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Author: iansuryani

Berita Hari Ini - 2007

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #960 virgomal's post

duit ni dicetak khas sempena 40 tahun " Currency Interchangeability Agreement" antara dua negara...

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by virgomal at 28-6-2007 01:30 PM
sertu... erk... camner nak explain

Sertu ialah menyucikan sesuatu daripada najis mughalazah iaitu anjing, babi dan keturunannya.

sikit sebanyak mcm samak....

eg.. nampak anjing yang muka ...

oooooo..... tapi cam x yakin je pakai sabun bole disamakan seperti sama'..... w/pun sabun tu ada kandungan tanah liat..... tapi bukan ke kalo sama kita kena ulang 7x? kalo pakai sabun tu - kena cuci sampai 7x jugak x?

sekian soalan inesen dari saya....

dulu sekolah, cikgu v ajar kalo tgk anjing - kena sama' jugak ye?

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 28-6-2007 01:37 PM
duit ni dicetak khas sempena 40 tahun " Currency Interchangeability Agreement" antara dua negara...

kalo x silap, $20 bill nie dicetak dlm limited edition kan? ari tu ada terbaca kat nst kot pasal benda nie..... tapi dlm paper ari nie xde mentioned plak pasal limited edition..... ke, alex yg terlepas pandang?

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #962 alexandria_iz's post

7 kali basuhan dgn air...dlm salah satu basuhan tu mesti ada air yg bercampur tanah....
same goes to the air sabun yg bercampur tanah tu...

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #962 alexandria_iz's post

jawapan dari saya,
saya sama

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 28-6-2007 01:44 PM
7 kali basuhan dgn air...dlm salah satu basuhan tu mesti ada air yg bercampur tanah....
same goes to the air sabun yg bercampur tanah tu...

ye laaa.... tu laa maksud alex....

kalo kita guna sabun tu - kita kena cuci ngan air semata2 (tanpa sabun) sebanyak 6 kali ke?

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:50 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by virgomal at 28-6-2007 01:45 PM
jawapan dari saya,
saya sama

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Post time 28-6-2007 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 28-6-2007 01:42 PM

kalo x silap, $20 bill nie dicetak dlm limited edition kan? ari tu ada terbaca kat nst kot pasal benda nie..... tapi dlm paper ari nie xde mentioned plak pasal limited edition..... ke, ale ...

maksud limited edition tu...ia hanya dicetak tahun ini sempena 40 tahun C.I.A.
mengikut kebiasaan kementerian kewangan, di tahun2 mendatang, duit2 tu hanya diulang cetak hanya utk menggantikan duit2 tersebut yg rosak...

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Post time 28-6-2007 02:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 28-6-2007 01:48 PM

ye laaa.... tu laa maksud alex....

kalo kita guna sabun tu - kita kena cuci ngan air semata2 (tanpa sabun) sebanyak 6 kali ke?

betul tu...kebiasaan pegawai MUIS menyamak / menyertu (di gerai)
1. air biasa = dijirus, basuh sesuatu tempat atau peralatan...utk menghilangkan tanda2 atau minyak pada tempat atau alat2 tersebut.(kalau perlu...sabun digunakan)

2. air tanah = digunakan kemudian sepertimana air yg pertama tadi (semua tempat mesti kena)
3. air biasa
sampai ke
7. air biasa......



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Post time 28-6-2007 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 28-6-2007 01:52 PM

maksud limited edition tu...ia hanya dicetak tahun ini sempena 40 tahun C.I.A.
mengikut kebiasaan kementerian kewangan, di tahun2 mendatang, duit2 tu hanya diulang cetak hanya utk menggantikan ...

ooooo..... camtu.....


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Post time 28-6-2007 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 28-6-2007 02:05 PM

betul tu...kebiasaan pegawai MUIS menyamak / menyertu (di gerai)
1. air biasa = dijirus, basuh sesuatu tempat atau peralatan...utk menghilangkan tanda2 atau minyak pada tempat atau alat2 terse ...

mmmmm.... menarik tu..... tapi alex rasa konsep sabun sertu nie (lawaklaa perkataan sertu )... akan amek masa utk kick-in kot? bukan apa, alex rasa mungkin ramai gak org2 yg masih kurang yakin utk menggunakkan sabun sertu nie..... takut sama' tu x sah.....

tapi papepun, gud idea laaa....

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Post time 28-6-2007 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Employer fined for housing foreign workers in public toilet

SINGAPORE: A local company providing cleaning services has been fined a total of S$7,500 for not providing adequate accommodation for its foreign workers.
Maint-Kleen was taken to court by the Manpower Ministry after an inspection in February last year revealed four of its employees had been cooking and sleeping in a public toilet at Waterloo Street.

This is the first time it has prosecuted an employer for such an offence.

The Ministry says it has been stepping up enforcement on employers who fail to arrange proper living facilities for their foreign workers, or provide facilities that are deemed unfit.

Between January and May this year, 18 were issued composition fines totalling S$30,700 and 98 others given warning letters.

All 116 employers have since provided proper accommodation for their workers.

Employers can be fined up to S$5,000, or jailed up to six months for each breach of the Employment of Foreign Workers Act. - CNA/yy

Tak berperikemanusian langsung cuba dia suruh tidur kat tandas yang kecil & kotor nak tak ...!!!! Patut di jel !!!!:@ :@

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Post time 28-6-2007 09:42 PM | Show all posts
World War II relic found at Woodlands construction site

SINGAPORE: A little piece of history was unearthed at a construction site in Woodlands on Wednesday morning.
A caller to the MediaCorp News hotline said a worker had found a World War Two relic while he was digging in the area.

According to the Defence Ministry, explosives experts from the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosives team, or CBRE, were sent to the Bukit Villas construction site.

A projectile was removed from the scene and sent to the Singapore Armed Forces' live firing grounds for disposal.

Col. Benedict Lim, Director of Public Affairs, Ministry of Defence, said that the item discovered at the work site was a Japanese projectile in service during World War II. - CNA/yy

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Post time 28-6-2007 09:43 PM | Show all posts
Woman's body found floating in Singapore River

SINGAPORE : It was a gruesome find in the middle of the lunchtime rush hour on Thursday.
The body of a woman was spotted floating in the Singapore River, under Coleman Bridge at Clarke Quay.

Civil Defence officers received a call shortly after noon.

10 minutes later, the water rescue team found the body under Elgin Bridge at Boat Quay.

Police said the victim was a Malay woman in her mid-20s, clad in a black top and trousers.

She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police investigations are underway. - CNA /ls

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Post time 29-6-2007 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Boy injures toe after sandal gets stuck in escalator

SINGAPORE: A five-year-old boy injured his big toe on Friday, when the sandal he was wearing got caught in a moving escalator at the Woodlands Civic Plaza.
The boy, who was shopping with his mother at the time, was travelling down an escalator from the second to the first floor when his right foot got stuck.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it was alerted at around 11am about the incident, and arrived five minutes later.

SCDF officers used a hand-held prying tool to free the boy from the escalator.

The boy fractured his toe and was sent to the National University Hospital. - CNA/yy

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Post time 2-7-2007 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Luar Negara : 2 Julai 2007   


PENDANG (Kedah): Seorang pemuda mati apabila kepalanya putus selepas kereta yang dinaikinya bertembung dengan sebuah lori di Kilometer 5 Jalan Pendang ke menuju ke simpang Alor Pudak, di sini, kelmarin.

Keadaan berlaku semasa Encik Mohd Radzi Ramli, 23 tahun, yang menaiki kereta Proton Wira, dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah di Kampung Gua Ginu, Mukim Tualang, Pokok Sena, selepas mengambil ibunya di Bangi, Selangor.

Turut terbunuh dalam kemalangan sekitar 6.45 pagi itu ialah ibunya, Cik Esau Saad, 60 tahun.

Rakannya, Encik Mohamad Forouk Firdzus, dan pemandu lori itu, yang belum dikenal pasti, cedera parah.

Ketua Polis Daerah Pendang, Timbalan Superintenden (DSP) Abdul Aziz Ahmad, berkata kereta itu dipercayai memasuki laluan bersebelahan sebelum bertembung dengan lori kosong dari arah bertentangan itu.

Lori itu dipercayai cuba mengelak tetapi gagal lalu bertembung dengan kereta Allahyarham dan terbabas hingga melanggar tiang elektrik.

'Akibat kemalangan itu, Mohd Radzi putus kepala, manakala ibunya cedera parah dan kedua-dua mangsa mati di tempat kejadian,' kata DSP Abdul Aziz.

Suami Cik Esau, Encik Ramli Bahari, 60 tahun, berkata arwah isterinya ke Bangi untuk melihat cucu yang baru lahir.

- Metro Ahad.


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Post time 2-7-2007 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Two persons found dead in separate incidents

SINGAPORE: Two persons were found dead on Sunday morning - an Indian-Muslim woman at the foot of a block in Stirling Road and a man outside his own flat in Whampoa Drive.

Gory footprints were found in and out of the lift at Block 181 in Stirling Road.

There were also blood stains on the first, second, 12th and 13th storeys of the same block.

Smael Meeral, an Indian woman in her early 30s, was found dead with multiple injuries at the bottom of the block.

She had apparently gone up and down the block by lift and on foot, before collapsing on the ground floor.

Police received a call from a member of the public at about 4.40am and the lady was pronounced dead at 5am.

Speculation is rife among the residents that the attractive woman, rumoured to be pregnant, might have been trying to escape from her assailant.

One resident said: "I saw a tooth on the ground floor and lots of blood stains. The woman's fists were tightly clenched. Her left leg was twisted and flipped over her face.. like she had fallen from a great height."

Another resident said: "I didn't hear anything, but a resident from the second floor said he heard screams. When he opened the door, he saw someone running over from the bus stop."

Police sealed off the area at the Queenstown MRT bus stop opposite the block and recovered a beer bottle.

In a starkly similar case, police received a second phone call some three hours later, at about 7.45am.

Residents at Block 74 in Whampoa Drive said a Malay man was found lying face up outside his flat on the 16th floor.

He was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and white shoes.

There were blood stains on the staircase from the 15th to the 16th floor.

The man, who was in his late twenties, has been identified as Manap Sarlip.

He had a few puncture wounds in his upper body.

Manap's wife was said to be sleeping in the flat at that time and neighbours said they did not hear any commotion.

Police have not ruled out foul play and are investigating the cases. Those with information can contact them at 1800-255-0000.

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Post time 2-7-2007 08:58 PM | Show all posts
Teen, wife nabbed after man found dead in Whampoa Drive

SINGAPORE: Police have arrested the wife of a man found dead outside his flat in Whampo Drive.

The 24-year-old wife of disc jockey Manap Sarlip is one of two suspects arrested on Monday morning.

The other suspect is a 16-year-old boy.

It is unclear at this point what the relationship is between both suspects.

The teenager was arrested at his home at Riverdale Drive, while the woman was taken in after she was brought in for questioning at the Police Cantonment Complex.

According to police, the teen suspect had led officers to the recovery of a knife in a canal along Whampoa Drive.

Police believe the knife had been used to stab Mr Manap to death.

It's understood that the victim's wife was at home when her husband's body was discovered.

She had also been seen crying as police led her away for investigations.

Both suspects will be charged in court on Tuesday.

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Post time 5-7-2007 12:01 AM | Show all posts

Former NKF Chairman Richard Yong arrested in Hong Kong
By Foo Siew Shyan, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 04 July 2007 2300 hrs

SINGAPORE: Former NKF Chairman Richard Yong has been arrested in Hong Kong.

The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) confirmed that Yong was nabbedby authorities there on Wednesday morning, following Singapore'srequest.

His case will be brought up in a Hong Kong court on Thursday morning.

CAD says Singapore will be working with Hong Kong authorities to initiate extradition proceedings, to bring Yong back here.

Besides Yong, Hong Kong Police said his wife On Shu Kio, has also been arrested.

Yong fled Singapore to Malaysia within hours of being made a bankrupt on 16 May.

This was after he sold off his three apartments worth close to S$8 million.

Yong is wanted for leaving Singapore without the Official Assignee's permission.

A warrant of arrest was also issued because Yong did not give uprequired property under his control to the OA, as he is supposed to,under the law.

In May, Yong had been fined S$5,000 after the court found him guilty of negligence.

His inaction as a director of the old NKF led the charity toexcessively pay IT company, Forte Systems, for a software project whichnever got off the ground. - CNA/yy

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Post time 5-7-2007 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Kesian perempuan ni....

Wanita mati dilanggar berkali-kali


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