Salam semua..
Ni latest updates on the Gathering ye
Those yg blom confirm nak bwk mknn ape nnt pm me,oke.
Yg konpem join,so far...
1. mamamikhail - cupcakes and drinks 2. boocik04 - Nasi himpit and desserts 3. Fire_fly - nugget sosej/ mee hon goreng & agar agar. 4. ati - nasi ayam 5. mikiee - cake 6. Jcatz - Kuih-muih 7. munkyG - kfc 8. TinkyToinky - kfc bucket 9. Dv3 - Macaroni cheese & cake/caramel pudding 10. rahayu - spagethi. 11. hatemetoday - cucur udang. 12. jezzebelle - satay.
Spoon,forks,Plates,Cups disediakan
[ Last edited by ati1402 at 21-10-2008 05:25 PM ] |