Originally posted by kid at 20-5-2004 12:39:
You did unite with US terrorist in Iraq... we didn't :nana:
yeah!!!!! Well said. Very true! |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 20-5-2004 13:00:
jadi kau kata kau orang india lebih berhak ke atas Malaysia berbanding orang melayu ke? macam mana lah nak memupuk semangat perpaduan kaum kalau ada gelintir kaum macam kamu berfik ...
What do you mean by my personal experience regarding the Iranian kid. I am trying to tell you there are quite a significant of minority Arabs who are non-Muslim.
Also, yes I am a chinese but these Malays are also Asians. These Arabs are also Asian, what do you mean by calling them not Asians if I did not get you wrongly. Being a muslim doesn't mean that one is not Asian, same as for being a christian and hindu. There are Indian muslim, Arab muslim and even Chinese muslim in China.
Regarding that Singapore thing, it is not said by muslim. Way before I joined this forum already I have that kind of thought. Singapore is being just to supportive of US and not supportive of its Asian neighbours with the PAP's policies.
[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 20-5-2004 at 08:29 PM ] |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 20-5-2004 08:24 PM:
What do you mean by my personal experience regarding the Iranian kid. I am trying to tell you there are quite a significant of minority Arabs who are non-Muslim.
An example..Iran
noun: Iranian(s)
adjective: Iranian
Ethnic groups:
Persian 51%, Azeri 24%, Gilaki and Mazandarani 8%, Kurd 7%, Arab 3%, Lur 2%, Baloch 2%, Turkmen 2%, other 1%
Shi'a Muslim 89%, Sunni Muslim 10%, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, and Baha'i 1%
Persian and Persian dialects 58%, Turkic and Turkic dialects 26%, Kurdish 9%, Luri 2%, Balochi 1%, Arabic 1%, Turkish 1%, other 2%
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 79.4%
male: 85.6%
female: 73% (2003 est.)
1% is barely significant Ariya..Unless your so called "Iranian" friend lives in US:lol
What is significant minority is something like Malaysia,friend...Anyway some side story..Iran is a sucky place to live if you arent a Muslim..Non-Muslims especially the Bahais are treated second class...They cant attend universities..They cant have high executive position in the government..Most Bahais ran to the US for their lives... |
Originally posted by WICKED at 20-5-2004 16:43:
I believe malaysians can unite if someone like seph changes his mentality!
I agre with that but must mention a few more. Seraphim and Mat Roket, if he is a Malaysian. Malaysia can unite but only when the younger generations willing to cooperate the way Tun Tan Cheng Lock willing to cooperate with Tunku Abdul Rahman. |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 20-5-2004 17:56:
Tahu pun engkau bahawa tidak semua Islam tu melayu ada jugak orang cina atau india macam saudara Kennkid yang beragama Islam..sama lah seperti persoalan awak yang mula2 tadi yang ...
Wait a minute, Most of Arab adalah di benua Asia and Palestine adalah di benua Asia thus the origin of Christian and Islam adalah dari Asia. |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 20-5-2004 20:32:
An example..Iran
noun: Iranian(s)
adjective: Iranian
Ethnic groups:
Persian 51%, Azeri 24%, Gilaki and Mazandarani 8%, Kurd 7%, Arab 3%, Lur 2%, Baloch 2%, Turkme ...
Just to mention that there are ARABS WHO ARE NOT MUSLIM GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is significant too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is an Iranian boy few years back get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nf: |
Trying to correct your statement..significant means different you know:ah:
Dont want to spread more ignorance in this board..Most peoplle here thinks that most Arabian countries are some good shining example of Islamic states
Dont need to get all heat up,friend |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 20-5-2004 20:38:
Trying to correct your statement..significant means different you know:ah:
Dont want to spread more ignorance in this board..Most peoplle here thinks that most Arabian countries are some good shin ...
Eh... you know how many Palstinians are Christians or not???? Iran is ony a part of Arab. |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 20-5-2004 08:40 PM:
Eh... you know how many Palstinians are Christians or not???? Iran is ony a part of Arab.
Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 72.68 years
male: 70.95 years
female: 74.51 years (2003 est.)
Total fertility rate:
4.65 children born/woman (2003 est.)
HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:
HIV/AIDS - deaths:
noun: NA
adjective: NA
Ethnic groups:
Palestinian Arab and other 83%, Jewish 17%
Muslim 75% (predominantly Sunni), Jewish 17%, Christian and other 8%
Arabic, Hebrew (spoken by Israeli settlers and many Palestinians), English (widely understood)
8% are christians...Although they arent really that significant either
Glad to be of help |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Iran is ony a part of Arab
Iranian are Persian not Arab. |
by ariyamusafir
Wait a minute, Most of Arab adalah di benua Asia and Palestine adalah di benua Asia thus the origin of Christian and Islam adalah dari Asia.
Cuba tunjjukan persamaan2 antara Islam dan Christians dgn agama/kebudayaan orang Asia lain.
Dr segi geography pun, Negara Arab adalah sebahagian dr benua Africa dan Timur Tengah drpd Benua Asia. |
WICKED This user has been deleted
by Sephiroth
Saya tak kata sesuatu bangsa (spt Melayu) tak ada budaya. Saya kata MUSLIMS tiada budaya.
Dan memandangkan Islam bukan berasal dr Asia (Arab itu digolongkan dlm Timur Tengah) ataupun menpunyai ciri2 ketimuran, maka tak wajar utk kami melayan Muslims yg asing dgn situasi/budaya dll di Asia.
You really want to talk about culture & heritage? Are you sure you really know what you are talking about? Are you very knowlegable about Asian cultures? Do you really know which culture we should or shouldnt adapt? Do you think that Islam doesnt contribute anything in the culture? I can give you examples to prove that you are wrong for instance we have "zikir & marhaban", Khatamal al-quran, aqiqah,khatan and many religious rituals that we adapt from Islam which we have in our malay culture and you can see those rituals being performed during malay weddings.
What do you mean that Islam begins from Arab country which you categorize as middle east. Dont you know that arab is located in South-west Asia and can also be considered as Asian! You only mention about Islam, what about christian? christian or Jew religion doesnt begin from america or europe or asean. It begins from Jerussalem. Do you consider Jerrussalem as part of middle east or part of Asia? :spd:
It sounds so easy for you to reject Muslim as you think that muslim doesnt have culture while the fact we do have our own culture but it is so easy for you to accept western culture which is obvious not our culture as we are asians. It is so pathetic to see most asians are so keen to adapt western culture like wearing studs all over the face, on the tongue, nose and ears and bellybutton and listening more to hip hop, rap & punk music than irama malaysia, indian or chinese classic. One good example is Petronas advertisement during deevapali festival, when indians like you prefer to be more like niggers than indians. As asians you should proud of your culture but it seems that you are too proud of western culture. Now tell me if you think you are TRULY ASIAN are you gonna reject western culture???
[ Last edited by WICKED on 21-5-2004 at 11:10 AM ] |
You really want to talk about culture & heritage? Are you sure you really know what you are talking about? Are you very knowlegable about Asian cultures?
Al I knowledgeble in culture and heritage? TRY ME. :cool:
Do you really know which culture we should or shouldnt adapt?
I really don't give a damn what you want to take or discard. And there is no "We", don't add Us into your society.
Do you think that Islam doesnt contribute anything in the culture? I can give you examples to prove that you are wrong for instance we have "zikir & marhaban", Khatamal al-quran, aqiqah,khatan and many religious rituals that we adapt from Islam which we have in our malay culture and you can see those rituals being performed during malay weddings.
As you already said ... it is RELIGIOUS rituals which came together with Islam which you adapt, it is NOT part of the culture and heritage of the Asians or the Bumiputeras.
What do you mean that Islam begins from Arab country which you categorize as middle east. Dont you know that arab is located in South-west Asia and can also be considered as Asian! You only mention about Islam, what about christian? christian or Jew religion doesnt begin from america or europe or asean. It begins from Jerussalem. Do you consider Jerrussalem as part of middle east or part of Asia?
You don't seems to know Geography ... SOUTH EAST Asia consists of Malaysia and the countries around them, that's why we have ASEAN. Arab is MIDDLE East country. It does located with Asian region but other than that, there is NOT other similarities between Asian people (in method of living, culture, heritage or religion) to Arabs.
And Yes, that also applies to Christianity and Jews. All three of you are in the same boat because you are born from the same race - Abraham's.
It sounds so easy for you to reject Muslim as you think that muslim doesnt have culture while the fact we do have our own culture but it is so easy for you to accept western culture which is obvious not our culture as we are asians. It is so pathetic to see most asians are so keen to adapt western culture like wearing studs all over the face, on the tongue, nose and ears and bellybutton and listening more to hip hop, rap & punk music than irama malaysia, indian or chinese classic. One good example is Petronas advertisement during deevapali festival, when indians like you prefer to be more like niggers than indians. As asians you should proud of your culture but it seems that you are too proud of western culture. Now tell me if you think you are TRULY ASIAN are you gonna reject western culture???
And when did I accept Western Culture? Mind showing me. |
Robotic This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 20-5-2004 11:37 AM:
Count us out please, we don't want to unite with yu terrorists buggers.
Suh...suh...The Dog not allow :cak: |
This topic strayed into a Muslim bashing topic, as the usua with most topicsl.;)
A united asian is a complext thing. First, we should get rid of our egoistic version of "Asian Pride" and accept every lifestyle and culture as unique and distinctive, not regarding it as an excuse to be more superior than other culture. It's something that bothered me whenever I see topics in other forums like "All Chinese people come here!" or vacancies in classifieds that favors one particular race. The same also happens here in M'sia when some Chinese groups vehemently oppose the Vision Schools programme. PAS govt banning cultural shows that are un-Islamic. And so on.
We should also stop this anti-Western bullcrap. Their culture, no matter how immoral it is, that is their way; we have our own ways. The Europeans are one step ahead in unity than their American counterparts because they don't have extremist "European" pride crap, and they don't have the anti-this, anti-that attitude that we asians have.
And the last time I remember, Islam did contribute to the rise of Science when Muslims were renowned in Astronomy (not the astrological Zodiac thingy) and Mathematics and were advanced at the time when the Europeans were having their Jahilah in form of Dark Ages. Too bad things didn't turn out at the present because the whole Middle East disintigrated to a culture of hate. |
WICKED This user has been deleted
by Sephiroth
You don't seems to know Geography ... SOUTH EAST Asia consists of Malaysia and the countries around them, that's why we have ASEAN. Arab is MIDDLE East country. It does located with Asian region but other than that, there is NOT other similarities between Asian people (in method of living, culture, heritage or religion) to Arabs.
I didnt say that arab is part of SOUTH EAST ASIA but I said SOUT WEST ASIA. As ASIA is there, that means the people can be called as ASIAN. :spd:
As you already said ... it is RELIGIOUS rituals which came together with Islam which you adapt, it is NOT part of the culture and heritage of the Asians or the Bumiputeras.
What do you mean by what u've quoted? are you telling me that you reject malay culture as part of Asians or bumiputera's culture & heritage? I think you need to refer to someone from ministry of tourism whether your fact can be accepted or not!
Seph...if you think you are truly Malaysian you wouldnt think like a selfish person as if only indian or chinese or any non muslim bumiputeras deserve to be considered as ASIAN as you people have the culture while Malay doesnt because you consider Malay or MUST I SAY MUSLIM doesnt have any culture!
[ Last edited by WICKED on 21-5-2004 at 01:26 PM ] |
I don't think we have much culture to learn from arabs. |
WICKED This user has been deleted
[ Last edited by WICKED on 21-5-2004 at 01:30 PM ] |
by John Lennon
A united asian is a complext thing. First, we should get rid of our egoistic version of "Asian Pride" and accept every lifestyle and culture as unique and distinctive, not regarding it as an excuse to be more superior than other culture. It's something that bothered me whenever I see topics in other forums like "All Chinese people come here!" or vacancies in classifieds that favors one particular race. The same also happens here in M'sia when some Chinese groups vehemently oppose the Vision Schools programme. PAS govt banning cultural shows that are un-Islamic. And so on.
United Asian is not complex thing as you imagine it. There have been communcation and information sharing between China, India and all the other smaller ethnic groups in Asia for hundreds of years before Islam came around.
The spreading of Hindusm and Buddhism to China and Japan peacefully is one of those proves of communication. We (Asians) did all this without resorting to fight and push our views down on anyone's throat. Which is why Indians and Chinese still living in this country peacefully and in the world (despite of some problems due to politics).
"Asian Pride" is for ALL Asians ... and I don't see why each and everyone of Asians (Indian, Chinese, Thais etc) don't need to pride themselves to be able to live in harmony and able to contribute to each others for generation.
We should also stop this anti-Western bullcrap. Their culture, no matter how immoral it is, that is their way; we have our own ways. The Europeans are one step ahead in unity than their American counterparts because they don't have extremist "European" pride crap, and they don't have the anti-this, anti-that attitude that we asians have.
I don't know which cave you crawl out from but in Asia, immoral acts and culture is something most people dislike and teach others to avoid. What nonsense is that you telling us to IGNORE immoral acts just because it belongs to someone else. If you want to wash your dirty laundry, do it in your own bathroom.
And the last time I remember, Islam did contribute to the rise of Science when Muslims were renowned in Astronomy (not the astrological Zodiac thingy) and Mathematics and were advanced at the time when the Europeans were having their Jahilah in form of Dark Ages. Too bad things didn't turn out at the present because the whole Middle East disintigrated to a culture of hate.
Save that crap to compare with the Europeans who were living in Dark Ages at that time. We are talking about Asia here.
China and India already developed and use in daily lives complex Astronogical system even before Jesus was born to support its agriculture and social situations (like festival and so on).
India's medicine (Ayurvedic) and China's medicine (based on the text by the Yellow Emperor) were one of the best even before Jesus were born and India's Ayurvedic is STILL considered to be the best holistic approach in the world today. And that's not even including Yoga which appeared 5,000 years ago.
So save your "Islam contributed something" to the one who doesn't know History. ;) |
WICKED This user has been deleted
I noticed in every statement you've made you only mentioned only INDIAN & CHINESE? What about MALAY Seph???
I hope you are not so prejudice towards the Malay as malay community is part of Asian!
[ Last edited by WICKED on 21-5-2004 at 01:34 PM ] |
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