aku pon rasa dgn hapeap.
sbb tgk gmbar tu mcm photographer yg tangkapkan
lifeline replied at 26-9-2019 11:20 AM
aku pon rasa dgn hapeap.
sbb tgk gmbar tu mcm photographer yg tangkapkan
Hapeap pergi Paris, naik flight dah OTW balik KL dah.
So kak Tut pergi Besday party sorang. Kalau dia dengan date, mesti dia tunjuk sipi2 kan lelaki tu. Tangan la apa la. |
cikatilia replied at 26-9-2019 02:50 AM
hey yall
i hope i tak lewat
flip kain panjang (barely cover panties oops)
U tiru tetek kepamtut ye..
Nak jugak bergaduh ye tetek chuols neh! |
lifeline replied at 26-9-2019 11:20 AM
aku pon rasa dgn hapeap.
sbb tgk gmbar tu mcm photographer yg tangkapkan
I pun instinct yg samaaa... confirm dgn photographer tu. Dgn bergambar sakan tkkn kau bawak skali dgn tinder date tu |
U tgk la ig @hapeap..
Dia kan pergi Paris.. sekarang dah naik flight balik KL.
so tinder date kak pam kah ituw?
MakcikXS replied at 26-9-2019 01:42 AM
Bamjoni is ready to spank.. Where are u kepam?
Amboi mr johnny..
Kepamtut suka ke botak?
pittjie replied at 26-9-2019 09:41 AM
jgn lupa ... dia ada back boobs jgk tau. so make sure ada sarung tetek kat belah belakang jgk ya. ...
Bukti back boobs dia...pakej selulit yg x hilang2 konon Pb korset boleh hilangkan semua tu...are u retarded? (skill hanis) |
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friedfishsoup replied at 25-9-2019 11:59 PM
Lepas makan roti canai meh la lepak pool dengan ni
Dia nak tutup ingredients sbb the first 2 ingredients are liqour itself..
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I syak dia gi dinner sorang. Pastu suruh waiter amik gambar
ade lagi ke partayyy uolsss..iols mlm tadi..dr maghrib ke isyak smbung tahajud..tido jap bgn subuh...duha baru nk check in haaa... semoga Allah buka pintu hati pam utk bertaubat..35 thn dah but look at u pammm...org makin tertutup ko pulak terbalik makin terdedah.,. |
Betul tapi acik2 followers dia akan kata oh bagus kak minum tea je. Acik porem je yg cerdik
Sorry mode setajah I on. Dah dia tayang her drink, Tang Tea Punch. I guessed it’s not real tea. Pam oi, I’m not judging your choices, I pun have done stupid things in my young days but thank god takde soc med then. But perlu ke tayang that you drink? So proud at how westernized you are. Ok lah, whatever. As long as you don’t think adik porum bodoh ingat it’s teh o ais
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Party masih on sampai malam.. sila post gambar fashyunnn uols
tergamak betul suruh
Date amek gambar acah2 ko |
kalau tinder date or mana2 je jantan ngan dia, dia mesti akan tunjuk punya...paling x pun just TERsnap gambar tangan lelaki tu...x pun tepi pipi lelaki tu..tak pun bahu lelaki tu...ala...u know how hanis is..selama i follow dia ni (3 tahun) mesti dia akan tunjuk benda kecik n benda besar walaupun benda tu memalukan dia dia mesti up punya...kalau stakat cakap2 type kat ig tu mmg propa...
Chuolss, tang tea punch tu ada ginger la..kak pam perlukan ginger utk buang angin..lepas party nanti kentut-kentut |
uolls rasa apa la 'bae' dia tu (if btul ada bae) berborak ngan dia ni eh? mesti bae dia tanya pasal isu2 jerebu d malaysia n indon n kebakaran seluruh dunia ni..n mesti kepam jawab "ermmmm i dont know...maybe ermmm...yes we got errrr.... haze in malaysia.....but ermmmmm....here i am in london...im bossbabe and ermmm....i dont like live in ermmmm haze situation...i cant see my way ermmm to work because of emmmmm haze.." simple je jawapan dia...all about me gitu |
sini boleh tak nak tnya psal if aritu kan rancak kt benang ni
sorry i ot di kala beday kak pam... |
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