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Author: shanew3stgalz

FULL HOUSE ~ Sesi Borak2 SHG & Bi Rain

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Post time 24-12-2004 04:30 PM | Show all posts
aku pun cari dah cd nie, tapi tak jumpa ponnn...

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Post time 24-12-2004 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by captain_f4 at 24-12-2004 04:30 PM:
aku pun cari dah cd nie, tapi tak jumpa ponnn...

CD Full House ke kau cari?  Kalau kau nak semua OST dia nanti aku boleh cuba carikan, tapi ni termasuk lagu2 instrumental dia. Itu pun kalau aku dapat copylah.  Kalau yg berjual memang belum ada lagi.

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Post time 24-12-2004 05:48 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 24-12-2004 05:53 PM | Show all posts

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staja9 This user has been deleted
Post time 24-12-2004 07:37 PM | Show all posts
mmg hotnf: ler citer nih..... staja xleh berenti nk nengoknyer...

awal diorg kawin...... ep 3 lg....
kawin kontrak
wedding pics...

credit to c-mei

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Post time 24-12-2004 11:30 PM | Show all posts
Ni sape2 yg berminat yg nak beli online. Aku tak sure samada ini comlete set ke tidak.

Full House TV Series Director's Cut Box Set (9discs) (2004)

asiandb price: $99.98 with English Sub

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Post time 24-12-2004 11:36 PM | Show all posts
macam best je...

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staja9 This user has been deleted
Post time 25-12-2004 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kimmy at 24-12-2004 11:30 PM:
Ni sape2 yg berminat yg nak beli online. Aku tak sure samada ini comlete set ke tidak.

Full House TV Series Director's Cut Box Set (9discs) (2004)

asiandb price: $99.98 with English Sub


99.98x3.8 = RM3XX
xbley xbley :geram::geram::geram:

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by staja9 at 24-12-2004 07:37 PM:
mmg hotnf: ler citer nih..... staja xleh berenti nk nengoknyer...

awal diorg kawin...... ep 3 lg....
kawin kontrak
wedding pics...

tuelah betul x aku cakap citer nie x bleh berhenti tgkkan...samalah cam aku...lepas 1 episode nak tgk the next nyer plak...ko dah tgk kan citer nie...mcm mana best x?...mesti ko kata bestkan..:ah:

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:33 AM | Show all posts
5) Episode 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It starts off with Young Jae's mother and grandmother over at Young Jae's house. The two of them confront, well the grandmother confront her scolding her about the fact that she hasnt visited them or talked to them. Ji Eun says that shes sorry and that she forgot. Then the grandmother says that You're going to come to our house and live there. Ji Eun is horrified and left speechless but she tries to say that she couldnt, they couldnt live there.

While Eun Ji is trying to convince them, Young Jae is at his publicist's place talking about stuff...dont remember what stuff. But his publicist invites him to dinner and Young Jae says that he cant that he has to go home. His publicist makes fun of him, saying you miss her dont fact she's pretty cute. (i thought that was funny)
Then he gets a phone call from Ji Eun saying that you have to come home early. And so he does. Over dinner he asks her why did you want me to come home early? Ji Eun tells him that his mother and grandmother came over and that they wanted them to live with them.

They go outside so they could visit his parents and say that they cant live there with them. He also tells her that she shouldnt do anything and that his grandmother doenst really like pretty women and he doesnt like dumb women. He says that his father is scary, he's really tight with his grandmother and his mother is great. Then Ji Eun says that she doesnt think that the father is scary but the grandmother is.

They go over and visit with the grandma and so on. The grandmother scolds Young Jae saying how could you not visit, etc. Then she says that you should have brought a present and Ji Eun says "Oh, i prepared you something" Then she proceeds to sing a song, a child's song. While she's singing, the father is coming in and hears her singing. When she finishes, the grandmother and mother are horrified, while the dad claps his hands.

They leave and they get in a lil argument once more...dont remember what about. But he asks her if she wants ice cream and Ji Eun just grumbles, saying that ice cream, humph. Then she ends up in a small store and gets ice cream mumbling to herself sayin that he should have gotten the ice cream himself if he really wanted it. She gets them and they go to the park...fool around with each other. ( it was soo cute)

credit to soompi

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:35 AM | Show all posts
nie siap dialog..:ah:

   another summary   episode 5

the whole argument between bi and SHG from the restroom to when SHG leave the house?

SHG is brushing her teeth, and Bi comes in.

Bi: What time did you come home last night?
SHG: It's my business.
Bi: Did you wait long for me?
SHG: What am I and idiot to wait for you?
Bi: Ah, did you buy the recorder?
SHG: Why are you so curious? How annoying.
Bi: What?

SHG walks out of the bathroom. Bi takes off his jacket, and closes the door. SHG then walks back in while he's trying to take off his clothes.

Bi: YAH!!!
SHG: You should have never asked me to go out! If not that, then you should have never asked me to wait!
Bi: You said you didn't wait and just left!
SHG: Yeah, that's right! I left, BUT it's still making me feel bad! Why do you always treat me like an idiot! Do I look easy to push around! Is it fun?!?!
Bi: You're acting like a child, even in the morning.
SHG: What? Acting like a child?!?!
Bi: Yah, if a person is busy then sometimes they can't keep a promise! Stop trying to make me feel bad! Worthless little bum. You get a place to sleep, food, clothes, and some money...what else do you want!
SHG: Did I eat for free? Everyday I cook, clean, and do the laundry! I wake up early in the morning to hear you call me an idiot! How different are you from me? Are you that smart!
Bi: Why do you ask, when you already know?
SHG: You're really a psycho!
Bi: Are always saying psycho psycho! Do you even know the spelling of psycho?
SHG: Though I don't know the spelling, I know that you're a psycho! You concieted psycho!
Bi: I was tyring holding it in, but you keep acting like a child! YAH! If you feel so bad, then why don't you just leave! Just pack your bags and leave! LEAVE!
SHG: Alright. I was going to leave anyway! I don't want to live with a person like you anyway!
Bi: That's good! I feel the same way! So leave already!
SHG: Alright! I'll leave. Jal Muk Goo Jal Sah Luh Lah! <---a Korean saying, so didn't know how to translate it.

SHG leaves the bathroom.

Bi: Yah!

SHG turns around.

Bi: Don't forget your toothbrush.

SHG grabs it and says: Thanks!

She leaves the bathroom and runs back to her room.

A bunch of stuff happens, which for some reason i cant remember. She does the dishes and shes late for a meeting with Young Jae's hyung to discuss her writing. She goes on the train to meet with him and she ends up losing her recorder. She gets a little upset because she lost it. The hyung tells her that the writing isnt funny, its boring. But he tells her that she should try again. So she walks out and the hyung is like i cant let you walk out all sad. Tell me whats wrong. So she tells him that lost the recorder that she got for her b-day and that Young Jae gave it to him. The hyung kinda looked surprised but they go out and they look for the same model and everything, but when they find it, she doenst want it.
So she goes home and tells him that she lost it. He gets angry and they get into another argument and sayin oh thats because you're a dummy and you're always losing things. But then when they're eating, she says that shes sorry and he forgives her and he ends up gettin her another one but he also says that you better not lose this one either. (aww)
They go out to eat and shes saying oh we should have spaghetti, and then YG says chinese...and so on...and shes like ohh...i love all kinds of food...hhaa. Meanwhile the hyung and that girl is talking sayin that he isnt goin to go to NYC after all, he has some stuff to do here, and says that he only likes her as a sister, nothing more. She gets all upset, w/e. She calls YG and he goes there immediately, leaving Ji Eun by herself, saying to wait, it shouldnt take long. But it does and stuff happen between YG and the girl and he ends up takin her home. While Ji Eun waited and waited for him and finally gave up and left and went home. The next day they get into a fight and he tells her to leave, and she goes to her friend's house to find they werent there but were at her house returnin her stuff where they meet the husband, and then just go inside and push something at him, i think its a script...he says that hes tired and that he doenst want it.
The guy says that hes hungry for fruit and the girl finds all this fruit. The guy wanders all over the house, poking his nose into everything finds YG's closet and wears some of his clothes! (i dont like JI Eun's frineds...they bad ppl)
YG comes down and yells at them, i mean seriously who does that? the friends coming and doin w/e they want...soo wrong. But then the girl starts crying and she pulls on his hair. And Ji Eun comes in and breaks the fight. She yells at him and defends him and then kick them out. Saying that im not goin to be friends with you anymore. They make up and so on. That was soo cute!! And he has go somewhere and say that i'll meet you later at the movies. and lo and behold she finds an invitation on the dinner table.
The girl calls Ji Eun and says stuff...blah, blah. BUt when she goes to the movies she doesnt see him. But he does arrive a lil late...haha...b/c he had to wait till all the lights were out. So they watch the movie together, sharing popcorn.They drive home and they talk and she says that she got a phone call from that girl. He calls her and find out that she's in the hospital, where he rushes to, while Ji Eun is tryin to follow him but loses him. She finds the room to only see that its closed and that the girl is holding YG's hand. (end Scene) hah
sorry it was so long...i tried not to miss anything...  

credit to soompi

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:43 AM | Show all posts
full sinopsis

&#61672; Another Synopsis for Episode 5

Young Jae's grandma and mother reprimand Ji Eun for not calling when they were on their honeymoon or not even visiting their house after they came back home. Young Jae's gradnma rebukes her for not getting proper guidance from her parents that are already dead and says that Ji Eun and Young Jae are to move into their home so she can learn to get some proper manners. They leave the house and Ji Eun calls Young Jae to immediately come home. During dinner, Ji Eun explains to Young Jae about his grandma's plan of them moving. Equally surprised, Young Jae and Ji Eun go to his grandmas house to try to settle the matter. When they arrive at grandmas house, his grandma is not pleased with the way Ji Eun is acting again. She is not wearing the traditional korean dress and didn't even bring a present. Young Jae tries to cover up and says that he is sorry that he didn't call during the honeymoon, and he forgot to bring a present. Ji Eun, sensing that things are going very bad, then says that she has brought a present for grandma...a singing present! She sings the "3 Bears" (?) song. Young Jae's grandma and mother stare at her in shock when her song is over, while Young Jae's father who walked in from work applaudes her. On the way home, Young Jae is pleased with the way things turned out, while Ji Eun is very embarrassed so to make her feel better, Young Jae buys her some ice cream. While they are eating in the park, Ji Eun thanks Young Jae for the recorder gift. The next day, Ji Eun is to meet the boss (grr..forgot his name, the dude with the dark eyebrows) with her writing samples. Young Jae, however, makes her clean the dishes before she leaves even though she is late. Rushing out the door and running to the subway station, she barely gets inside the subway on time. She records her feeling of annoyance on her recorder and falls asleep. When she wakes up, she finds that it is her stop and rushes out the door, but leaving behind her recorder behind her seat in the subway. She realizes she lost her recorder after she gets off. Feeling down she goes to see the boss. He reviews her writing samples and is not pleased with her work saying that it is not very enjoyable to read. As Ji Eun is about the leave, the boss tells her that he won't feel comfortable with her leaving with a sad face thinking that she is sad because her work didn't please him. She then explains that she is sad because she lost her birthday present. They then go to the mall to try to find the same exact recorder Young Jae bought. After searching through numerous stores and magazines, she finds the exact one, but as she is about to buy it, she realizes that it won't be the same because Young Jae bought it especially for her. She goes home and explains to Young Jae that she is very sorry for losing the recorder. Young Jae also feeling bad that she lost the recorder suggests that they go out and buy another one and also eat dinner together. On their way, Hae won calls and asks Young Jae to meet her feeling dejected after Min Hyuk (remembered his name!) once again tells her that he only thinks of her as a little sister. In the meantime, the day is getting darker and Ji Eung still waits outside of the mall for Young Jae to come. As Young Jae is about to leave the bar after getting a call from Ji Eun, Hae Won runs after him and tells him not to go. Young Jae gives Hae Won a ride home, and he sits outside in his car in front of her home the whole night, while Ji Eun is still waiting for him. As the hours went on, Ji Eun returns to the Full House. The next morning, Young Jae feels bad for making Ji Eun wait so he tries to fool around with her in the bathroom, but Ji Eun first trying to ignore him, bursts out with her anger and calls Young Jae a psycho. They get into another heated argument and Ji Eun leaves the house again. As she arrived at her friends house she finds that they are not home. Her friends then arrived at the Full House wanting to talk to Young Jae about their independent business. Young Jae tells them to wait for Ji Eun while he goes upstairs to rest. Ji Eun's crazy friends then start eating all the fruit in the refrigerator and goes through Young Jae's closet and tries on his clothes. Young Jae comes downstairs to find things a mess and seeing Ji Eun's friend wearing his clothes. He yells at them calling them names. Ji Eun's friend grabs Young Jae's hair and gets into a fight. At that time, Ji Eun comes home and takes sides with Young Jae and kicks them out of the house. Ji Eun puts some antibiotics on Young Jae's face where he got bruised. Before leaving the house Young Jae tells Ji Eun to meet him later on at night. She finds that Young Jae has bought a movie ticket. She gets to the movie theater first and buys drinks and popcorn for two. Young Jae comes in as the movie starts and everything is dark so that no one can recognize him. On their ride in the car after the movie, Ji Eun tells Young Jae that she recieved a call from Hae Won before she left the house. Young Jae calls Hae Won and finds out that she is in the hospital sick. He rushes to the hospital with Ji Eun. Yougn Jae runs very fast to find Hae Won's room, while Ji Eun hurridly tries to catch up to him from behind. Ji Eun finds the room, seeing Young Jae holding Hae Won's hand. She realizes something at this point......could it be jealously?

credit to soompi

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:44 AM | Show all posts
6) Episode 6

The actors/actresses that come out in the drama. I dont want to write the names of them in the drama.
Son Hye Gyo=SHG
Han Eun Jung-HEJ
Kim Sung Soo=KSS

Scene starts out wit SHG watching from outside, Bi taking care of HEJ. Bi and HEJ are talking, HEJ asks if SHG told you that she called Bi. When Bi's dad and SHG comes in. He asks her if she's okay, and if she needs a maid. HEJ asks why SHG was outside. SHG says, "she couldn't find a parking spot." Bi, SHG, and Bi's dad head outside. Bi asks his dad if HEJ should move to his dad's hospital, but Bi's dad says, "This is hospital is close and good, so we dont need to move her" Bi's dad says, " I wonder if she's worrying about something these days and getting stress." Bi's dad asks is SHG and Bi want to stay for a little while. Bi says, "He'll stay for just a little bit longer." Before Bi's dad goes he says, " dont worry HEJ has always been a close friends, just like family, so if you feel bad, don't." SHG says, "its okae." BI's dad than says, "yeah i heard girls these days, dont care much". Bi's dad leaves.
SHG and Bi go back to HEJ. HEJ just sees Bi so she's happy when she sees SHG tagging along. Than changes her mind, and asks Bi and SHG too leave now. HEJ says, "she feels uncomfortable with you guys here, Do i hab a dying disease or something?. Than Bi and SHG leave.
While in the car, SHG asks Bi, "you guys are great friends?" Bi answers, "we were just friends since we were little." Than SHG says, "Just like me and my friends." Than Bi says, "you mean ur gangsters. SHG says, "there just uncautious, not bad people. Than SHG says, "is that why you got beat up?" Bi barks at SHG saying, "she was a girl!!" SHG says, "OKAE". SHG asks Bi to eat noodles at a famous restaurant, but than Bi says, "make rice at home!" They get home,
SHG is getting ready for bed, when she hears Bi's car heading out. Bi is with HEJ at the hospital and SHG is trying to sleep. SHG is waiting for Bi outside, but she eventually falls asleep. Bi comes home and asks SHG what she is doing outside. Bi and SHG get inside, and SHG asks where he was. Bi says "i was with HEJ." Than SHG randomly asks why did you buy this house?  Bi says, "because of the name, "full house"." i wanted to spend my time in this house with the person I loved till I died"  
Bi walks away and stares at the window. SHG tries to cheer Bi up by saying a joke. And she gets into saying one of her stories, lol. Bi yells and goes to bed. Next day SHG wakes up and sees Bi COOKING!!! SHG is pleased to get breakfast from Bi. But Bi says, "its for HEJ." Than Bi tells her how to make JOOK (boiled rice).  SHG asks, "will you make me Jook when I'm sick?" BI says, "hey, I made you jook last time you were sick!". "dont u remember? when u were sleeping like a homeless outside I made you JOOK because you were sick.
So SHG goes to HEJ to give her the JOOK Bi made for her. HEJ says, "no, thnx"  HEJ asks, " dont u feel bad when i call Bi, hang out with Bi?" HEJ says, "dont feel bad, were just best friends, eventhought your married, Bi and I will be friends forever. HEJ leaves the hosptial when she sees Bi's mom.  SHG is left out again, because Bi's mom is only taking care of HEJ. HEJ rides away in a taxi. Bi's mom says, "it's nice of you to make JOOK for HEJ." Than SHG says, "Bi actually made it for her."
SHG is talking to Bi's grandma and so SHG has to come down to Bi's parents house. SHG is gathering vegetables from the garden with Bi's grandma just sitting down. Bi's grandma keeps dissing SHG how she doesnt know how to do anything. Than suddenly SHG gets up and tells Bi's grandma that Bi also doesn抰 know much stuff either." Bi's grandma spits out the grapes she was eating. She keeps complaining how Bi is, and how Bi's grandma is hello kittying too much, when Bi's grandma's blood pressure rises, lol. SHG picks up Bi's grandma when they both fall, She's opening the gate when the gate hits Bi's grandma in the head, and than again on the column.
Bi's mom gives SHG some food. Than she asks SHG what she likes to eat." SHG says, "anything" so Bi's mom decides on something, and than SHG feels good that she knows that someone cares about her.
BI and KSS talk about something business related i think. Than comes home, Bi is furious, when SHG offers Bi some ice cream and a story. SHG tells another story and its corny again.  Bi leaves again. Bi says hes meeting HEJ and than some meetings, and informs her to clean well today. SHG tells Bi to put on his wedding ring. Than tells Bi to come home early because she's gonna cook him a feast tonite. Than Bi says, only if she can salad. Than SHG says, jellyfish salad sounds good" Than Bi's eyes get big and says, Jellyfish salad!" and he抯 off. SHG is looking on the internet how to make it and says, "its easy" Practically spends all day to make it, lol.
Bi is talking to HEJ is she's okae. HEJ sees Bi's ring again and is depressed again, lol. Bi answers the phone, and its SHG saying, "jellyfish salad is done." BI says, "it better be good!"   Bi's eating it when he says, "did u make this for humans to eat?" SHG says, "its okay"  Bi says to SHG to eat the rest.  SHG asks Bi where his ring is, Bi says he left it at HEJ's place. Bi calls HEJ again asking if shes okay, and if his ring is there. HEJ says "no". Bi says its not that big of an issue."
SHG says, "thats our wedding ring" than Bi says, "we can always buy a new one." SHG says, "are u that afraid of HEJ?" "no wonder ur friends, your both a like." SHG gets mad about Bi losing the ring. Bi says, "ur just a vacuum and chef too me. "Do u like me for real? SHG says, "ur a *****, i dont want to talk to you, lets really end it this time!" SHG packs her stuff again. Bi wakes up the next day and SHG left a note to Bi. (meaning she left). But Bi checks her room and her bags still here, so he's glad.
SHG is at KSS office letting him read the scenario. KSS is wondering who the guy is in the story. He asks SHG if she has ever observed a person - so they go to cafe and observe people. Than KSS just looks at a person and tells everything about her. SHG is amazed, but the girl comes in and its a worker for KSS.
Meanwhile at full house, Bi is waiting for SHG. Calling the jewerly store for the same exact wedding ring. SHG's friends come to Bi's house again to say sorry. SHG's friends want to wait inside the house fo SHG but Bi slams the door, lol.
SHG"s friends are tying to sneak into Bi's house, and they do. She prepares to make some food, and the guy is checkng the whole house again. The guy is on SHG's computer and calls his wife over and on the monitor is the CONTRACT for SHG and Bi's marriage!!.
HEJ hid the ring, and now puts it in her purse. BI arrives home wit SHG and his marriage picture. He comes home and sees SHG's friends lounging. SHG"s friends are blackmailing Bi. SHG's friends want Bi to apologize to them about calling them "homeless", but Bi can't. SHG decides to tell a sad story about after she felt after her house was sold, and the friends get touched/guilty and leave.
SHG is calculating her money, when Bi offers her a beer. SHG draws a ring on Bi's finger and than a watch than Bi does the same fo SHG. SHG wants to draw sunglasses for Bi but he runs away. Bi washes his hands but carefully washes it so the ring and watch doesnt get washed away.
SHG and Bi are deciding on where to pick the marriage pic. They agree whoever loses puts it in their room. BI loses and tells SHG to put it in the living room. Bi watches SHG where to put the picture, and keeps complaining how crooked it is, lol. HEJ calls and wants to see him, saying she has something to give him. Bi says, "yes". SHG asks, who it was., Bi thinks about going, but seems like he's starting to not head to HEJ.

credit to soompi

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:46 AM | Show all posts
7)  Episode 07 ~

jieun and youngjae get used to each other and their marriage but their arguments/fights continue on. haewon thinks she loves min hyuk but she cant seem to get rid of youngjae from her mind.. and she kinda has feelings for youngjae.

youngjae&jieun have a good time with his family.. (WUTS A &#48376;&#44032;? is that bi's house?) and jieun goes into his room.. blah blah and then youngjae tells jieun that he likes her.


Scene 1  (LiLjeSsica3)
Morning: JI EUN is sitting at the computer desk of the living room in Full House.

She is about to start writing her weekly synopsis of a scenario to give to MIN HYUK

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:48 AM | Show all posts
sambungan episod 7

JI EUN is in YOUNG JAE抯 room looking around

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:48 AM | Show all posts
sambungan episod 7

Scene 13
YOUNG JAE and HAE WON are at a playground (of their school) they used to play at when they were children...

HAE WON talks about how she never knew that YOUNG JAE become a movie superstar

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:52 AM | Show all posts
episod 8 nie yg aku suker pasalnyer time nielah tiba2 minghyuk merepek suruh jieun interested kat dier...start dari sinilah citer dier bertambah best...pasalnyer perebutan jieun antara ming hyuk ngan yong jae..:ah:



Scene 1
In FULL HOUSE: JE and YJ are at the kitchen table (Sad Instrumental BGM is playing). JE has just confessed that she likes YJ.

Instead of taking the confession seriously, YJ starts to laugh.
YJ: 揌ahaha

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Post time 25-12-2004 09:55 AM | Show all posts
sambungan episode 8

Scene 6
HW is at her store debating whether she should call YJ or not.

Then she finally calls him and he picks up. She asks him if she could seem him for a little and he says he抯 busy and then she asks about the next day, but he tell her he抯 going to be busy again and then she asks him if he抯 avoiding her. Then she asks if JE said anything to him and he says 揥hy would she?

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staja9 This user has been deleted
Post time 25-12-2004 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c-mei at 25-12-2004 09:31 AM:

tuelah betul x aku cakap citer nie x bleh berhenti tgkkan...samalah cam aku...lepas 1 episode nak tgk the next nyer plak...ko dah tgk kan citer nie...mcm mana best x?...mesti ko kata bestkan..:ah:

best..... gelak jer... tambah senyum sorang2....:love::love::love:
tringat LIP.... bodoh2, kalut2.....
SHG hantu makan dalam citer nih... kikkikkik....sabor je la tgk muke dier..... cute

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Post time 28-12-2004 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kimmy at 24-12-2004 04:37 PM:

CD Full House ke kau cari?  Kalau kau nak semua OST dia nanti aku boleh cuba carikan, tapi ni termasuk lagu2 instrumental dia. Itu pun kalau aku dapat copylah.  Kalau yg berjual memang belum  ...

:hug::tq: timaceh....  kamsa hamnida... kimmy ssi....  dpt ost pun boleh.....  lagu mana yg best nie...  errk...  aku nak dload dulu...

[ Last edited by captain_f4 on 28-12-2004 at 09:30 AM ]

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