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Author: deaf4ever

Berita Hari Ini - 2005

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 Author| Post time 20-10-2005 11:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 19-10-2005 09:18 AM

SAZARINA Madzin mengaku menjadikan amahn ...

Kepala hangguk betul la minachi ni!!!

Laki operation manager, tapi bini pukul bantai maid takkan tak tahu or at least perasan....  
Laki dia pung mesti shoulder the blame.

Wake up and smell the coffee la

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Post time 21-10-2005 08:41 AM | Show all posts

KANGAR (Perlis) - Sepasang suami isteri sedang disiasat pihak berkuasa agama Islam yang meragui status jantina si isteri, yang dikatakan lelaki.

Perkahwinan pasangan itu terbongkar apabila si 'isteri' membawa pulang suaminya ke rumahnya di Utan Aji, dekat sini, untuk memaklumkan kepada keluarganya.

Sumber berkata, si isteri, awal 20-an tahun, penduduk tempatan manakala suaminya, 30-an tahun, dari Alor Star, dan kes mereka kini dalam siasatan Jabatan Agama Islam Perlis (Jaips).

Beliau berkata, pasangan itu mendakwa berkahwin di negara jiran sebulan lalu.

'Si isteri membawa suaminya pulang ke rumahnya di Utan Aji untuk memaklum kepada keluarga. Bapanya yang tahu anaknya seorang lelaki berang lalu menelefon polis kerana beranggapan anaknya tidak layak dipanggil isteri,' kata sumber itu di sini, kelmarin.

Menurutnya, kes itu sudah dirujuk kepada Jaips dan siasatan terperinci, termasuk mengenal pasti status jantina si isteri, sudah dilakukan.

'Pemeriksaan doktor mendapati si isteri langsung tidak mempunyai fizikal seorang wanita, cuma jiwa dan perasaannya lebih kepada wanita.

'Lelaki itu dikatakan mengetahui kedudukan isterinya tetapi tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan kerana terlalu mencintainya. Si suami dikatakan dalam keadaan tertekan dan takut berpisah dengan pasangannya serta kerap menghubungi Jaips bagi mempercepatkan keluaran surat nikah yang sah,' katanya. - Harian Metro.


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Post time 21-10-2005 08:44 AM | Show all posts

SYDNEY - Televisyen Australia kelmarin menyiarkan rakaman menunjukkan askar Amerika Syarikat membakar mayat dua pemberontak Taleban dengan tubuh mereka menghadap ke Makkah.

Laporan televisyen itu berkata askar Amerika itu membakar mayat itu di atas bukit berdekatan kampung Gondaz, di utara Kandahar, atas sebab kebersihan.

Bagaimanapun, rakaman yang dibuat pada awal Oktober oleh seorang wartawan Australia, menunjukkan seorang askar Amerika sebagai berkata:

'Ambil perhatian Taleban, anda anjing pena kut. Anda membenarkan pejuang anda terbaring menghadap ke barat dan dibakar. Anda terlalu takut untuk mengambil mayat-mayat mereka.'

Seorang lagi askar berkata: 'Anda menyerang dan lari seperti perempuan. Anda menggelar diri anda Taleban tetapi anda membawa malu kepada agama Islam dan anda membawa malu kepada keluarga anda. Mari dan bertempur seperti lelaki dan tidak seperti anjing penakut.'

Mengulas, angkatan tentera Amerika dalam satu kenyataannya berkata dakwaan itu akan disiasat.

'Ketumbukan ini tidak membiarkan penganiayaan askar musuh atau menghina agama mereka atau kepercayaan budaya,' kata Mejar Jeneral Jason Kamiya dalam satu kenyataan.

'Tindakan yang didakwa ini sangat bertentangan dengan nilai bersama kita, bertentangan dengan prosedur operasi yang diluluskan dan tidak disokong oleh ketumbukan ini,' tambahnya.

Di Washington, jurucakap Pentagon, Encik Bryan Whitman, berkata:

'Ini tuduhan-tuduhan yang sangat serius, dan jika benar, sangat merunsingkan.' - Reuters, Bloomberg.


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Post time 21-10-2005 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 21-10-2005 08:41 AM

KANGAR (Perlis) - Sepasang suami isteri sedang disiasat pihak berkuasa agama Islam yang meragui status ja ...

haha macam2 hal~

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Post time 21-10-2005 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 20-10-2005 11:31 PM
Kepala hangguk betul la minachi ni!!!

Laki operation manager, tapi bini pukul bantai maid takkan tak tahu or at least perasan....  
Laki dia pung mesti shoulder the blame.

Wake up an ...

Aku agak dorang sepatotnya interview anak

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2005 01:30 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by herokampong at 21-10-2005 01:25 PM

Aku agak dorang sepatotnya interview anak

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Post time 21-10-2005 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 21-10-2005 01:30 PM
Tak semestinya pendera maid, mendera anak jugak....

true... tapi mesti ada tak kena... maybe tak geram dgn hubby ke....

one possibility lah....

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Post time 21-10-2005 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by herokampong at 21-10-2005 01:46 PM

true... tapi mesti ada tak kena... maybe tak geram dgn hubby ke....

one possibility lah....

Yeah lah memang betul, masing2 ada masalah sendiri....but the fact she took it out on the maid, tu yg salah...memang kenkadang maid2 ni can be trying our patience, but what to do....sabar aje lah....

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 21-10-2005 01:58 PM | Show all posts
ni asik dengar pasal BIRD FLU......

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Post time 23-10-2005 10:33 PM | Show all posts
She sent nude photos of herself to 4 men, one a complete stranger
'It was on spur of the moment'  
October 23, 2005      

WOMEN may give things such as neckties and belts to surprise their loved ones.

But not Juni.

She delights them by sending naughty pictures of herself.

The civil servant said she has sent topless and nude photographs of herself to at least four men so far.

One is her current boyfriend of three years.

Two are exes, lovers she had even while she was with her boyfriend.

The last was a man she had met and befriended on the internet chat programme, Yahoo Messenger.

Within a few hours of chatting, he asked her if she could send a topless picture of herself.

She said okay and then proceeded to MMS a topless picture of herself on her camera phone to him.

'I did it on a spur of the moment which I totally regret,' said Juni, 35, a petite, slim and fair woman who looks younger than her age.

She's not quite sure why she was 'so daring' that night, she said.

When the man next contacted her online a few days later, she asked him to delete the photograph and he agreed to do so.

That was two years ago.


'Recently, he told me he still has the picture and looks at it from time to time - that he really wants to meet me.

'I lied to him that my brother is a police officer and warned him that if he finds out, there would be trouble,' she said.

Recently she Googled her name and was relieved that none of her photographs showed up.

'I never really thought about what I would do if I find my photo on the web one day. But it's a good sign that nothing turned up.'

The topless photograph showed her face.

'If it hadn't, I wouldn't have cared!'

That was the one and only time she has ever regreted sharing her nude photographs.

She continues to send such photos to her English boyfriend.

She gave him this surprise gift one year ago.

'Once, he was in another country on a business trip. I have two handphones so I took a sexy photo with one and sent it to him while chatting on the other phone,' she said.

Juni said she also takes photographs of herself and her boyfriend making love 'just to see how we look'.

But she doesn't store them in her phone for long. 'It's unsafe. Someone may see it,' she said. Nor does she keep copies in her computer.

Juni started taking her own nude or topless photographs two years ago when she got a handphone with a camera function.

'My boyfriend then used to ask me daily what I was wearing, so we discussed getting a camera phone so I could MMS him instead of trying to describe what I had on.

'Then one day, I just decided to surprise him by not wearing anything in the photograph,' she said.

With all three boyfriends, she had been the one who initiated sending the sexy photographs. None of them has reciprocated.


Their reactions were always one of 'surprise', or if 'shocked', it would be 'shocked happy', she said.

'I was crazy but he was happy that I was crazy,' she said, laughing.

'I would be surprised if there were any complaints.'

Juni, who dropped out of a prestigious local college before sitting for her A levels, is aware that her attitude towards nudity is different from most Singaporean women.

But she doesn't feel that she is influenced by anything in particular.

'I don't have friends who do what I do. I'm not influenced by anyone.

'Women also have urges. There's nothing negative about what I have done,' she said.

Topless photo? Use your head

WOMAN youth leader Harmin Kaur feels that women who send topless photos of themselves to men must be made aware of the consequences.

Ms Kaur, who heads Youth@Aware, the youth branch of the Association of Women for Action and Research, added that while such decisions are the woman's prerogative, they have no control over who else these photographs can reach.

She said: 'Sending a topless photo of yourself is something you are in control of and can feel good about. That is fine.

'But be conscious of what the repercussions could be, and whether you could still feel good and in control if the other party misuses the photograph.

'Some women are fine with such things but you have to know whether you yourself are comfortable with it.

'You need to do this with eyes wide open. With the Internet and MMS, your photograph can go anywhere.

'It's a trust issue at the end of the day.'

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Post time 23-10-2005 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Rude shock over nude photos
Ex-boyfriend blackmails her with topless pictures
By Skye Tan

October 23, 2005      

SHE thought she was in love.
So when he pestered her to send him a topless photograph of herself by MMS, she did it despite her unease.

Now she is living in regret.

He used the photograph to extort money from her last year and, although he was sentenced to three years' jail in January for extortion and another unrelated charge of having sex with an underaged girl, Nora, an ITE graduate, is still worried.

She doesn't want us to use her real name because she is afraid her family and friends would find out.

She is troubled over how her ex-boyfriend would react.

'A few days ago, I thought about what would happen after he comes out of jail. I really don't know whether he would look for me or what I should do if he does,' said the 21-year-old customer service officer.

It all began last May when Nora met the man on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

After three days of chatting, they exchanged their MSN Messenger addresses.

They would talk every night for up to an hour. They exchanged photographs and he complimented her on her looks.

He made her laugh and seemed to be genuinely nice.

So after two months and two requests to meet, Nora agreed.


And the good impression he had already given her had so cemented the attraction that even though she thought he was 'dressed like an Ah Beng' during their first meeting, it didn't turn her off.

That first time they met face-to-face, he called her his girlfriend.

She was shy, but didn't object.

Soon, they 'became a couple', said the sweet-looking woman.

'He wasn't very good looking but he's tall. And he was considerate in that he would open the door for me and things like that,' said Nora.

He was her second boyfriend, she said. The first, with whom she spent two years, was killed in a motorcycle accident 'quite a few years ago'.

At first, her relationship with her new boyfried was all sweet and innocent, said Nora, the eldest girl in a close-knit family.


They went out about once a week but he called her every night and they would talk for 'one to two hours'.

He would call her 'dear' and she would do the same to him.

They went out on simple dates, hanging out at the neighbourhood shopping mall or the playground near his Woodlands home.

They would sit, chat and hold hands. There were no kisses, let alone sex.

'Just a kiss on the forehead,' she said.

But she admitted that he did on a few occasions suggest something more, said Nora

On several occasions, he suggested that he knew a 'quiet landing' near the top of a HDB block.

'I pretended to be innocent and asked, 'Huh? Why go there? There's nothing to see there',' said Nora.

Then, a month into their relationship, she changed her handphone to a camera phone.

'When he found out, he insisted... he started asking me to take a photo of 'them',' she said, referring to her breasts.

'I kept on refusing so many times but he kept asking,' she said.

So much so that over two weeks, he brought up the matter every time they talked. She finally gave in.


While home alone one day, she went into her bedroom, took off her top, and snapped a frontal shot of herself just to get the matter 'over and done with'.

She then sent the photo to him via MMS and promptly deleted it from her phone.

Things quickly went downhill from there.

Once, when they were on a date, another girl kept calling him, said Nora.

He brushed it off as 'just a friend'.

Then, another time, she 'kept calling him but he didn't answer'.

'But somehow, he must have accidentally pressed a button and called me. I overheard him and this other girl talking,' said Nora.

'You could tell they were a couple by the way they spoke to each other. He was saying things like 'no matter what, I'll protect you'.'

Angry and hurt, Nora confronted him and ended the relationship.

Then he started asking her to lend him money, saying he had to repay loan sharks.

'His threats started this way: He would say a friend used his phone and saw my topless photo,' said Nora.

'If I didn't lend him the money, they would post my photo onto the web or show it to other friends.'

Horrified, she paid up.

She gave him money twice - $400 the first time, and then $150.

When he next asked for $150, she said she didn't have money.

He said that if she didn't give him the money, he would not just distribute her topless photograph but even paste copies on her front door.

'I didn't give him my address but he claimed he knew it.

'I asked him, 'If you have it, tell me what's my block number?' '

He said he didn't need to because I would find something on my doorstep the next morning.

'That really stressed me out,' she said. 'My family cannot know about it.'

That was in September, barely two months after they got together.

She consulted two good friends, telling them only that her ex-boyfriend was pestering her, then went to the police and spilled the whole story.


He was arrested.

But she was still saddled with a $1,000 handphone bill for a line she got for him under her name.

She cancelled the subscription and arranged to pay the bill with monthly instalments of $200, said Nora who earns less than $1,200 a month.

She paid up the bill in March.

Now that it's all over, Nora is left with a lingering feeling of betrayal.

The incident has badly shaken her confidence in relationships.

'I will never take topless photos of myself ever again,' she said.

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Post time 23-10-2005 10:46 PM | Show all posts
Shock for doting dad when cheating wife...
SPLITS to the US
SPLITS the marriage
SPLITS the 2 kids  
By Karen Wong

October 23, 2005      

TO most women, he'd be a dream man. He fits the ideal of a successful, self-sacrificing husband and caring, attentive dad.

To his wife, it was not enough.

She slapped him with a surprise divorce petition - even though she was the one who was cheating on him.

When his first daughter was born 12 years ago, Mr Tan quit his lucrative international stockbroking career.

He became a local dealer for its flexible hours to spend more time with his baby. (We cannot reveal his real name as it may identify the children.)

When a second girl was born about three years later, he carved even more time out of his schedule for his kids, leaving his wife free to climb the corporate ladder in an MNC.

He bought the groceries, tended to the children when they were sick, organised their birthday parties and liaised with their tuition teachers.

He helped his daughters with their schoolwork and ferried them around.

Yes, he was a loving and caring father, agreed the two Filipino maids who had worked with the family.

Even his wife's good friend, who is his children's godmother, praised his 'meticulous care' of the children.

But his was not to be a happily-
ever-after marriage.

After some six years of marriage, his wife complained they were not communicating. (See report on next page.)

While he doted on the children, she apparently got little attention and not much sex.

This and other details came out in their custody battle, which has been before the courts in Singapore since October 2001.

His attempts to improve their relationship got mixed responses.

By late 2000, his wife had gone from a marketing executive to a managerial position with regional responsibilities.

A few months later, she left for a two-year posting in a US hub city.


To keep the family together, Mr Tan quit his job, packed up their home in a posh residential area and bought two years' worth of textbooks so he could tutor his daughters, who were then 5 1/2 and 7 years old, in the US. He flew more than 15,000km to join his wife, hoping to rebuild their relationship.

What he got was a rude shock: On his second day there, still dazed from jet-lag, she called him from the office and said she wanted a divorce.

She presented the divorce papers when she returned home that day. They had been prepared by her Singapore lawyers earlier.

Mr Tan had no warning of her plans.

In his statement to the court, he said: 'I was utterly shocked and devastated by her demands. Words failed me....'

It was to be the first of three shocks.

Shock Two: She wanted to keep both girls with her in the US.

Mr Tan refused.

Shock Three: She revealed she had fallen in love with 'someone'.

Mr Tan found out later that the 'someone' was a younger, married Italian man who had been his wife's boss in Singapore.

The lover, who also lived in the US, was separated from his wife and had three young children.

Mr Tan and his wife continued to live under the same roof, but the tension between them was immense. He was a house-husband, while she went to work.

And for weeks, the fates of their children hung in the balance.

Meanwhile, Mr Tan's wife kept their daughters' passports.

After more negotiations, she said she would keep the younger girl and handed over the passport of only the older child, said Mr Tan.

He told the court: 'I had no say in this matter. I wanted both children to return with me.'

Left with little choice, he packed his bags, just two months after arriving in the US.

That day, as husband and wife separated, their two young children too were torn from each other's side.

But Mr Tan refused to give up hope that his two daughters would grow up together.

The day they left the US, the younger girl said she cried all day. (See report on next page.)

In Singapore, the older girl told a psychiatrist that she missed her sister.

About six months after he left the US, Mr Tan discovered, in a phone conversation with his younger daughter, that his wife had left the girl in the care of her lover's estranged wife when she went on a week-long business trip to Japan.

He was horrified.

About a year later, in August 2002, his ex-wife, with their daughter in tow, moved in with her lover and his children.

They never married.

The lover's wife lived nearby and they all got along.

Mr Tan commented: 'I find the existing household situation very disturbing and unsatisfactory and I worry for (my daughter's) safety....'

Lawyers' letters were traded and the couple continued to argue in court over visitation terms.

Mr Tan said he phoned his younger girl almost every day during this time, working around the 12-hour time difference.

When he was allowed to see her in what is legally called 'access', he would fly to the US, pick her up and come straight back to Singapore.

At the end of her time here, which ranged from a week to five weeks, he would fly with her to the US, drop her off at home and come back again.

A round trip takes about two days. And the tickets, for him and his daughter, cost him about $6,000 each time.

But Mr Tan did this about twice a year, from 2002 to 2004, just so his two daughters could spend as much time together.

Mr Tan, now 47, works as an investment adviser.

Mr Tan's ex-wife told the court that she was settling well in the US.

Her job there was less demanding and so they spent more time together.

Still, Mr Tan didn't give up hope. He applied for a place for her in a girls' school here.

And for more than two years, he continued to pay the school's administrative fees, so that she would have a place in reserve.

At first, it seemed his efforts were in vain.

In December last year, the Family Court ruled that the girl should continue to live with her mother as it had been the status quo for so long.

The judge granted custody of the older daughter to Mr Tan.

Mr Tan, represented by Senior Counsel Quentin Loh and Ms Kee Lay Lian and Ms Vivien Teng from Rajah and Tann, appealed.


In April this year, the High Court decided that the two girls should live with their father.

Less than a week after the ruling, the younger girl joined her sister in school here.

But the uncertainty wasn't over. His ex-wife appealed the court's decision.

Last week, in what marked the end of the bitter four-year custody battle, the Court of Appeal dismissed her action For Mr Tan, the end result is a victory for his daughters.

Speaking through his lawyer, Ms Kee, he told The New Paper on Sunday: 'At the closure of the custody case, I felt a great sense of relief and a wonderful warm feeling of happiness (because) my two daughters have been earnestly and longingly wanting to be together.'


June 2001: Couple separates in the US. Wife keeps younger daughter, husband takes older daughter back to Singapore.

Oct 2001: Wife files for divorce in Singapore on basis that marriage has broken down irretrievably.

Aug 2002: Decree nisi is granted. Wife moves in with Italian lover and his children in the US. Fight for custody continues.

Dec 2004: The Family Court in Singapore grants custody of elder daughter to husband and younger daughter to wife. Husband appeals.

April 2005: High Court judge Andrew Ang decides there should be joint custody of younger child, with care and control of given to husband. Wife appeals.

Oct 2005: Court of Appeal, Singapore's highest court, dismisses her action.

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Post time 23-10-2005 10:47 PM | Show all posts
takder pasal carik pasal ~

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Post time 23-10-2005 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SQ154 at 23-10-2005 10:33 PM
She sent nude photos of herself to 4 men, one a complete stranger
'It was on spur of the moment'  
October 23, 2005      

WOMEN may give things such as neckties and belts to surpri ...


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Post time 23-10-2005 10:50 PM | Show all posts
Career mum: Work gave her comfort because she was lonely and unhappy
We were seldom intimate  
By Karen Wong

October 23, 2005      

SHE is attractive and well-groomed. She studied overseas and has an MBA.

In Singapore, she worked in a top multi-national corporation and rose through the ranks from marketing executive to a managerial position with regional responsibilities.

She was often away on business trips, and worked long hours.

Her maids said in their court statement that she sometimes left at 8 am and would return home only after 10 pm.

The couple shared the load for their household expenses, including the salaries of the two maids while she paid for the girls' clothes and shoes.

They had also pooled their money, together with a large amount from their parents, for the semi-detached house in a posh area. The house cost over $2.5 million at that time.

Last year, they decided that the house should be sold and the proceeds split equally between them.

Was she an unfeeling mother or merely an unhappy wife?

Madam Tay (not her real name) explained in her statement: 'When I was living in Singapore, I spent a lot of time on my work... this was primarily because I was very unhappy in the marriage and found comfort and distraction in my work.'

Some of her unhappiness was in a 3 1/2-page letter she wrote to her husband in 1997.

She said they hardly ever had sex and their 'most intimate moment' at that time was when he pecked her on the cheek.

In the emotionally-charged letter, she said: 'I know that I am very lucky by many people's standards. Then why am I so lonely and unhappy?

'Why do I constantly feel that I'm dying emotionally along with my marriage? What is your definition of a normal marriage? I don't know whether you realise it... but there is something missing in ours. To me, it's emotion.'

It seems that 1997, for her, was the turning point of their marriage.

Sometime later on, she began an affair with her boss in Singapore.

Both maids said in their statements that they had accidentally chanced upon intimate photos of her and her lover, and a Banyan Tree Phuket hotel receipt for two in her briefcase one day.

But they did not tell her husband about it for fear of breaking up the family.

When she asked for the divorce in the US, Madam Tay said, she wanted both the girls with her.

She said they then 'jointly' agreed that they split the children up between them.

After that, she claimed, her ex-husband continued to let the older girl believe that Madam Tay was the one who broke up the marriage because of her affair, rather than the 'truth' that their marriage had died.

She said she worked shorter hours in the US and travelled less, so she was able to spend more time with her daughter.

She also hired a nanny to look after the girl.

She refuted Mr Tan's complaints that her partner's children were bullying her daughter.

Madam Tay, whose lawyers were Senior Counsel Michael Hwang and Ms Bernice Loo, said that the girl was happy with her.

A psychiatrist who spoke to the girl also said the girl was doing well in her new environment.

The girl also told the psychiatrist that she loves her sister more than Mummy or Daddy, and that she missed her sister and father.

In 2003, Madam Tay switched jobs, and now works with a car dealership.

She had said at the start of the divorce proceedings that she and her lover intended to get married, but as of yet, they still have not married.

Still, her partner said in a statement that they shared a 'loving and stable relationship' and that the girl's relationship with her new family was 'good'.

When asked, through her lawyers, about what she now plans to do, Madam Tay declined to comment.

She longs for just ONE HOME

SHE was very young when her father and sister left for Singapore.

Yet, three years after that, the girl remembers vividly the fateful day her family was torn apart. In a school essay, she wrote about the pain of being caught in her parents' bitter tug-of-war.

Here are some excerpts:

'I could feel the tears filled with sadness going down my cheeks. I was waving and saying 'bye' to my sister when she was loading into the car.

'When my sister left, I felt like running after the car, but all I did was run outside and wave goodbye.

'When I went back into the house, I ran to my room and cried all day. I was really sad that my sister left and I had to stay with my mum by myself.

'Until... we moved in with my friends (names removed) and their dad (my mum's boyfriend).'

'Whenever I go to visit my sister, I always ask my dad if we're going to see a counselor.

'Most of the time, I do go see the counselor. A counselor is somebody who helps with BIG problems like this divorce.

'I only go to the counselor with my mum, dad and sister. When the counselor sees you, he or she will ask you hard questions like: 'Who do you want to stay with - your mum or dad?' '

'This year, my dad said that I might be going back to Singapore to stay with him forever. I will never know who I am going to stay with until someone gets to keep me.

'I really wish I could have a whole family with my mum, dad, sister and my pets - my dog and my two hamsters.

'My dad said he really wants me back in Singapore and my mum really wants me back in the USA. And I want to be in both places with my whole family.'

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puteri81 This user has been deleted
Post time 24-10-2005 09:35 PM | Show all posts
dpt nie dr email...



Saya masih mencari-cari akan kebenaran akan datangnya bunyi yang kuat pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ini.Itu semua dijanjikan Allah SWT & diberitakan oleh Rasulullah SAW.

Pasti ramai yg tidak percaya.Propagandalah,khabar anginlah, dan macam-macam lagi.Pasti saudara-saudara sekalian pernah terbaca email yg berkaitan dgn hal ini.Terdapat khabar angin yg mengatakan bahawa bunyi itu datang daripada bencana alam yg bakal memusnahkan sebahagian besar dari Amerika Syarikat. Sebagai penuntut Malaysia yg belajar di Amerika Syarikat, saya berasa bimbang dan berusaha mengkaji akan kebenaran khabar angin ini.Percayakah tuan2 dan puan2 tentang apa yg saya jumpa? Ini bukan email yg disebar-sebar, tetapi hasil kajian saya sendiri berdasarkan hadis Rasulullah SAW dan kajian ahli geologi di Amerika Syarikat.

Dari pandangan Islam, bencana itu akan datang dalam bulan Ramadhan yg padanya ada dua gerhana.Bunyi kuat yg menggerunkan itu dapat didengari di segenap pelusuk dunia. Umat Islam perlu menyediakan bekalan makanan selama setahun setelah terjadinya hal itu.Terdapat juga hadis Rasulullah SAW yg mengatakan bahawa sebelum terjadinya kiamat, tuhan akan menurunkan azab berupa kabut yg merupakan salah satu tanda-tanda kiamat.

Sudah puas dgn kata-kata orang bahawa khabar angin sedemikian tak perlu dipercayai, saya teringat akan ayat- ayat Al-Quran yg menceritakan bagaimana Allah membinasakan kaum-kaum terdahulu yg ingkar.Bumi diterbalikkan, taufan, panahan petir dan sebagainya yg membinasakan kaum-kaum yg ingkar itu secara total.

Dgn kejahatan manusia di Amerika pada zaman sekarang, tidak hairanlah kata-kata Nabi bahawa Allah SWT akan menurunkan bencana yg amat dahsyat pada akhir zaman. Sebagai seorang muslim yg menetap di Amerika, saya terbaca kata-kata ini.


Inilah 1/100,000,000 punca bencana yg Allah akan turunkan nanti.. Setelah lama saya tertanya-tanya akan "significance" kata-kata nabi bahawa terdapat bunyi yg kuat yg dapat didengari di seluruh dunia, dan mengapa perlu disediakan bekalan makanan untuk satu tahun, saya seakan-akan telah mendapat jawapannya..Untuk maklumat lanjut, saudara-saudari boleh cari sendiri.

-->Yellowstone Super Volcano PREDICTION: WILL BLOW BY END OF 2005.
EXCELLENT page,November 5, 2003
Parks was asked if there would be an eruption soon he said - There has been a rapid change in the region that has never been seen before. One instrumentation station shows a dramatic change from mid September into October, 2003. We should start seeing some kind of activity in the Pacific northwest part of Yellowstone within 18 to 24 months.

-->United States Geological Survey, University of Utah
Lying underneath one of The United States largest and most picturesque National Parks Yellowstone, is one of the largest super volcanoes in the world.
When one erupts the explosion will be heard around the globe. The sky will darken, black acid rain will fall, and the Earth will be plunged into the equivalent of a nuclear winter.

-->God last chance before millions die. I see it in nature with Yellowstone building to a possible disaster, and it may be in weeks, I cannot know. I do not deny man may be causing this. If the Illuminati are about to trigger this blast, it will be far beyond anything they can control. I hope you have at least a weeks supply of food and water.
SHARE with your neighbors!

-->"An area the size of North America can be devastated, and pronounced deterioration of global climate would be expected for a few years following the eruption," Self said. "They could result in the devastation of world agriculture, severe disruption of food supplies, and mass starvation. These effects could be sufficiently severe to threaten the fabric of civilization."

-->Sis, Yellowstone is what geologists call a "super volcano." There is a massive caldera of molten fire beneath Yellowstone National Park. When this thing blows, geologists are saying that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die.

Yet our wonderful news media is not telling the public a thing about this.
They are keeping it suppressed so that it won't effect the "economy." To hell with the lives of people, just protect the pocket books of the rich. When this things explodes it will produce an ash cloud that will cover the entire western U.S. clear to the Pacific on the west, British Columbia on the north, the Mexican border on the south, and then out into the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas on the east. And then the clould will blow east because of the prevailing winds, literally covering the entire nation with volcanic ash.

--> January 2004 reported that the largest volcano disaster since mankind has lived on earth is overdue and may be expected to erupt at any time beginning now. It's location? Yellowstone National Park. That anticipated detonation is estimated to be one thousand times greater than that of Mount St. Helens and its power greater than all nuclear devices on earth.

Pendedahan Discovery Channel tentang bencana ini sudah mendapat perhatian ramai penduduk di Amerika Syarikat. Sila masuk ke link ini untuk maklumat lanjut : ... eractive/interactiv

Bukankah kata-kata pakar geologi itu bertepatan dgn hadis Rasulullah SAW?



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Post time 25-10-2005 08:59 AM | Show all posts
tiap tiap tahun dapat e-mail sama .. dari tahun 2003.. bagus jugak.. sekadar peringatan supaya kita jangan lalai...

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Post time 25-10-2005 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 25 Oktober 2005   

Soraya Salim

DUA remaja lelaki yang cuba meminta derma daripada orang ramai secara haram di sekitar kawasan Geylang Serai ditangkap malam tadi.

Apabila pasukan Berita Harian tiba di Kampung Melayu Geylang Serai sekitar 8 malam menyusuli satu maklumat, kedua-dua remaja itu telah pun diserahkan kepada polis oleh seorang pekedai yang menahan mereka.

Kedua-duanya adalah antara empat peminta derma haram yang ditangkap semalam. Dua lagi lelaki lain ditangkap pada sebelah pagi.

Berita Harian difahamkan mereka sebahagian daripada kumpulan sekitar 20 warga Batam yang menjalankan kegiatan di kawasan Haig Road, Kampung Melayu dan pasar Geylang Serai.

Dalam kejadian malam tadi, pekedai itu, Encik Hanapi Jaffar, 51 tahun, telah memaklumkan mengenai kegiatan dua remaja itu kepada jawatankuasa Kampung Melayu, yang kemudian menghubungi polis untuk tindakan lanjut.

Beliau, yang mengendalikan gerai Songkok Kamil, berkata dua remaja berusia 13 tahun dan 16 tahun itu ditahan selepas maghrib manakala lelaki lain berusia dalam lingkungan belasan dan 20-an tahun diberkas sekitar 10 pagi.

Encik Hanapi berkata beliau menahan keempat-empat peminta derma haram itu selepas melihat mereka mendesak kaum wanita menderma $10.

'Apabila saya buka kedai saya hampir 10 pagi semalam, saya nampak dua lelaki cuba mendapatkan derma daripada seorang mak cik,' katanya.

Menurutnya, kegiatan itu dikatakan telah dilakukan sejak tujuh tahun lalu, namun ia kini semakin berleluasa kerana anggota kumpulan itu telah 'membiak'.

Strategi mereka sama - seorang peminta derma akan menghampiri pembeli dan memberi penderma kertas putih dengan kata-kata 'dermalah untuk tahlil dan yasin'.

Derma $10 akan diminta bagi mendapatkan 'rahmat' daripada bacaan itu.

Setiap peminta derma itu mempunyai sebanyak 100 keping kertas putih untuk dijual.

Mereka juga sering mengenakan pakaian jubah dan serban yang dililitkan di kepala, kata Encik Hanapi.

Ketua Hartanah Kampung Melayu, Encik Hamid Jaffar, berkata kumpulan itu kebanyakannya terdiri daripada remaja lelaki berusia antara 13 dengan 20 tahun.

wei jual telur penyu lagi baik lah

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 25-10-2005 09:36 AM | Show all posts
telur penyu ada tak kat geylang serai ?

my wife suka nah makan telur punyu....

i can't stand the yucky...

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Post time 25-10-2005 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 25-10-2005 09:36 AM
telur penyu ada tak kat geylang serai ?

my wife suka nah makan telur punyu....

i can't stand the yucky...

ada.. berlambak..

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