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Author: Kazuo

calling all american haters......

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-5-19 09:25 AM:

I agree. They are imperialist. They control directly or indirectly. Many indirectly, however, when there is this Saddam who is an obstacle for the US to be in control, at least to a certain deg ... Thus the US is not a good country. Its government is not good to the world. Its supremercy in Military might is a threat not a blessing to the world.

then u should boycott them.  & any country that don't like US shouldn't do business with them..... isn't it agst principal to be dealing with such terrible country/ppl?

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KENNKID at 2004-5-18 01:24 PM:

Can this American who wrote this be called an American hater too?

oops... almost miss this.  this situation is similar to any supporter of any opposition party in any country.  we msians hv this too.  isn't this called an internal political dilemma & they're stuck in a rut?  so they hv no choice unless they pack their bags & leave their beloved country.  but u non americans hv a choice but choose differently.....

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 08:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-5-19 09:32 AM:

Yes. That is why why not much hate for the French and Germans who are aso Christians? Why support them and Chirac even got an award presented by Dr. M himself in Malaysia for the Iraq crisis? C ...

if only u heard the story why chirac was agst attacking saddam/iraq.... another hipo

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 08:26 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Kazuo at 20-5-2004 07:44 AM:

kamurang !"

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 2004-5-19 09:54 AM:

Ah, Kazuo, slow down your rush to judgement. Don't be misled by a couple of tongue in cheek posts. As to why American bashing occurs...well there are clearly many reasons ...

prob is i wasn't making a judgment.... just an observation.  it may be a couple of posts but it seems to be occupying the whole wp & i guess the msian media too.  ppl are saying msian world news are one sided when reporting on usa.  so... can't help it lah....

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-5-19 01:20 PM:

You dont understand what im trying to say...Do you?

We wouldnt look up to America if America doesnt hold a veto power in UN! So what is the point of holding a veto power in UN if the country ...

they were already itching to get back at arabs for 9/11.... u think UN will be a barrier to them?  so of course they attack their no. 1 enemy.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-5-19 09:48 AM:
ofcourse we condem the terrorists, it just that we dont know who is the leader of the terrorists, we dont know whether the leader of the terrorists is a leader of any country otherwise you will bla ...

since when u hv to know who is the leader first?  they're using yr religion to target innocent lives.  what bollocks excuse.... takut nak condemn diurang sbb takut kena fatwa mangkali.....;)

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-5-20 08:26 AM:
kalau kau rasa amerika tu umpama perempuan bunting mau beranak...engkau ke bapak kepada anak yang dikandung perempuan bunting tu sampai kau sakit telinga?

apa ni?  kalau tak paham apasal kasih putar belit kata2 sia pulak???  ni... sia cut & paste utk ko baca satu kali lagi....

[quote]kamurang !"

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2004 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 2004-5-20 02:44 AM:

What about you? if you hate muslims / Arabs so much .. boycott any business owned by Muslims OR boycott Arabs oil!

yes... they should boycott arab's oil.  less cars, less polution, greener earth....

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 20-5-2004 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Bukan takut kena fatwa! You people simply talk or assume about fatwa. Is there any fatwa for those who do not support terrorists?   I ask you something..for what reason they invaded Iraq? Is it  because Saddam supported terrorists who striked WTC? is it because WMD? ...but where is that bloody WMD anyway? Do you think it is the right way to target arab countries just because the terrorists who striked WTC are mostly arabs? what if those arabs hold american citizenship? Can we simply hunt arab countries? Dont you remember there was a Gulf War during Bush Senior's term and Bush Junior is like continuing his father's vengeance to Saddam and their main target is actually OIL? If his intention is to help iraqis from Saddam's regime why the iraqis still suffer even if now Saddam no longer ruling the country, even when America occupied the country? Do you consider the existence of US in iraq cause less or more suffer?

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Seraphim at 19-5-2004 09:44:

US support what and who does not even concern us...You see Wicked..i know US governement sucks...You can do all the condemning you want to the US government...Like me ...i  ...

They would not have spilled blood if the US had not done what they did, if the Israelis have not done what they did. By the way, they are resistance fighters.

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Seraphim at 19-5-2004 09:59:

That's a wrong way to compare..You dont just compare because a country is a superpower or not..So if a small irrelevant country is doing atrocities..You'll just ignore that??That's also so scre ...

Look at US misused its powers and veto off resolutions that could have solved many probems just because it concerns Israel and many more. When others are using their veto powers rightly, they go to war without care for others.

By the way, you said you do not support Bush, why support Iraq invasion. You called those insurgents terrorist, but they are merely resisting the invader forces and they do not go all the way to US or other parts of the world to hit at US. They just want US OUT--->(disregard some terrorist operating in Iraq)

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 19-5-2004 12:27:
About America's role in the UN, they have always been the biggest payers. Their contributions & aid to the world has always & has been the biggest in the history ever seen. However only BUS ...

Do you know that US hutang UN sooooo huge the amount that UN have to request that US pays its debt. Now, not sure wether settle or not but we DO NOT NEED US Meddling inour affairs.

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-5-2004 13:32:

You know what? I think yu are just jealous of America and you apply double standards in all you do. You people are morally weak to say the least.

peace & cheers

I find you keep repeating what you wrote in other parts. Out of ideas or topics to debate Debmey????

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-5-2004 13:54:
We are three times richer, tahst why.
However, there is no moral excuse.
I am asking the same question too. Why should you people be jealous of Singapore? And why do you need to deny it?

Oh we don't deny but it is a fact that we are not jealous. We are still more superior in moral wise. We only don't quite like you for the way you handle international and bilateral affairs such as trying to steal our island of Pulau Batu Putih and trying to pay less and earn more from the water we provide you with.

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-5-2004 14:48:
But yu do, your actions shows it.

As I have said, not jealous, only dislike you for your egoistic action of the mentioned above and also, for your way of too supporting Bush while you are in Asian. You have to decide to nearer to Asan countries or to America which your country is far away. Look at Qatar, it is even richer than UK and Singapore, why not Malaysians be jealous of it???

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WinterNights at 20-5-2004 04:33:

The fundamental reasoning is this:

America's international policy is not consistent with international standards. In other words, they acted on their own and presumably for their own interes ...

Yes I agree with you WinterNights. Launching the so called WMD in the war would have saved Saddam from being locked away, saved the Baath from being thrown out of power, also, US troops will not be able to enter Baghdad and their troops will suffer heavier casualties but why not used them? Also, US most probably won't attack Singapore because they had already won them indirectly.

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kazuo at 20-5-2004 08:13:

if only u heard the story why chirac was agst attacking saddam/iraq.... another hipo

Hey, I was proving that the people here are not against Christians but US. Chirac is a Christian and is a good example.

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kazuo at 20-5-2004 09:02:

yes... they should boycott arab's oil.  less cars, less polution, greener earth....

But the problem is when the Arabs imposed oil embargo towards the Europeans and US, the US planned to invade Arab Saudi just because of that in the 80's. I have posted that article so many times, want me to prove it again???:cak:

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Post time 20-5-2004 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 20-5-2004 10:28 AM:

Hey, I was proving that the people here are not against Christians but US. Chirac is a Christian and is a good example.

They should be against Bush and some of the Americans....Not the whole country..
Oh yar..Chirac is not really a good shining example also

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