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Author: m_vaughn

~MERGED~Tapak sejarah Kota Gelanggi

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Post time 10-12-2005 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thatsourmia at 8-11-2005 12:33 AM
konfirm... team research ckp kota tu x wujud sbb x jumpa langsung bukti2 nya...
ish.. pelk aku.. tp aku stll percaya kota tu sbnarnya wujud!!

mana THATSOURMIA dapat citer ni ..?

ada masuk SURATKHABAR ker ?

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Post time 12-12-2005 01:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kuihkoci at 29-10-2005 07:06 PM
Hangat hangat tahi ayam rupanya. Dah senyap pulak tanpa berita.


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Post time 12-12-2005 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by senyum_77 at 10-12-2005 01:50 PM

mana THATSOURMIA dapat citer ni ..?

ada masuk SURATKHABAR ker ?

x lah.. my lecturer salah sorang yg buat kajian kat situ.. tp aku percaya la ada kota kat situ, x jumpa sbb xleh dijelaskan dgn bukti saintifik lg

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Post time 15-12-2005 02:11 PM | Show all posts
kota gelaggi hmmmm....
ade cakap gua kota gelanggi(kat pahang) tu lah kota gelanggi. tapi kalo kota, dimanakah bekas kotanya?
actually sebenornya sebelum kuar kat sotkabor pasal kota gelanggi aku dah tau citer... ade member aku kije muzeum citer.. dia cakap remy nih buat kajian kat obersea (tak sure kat ner), mase tu dia tunjuk areal picture (jenis pokok yg tumbuh di atas tanah n tembok batu berlainan jenis dlm national geografy pon ade tunjuk), tunjuk gambor yg ade tembok batu, dan member aku cakap kota gelanggi nih lagi besor dr borobodur (tak tau lah betul ke idak), ape yg aku baca dlm sotkabor camtu lah member aku citer...
kajian kat situ diteruskan jugak.. ari tu aku ade jumpe member aku yg kije muzeum tu dia nak citer pasal bende nih tak jadik pasal ade org lain mase tu... tapi ade something yg dia nak citer lah... nanti aku tanya dia.. tapi aku tak tau leh kita kat sini ke idak....
sekian terima kasih...

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Post time 29-1-2006 04:30 PM | Show all posts
aku heran betul dgn kerajaan ni... dah buat expedisi... lepas tu senyap lak... kurang2 bagitau ler keputusannya... berjaya ke tidak jumpa kota gelanggi tu... ini buat kita binggung jer.

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nice72_nik This user has been deleted
Post time 20-9-2006 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Salam buat semua..

Dah lama menyepi topik ni, so apa citernya.. then setau aku la kota gelanggi tu berada ditempat lain. Pintu masuk la ada dinegeri lain. Nama yang hampir sama dengan kota gelanggi lak adalah salah satu helah utk menyembunyikan dimana terletaknya kota tersebut...


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Post time 2-3-2007 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Malaysian National News Agency

Archaeologist Says Johor "Lost City" Does Not Exist
April 28, 2006 18:24 PM
KUALA LUMPUR, April 28 (Bernama) -- The "lost city" of Gelanggi or Linggiu, claimed to have been hidden in the jungles of Johor for more than a thousand years, does not exist, said an archaeologist in the National Heritage Department.

Khalid Syed Ali, the curator of archaeology in the department's research and development division, said a team of researchers carried out a study over a month in July last year but found no evidence of the "lost city".

The 15-strong team was headed by the Director-General of Museum and Antiquity Datuk Dr Adi Taha, he said in a working paper presented at a forum organised by the National Museum here.

The search was launched following a claim made by an independent researcher Raimy Che Ros that he had found evidence of the "lost city" after 12 years of research.

The claim, published in a newspaper in February last year, created public excitement because Linggiu was said to be older than the Borobudur Buddhist temple in Indonesia built between 750 and 842 A.D. and Cambodia's Angkor Wat built 300 years later.

Khalid said Raimy was believed to have come up with his claim based on his research of literature on Malay history and did not discover any physical traces of the "lost city".

The search team led by Adi comprised researchers from his department, Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris and Malaysian Archaeology Association.


P.S: Tak wujud ke? Sia-sia aku berangan jadik Indiana Jones....

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Post time 3-3-2007 01:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #87 rurouni_khairul's post

ala...takkanla tak wujud...sedihnya.
aku mengharap la kat mesia ni ada tmpat2 bersejarah lama mcm angkor wat tu...
at least ramai gak pelancong yg nak dtg tngok tamadun lama kat mesia.
tp derang ckp tak wujud sbb tak jumpe.
mungkin kota tu tenggelam ke?

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Post time 6-3-2007 02:42 PM | Show all posts
apa cita kota gelanggi nie.. tak sabar2 tunggu cerita camnie.. cam cita national treasure plak..

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Post time 6-3-2007 02:47 PM | Show all posts tapi tak update sejak duamenjak nie..

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Post time 8-3-2007 01:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #90 belangtaro's post

Nampak gayanye dari blog tuh cam takde ajer sisa2 runtuhan kota tuh ditemui di Johor...mungkin kat negeri lain kot..

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Post time 27-12-2007 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Kota gelanggi merupakan salah satu drpd plan alam. Kota itu masih ada..masih wujud..
tapi dikhaburi dari pandangan manusia krn begitu bernilai. Kota ini ada penjaganya.
Ada kaitan dgn "Tasik Pauh Janggi"
Siapa yg tahu..tahulah...

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Post time 1-9-2008 02:43 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 2-9-2008 08:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by disclaimer at 27-12-2007 08:51 PM
Kota gelanggi merupakan salah satu drpd plan alam. Kota itu masih ada..masih wujud..
tapi dikhaburi dari pandangan manusia krn begitu bernilai. Kota ini ada penjaganya.
Ada kaitan dgn "Ta ...

Betul tu.
Ya, kota itu masih wujud tetapi orang-orang tertentu dapat melihatnya.
Di kota itu terdapat emas bertempayan banyaknya.
Khazanah itu untuk kegunaan akhir zaman.
Disitulah tempat pertapaan Tok Uban dan bersemayan disitu diatas seekor kuda putih. Wallaahua'llam

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Post time 16-6-2009 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Promosi Warisan Kota Gelanggi dalam kalendar pelancongan

JERANTUT 15 Jun - Tourism Malaysia disarankan supaya memasukkan Warisan Kota Gelanggi (WKG) dekat sini dalam pakej pelancongan bertaraf antarabangsa semasa membuat promosi di luar negara.

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Pulau Tawar, Datuk Dr. Shukri Ismail berkata, monumen yang terdapat di WKG merupakan satu lagi warisan sejarah yang berpotensi dan mampu menarik kehadiran pelancong luar negara.

Katanya, usaha untuk mempromosikan WKG menjadi mudah kerana ia terletak berhampiran laluan ke Taman Negara.

''Saya percaya WKG boleh menjadi destinasi pelancongan terkenal diperingkat antarabangsa kerana ia memaparkan sejarah awal kehidupan manusia di negara ini yang tinggal di beberapa buah gua yang terdapat di Kota Gelanggi,'' kata Dr. Shukri.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas melepaskan Larian Lasak Warisan Kota Gelanggi dekat sini semalam.

Seramai 500 peserta mengambil bahagian dalam larian itu bagi kategori wanita terbuka, lelaki terbuka, lelaki remaja dan lelaki veteran sejauh 8 kilometer merentasi laluan hutan dan denai Gua Kota Gelanggi.

Selain itu terdapat juga pertandingan melukis yang membabitkan kanak-kanak peringkat tabika, pelajar tahun satu dan tahun dua.

Sehubungan itu beliau meminta Felda Residence Tekam (FRT) yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan WKG berusaha lebih gigih dan bekerjasama dengan agensi pelancongan kerajaan dan juga swasta bagi mempromosikan WKG di peringkat antarabangsa.

Tambahnya, agensi pelancongan di negara ini boleh memasukkan WKG yang merangkumi kawasan seluas 90 hektar dalam pakej pelancongan Taman Negara yang sudah terkenal di seluruh dunia.

Katanya, WKG yang kini semakin popular di kalangan pelancong Singapura perlu dinaik taraf dengan menyediakan pelbagai prasarana termasuk bekalan elektrik 24 jam.

Katanya, selain faktor sejarah, keindahan alam semula jadi yang kaya dengan flora dan fauna juga menjadi aset bagi memikat kehadiran pelancong asing mengunjungi tempat tersebut.

''Saya berharap Felda Residence Tekam dapat menjadikan larian lasak Gua Kota Gelanggi sebagai acara tahunan ataupun dwitahunan peringkat kebangsaan dan seterusnya sehingga ke peringkat antarabangsa.

''Selain kehidupan prasejarah manusia yang mendiami gua-gua Kota Gelanggi, makam pahlawan Mat Kilau yang terdapat di Pulau Tawar menunjukkan kawasan WKG menjadi tempat pertemuan pahlawan-pahlawan Melayu Pahang merancang dan mengatur strategi menentang penjajahan Inggeris di negara ini,'' kata beliau.

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Post time 2-12-2009 01:04 AM | Show all posts
.... walaupun kota ni dijumpai.. ia tetap takkan mengubah sejarah keagungan melaka.. cuma sejarah kotadi tanah melayu ni akan bermula atau bertarikh lebih awal dari sejarahyg dipelajari sebelum ni.. ia juga jadi bukti semenanjung ni telahmempunyai kota sebelum angkor wat atau borobudur (tak tau eja lah)..

jaja... nama felda tu mungkin diambil sempena nama kota gelanggi ni.. sebab sebelum ni dipercayai kota gelanggi di pahang.. sebab ada penemuan penempatan org zaman apa ntah tak ingat.. neolitik ke apa.. di gua gelanggi.. arkeologi zaman penjajah lagi dah cuba carik... tapi dorang cuma jumpa gua.. kali ni berkemungkinan akan jumpa kesan2 kota... dan ini juga mungkin bermakna kawasan jajahan kota ni luas...

yg kerajaan johor tu.. aku tak tau nak komen sebab sebelum ni dorang yg cakap kota gelanggi tak de kat johor... lepas campur tgn menteri kebudayaan.. baru la ekspedisi ni dapat diteruskan...
eyka Post at 9-3-2005 15:20

emm mungkin ni sebabnya..
Subject: Kota Gelanggi (lost city)..

A small piece of History for our future generation..Why Kota Gelanggi
(lost city) touted as earliest civilization in Malay Peninsula
news were banned as they were Buddhist

The Johor find of 2005 which was quietly dropped was none other than Kota
Gelanggi lost city reflecting Srivijaya and its Buddhist splendour.
But they deliberately disregarded it because that would have
sidelined Malacca Empire and Islam which was smaller and
came some 500 years later. I met Dr Lee Kam Hing, a former
History prof at MU in Singapore recently at a seminar.Dr
Lee, who is now Star research director, told me he was
trying his best to highlight Kota Gelanggi, but that the
govt killed it off. This is clearly another case to cover up
the real history of Malaya and fool the younger generations
into believing that our history only began from Malacca

1400.. Not only that, they try to show Parameswara as Malay
and Muslim, but actually he was Hindu! If one were to
condemn these UMNO scumbags on how they distort history, it
will never end....the condemnations will more than cover 10 PhD thesis!

A small piece of  History for our future generation

Hitler's public relations manager, Goebbels, once  said,
'If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes  the truth.'
Once again our government wiped out any
references to a famous Melaka prince as being Hindu and
belonging to the powerful Hindu empire Sri Vijaya.

So all of a sudden our museums, school text-books etc. all refer to
Parameswara as a Malay prince.
What race ruled or did not rule is besides the point.
What is important is not butchering history to create your own truths.
You cannot change your race even if you convert
- Parameswara could have been responsible for Umno's
proud heritage of ' Ketuanan Melayu '.

If this is what it is based on, there is no ' Ketuanan Melayu '.
The lineage of Melaka Sultans are Indians, not Malays.
It is no secret that Parameswara was an Indian and a Hindu prince.

It is clear from records that Parameswara never converted to Islam.
He was an Indian Hindu who fled Palembang in Sumatra to eventually
found Melaka circa 1400 AD. It was Sri Maharaja who converted himself
and the court of Melaka to Islam, and as a result took on the name of
Sultan Muhammad Shah sometime after 1435.

The most famous of Indian Hindu Kings were Raja
Chola and his son Rajendra Chola who invaded Southern
Thailand, Kedah, Perak, Johor and Sumatra about 1000 AD.
This is Raja-raja Chola - the
Indian/Hindu kings and not Raja Chulan - a Malay king.
But what is really sad is that our children are
taught as though Malaysian history suddenly began in
1400 with an Islamic Melaka.

We are led to believe that the Indians and Chinese first arrived on the shores
of Malaysia in about 1850 as desperate indentured labourers, farmers
and miners . Nothing could be further from the truth.

The cultural influences of India in particular,
and China, in South East Asia span over 2,000 years,
starting with the arrival from India of the Brahmanical
prince/scholar - Aji Saka in Java in AD78, through to
Vietnam, Cambodia (Indo China), Thailand,Burma,
Indonesia, Bali, Borneo, Brunei and beyond.

The findings at Bujang Valley speak of an
ancient Indian/Hindu presence in Kedah.
There were Chinese settlements in Pahang and Kelantan around the 13th-
14th  century and in 12th century in Singapore .

The early Brunei Sultanate had a Chinese Queen.
One need not ponder at length the implications of Angkor
Wat and Borobudur or that 40%-50% of Bahasa Malaysia
comprises Sanskrit/Tamil words.
To illustrate, some of these word are :
bumi = boomi
putra  = putran
raja = rajah
desa = thesam
syakti = sakthi
kolam = kulam
bahaya = abahya
jaya = jeya
maha = maha
aneka = aneha
nadi = naadi
kedai = kadai
mahligai = maaligai
mantra = manthrum
tandas = sandas
(This list can go on)
An extremely important archeological
find that pointed to one of the greatest empires in history

- the Raja Cholan empire that ruled from the Maldives
through India, Sri Lanka and right down to South East Asia
found deep in the jungles of Johor a few years ago and made
headlines in the mainstream newspapers in 2005, suddenly
disappeared from the news…..

The time has arrived for us to record our
history as the facts tell us and not as we would like to  wish it.

The truth will never hurt anyone. Lies, always will .

credit: herrhughie

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:20 AM | Show all posts

hutan ulu tiram, johor

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Post time 2-12-2009 04:20 PM | Show all posts
hutan ulu tiram, johor
braderjoni Post at 2-12-2009 11:20

whoa..itu ke kotanya?

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:58 PM | Show all posts
ade ke kota ni
mcm tahyullllllllllllll

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Post time 31-12-2009 08:24 PM | Show all posts
da nak masuk 2010 nih..ape perkembangan terbaru kota nih?

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