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Author: kEk_KeL@d|

SEPET dari Yasmin Ahmad

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bug_vengeance This user has been deleted
Post time 30-12-2004 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Dato Jins Shamsudin is good

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agogo This user has been deleted
Post time 30-12-2004 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Bagi filem-filem prof Razak yang bodoh tetapi di dibenarkan untuk tayangan umum bagi saya ini penjelasannya -

Filem-filem tanahair kebanyakkannya sangat dangkal dari sudut falsafah dan cetek pemikirannya. Cerita yang dibawa didalam filem hanya untuk hiburan (itu pun kalau boleh menghiburkan,  selalunya lebih mendatangkan kemarahan).  Tiada apa falsafah yang boleh menganggu gugat minda dan mengubah minda penonton.  Seperti masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri sahaja.  Ini kerana pembuat filem itu sendiri pun kurang daya pemikirannya.  

FIlem-filem di atas tidak mendatangkan kesan mendalam dari segi mempengaruhi minda, pandangan dan pendapat para penonton di dalam  dalam sesuatu hal atau perkara. Tidak seperti filem yang dibuat oleh org-org yang berilmu,  cara bagaimana mereka mengupas sesuatu isu begitu menyakinkan hingga boleh membuat para penonton berdebat dan berfikir mengenainya.

Contohnya Ally Macbeal, The Practice,  isu-isu yang dikupas begitu menyakinkan hingga boleh mengubah pendapat penonton tentang sesuatu perkara.  Pembunuh dan penjual dadah pun dilihat org yang baik di dalam The Practice dan di pertahankan oleh peguam-peguam di dalam The Practice kerana ada justifikasi bahawa pembunuh dan pengedar dadah ini ada hak dan sebab yang munasabah mengapa mereka menjadi pembunuh dan pengedar dadah oleh itu harus dipertahankan sebaik mungkin oleh para peguam. Dan ada kalanya kerana justifikasi yang diberikan begitu logikal para penonton pun turut bersetuju dengan para peguam ini dan menyokong pula dan berharap agar pembunuh atau pengedar dadah ini bebas dari hukuman.  Itu lah kuatnya hasil garapan David E Kelly hingga dapat menghalalkan benda yang salah. Dan ada pula penonton yang  terpengaruh.  

Bagi pembuat-pembuat filem yang bijak ini kupasan dan garapan mereka kerana kuatnya daya pemikiran mereka boleh mengubah persepsi penonton tidak seperti filem-filem PROF Razak yang hancus itu dan tidak akan mengubah apa-apa kecuali memperbodoh-bodohkan penonton kita sahaja. Oleh itu ketelitian perlu diberikan dalam menilai falsafah yang dibawa oleh pembuat filem tersebut.  

Orang yang pandai tidak semestinya benar.

Dulu ada isu pementasan "Vagina Monologue ".  Pengiat-pengiat teater Inggeris yang bijak pandai mahu mementaskan satu drama/teater membawa tajuk "Vagina Monologue". Pementasan ini diharamkan oleh DBKL kerana tajuk yang yang tidak sesuai dgn sentitiviti  dan budaya rakyat Malaysia.  Penggiat-penggiat teater Inggeris yang bijak pandai ini meletup marah dan menuduh DBKL tidak modern, tidak liberal dsbgnya.  

Tapi bila difikirkan balik apa perlunya kita menggunakan tajuk yang bersifat tidak ada segan silu begitu dan tidak begitu sesuai dgn budaya ramai rakyat Malaysia (sudah ramai rakyat Malaysia yang terlampau liberal sehingga nak bagi tajuk The dinosor pun mereka tak kisah - kononnya modern, freedom of speech dan very advance la tu macam tamaddun Amerika Syarikat walhal Amerika Syarikat BARBARIC di IRAQ) walhal lebih banyak tajuk-tajuk  yang lebih bijak yang boleh digunakan untuk pementasan tersebut.

Apa perlu sangat ke kita buat sesuatu yang konon-kononnya lain-dari lain, yang advance yang modern tetapi menjatuhkan budaya dan nilai hidup manusia??? Dan apabila ada pihak yang menyekat "kemodenan" kita ini (perasan moden walhal salah konsep dan terpengaruh dengan idelogi barat yang menyimpang itu) kita marah pula dan menuduh org lain tak maju kehadapan dan tidak berfikiran terbuka.

Bagi saya yang maju itu,  yang moden itu adalah inisiatif-inisiatif dan konsep-konsep yang membawa kesejahteraan ummah bukan yang berkiblatkan barat semata-mata.  


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Post time 30-12-2004 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by agogo at 30-12-2004 07:45 PM:
Bagi filem-filem prof Razak yang bodoh tetapi di dibenarkan untuk tayangan umum bagi saya ini penjelasannya -

Filem-filem tanahair kebanyakkannya sangat dangkal dari sudut falsafah dan cetek pe ...

do u think ppl read everything you post? it's too long to read. from the skimming, i know it is still bullshits dan dangkal.

Use magic Report

Post time 31-12-2004 09:44 AM | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 31-12-2004 10:09 AM | Show all posts
so, what happened to Sepet now?

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Post time 2-1-2005 09:45 AM | Show all posts
from Yasmin's Blog...([ur][/url])


The Censorship Board's final decision.

chop, chop, chop!

They're not banning "Sepet". But instead of chopping off nine parts, they've reduced it to eight.

My producer's verdict: This is a deliberate insult. To us, to our film, to Mingguan Malaysia, to the Malay Mail, and to you. If they're not going to let up on at least four of the eight cuts, we just won't release it here. Full stop. We'll try for Indonesia instead, so help us God.

But you know what? If all this bru-ha-ha is going to make the Malaysian Censorship Board realise how unfair they can be sometimes, then perhaps it's worth us losing our chances of a theatrical release here. Perhaps "Sepet" can pave the way for other films after it.

If that were the case, then at least our film may not have perished for nothing. Let's hope that it does not perish at all, inshaallah.

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Post time 3-1-2005 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Terbaru dari blog pribadi Yasmin Ahmad.... (

We've decided to release "Sepet". Fancy a bite of my humble pie ?

humble pie

Ros, my film producer, and I had a good long chat about "Sepet" and the censorship board.

I was dead against the eight cuts they imposed upon our film, of course. I mean, I could understand their problem with the expletives, and the scene where Harith, clad only in a pair of baggy Y-fronts, chases after his wife around the house. But the rest of the cuts, although insignificant, were unreasonable beyond belief.

So there I was, raving and ranting, as you might expect, and at one point, raising my voice unnecessarily.

That's when Ros looked me straight in the eye and reminded me of some fundamental things.

1) The fact that if "Sepet" didn't get released, we may never get our money back. To make "Sepet", Ros had to sell her car, as did Ujang the set designer and art director, and I had to draw practically all my savings. And if we didn't make our money back, we may never be able to make "Gubra".

2) "Remember why you decided to make films in the first place," Ros whispered solemnly. I hanged my head in shame. We both knew perfectly well that we make our films primarily to show Mak and Abah how much we loved them. (Ros, whose parents passed away many years ago, was adopted my parents just before we made "Rabun".)

Those two clinching arguments are why I now find myself eating the proverbial pie. If all goes well, inshaallah "Sepet" will be released in a couple of months. With the eight cuts which, come to think of it, don't even add up to a minute of screen time.

I hope you're not too disappointed with me. And more importantly, I hope you will catch "Sepet" at the theatres, and that it will move you in some way.

Jom tengok wayang jom?

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Post time 3-1-2005 02:37 PM | Show all posts
yay...finally we can see tepet in our local cinema. can't wait to watch it. jom kita buat rombongan cik kiah utk tgk citer sepet nanti. :hug:

[ Last edited by ashna on 3-1-2005 at 02:39 PM ]

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Post time 3-1-2005 07:18 PM | Show all posts
la..aku memang tunggu citer ni..last2 takleh tayang plak!!!!

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Post time 3-1-2005 07:19 PM | Show all posts
tak bley tayang atas sebab yang tak munasabah!!!

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Post time 4-1-2005 12:54 AM | Show all posts
LPF memang sampah - itu tak boleh nak dinafikan. Tapi cara Yasmin handle situasi ini amat manipulatif dan tidak matang. Apa ni, mintak simpati-sana sini sampai over! Sikit-sikit cukuplah, beb! Roll with the punches lah - jangan kerana filem dipotong LPF (dia seriousy ingat LPF nak lepas tanpa potongan, ah, don't pretend to be naive, yasmin!) sudah berhenti mahu buat filem!

Cheap publicity stunt, typical melayu kena cuit sikit nak merajuk (sebenarnya bukan merajuk tapi nak meraih simpati).


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Post time 4-1-2005 10:34 AM | Show all posts
potong sampai 8? berbaloi ke nak gi tgk? teruk sgt ke sepet?

dulu bukan main lagi aku berkobar2 tunggu citer ni, la ni mcm dah malasss je

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concepcion This user has been deleted
Post time 4-1-2005 12:29 PM | Show all posts
...apa-apa pun, aku sokong ada LPF.. Kalau tak jaga sekarang, nanti telanjang bogel semua pelakon... Seriius..

You let them show so called husbands and wives chasing around with sexual intent in skimpy shorts once... theyll get more creative next time and do without the shorts ...

kita ni negara ISLAM ... tak yah lah kot kalau terlebih-lebih ni...

kalau tak nak censor-censor ni, migrate je pegi Thailand.. boleh bikin all the uncensored movies they want..

Sepatutnya ada kriteria lagi LPF tengok.. citer-citer yang bangang cam kuliah cinta semua ni, baik tak yah..MEROSAKKAN MINDA ajer..

Prof patut migrate...

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Post time 4-1-2005 02:19 PM | Show all posts
akhirnya Sepet ke panggung juga...

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sengkek This user has been deleted
Post time 24-1-2005 02:36 PM | Show all posts

At a cinema near you, from February 24th, "Sepet" by Yasmin Ahmad

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Please spread the word. Sepet's scheduled release date, as stated above, is February 24th, at One Utama, Mid-Valley, KLCC, Sunway, Times Square, and a host of cinemas in JB, Ipoh, and Penang.

Yes, eight cuts were made, but to be honest, they amount to less than two minutes of screen time.

Plus, all the best social commentaries were allowed to remain. They just had a problem with Harith running around in his underwear, Harith tickling Ida Nerina in bed, and one character saying, "Eh, you know ah? I heard somewhere that Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, and Hang whatever chibai all were Chinamen, you know!"

In fact, they even allowed the "cari kutu" hair-combing scene at the staircase.

See you at the panggung wayang? Who knows, you might meet me and the three people you see in the picture. (It was taken on "Sepet" Gala Premiere Night at Cathay Orchard Cine Leisure in Singapore.)

By the way, what do you think of Ng Choo Seong's real-life Malay girlfriend? Cute, huh? The poor, sweet girl said she cried when she saw "Sepet". A couple of months later, I found out they were dating.

Well, may God bless them, I say. And may their lives together be happy, and free from the LPF's of the world. Ameen, ameen, ya rabbal alameen.

source :

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Post time 24-1-2005 04:33 PM | Show all posts
aku nak tengok dulu kat wayang versi cuts ni....lepas tuh aku akan ceritakan kat sini bagaimana scene2 yang telah dipotong tu....

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Post time 24-1-2005 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sengkek at 24-1-2005 02:36 PM:
Sunday, January 23, 2005

Please spread the word. Sepet's scheduled release date, as stated above, is February 24th, at One Utama, Mid-Valley, KLCC, Sunway, Times Square, and a ho ...

nak tgk.. :ah:

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bug_vengeance This user has been deleted
Post time 24-1-2005 11:10 PM | Show all posts
patut pun kene cut
selamba papa je kate chibai

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Post time 25-1-2005 12:45 PM | Show all posts
jom kita buat rombongan cik kiah tgk citer sepet.

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bug_vengeance This user has been deleted
Post time 25-1-2005 07:51 PM | Show all posts
ko sediakan bas ngan banner

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