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Author: iansuryani

Berita Hari Ini - 2007

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Post time 6-6-2007 06:20 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 6 Jun 2007        

YURAN pentadbiran Sistem Pemindahan Elektronik (Nets) perlu dinaikkan supaya ia terus kekal menarik bagi pengeluar kad, kata pengarah eksekutif syarikat sistem pembayaran eletronik tersebut, Cik Poh Mui Hoon.

'Kami perlu terus mempunyai daya penarik kepada pengeluar kad kami,' kata Cik Poh ketika mengulas kenaikan yuran pentadbiran yang akan dinaikkan sehingga 1.9 peratus mulai bulan depan.

Kini peruncit perlu membayar yuran antara 0.3 dengan 0.55 peratus bagi pembayaran Nets.

Sistem pembayaran tanpa tunai itu dimiliki bank-bank DBS, OCBC dan UOB.

Pengeluar kad mendapat hasil daripada urus niaga kad kredit dan debit.

Menurut Cik Poh, kenaikan yuran Nets itu adalah untuk menampung kos urus niaganya yang sebelum ini tidak dikenakan.

Sejak dua atau tiga tahun lalu, pengeluar kad mengurangkan bilangan pengguna Nets dengan menukar beberapa ribu kad tersebut menjadi kad skim.

Nets berkata kenaikan yuran itu adalah untuk membantu Singapura mengekalkan sistem debit nasionalnya.

Kenaikan yuran Nets itu akan dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap - bulan depan, Ogos dan September.

Peruncit kecil akan diberi rebat sebanyak 25 peratus bagi tahap pertama, 30 peratus bagi tahap kedua dan 16 peratus bagi tahap terakhir.

Namun, Persatuan Pengguna Singapura (Case) bimbang kenaikan yuran Nets itu akan menjadikannya cara pembayaran pilihan.

Ini bertentangan dengan usaha Singapura menjadi masyarakat tanpa tunai.

Kelmarin, presiden Case, Encik Yeo Guat Kwang, berkata yuran Nets lebih tinggi mungkin menggalak peruncit mengenakan bayaran wang tunai bagi pelanggannya sekaligus mengurangkan pilihan cara pembayaran.

Case juga bimbang para peruncit akan cuba menaikkan harga barangan secara menyeluruh untuk menanggung kenaikan kos itu.

Kata Encik Yeo: 'Saya rasa mereka (Nets) perlu faham tanggungjawab sosial mereka.'

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Post time 6-6-2007 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 6-6-2007 06:20 AM
Singapura : 6 Jun 2007         

YURAN pentadbiran Sistem Pemindahan Elektronik (Nets) perlu dinaikkan supaya ia terus kekal menarik bagi pengelu ...

Nets fee hike: Case of unfair monopoly?

SINGAPORE: It may not seem, at first, to affect your pocket directly.
But when the Network of Electronic Transfers (Nets) raises its levy on businesses offering it as a mode of payment, the increased burden on retailers could lead to higher prices for consumers, warned the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case).

At a press conference yesterday, Case president Yeo Guat Kwang minced no words in calling the three- to four-fold increase by Nets 搖nacceptable

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Post time 6-6-2007 11:09 AM | Show all posts
HSA recalls 3 toothpastes because of poisonous ingredients

Singapore's Health Sciences Authority (HSA) has recalled three China-made toothpastes because they contain Diethylene Glycol (DEG), a potentially poisonous ingredient.
DEG is a cheap industrial solvent dangerously used as a substitute for sweet-tasting glycerin in toothpastes.

The three products found to contain DEG are Hei Mei toothpaste, Hei Mei Calcium toothpaste and Maxam toothpaste with Fluoride.

DEG has been blamed for the death of thousands of people worldwide, with mass poisonings in Panama, India, Haiti, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Argentina and China in the past two decades. - CNA/ch

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Post time 6-6-2007 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Prime Minister To Wed Jeanne Abdullah Saturday

PUTRAJAYA, June 6 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will marry Jeanne Abdullah, 53, on Saturday, the Prime Minister's Office announced Wednesday.

The wedding will take place at the prime minister's official residence, Seri Perdana, here and will be attended by close relatives, the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement.

Jeanne was born in Kuala Lumpur on July 29 1953 and is the eldest of four siblings.

She was educated at Sekolah Menengah Assunta and has wide experience in administration and hotel management and has worked as supervisor of the official residence of the deputy prime minister and manager of the Seri Perdana Complex.

Jeanne has two daughters, Nadiah and Nadene.

Abdullah's wife, Datin Seri Endon Mahmood, died on Oct 20 2005 after a long battle with breast cancer.

Abdullah, 67, has two children, a son Kamaluddin and a daughter Nori, from his marriage of 40 years with Endon.

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Post time 6-6-2007 02:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #923 SQ154's post

Mcm2 btl diaorang ni buat untk dpt untung.. tak fikir psl aniaya nyawa org lain..

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Post time 6-6-2007 03:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #924 SQ154's post

Jeanne Abdullah macam iras

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Post time 6-6-2007 03:52 PM | Show all posts

dgn dekni lagi dekat sama....

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Post time 6-6-2007 06:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #804 SQ154's post

this guy yg meninggal was my husband's colleague...

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Post time 6-6-2007 06:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #926 virgomal's post

bekas adik ipar arwah...

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Post time 8-6-2007 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Fire at wood factory in Sungei Kadut, no casualties

SINGAPORE: Fire broke out at a wood factory in Sungei Kadut on Thursday morning.
It destroyed some wooden furniture, pallets and cushions in a single-storey zinc structure.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force said the fire, which began at around 10.40am, was contained within 20 minutes.

All the workers from the factory were evacuated and there were no casualties.

Investigations into the cause of the fire are in progress. - CNA/yy

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Post time 8-6-2007 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Boy falls from shopping mall escalator

A boy was riding the escalator from the third to the fourth floor of a shopping centre when he tumbled over the handrail

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Post time 8-6-2007 11:43 PM | Show all posts
lamo tak ge spore....rindu

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Post time 9-6-2007 02:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #932 iloveyou's post

ekekeke.. jom ler mai sini

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Post time 9-6-2007 07:22 AM | Show all posts
tunggu nanti gua datang....

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Post time 9-6-2007 07:48 AM | Show all posts

Singapura : 9 Jun 2007        


Saat A. Rahman

SEORANG warga Singapura, Abdul Basheer Abdul Kader, lulusan undang-undang dan bekerja sebagai pensyarah, telah ditangkap kerana penglibatannya dalam ideologi dan agenda ganas setelah terpengaruh secara sendiri dengan idea idea radikal yang tersebar di Internet.

Menurut Kementerian Ehwal Dalam Negeri (MHA), lelaki berusia 28 tahun itu, ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri pada Februari lalu.

Dia ditahan ketika di sebuah negara Timur Tengah dan dibawa pulang ke Singapura sebelum sempat melaksanakan agenda ganasnya.

MHA turut mendedahkan bahawa seorang lagi rakyat Singapura, Muhamad Yassin Khan Muhamad Yunos, 30 tahun, seorang rakan akrab Abdul Basheer, dikenakan Perintah Sekatan (RO).

Dia bukan saja sedar akan rancangan ganas Abdul Basheer, bahkan secara aktif bersubahat dengannya dan berusaha mempermudahkan rancangan latihan rakannya itu bagi jihad militan.

Dalam pada itu, kenyataan MHA juga memberikan perkembangan terbaru mengenai rangkaian Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

Menurutnya, lagi empat warga Singapura yang merupakan anggota JI telah ditahan antara November 2006 dengan April tahun ini, dan seorang lagi dikenakan Perintah Sekatan.

Sementara itu, lima anggota JI yang berada dalam tahanan, dibebaskan pada 1 Jun lalu.

Mengenai penangkapan Abdul Basheer, MHA berkata kini wujud satu fenomena baru di kalangan individu yang menjadi radikal secara sendiri, dan tidak direkrut oleh kumpulan-kumpulan pengganas.

'Kes-kes sedemikian telah terbongkar di beberapa negara. Singapura tidak terlindung daripada pengaruh ini,' kata MHA.

Sejak beberapa tahun ini, pihak berkuasa telah menyiasat beberapa warga Singapura yang tertarik dengan idea ganas dan radikal yang tersebar di media baru terutama Internet.

Ketika ditahan, Abdul Basheer, sedang merencanakan satu jihad militan yang ingin dilaksanakan di Afghanistan.

Mengenai latar belakang Abdul Basheer, MHA menjelaskan bahawa dia belajar undang-undang di universiti dan selepas tamat pengajian, bertugas sebagai peguam sebelum menjadi seorang pensyarah di sebuah institusi pendidikan.

Pada Oktober tahun lalu, dia meninggalkan Singapura ke sebuah negara Timur Tengah dan merancang untuk menetap di sana selama dua tahun, sambil belajar bahasa Arab agar mudah berhubungan dengan pejuang-pejuang 'mujahidin'.

Namun, dalam tempoh dua bulan rancangan jihad militannya meluap apabila dia semakin terpengaruh dengan propaganda ekstremis yang dibacanya di Internet.

Menjelang Disember tahun lalu, dia memutuskan untuk melancarkan jihad militan dengan segera dan mendapatkan bantuan temannya, Yassin Khan, untuk mempermudahkan rancangannya.

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Post time 9-6-2007 07:50 AM | Show all posts

Singapura : 9 Jun 2007         


Chairul Fahmy Hussaini

PENANGKAPAN terbaru individu-individu Muslim berfahaman radikal yang diumumkan pemerintah semalam bukan saja memalukan bahkan menggem parkan masyarakat Melayu/Islam.

Apakan tidak, ia berlaku di saat kita gigih mengembangkan syiar Islam sebagai sebuah agama jagat yang mencintai keamanan dan mendukung norma kesusilaan, tetapi seorang pelakunya juga adalah daripada golongan karyawan.

Tindakan Abdul Basheer Abdul Kader yang merancang untuk memperjuangkan 'jihad militan' dan rakan sekongkolnya, Muham mad Yassin Khan Muhamad Yunos, dan empat anggota Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) yang kini ditahan boleh diibaratkan sebagai kerbau yang membawa lumpur, menyebabkan sekalian masyarakat Muslim terpalit.

Mereka bukan saja membelakangi agama, tetapi juga tidak mempedulikan nasihat dan seruan asatizah agar mendalami agama di jalan yang betul.

Pasca 9/11 menunjukkan betapa pemimpin masyarakat Melayu/Islam, dari kalangan asatizah, karyawan sehinggalah kepada pemimpin politik, gigih mendampingi setiap lapisan masyarakat Muslim demi memas tikan mereka memahami intipati dan dasar Islam dengan sebenar-benarnya.

Pelbagai aktiviti telah dianjurkan, termasuk forum, seminar, pameran, khutbah dan mewujudkan Kumpulan Pemulihan Keagamaan (RRG).

Jadi, tindakan Abdul Basheer untuk mengetepikan kesemua ini amat menghampakan sekali.

Sebagai seorang terpelajar, dia seharusnya bijak menilai sesuatu keadaan, sayangnya dek mengikut rasa hati, penitiannya ke menara gading kini menjadi sia-sia.

Apakah iktibar daripada episod ini? Ideologi ekstremisme masih hidup dan terus menyala.

Kita mesti tidak jelak malah pertingkatkan lagi usaha bagi menentang pemikiran dan perjuangan songsang ini.

Namun, ibu bapa memainkan peranan lebih penting. Mereka perlu lebih prihatin dalam memerhati pergerakan si anak, terutama sekali dalam mengetahui dan menyelami apa yang tersirat dalam fikiran dan hati mereka. Ini bukan perkara enteng.

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Post time 10-6-2007 11:22 AM | Show all posts
33 reported cases of GST profiteering in last six months

SINGAPORE: Even before the GST hike kicks in next month, there have been 33 reported cases of profiteering in the last six months.
This is something the Committee Against GST Profiteering will be keeping a close watch on, and investigating.

Committee Chairman Lee Yi Shyan was out and about at a Jurong East hawker centre on Saturday, which has been the subject of a profiteering complaint.

His message to all was clear, telling one stall holder, "If you maintain price stability, it's good".

Mr Lee said of all the complaints received, two thirds with specific details were being investigated.

Relating primarily to food and drink prices, they were split equally between chain stores and individual stalls.

He said, "Chain stores - meaning they have five卻even restaurant chains throughout the island - if they increase the coffee from $1.40 to $1.60 and customers are not happy, then we will investigate.

"We will go through CASE, Consumers Association to investigate. And for individual stalls, we will go through respective grassroots organisations - CCC - to talk to the stalls - so whenever they go down, I think people feel their presence."

For larger stores, evidence such as import prices, will be sought to check if the increases are justified.

The question is how much say, a daily cup of tea, will cost from next month once the GST hike kicks in.

Vendors at the Jurong East hawker centre say any increase in price will be primarily due to an increase in the price of raw materials and supplier cost.

But it is that difference between legitimate increased business costs which is passed onto the consumer and actual profiteering that the committee will have to be on the lookout for.

"I [have] already raised my prices卻ince June. People have already raised three times and I [have] only raised one time - so I think it's fair," says one vendor.

"We are going to have a wait and see [the] attitude. We shall see - if the profit margin is getting thinner and thinner, we shall make a decision then," says another.

The Committee will be carrying out more such visits until the end of the month to pass on the message of maintaining price stability. - CNA/yy

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Post time 11-6-2007 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Passengers on cruise ship hit by norovirus back in S'pore

SINGAPORE: The Superstar Gemini has returned to Singapore with all its passengers healthy despite a gastroenteritis outbreak on its outgoing voyage.
92 people were found to have been hit by the highly infectious norovirus when the cruise ship docked in Hong Kong over ten days ago.

They had symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea, but none required hospitalisation.

Before arriving in Hong Kong, the ship had stopped over in Koh Samui and Bangkok in Thailand, as well as Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang in Vietnam.

The ship was thoroughly disinfected before leaving Hong Kong.

A medical team onboard the ship had assessed the passengers to be healthy before their disembarkation.

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Post time 15-6-2007 09:54 PM | Show all posts
Fallen tree outside Funan Centre slows morning traffic

SINGAPORE: Heavy rain on Friday morning uprooted a tree on North Bridge Road, causing traffic to slow down, almost to a standstill, outside Funan Centre.
No one was injured in the incident.

Police say they received a call at about 10 in the morning.

The National Parks Board was notified.

It took them some two hours to clear the tree, before traffic resumed to normal. - CNA/yy

* Luckily tak kena pejalan kaki atau kenderaan

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Post time 15-6-2007 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Electricity tariffs up almost 9% from July

SINGAPORE: Electricity tariffs for the next three months (Jul-Sep) will go up by almost nine per cent (8.83%).
This is an increase of about 1.6 cents per kilowatt per hour of electricity.

SP Services attributes the hike to higher fuel oil prices, which had gone up by about 20 per cent compared to the current quarter.

The latest tariff increase comes after two downward revisions since the start of this year.

The next revision, which is done quarterly, will be for the months of October to December. - CNA/yy

   Naik lagi, tak patut!!!!!



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