, baru lah tekan handle bawah untuk perah susu

lepas tu alat nak pasang mudah, ada dalam 4 parts je harmony ni
- O-ringnya
- handle
- valve

lepas tu dah boleh attach bottle

masa pantang dulu, pakai harmony ni time tgh terasa letdown, cepat2 pakai.. senang sebab tak payah bergantung kat bateri/letrik. dia pakai tangan kita je sendiri. so bagi first time, harmony ni mmg la dicadangkan. kalau cam aku, balik kg, payah nak pakai yg letrik ni sebab port letrik kat rumah MIL semua jauh-jauh.

my SIL bergantung pada harmony ni nak perah susu.. anak dah 3, still ok harmony dia. kasi pinjam kat aku lagi..

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Post time 9-4-2008 02:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #895 crystal_biru's post

crystal... ada pendapat tulus ajasu.. dia dah buat perbandingan spectra3 dgn medela swing.

ni aku tempekkan.. amik kat page ni

LIMAUUUUUUUUUUUU..... huhuuuuuuuuuu...syoknyer medela swing..
tadi aku g lactaequip, konon nk servis mini-e la..hajat hati nk try swing n PISA
tapi sebab aku pemalu aku kata nk try swing jek la...hehehe..
tapi bestnyer swinggggggggggggggg...tersangat la bestnyer
patut la ko kata best giler..   tapi harganyer...kat situ diskaun 10% jek kan (rm768 jadi rm691)
pastu dia offer kalau nk trade in mini-e..kalau dh trade in (rm130) dapat la rege swing rm638 plus x yah bayar servis rm35
so actually rm 600 la...pastu aku tipon hubby ku itewww...kena sound kaw-kaw nyer, terus aku membatalkan niat..
walau nk guna duit sendiri pon, byk priority kena dulu kan...hmmmpphhhhhhh...lg pon dh ada 3 pam
(tapi aku rase hubby ku x ingat aku ada spektra, jangan ingat kan...jgn ingatkan....wakakakakkaka)

tersangat la bestnyer swing nih sbb aku suke start dia yng macam baby suck nipple..
pastu 3 kali aku dapat let down..pam pulak 2-2 belah breast--->> dapat 9 oz
tak per..tak per...x dpt swing, mane tau rezeki aku PISA..wakakakkakaka
tapi swing handy la, ringan n x de bunyi enjin motobot macam  mini-e

nasihat ikhlas aku pada yang cari pam elektrik/bateri

kumpul la duit beli medela swing sbb mostly x mampu beli PISA atau seangkatan
tak payah double pumping pon x per, sbb swing nih even kita dh  let down masa pam sebelah breast
bile kita mula pam breast sebelah lagi...masih boleh dapat let down n stimulation sgt baik
pastu paling ketara, breast mmg rase empty, kosong-sekosong2nyer...which is GOOD
sebab it's mean more more supply coming...insyaAllah..

ni pendapat ikhlas aku ttg pam battery/electric - setelah aku bandingkan spektra3, mini-e n swing
kalau swing pon dh begini...apatah lagi PISA..yer tak
apa-apa pon tgk jenis org yg guna la..setiap org mesti berbeza pendapat

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Post time 9-4-2008 03:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #897 limau_nipis's post

dear...   thanks...really appreciate explaination tuuu..
sbb so far x penah lagi org yang guna harmony komen...kalau betul best, leh la beli wat hadiah kat org

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Post time 9-4-2008 03:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #899 ajasu's post

JWA pakai medela harmony, cubalah PM dia suruh review kat sini

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