dulu layan gak cita ni....tapi tak ingat nama character loh...hohoho...time budak budak sangat kot...tengok memang bebetul tengok je... |
Mobile Armured Strike Kommand (M.A.S.K) ...
best...Thunder cat pun best
cmf_Maxx Post at 5-8-2009 04:20 PM 
kalau cite M.A.S.K kuar wajib tgk
minat giler cite nie .....
x sape2 leh review ngan lbih lanjut ke?
brapa rate bintng? |
aku tunggu DVD jer la.....
skang nih riso nak gi tgk wyg....H1N1 tuuuuu....
seram siot.... |
citer mmg layan laaa...dok terbang loncat letop sana sini..
satuuuuuuuuuu jer aku meluat....equipment Joes ni punya la canggih..katanya harga billion2 ... markas nun kat tgh padang pasiaq kat mesir nun...canggihhhhh...!!! nun kat dlm tanah tu..siap ada air bwh laut ke apa tatau laaa...masa dia tunjuk diorang punya latihan tu..pergh canggihhhhh... tapi bila musuh tembus pakai gerudi leh masuk tak berbunyik?? hatta alarm pun takde ke? shiled ke apa ke...haihhh...cam siol jer... |
cam biasa je cite nih...  |
85# an2toncit
yeke? ala nama pun adaptasi dari kartun kan.. xkan nk buat real btul2? klu real xde la cite mcm tu? real punya org semua anti Amerika... hehe...
lg 3jam aku nk tgk cite ni... nnti aku komen ekk... |
korang tak takut kena H1N1 ke?
reddots Post at 6-8-2009 09:29 PM 
ala.... jgn la panik sgt H1N1.... make sure body sihat tak mudah kna serang udah....
hang kna p Gold Class..... org mmg tak ramai
blur |
x sape2 leh review ngan lbih lanjut ke?
brapa rate bintng?
chaoyunjie Post at 7-8-2009 11:01 AM 
alah beb...... p ke GSC alamanda... RM9 ja....
boleh terima la bg aku yg hardcore transformer dlm bab aksi dan tech dan aweks dan sound effect.. jalan citer not bad...
blur |
yes..dpt tgk kt tropicana mlm ni  |
DA tgk mlm td... citer dia... hmmmmm..... ok lah... enjoyable. Btul gak an2toncit . Ade plak air laut punya besar bwh padang pasir... huhu... markas mccullan lak kat bwh dasar kutub ais huhu.. Canggih yg amat.. Suit yg canggih punya berat jln atas kaca bangunan x pecah lak. |
Stephen Sommers Interview Confirms Fraser as Sgt. Stone & More.
IESB.net has posted an interview with Stephen Sommers about the upcoming G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra movie. In the interview, we get discussion of a possible sequel, Sommer’s reaction to fan negativity and then rumor of him being fired, mystery reveals, and the identity of Brendan Fraser’s cameo character. It appears that Fraser will indeed be playing Sgt. Stone.
ESB: It will, the universe has been established and you don’t have to do too much of the origins anymore of who’s who you can just go right at it. Now, we all knew Brendan Frasier had a cameo and I tried to catch the name, who is he playing?
SS: It’s Sergeant Stone. There’s a half a dozen actors in the film that I’ve worked with before, at least 4 or 5 from the Mummy movies, I like to work with nice people. I don’t work with black holes. They are all nice, there are a lot of other actors I’d like to bring in, there are a lot more G.I. Joe characters to go!
Sources : http://www.theterrordrome.com/
baru cadang nk tengok malam ni..tu bace review kat sini dulu..tapi xder yang boleh meyakinkn jer..citer ni aper rate dia..kena tengok,rugi tengok,rugi tak tengok,bolehla kalo nak tengok???? |
merapu teruk sangat............. |
gi joe fail pasal pengarah "van helsing" stephen summer bodo ni la |
bagi org yg hidup di zaman kegemilangan GI-joe akan raser sedikit keciwa dgn movie ini...
betul, aku tahu, takan lah pengarah tuu nak wat movie nak ikut direct kartun asal, tapi sekureng2 nyer, ikut lah sikit dari segi latar belakan karekter kartun tuuu, setiap kerekter kartun GI-Joe, ada background masing2 yg berbeza......
ramai org luar tak suka Chaning Tatum dlm movie nii, sebab penglibatan awal dier dlm movie berjoget-joget tuuu.... hahahahahahahaha....
yang paling mengeciwakan ialah watak cameo Brendan Fraser dlm tuuu, sikit sgt, ramai yg nak tgk aksi dier dlm tuuu, ni sikit sgt, apa watak dier dlm citer ni pun tak tahu, sekjap kata Gung Ho, sekejap kata Sgt. Stone, sekejap kata cucu cicit Rick O'Connel... yg mana satu ntah |
Tak best sgt pun citer GI Joe ni.. biasa2 je pd aku... |
citer ni mmg penuh aksi... tak lah boring tgk.
cuma story line dia bg aku agak silly. |
aah..dah tengok smlm..jln citer mmg fail..tapi kurang2 xla boring aku tngok..citer action packed...xmengantuk wpun tgh midnite... |
Post Last Edit by capiloton at 9-8-2009 15:37
GI Joe lagi best lagi Transformers 2..
jangan mara aa..
action lagi mantop dari transformer..
aku kasik 4 taik bintang..
aku nak komplen harge tiket mahai yg amat..
1st day showtime, RM10, GSC dataran pahlawan mlk..
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