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SAMDOL TELAH DIBOGELKAN DI THREAD “Adakah ini sejarah asal islam" & SA

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 12:10 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 12:28 AM
sam1528 replied at 12-11-2018 11:45 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 ... apa hal dgn peta ko tu

Sampai skg senyap aje ... buat tak ...

Lollll dah terang terang dalam artikel tu tiada siapa yang boleh confirnkan maracoba itu adalah 100% mecca. Itu hanyalah kepercayaan lobai estate sahaja kerana lobai estate tidak boleh menerima kenyataan. Bodoh punya lobai estate!
Bodoh punya lobai estate buat andaian sendikir kekononya maracorba itu adalah mecca. Samdo kau gila ataupun bodoh kerana kurangnya education?
Matilah layan lobai keluar estate yang perasan kekononya dia cerdik

KalAU mecca betul betul betul ada didalam map sebelum 9CAD tiadalah membuatkan manusia seperti lobai estate ni confuse maracorba dan mecca.
Lobai estate tengok jetusalem, Petra ada orang nak pertikai dimana dan adakah kewujudannya!



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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 12:19 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 12:48 AM
sam1528 replied at 12-11-2018 11:42 PM
Baaaaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 yg teramat2 kureng cerdik & teramat2 kureng fasih english


Hahaha....kat bawah kekononya sumber academic scholarship yang confirkan marcoba itu adalah mecca yang lobai estate bagi tau kehulu kehilir tu? Patutlah lobai estate bodoh sangat
Mereka tiada bagi tau pun bahawa maracoba itu adalah mecca. Alahai lobai estate..janji reply dan copypaste aja kekononya nak tunjuk cerdik!

Module Code MH2002

Module Title
Introduction to Middle Eastern History

Module Description
This module provides an introduction to Middle Eastern History from the dramatic reconfiguration of the Middle East in late Antiquity to its contested and contentious recent past. It explores political, social and cultural life across the Middle East through the comparative treatment of several themes. These will normally include states and authority; social dislocation and transformation; belief and literary expression; identity; and cross-cultural engagement. It will also define and explore key moments of transition, including the spread of Islam, Turkic irruptions and European encounters. Collectively these have profoundly influenced the modern Middle East.

List of Lecture Titles
Lectures will be arranged thematically, and are intended to provide a rough chronological framework of the history of the region.

List of Tutorial Topics
Students will sign up for a tutorial group; each group will six to eight students. There will be a total of nine weekly tutorials, which will be devoted to discussion of key historical topics, through close analysis of selected primary source material, and through investigation of scholarly interpretations. 
Tutorials will be on a selection of the following topics: the Pre-Islamic Middle East; Religion and State in early Islam; Byzantium; Travel and Urban Life in the Islamic Middle East; Religion and Nationalism; Revolutions in the Modern Middle East; Modern Arabic Literature.

Recommended Reading
Specific works will be recommended for each topic, and readings will be made available electronically.  Useful overviews include:
R.S. Humphreys, Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry (Revised ed., Princeton, 1991)
I.M. Lapidus, A History of Islamic Societies (Cambridge, 1988, 2002)


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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 12:30 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 07:46 AM
sam1528 replied at 12-11-2018 11:42 PM
Baaaaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 yg teramat2 kureng cerdik & teramat2 kureng fasih english


By the way mana buktinya bahawa acedemik scholarship st andrew yang confirmkan bahawa machoraba adalah 100% mecca sepertimana dakwaan lobai estate?

Dalam quraan pun tiada sebut machoraba/Macoraba, yang ada hanyalah Petra/Bacca di jordan sana.. iatu apa yang Arab Saudi copycat dari bacca Jordan untuk namakan mecca arab saudi untuk menipu lobai estate

Kesihan kepada lobai estate buat andaian sendiri machoraba adalah mecca!
P/S mungkin gang lobai estate percaya mungkin? Hahahaha tahap tadika punya otak samdol..low IQ!

Quote dari..Lobai samdol.
Among the names is Macoraba – Ptolemy spells it Makoraba in Greek, but Latin translations prefer Machoraba and Macoraba – which Ptolemy puts in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.There is a consensus in academic scholarship that Mecca is Macoraba. The coordinates put it roughly in the right place, and the name seems roughly correct. Several etymologies have been proposed, but the preferred solution is that it comes from an Old South Arabian word like *mikrāb,with the meaning ‘temple’. Macoraba was therefore a noteworthy centre of pre-Islamic religion as far back as the second century CE. When you encounter Macoraba in scholarly literature you are quite likely to find this etymology, and extremely likely to find the identification with Mecca.

Kalau mengikut kepercayaan lobai estate..Kat bawah Ini rujukan acedemic scholarship yang kekononya confirmkan bahawa Machoraba tu adalah mecca. Btw mereka tiada pun confirmkan bahawa machoraba itu adalah mecca, ka lobai estate ni lembam dan keliru?
Kau tak cerdik lah lobai estate, lobai estate hanya cerdik jadi penipu bersiri dan memutarbelitkan sahaja... Janji  kekononya boleh tunjuk bukti dan copypaste je kekononya! Lobai estate memang gila!

Module Code MH2002

Module Title
Introduction to Middle Eastern History

Module Description
This module provides an introduction to Middle Eastern History from the dramatic reconfiguration of the Middle East in late Antiquity to its contested and contentious recent past. It explores political, social and cultural life across the Middle East through the comparative treatment of several themes. These will normally include states and authority; social dislocation and transformation; belief and literary expression; identity; and cross-cultural engagement. It will also define and explore key moments of transition, including the spread of Islam, Turkic irruptions and European encounters. Collectively these have profoundly influenced the modern Middle East.

List of Lecture Titles
Lectures will be arranged thematically, and are intended to provide a rough chronological framework of the history of the region.

List of Tutorial Topics
Students will sign up for a tutorial group; each group will six to eight students. There will be a total of nine weekly tutorials, which will be devoted to discussion of key historical topics, through close analysis of selected primary source material, and through investigation of scholarly interpretations. 
Tutorials will be on a selection of the following topics: the Pre-Islamic Middle East; Religion and State in early Islam; Byzantium; Travel and Urban Life in the Islamic Middle East; Religion and Nationalism; Revolutions in the Modern Middle East; Modern Arabic Literature.

Recommended Reading
Specific works will be recommended for each topic, and readings will be made available electronically.  Useful overviews include:
R.S. Humphreys, Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry (Revised ed., Princeton, 1991)
I.M. Lapidus, A History of Islamic Societies (Cambridge, 1988, 2002)


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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 02:54 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 07:52 AM
sam1528 replied at 12-11-2018 08:31 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 yg amat2 kureng cerdik

Ini kali 3 atau 4 ko tanya soalan yg m ...

Quote dari lobai estate >>> Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had never approached the town from the coast.

Tipikal lobai keluar estate penipu bersiri tak membaca the whole sentence ataupun article untuk mencari sesatu maksud yang di sampaikan. Lobai estate hanya quote apa yang lobai estate suka sahaja..kekononya untuk menunjukan yang diri tu cerdik. Hahaha...betapa lembamnya lobai keluar estate ni kerana tak habis habis menunjukan kebodohan sendiri.

Where was Macoraba?
If we suppose that Macoraba is Mecca, there is a slight problem with its coordinates. Ptolemy puts it southeast of Yathrib; Mecca is southwest. Even before 1800 Konrad Mannert noticed that Macoraba was too far from the coast and offered a solution: Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had never approached the town from the coast. Of course, we don’t know where Ptolemy’s information ultimately came from; but even this solution may be too elaborate, because in general it seems that Ptolemy had more trouble calculating longitude than latitude,w meaning that his towns are more accurately positioned north-south than east-west.
This had decisive consequences for his geography of Arabia. Dūmat al-Jandal (Dumaitha) is indeed further north than Taymā’ (Thaima), which is further north than al-Ḥijr (Egra), Yathrib (Lathrippa), and Najrān (Nagara); but then Ptolemy puts Najrān way out east in the middle of the peninsula. The overall effect is to push towns away from the coast, crowding the heart of the peninsula and practically erasing the Empty Quarter of harsh desert in the southeast. Under these constraints, Macoraba’s location with respect to Mecca may be considered within a margin of error.
But we should be cautious. This margin of error is not itself evidence that Macoraba is Mecca; it merely opens the door for investigation. As this blog series will show, some of the ancient names that have been associated with Mecca are most likely in the region of the Sinai and the Gulf of Aqaba, or down by Oman and the Hadramawt. Macoraba has the virtue of at least being placed in the Hijaz, but imprecisely. We should heed Patricia Crone’s advice: “Naturally, [Ptolemy]’s longitudes and latitudes are inexact; but if they are inexact, one cannot identify places on the basis of them alone.”


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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 03:42 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 08:16 AM
sam1528 replied at 11-11-2018 10:53 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 masih dok teriak bagai org gila
Fakta apa yg ko dok nak cakap  ...

Hahaha..lobai estate @ lobai samdol cuba nak menipu lagi ataupun lobai estate tak faham English dalam artikal tu? Walaupun mereka cuba bandingkan di antara 2maps tetapi mereka ambil Kira tentang perubahan sungai landscape selepas ratusan ataupun ribuan tahun dan macam macam lagi. Mereka tu tak se bodoh seperti kau lah lobai estate! Kalau tengok documentary pun biasa sahaja dia orang buat overlay maps. Di sekolah di uni pun dia orang buat overlapping map. Mungkin lobai estate sahaja baru tau kerana sebelum ni tak pernah dengar...maklumlah lobai keluar estate.

Lobai estate dah lah lembam lemah english  ..penipu pula untuk kekononya menunjukan diri tu cerdik! Samdol kau sebenarnya adalah terlalu bodoh, lain kali baca the whole sentence ataupun artikal untuk faham...jangan buat andaian sendiri!

Ini lah akibatnya bila lobai samdol keluar estate nak tunjuk cerdik! MOOOO....rooonnn punya lobai keluar hestet!

Penat lah asik kata kau bodoh, tetapi lobai estate memang bodoh pun. Otak mana otak, ke lobai samdol keluar estate tak guna otak sebelum typing?

Dah memang nyata jauh tersasr
girl names with z sound


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Post time 13-11-2018 11:08 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 12:10 AM
Lollll dah terang terang dalam artikel tu tiada siapa yang boleh confirnkan maracoba itu adalah 10 ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 sekali lagi konfom yg diri tu amat2 kureng fasih english

Kalo ko tak paham apa ko baca , tanya cikgu sekolah ko , ko asyik malukan diri sendiri aje :
Lollll dah terang terang dalam artikel tu tiada siapa yang boleh confirnkan maracoba itu adalah 100% mecca. Itu hanyalah kepercayaan lobai estate sahaja kerana lobai estate tidak boleh menerima kenyataan. Bodoh punya lobai estate!
Bodoh punya lobai estate buat andaian sendikir kekononya maracorba itu adalah mecca. Samdo kau gila ataupun bodoh kerana kurangnya education?
Matilah layan lobai keluar estate yang perasan kekononya dia cerdik

KalAU mecca betul betul betul ada didalam map sebelum 9CAD tiadalah membuatkan manusia seperti lobai estate ni confuse maracorba dan mecca.
Lobai estate tengok jetusalem, Petra ada orang nak pertikai dimana dan adakah kewujudannya
Tersebit adalah dari rujukkan ko sendiritau tambi :
Among the names is Macoraba – Ptolemy spells it Makoraba in Greek, but Latin translations prefer Machoraba and Macoraba – which Ptolemy puts in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.There is a consensus in academic scholarship that Mecca is Macoraba. The coordinates put it roughly in the right place, and the name seems roughly correct. Several etymologies have been proposed, but the preferred solution is that it comes from an Old South Arabian word like *mikrāb,with the meaning ‘temple’. Macoraba was therefore a noteworthy centre of pre-Islamic religion as far back as the second century CE. When you encounter Macoraba in scholarly literature you are quite likely to find this etymology, and extremely likely to find the identification with Mecca.
Ko boleh cakap lagi tak ada sapa boleh konfom yg macoraba to 100% mecca ... ko paham tak apa ke benda tu 'Consensus in Academic Scholarship'?

Nampak gaya ko tak paham apa ko baca.

Cakap pulak pasal peta?
KalAU mecca betul betul betul ada didalam map sebelum 9CAD tiadalah membuatkan manusia seperti lobai estate ni confuse maracorba dan mecca.
Mana dia peta yg ko dok klaim?
Samdol, sebelum 9CAD pun dah ada beberapa orang islam yang buat peta waktu tu..tetapi apasal dia orang tiada letak Mecca didalam likaran peta dia orang? Kalau kau ada otak tentu kau boleh fikir kan? Tetapi disebabkan kau terlalu bodoh maka kau tidak mampu untuk berfikir Kenapa orang islam yang buat peta pun tiada Mecca.
Banyak kali dah ditanya ... still stuck in your ass or what?

LOL ... dah lah ko amat2 kureng fasih english , nak membohong pulak tu

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 ... you are way out of your league lah tambi ... ko dgn geng liberal ni bagus utk mabok todi aje


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Post time 13-11-2018 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-11-2018 11:36 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 12:19 AM
Hahaha....kat bawah kekononya sumber academic scholarship yang confirkan marcoba itu adalah mecca  ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lagi sekali lobai mat slow v2 konfom yg diri tu teramat2 amat kureng fasih english

Apa yg ko nak cakap ni? Nampak gaya ko teramat amat konfius lah tambi :
Hahaha....kat bawah kekononya sumber academic scholarship yang confirkan marcoba itu adalah mecca yang lobai estate bagi tau kehulu kehilir tu? Patutlah lobai estate bodoh sangat
Mereka tiada bagi tau pun bahawa maracoba itu adalah mecca. Alahai lobai estate..janji reply dan copypaste aja kekononya nak tunjuk cerdik!

Module Code MH2002

Module Title
Introduction to Middle Eastern History

Module Description
This module provides an introduction to Middle Eastern History from the dramatic reconfiguration of the Middle East in late Antiquity to its contested and contentious recent past. It explores political, social and cultural life across the Middle East through the comparative treatment of several themes. These will normally include states and authority; social dislocation and transformation; belief and literary expression; identity; and cross-cultural engagement. It will also define and explore key moments of transition, including the spread of Islam, Turkic irruptions and European encounters. Collectively these have profoundly influenced the modern Middle East.

List of Lecture Titles
Lectures will be arranged thematically, and are intended to provide a rough chronological framework of the history of the region.

List of Tutorial Topics
Students will sign up for a tutorial group; each group will six to eight students. There will be a total of nine weekly tutorials, which will be devoted to discussion of key historical topics, through close analysis of selected primary source material, and through investigation of scholarly interpretations. 
Tutorials will be on a selection of the following topics: the Pre-Islamic Middle East; Religion and State in early Islam; Byzantium; Travel and Urban Life in the Islamic Middle East; Religion and Nationalism; Revolutions in the Modern Middle East; Modern Arabic Literature.

Recommended Reading
Specific works will be recommended for each topic, and readings will be made available electronically.  Useful overviews include:
R.S. Humphreys, Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry (Revised ed., Princeton, 1991)
I.M. Lapidus, A History of Islamic Societies (Cambridge, 1988, 2002)

LOL ... mula2 ko cakap ttg 'academic scholarship' kemudian ko bagi Course Module (MH2002) : Introduction to Middle Eastern History

Apa kaitan 2 items yg ko bagi ni?

Skg aku boleh konfom yg ko tak pernah ke University ... ini memang confirm lah

Uh-oh ... don't tell me ... pada diri ko yg amat2 kureng cerdik , ko mati2 ingat 'Academic Scholarship' = course module kat university (MH2002)

Aiyoyo tambi ... sikit kasi cerdik tara boleh ka? Sikit pakai otak boleh ka?

Its public knowledge yg ko ni slow sikit tapi jgn lah tonjolkan diri tu slow sgt ... malu tau

Kah kah kah ... rupa2 nya lobei mat slow tak tau apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholership'

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Post time 13-11-2018 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-11-2018 11:36 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 12:30 AM
By the way mana buktinya bahawa acedemik scholarship st andrew yang confirmkan bahawa machoraba ad ...

Ha ha ha ha ... aku boleh konfom kali 2 yg lobai mat slow amat2 kureng cedrik & kureng fasih english

Ko dah terlampau konfius lah tambi , tambah pulak ko tak paham apa ko baca :
By the way mana buktinya bahawa acedemik scholarship st andrew yang confirmkan bahawa machoraba adalah 100% mecca sepertimana dakwaan lobai estate?

Dalam quraan pun tiada sebut machoraba/Macoraba, yang ada hanyalah Petra/Bacca di jordan sana.. iatu apa yang Arab Saudi copycat dari bacca Jordan untuk namakan mecca arab saudi untuk menipu lobai estate

Kesihan kepada lobai estate buat andaian sendiri machoraba adalah mecca!
P/S mungkin gang lobai estate percaya mungkin? Hahahaha tahap tadika punya otak samdol..low IQ!

Quote dari..Lobai samdol.
Among the names is Macoraba – Ptolemy spells it Makoraba in Greek, but Latin translations prefer Machoraba and Macoraba – which Ptolemy puts in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.There is a consensus in academic scholarship that Mecca is Macoraba. The coordinates put it roughly in the right place, and the name seems roughly correct. Several etymologies have been proposed, but the preferred solution is that it comes from an Old South Arabian word like *mikrāb,with the meaning ‘temple’. Macoraba was therefore a noteworthy centre of pre-Islamic religion as far back as the second century CE. When you encounter Macoraba in scholarly literature you are quite likely to find this etymology, and extremely likely to find the identification with Mecca.

Kalau mengikut kepercayaan lobai estate..Kat bawah Ini rujukan acedemic scholarship yang kekononya confirmkan bahawa Machoraba tu adalah mecca. Btw mereka tiada pun confirmkan bahawa machoraba itu adalah mecca, ka lobai estate ni lembam dan keliru?
Kau tak cerdik lah lobai estate, lobai estate hanya cerdik jadi penipu bersiri dan memutarbelitkan sahaja... Janji  kekononya boleh tunjuk bukti dan copypaste je kekononya! Lobai estate memang gila!

Module Code MH2002

Module Title
Introduction to Middle Eastern History

Module Description
This module provides an introduction to Middle Eastern History from the dramatic reconfiguration of the Middle East in late Antiquity to its contested and contentious recent past. It explores political, social and cultural life across the Middle East through the comparative treatment of several themes. These will normally include states and authority; social dislocation and transformation; belief and literary expression; identity; and cross-cultural engagement. It will also define and explore key moments of transition, including the spread of Islam, Turkic irruptions and European encounters. Collectively these have profoundly influenced the modern Middle East.

List of Lecture Titles
Lectures will be arranged thematically, and are intended to provide a rough chronological framework of the history of the region.

List of Tutorial Topics
Students will sign up for a tutorial group; each group will six to eight students. There will be a total of nine weekly tutorials, which will be devoted to discussion of key historical topics, through close analysis of selected primary source material, and through investigation of scholarly interpretations. 
Tutorials will be on a selection of the following topics: the Pre-Islamic Middle East; Religion and State in early Islam; Byzantium; Travel and Urban Life in the Islamic Middle East; Religion and Nationalism; Revolutions in the Modern Middle East; Modern Arabic Literature.

Recommended Reading
Specific works will be recommended for each topic, and readings will be made available electronically.  Useful overviews include:
R.S. Humphreys, Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry (Revised ed., Princeton, 1991)
I.M. Lapidus, A History of Islamic Societies (Cambridge, 1988, 2002)

Apa yg k nak cakap ni tambi? You are going all over the place chasing your own backside

Apa benda ni dari ko?
acedemik scholarship st andrew yang confirmkan bahawa machoraba adalah 100%

Tak pernah org cakap macam ni ... hang ni dah terlampau mabok todi kot?

First of all , hang tau tak apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scolarship'? Kalo ko tak tau , paling kurang take the trouble to find out atau tanya.

Ini tak , ko menyondol yondol dgn tonyok ko nak kononnya lawan tapi ko tak tau apa yg ko dok lawan

This is soooo poor lah tambi.

'Macoraba' adalah Latin & Greek dia adalah 'Makoraba' ... nak tau pasal apa tersebut tak dlm Quran?

Senang aje ... Quran dlm bahasa Arab ... berlainan bahasa tau tambi

Paling asas macam ni pon ko dah kantoi ... you are not exactly the sharpest  tool in the shed lah tambi

Bila ko dah kantoi , dok teriak 'copycat Jordan ... copycat Jordan' ... oops lagi sekali 'revisionist history'

Simple aje ... Zwemer Centre dah kantoikan ko , malukan ko dgn terhina sekali

Lagi sekali ko dok kaitkan 'Academic Scholarship' dgn coursework module MH2002

Apa ni tambi? This shows that ko tak tau apa yg ko dok cakap

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 masih tak malu diri to diperbodohkan dgn terhina sekali ... geng liberal memang muka tebal


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Post time 13-11-2018 11:35 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 02:54 AM
Quote dari lobai estate >>> Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had ...

Baaaahwahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 ulang balik kononnya argumen dia dgn harapan for a different outcome

Apa yg ko buat dah kena gelak dgn Einstein :

Pasal apa ko merapu macam ni?
Quote dari lobai estate >>> Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had never approached the town from the coast.

Tipikal lobai keluar estate penipu bersiri tak membaca the whole sentence ataupun article untuk mencari sesatu maksud yang di sampaikan. Lobai estate hanya quote apa yang lobai estate suka sahaja..kekononya untuk menunjukan yang diri tu cerdik. Hahaha...betapa lembamnya lobai keluar estate ni kerana tak habis habis menunjukan kebodohan sendiri.

Where was Macoraba?
If we suppose that Macoraba is Mecca, there is a slight problem with its coordinates. Ptolemy puts it southeast of Yathrib; Mecca is southwest. Even before 1800 Konrad Mannert noticed that Macoraba was too far from the coast and offered a solution: Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had never approached the town from the coast. Of course, we don’t know where Ptolemy’s information ultimately came from; but even this solution may be too elaborate, because in general it seems that Ptolemy had more trouble calculating longitude than latitude,w meaning that his towns are more accurately positioned north-south than east-west.
This had decisive consequences for his geography of Arabia. Dūmat al-Jandal (Dumaitha) is indeed further north than Taymā’ (Thaima), which is further north than al-Ḥijr (Egra), Yathrib (Lathrippa), and Najrān (Nagara); but then Ptolemy puts Najrān way out east in the middle of the peninsula. The overall effect is to push towns away from the coast, crowding the heart of the peninsula and practically erasing the Empty Quarter of harsh desert in the southeast. Under these constraints, Macoraba’s location with respect to Mecca may be considered within a margin of error.
But we should be cautious. This margin of error is not itself evidence that Macoraba is Mecca; it merely opens the door for investigation. As this blog series will show, some of the ancient names that have been associated with Mecca are most likely in the region of the Sinai and the Gulf of Aqaba, or down by Oman and the Hadramawt. Macoraba has the virtue of at least being placed in the Hijaz, but imprecisely. We should heed Patricia Crone’s advice: “Naturally, [Ptolemy]’s longitudes and latitudes are inexact; but if they are inexact, one cannot identify places on the basis of them alone.”
Jawapan aku sama aje & sampai skg ko tak mampu lawan :

Ini dari rujukkan ko sendiri : Kan aku dah bagi dari post #13
(2) Ko tak paham apa ko baca - Konrad Mannert yg mati dlm thn 1834 tu tak paham yg spt diberi dari copy paste ko :
Ptolemy’s sources knew Mecca from the overland caravan route, and had never approached the town from the coast.

Jadik he was using his own derived method up to and including from the crude longest day value

With his calculation dia derived the coordinates of Mekkah

Too bad for you you lose again.

Lagi satu ye :Pg 84
Acheiving highly precise longtitude remain a problem in geography until the invention of the marine chronometer at the end of the 18 century

What does it mean tambi? Hanya pada end of 18 century baru a coordinate can be accurately determined

Any smart person ... you not included tau ... akan gunakan apa pengiraan Ptolemy & konfomlah coordinates mekkah (ie. recreating what Ptolemy has done)

Org yg bodoh sampai ke tulang atau kureng cerdik akan buat macam apa ko & geng missionary ko buat , overlay 2 maps of 2000 yrs differential , lepas tu klaim Ptolemy salah

Tu pasal rujukkan ko sendiri dah catat :
Among the names is Macoraba – Ptolemy spells it Makoraba in Greek, but Latin translations prefer Machoraba and Macoraba which Ptolemy puts in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.There is a consensus in academic scholarship that Mecca is Macoraba. The coordinates put it roughly in the right place, and the name seems roughly correct. Several etymologies have been proposed, but the preferred solution is that it comes from an Old South Arabian word like *mikrāb,with the meaning ‘temple’. Macoraba was therefore a noteworthy centre of pre-Islamic religion as far back as the second century CE. When you encounter Macoraba in scholarly literature you are quite likely to find this etymology, and extremely likely to find the identification with Mecca.

Sapa yg konfom sedemikian? Senang aje ... rujuk balik ke rujukkan ko : I D Morris
In 2018 I’m teaching Middle Eastern History at the University of St Andrews while pursuing a PhD in Medieval History at the University of Amsterdam.

Tak kan ko nak kondem rujukkaan ko sendiri tambi
This is soooo poor from you lah tambi ... aku tak expect ko to be this bad dlm pemahaman ko

Kemungkinan jugak ko ni kureng fasih english ... klaim pulak tu duduk kat UK

Buat malu aje

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 ... konfom dah lebih teruk dari slow ... aku dah kata ... this is too advanced for your thinking ... ko ni jenis org yg pi mabok todi aje ... thats all you are good for


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Post time 13-11-2018 11:47 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 03:42 AM
Hahaha..lobai estate @ lobai samdol cuba nak menipu lagi ataupun lobai estate tak faham English da ...

Baaaaahwahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 dok kitar semula argumen yg ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

Dah habis modal ka tambi?
Hahaha..lobai estate @ lobai samdol cuba nak menipu lagi ataupun lobai estate tak faham English dalam artikal tu? Walaupun mereka cuba bandingkan di antara 2maps tetapi mereka ambil Kira tentang perubahan sungai landscape selepas ratusan ataupun ribuan tahun dan macam macam lagi. Mereka tu tak se bodoh seperti kau lah lobai estate! Kalau tengok documentary pun biasa sahaja dia orang buat overlay maps. Di sekolah di uni pun dia orang buat overlapping map. Mungkin lobai estate sahaja baru tau kerana sebelum ni tak pernah dengar...maklumlah lobai keluar estate.

Lobai estate dah lah lembam lemah english  ..penipu pula untuk kekononya menunjukan diri tu cerdik! Samdol kau sebenarnya adalah terlalu bodoh, lain kali baca the whole sentence ataupun artikal untuk faham...jangan buat andaian sendiri!

Ini lah akibatnya bila lobai samdol keluar estate nak tunjuk cerdik! MOOOO....rooonnn punya lobai keluar hestet!

Penat lah asik kata kau bodoh, tetapi lobai estate memang bodoh pun. Otak mana otak, ke lobai samdol keluar estate tak guna otak sebelum typing?

Dah memang nyata jauh tersasr

LOL ... compare 2 maps & take into account perubahan landscape ye? Ini keje bodoh lah oleh org bodoh sampai ke tulang , ko & geng missionary ko tu.

Org dok cakap ttg the difference in lat & long with the map overlay ... ko dok cakap pasal perubahan landscape kat map ... aiyoyo ... sikit kasi cerdik lah

Yg bestnya ko & geng ko overlay 2 maps with a 2000 yrs differential lepas klaim Ptolemy salah ... bagus lah tu

Jawapan aku sama aje :
LOL ... aku gelak besar ... ini keje org yg tak pakai otak lah tambi , ko dah togok kencing depa makes you worse than org tak pakai otak

Ko tau apa depa buat? Depa ambil coordinates Ptolemy & place it with the current map

Bagus lah tu ... ini kes nak mengencing aje & ko togok kencing depa sampai 'eeeerrrrkkk' tanpa usul periksa

Kan aku dah kata pada post#42 (sebelum post ini) :

Ko dgn teramat amat kureng cerdik pakai data Ptolemy & gunakan atas catra masa kini

Pakai lah otak sikit tambi ... kalo nak ikut pengiraan Ptolemy ... gunakan apa yg dia gunakan

Kalo ko pakai otak , result dia akan konfom ttg Ptolemy with the consensus in Academic Scholarship
Among the names is Macoraba – Ptolemy spells it Makoraba in Greek, but Latin translations prefer Machoraba and Macoraba – which Ptolemy puts in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.There is a consensus in academic scholarship that Mecca is Macoraba. The coordinates put it roughly in the right place, and the name seems roughly correct. Several etymologies have been proposed, but the preferred solution is that it comes from an Old South Arabian word like *mikrāb,with the meaning ‘temple’. Macoraba was therefore a noteworthy centre of pre-Islamic religion as far back as the second century CE. When you encounter Macoraba in scholarly literature you are quite likely to find this etymology, and extremely likely to find the identification with Mecca.

He he he he ... the consensus of Academic Scholarship adalah
(1) Mecca is Macoraba
(2) the coordinates calculated by Ptolemy puts it right here

Ta da ... nampak gaya the Consensus of Academic Scholarship adalah dgn geng muslim , manakala lobai mat slow v2 berdiri bersama the Gutter of Academic Scholarship

Senang aje tambi nak londeh kan ko ... ko langsung tak gunakan otak utk pikir ... dok togok kencing geng missionary aje sampai 'eeeerrrrkkk'

Kah kah kah ... sekali lagi lobai mat slow v2 kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

** Ni aku kena bagi tau semua org .... rujukkan lobai mat slow selama ini adalah site anti Islam : Ini & Ini
Lobai mat slow v2 dah togok kencing depa sampai 'eeeeerrrrkkk'

Cuba ko ... mat slow v2 ... tanya depa kat mana dlm bible Jesus mengaku tuhan & mintak disembah .... simple question aje , sambil2 tu ko pon boleh jawab lah ... kalo pon ko mampu jawab



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Post time 13-11-2018 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-11-2018 11:53 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 03:42 AM
Hahaha..lobai estate @ lobai samdol cuba nak menipu lagi ataupun lobai estate tak faham English da ...

Huh ... lobai mat slow v2 dok cakap ttg map .. mana map yg ko janjikan?

Apa pasal ko takut jawab soalan senang aku tambi?

Macamana dgn peta ko tambi? Dgn gahnya ko dok klaim :
Samdol, sebelum 9CAD pun dah ada beberapa orang islam yang buat peta waktu tu..tetapi apasal dia orang tiada letak Mecca didalam likaran peta dia orang? Kalau kau ada otak tentu kau boleh fikir kan? Tetapi disebabkan kau terlalu bodoh maka kau tidak mampu untuk berfikir Kenapa orang islam yang buat peta pun tiada Mecca.

Belum jumpa lagi ke? Belum tarik from your ass lagi?

LOL ... aku dah tampar kepala ko & tepuk main gendang kat kepala ko

Ko langsung tak angkat muka pon jawab .... dah malu lah tu pasal ko didapati membohong

Kah kah kah ... kesian lobai mat slow v2 ... hati dah terbakar ... muka pon dah hitam

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 05:14 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 13-11-2018 11:31 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... aku boleh konfom kali 2 yg lobai mat slow amat2 kureng cedrik & kureng fasih engli ...

Lol...dah kantoi bodoh tak mengaku pula, itu kan link yang lobai estate bagi bila saya tanya Academic Scolarship' mana?. Lobai estate dah pening ka? Sendiri bagi sendiri tak ingat.

Patutlah lobai estate kaki putarbelit. Pergi terjun longkang sahaja lah. Dah kantoi terlalu bodoh dan pening buat tanya pula. Hahaha...

Matilah layan lobai estate kaki putarbelit @ penipu bersiri forum Cari.

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 05:15 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 13-11-2018 11:47 AM
Baaaaahwahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 dok kitar semula argumen yg ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina ...

Dah kantoi bodoh lembam forum anti islam lah kekononya.

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 05:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 05:33 PM
sam1528 replied at 13-11-2018 11:18 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... lagi sekali lobai mat slow v2 konfom yg diri tu teramat2 amat kureng fasih english ...

Di bawah ni link asal yanh lobai estate bagi bilamana saya tanya akedemik  scholarship Mana yang confirmkan bahawa morokoba itu Mecca ....

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 06:38 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 06:42 PM
sam1528 replied at 13-11-2018 11:47 AM
Baaaaahwahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 dok kitar semula argumen yg ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina ...

Mesti kali pertama lobai estate dengar pasal overlay map kan? Sebab itulah saya kata lobai estate keluar estate. Mungkin lobai estate tak pernah di ajar sewaktu lobai estate sekolah dahulu kan?. Bodoh punya lobai estate!

Bilamana lobai samdol @ lobai estate tidak boleh menerima kenyataan...habis semua orang di putarbelit kan oleh lobai estate!

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Post time 13-11-2018 08:09 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-11-2018 08:20 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 05:14 PM
Lol...dah kantoi bodoh tak mengaku pula, itu kan link yang lobai estate bagi bila saya tanya Acade ...

Baaaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 tak tau apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholarship'

Lagi sekali , kalo ko tak tau ... find out what it is atau tanya cikgu sekolah rendah ko
Lol...dah kantoi bodoh tak mengaku pula, itu kan link yang lobai estate bagi bila saya tanya Academic Scolarship' mana?. Lobai estate dah pening ka? Sendiri bagi sendiri tak ingat.

Patutlah lobai estate kaki putarbelit. Pergi terjun longkang sahaja lah. Dah kantoi terlalu bodoh dan pening buat tanya pula. Hahaha...

Matilah layan lobai estate kaki putarbelit @ penipu bersiri forum Cari.

Cuba ko jelaskan apa ke benda tu 'Academic Scholarship' ikut pahaman ko

Pulak dah ... tetiba kaitkan 'Academic Scholarship' dgn course module MH2002

Nampak benar ko tak tau apa ko cakap

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 dok berpusing kejar backside sendiri


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Post time 13-11-2018 08:11 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-11-2018 08:20 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 05:15 PM
Dah kantoi bodoh lembam forum anti islam lah kekononya.

Laaa ... masih blur lagi ke lobai mat slow v2?

Org kata 'anti Islam sites' bukan 'forum anti Islam'

The 2 are very different tau tambi

Either ko dok mabok todi atau ko teramat amat kureng fasih english


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Post time 13-11-2018 08:14 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 05:30 PM
Di bawah ni link asal yanh lobai estate bagi bilamana saya tanya akedemik  scholarship Mana yang c ...

LOL ... konfomlah ko ni amat2 kureng cerdik & kureng fasih english

Macamana ko boleh pikir 'Academic Scholarship' = course module 2002??

Patut lah ko mati2 kena kencing dgn geng missionary ko kononnya Petra adalah tempat bermula Islam


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Post time 13-11-2018 08:19 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 13-11-2018 06:38 PM
Mesti kali pertama lobai estate dengar pasal overlay map kan? Sebab itulah saya kata lobai estate  ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 cakap pasal map overlay tau

Ko tau ke apa tu map overlay?

He he he he ... ko dok tengok pertukaran landscape dgn map overlay kan kan kan

Tak salah kalo aku kata tu keje bangang ko & geng missionary ko , overlaying 2 maps having a 2000 yrs differential lepas tu kata Ptolemy salah

Ko tak sedar ke yg ko dok compare 2 different things altogether?

Cakap pasal peta : Macamana dgn peta ko tambi? Dgn gahnya ko dok klaim :
Samdol, sebelum 9CAD pun dah ada beberapa orang islam yang buat peta waktu tu..tetapi apasal dia orang tiada letak Mecca didalam likaran peta dia orang? Kalau kau ada otak tentu kau boleh fikir kan? Tetapi disebabkan kau terlalu bodoh maka kau tidak mampu untuk berfikir Kenapa orang islam yang buat peta pun tiada Mecca.

Belum jumpa lagi ke? Belum tarik from your ass lagi?

LOL ... aku dah tampar kepala ko & tepuk main gendang kat kepala ko

Ko langsung tak angkat muka ... malu punya pasal .... kena expose membohong

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2018 09:38 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 13-11-2018 09:42 PM
sam1528 replied at 13-11-2018 08:14 PM
LOL ... konfomlah ko ni amat2 kureng cerdik & kureng fasih english

Macamana ko boleh pikir 'Aca ...

.kau yanh kantoi bodoh lah lobai estate Sebab itu link yang kau bagi bila saya tanya akedemik scholarship mana?

Dah kantoi bodoh nak putarbelit pula dah..dasar lobai loserrrrr...dah kantoi bodoh siap tag gang lobai tu untuk menutup apa yang telah dibogelkan

Lobai estate dah pening pada link yang lobai estate bagi ke?

Sebab itu saya kata lobai estate ni terlalu lembam dan bodoh, tah apa apa nak tunjuk bukti bagi link ni

Kantoi bodoh gila!

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