la..sambungan citer lepas ke..
ingatkan citer lain dh...
aku x smpt nk tgk2 lgsg sipnopsis dia....
mesti best...lepas tgk wayang..dvd dia pun wajib beli...
citer ni tgk berulang kali pun x jemu.... |
i dah ttengok....
hmmm cara nak tengok hahhaah well.. gilah area masjid jame kan....
anyway mmg cleverly designed plot - endingneyr ...soib sob...SPOILERS
well.. i like it. |
Originally posted by imdudic at 11-8-2007 02:25 PM 
la..sambungan citer lepas ke..
ingatkan citer lain dh...
aku x smpt nk tgk2 lgsg sipnopsis dia....
mesti best...lepas tgk wayang..dvd dia pun wajib beli...
citer ni tgk berulang kali pun x ...
btul chiter ni beshhhh giler |
lambat lagi citer ni kuar, SEPT..
kat pasar malam dah ada jual DVD dia..tapi gambar mmg tak cantik..sib baik tak beli..nak tunggu kat wayang baru syok!
me tak penah missed citer ni & kumpul DVD dia ..memang best dan rasanya cuma matt damon je yg ssi jadik bourne tu kan! |
better kt wayang
lg puas tgk
yes, matt damon je yg sesuai  |
kenapa saya suka citer ni
it is cleverly well thought out plotlines ever made !!!. The director are the best doug Liman and PAul Greengrass are indeed very detail in devising the plot etc.They are showing Jason Bourne is of muscles and good brain. He keeps his calm whenever his life at stake or him being folowed by those who wanted him dead. He uses his brain in how to create diversion and using all the sources from environment. That's why i like it. And to be honest Doug Liman 's - ()the director of the first Bourne episode - Bourne Identity father is actually had became one of the CHeif Joint of staff - i.e yg the one prsenting all those reports to the US president - he was the one who gave Doug Liman info on how CIA operates... so sebab tu nampak agak real.
niCKY ( jULIA sTILES) hmm she is very matured - and you could seee this in her character ...
I nak you all tengok tau - akan ada satu 2 scenes yg akan flashback and akan ada significant dalam scene JUlia stiles - something about her hair - ini hint sajer - tunggulah.....
I like the plot especially the ...aah tak boleh cakap...just wait sabar kat akhir yer....  |
adeh lambat lg la nk kuwa, x sabo nye  |
ni yg dilema ni.. nak tunggu wayang ke beli DVD jek
cik abang tak suka cerita pikir2 mcm ni  |
i really really like this trilogy very much... |
Aku tunggu car chase scenes aja. |
takder kejutan...byk scene yg ulang movie lepas...cth scene xciden keter..
david webb aka jason bourne....
kalo bg spoiler pun besh gak kan?
antara cerita yang ditunggu.. review pun macam best je, teruja nak tengok.. |
Reply #35 pissaladiere's post
memang citer ni tak ikut 100% buku nya. tu lah yg tak best. pasal jason yes, marie habis tak ikut. tapi 1st version citer ni bila producer buat movie on tv, jln citer nya memang ada ikut buku. masa tu staring Richard Chamberlin dan Jacyln Smith. |
err... rasenye tayangan film ni kat Malaysia, ada delay skit je... iaitu tarikh baru skrg ialah pada 11 October 2007, dkt nak raya.. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..
Matt Damon's cool in Bourne. |
dah kelaur cetak rompak..
nak tunggu raye lamabt sgt .. sempat razak maiden buat 3-4 buah ceta utk tayangan raye
gambar lawa..tapi biasa2 ajer kali.. cuma fast moving movie... |
Reply #53 dollah_bedwi's post
cetak curi ni aku rasa dh lama kuar kan..member aku ada beli...
tp aku presure dia suruh jgn tgk yg cetak curi ni...sbb nanti rugi...
hilang feel tgk citer yg best camni....
so, skrg dia pun x tgk lg..nk tgg kuar wayang n dvd yg cun baru nk tgk.... |
Reply #53 dollah_bedwi's post
clear ke cetak rompak? jgn2 cinema skop dan tak clear. |
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