itairus This user has been deleted
Tapi kat The Star ada manusia ni yang suruh polis yang kena slow down dan lebih berhati-hati masa mengiring VIP! |
Al-Fatihah... Aku pernah berada di dalam kereta rasmi bergerak dalam high speed sambil diberi escort oleh motosikal peronda trafik. Memang kerja mereka berbahaya... kejap speed up untuk blok simpang depan, bila kereta khas lepas, dia kena speed up dengan siren lead pack semula then berhenti lagi di simpang hadapan untuk blok trafik lagi... begitu lah seterusnya... kalau escort VVIP pula banyak outriders tapi masih high speed... kesian sungguh.
Memang aku pun bengang hampir tiap hari dengan pemandu bodoh ni... semalam sekor lagi.. jalan merge antara dua jalan, ada ke patut dia main berhenti selamba je nak tunggu jalan paling kanan clear untuk dia tukar lane... yang aku kat belakang mengejut brek.. biasa nya aku sempat brek, tapi bagaimana kalau ada mangkuk hayun blah pulak belakang kereta aku?.. Aku penah kena macam tu... aku hon le semalam... budak dok sebelah dia bagi finger kat aku.. then dia pun hon nak tunjuk samseng.. tapi aku kena masuk simpang lain selepas tu... Kalau dia ikut nak sekat aku, atau nak tunjuk terer... I wish him all the best.. untung nasib tak kena pelangkung ngan stering lock ke apa-apa in self defence le... |
Reply #15 alphawolf's post
kebanyakan orang awam x paham kenape kenderaan vip bergerak laju....
jadi kebanyakan mangkuk hayun nie ingat vip berlagak..sombong..
tapi depa tak sedar laju tu sebahagian dari prosedur keselamatan....
utk keselematan vip...
:bgrin: |
here anther case..........
Tuesday April 10, 2007
DPM visits policeman injured while clearing road for him
MALACCA: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has visited a traffic policeman at the Malacca Hospital who was hit by a car while clearing the road for him.
Kpl Abdul Jabar Wakit, 48, suffered a fracture of the pelvic bone and is now warded at the Malacca Hospital.
He was clearing traffic at Cheng Baru by diverting cars to align left to make way for Najib's cars at 6.55pm in a heavy rain when the Deputy Prime Minister was returning to Malacca from Machap.
One of the cars which had aligned left moved and hit him, said ASP Ahamd Salam Hamdan, Melaka Tengah district traffic chief.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, who accompanied Najib, donated RM5,000 for Kpl Abdul Jabar. Najib also donated cash to him. ... 1125&sec=nation |
Originally posted by alien7749 at 10-4-2007 08:11 AM
Teregganu drivers are far less educated than those in KL. Imagine, cruising at 60km/h on the fast lane and they won't move even u put a high beam.
One more thing, the JPJ test is not relevant ...
pergghh...mmg tak bleh disangkal...aku setuju 100%...teringat aku eksiden kat terengganu.. |
itairus This user has been deleted
bler aku balk kampung kan aku raser org kat kl drive lg bagus dr org kat kmpg aku..betul...member aku yg keje kat kl pon ckp cam tu bler derang blk kat kmpg...naper eh? |
sebab org kg dah terdidik bahawa 'jln kat kg nih haku yg punya'..........  |
off topic:pemangku sultan terengganu tu budak lagi kan?! |
Orang kampung drive at leasure dan tak terdedah kepada competitive driving.. macam team bola la.. asyik main liga bawahan je, susah nak develop skill...
p/s Aku balik Alor Setar pun, orang sana rata-rata main suka-suka je tukar lane...  |
orang kampung pagi2 bawak kereta cari nasi lemak. orang KL pagi2 dah redah traffic jam, kejar punchcard. |
Wednesday April 11, 2007
No reason to behave like a road bully
ON APRIL 1, I was driving back to Kuala Lumpur from Ipoh using the North-South Expressway and there was a massive traffic jam near Rawang due to some roadworks.
The cars were moving slowly when I heard a siren and saw vehicles move to the side.
I saw a police escort car trying to squeeze through the traffic jam. It was about 4.30pm and drivers were trying to allow the police car to pass through without causing an accident.
However, a woman driver was a bit slow in allowing the police escort car to pass through.
As the police car passed by, one rude, arrogant and angry policeman banged on the woman's car door with his hand.
His behaviour shocked me. His action cannot be condoned. He is no better than a road bully!
Instead of protecting the road user, he is acting like a bully. He has no right to do that. His action could have caused an accident if the woman had panicked and stepped on the accelerator.
Even ambulance drivers have to obey traffic rules during an emergency. I wonder whether police escorts are exempted from traffic rules. Does the policeman have the right to use his hand to bang on one抯 car when he is angry?
I hope Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan will look into this matter and not allow one black sheep to tarnish the good name of the force.
Kuala Lumpur. |
Reply #25 bayo's post
Bayo, u ni banyak tak puas hati dgn perkhidmatan kerajaan. |
nijtum This user has been deleted
Hello semua. ish ish ish...betul cakap R6, untuk pengetahuan semua, bayo ni pun tengah membuat provokasi dalam thread lain mengenai government. Bayo..kenapa you macam ni? ini thread takziah kepada pegawai yang meninggal la !. Have some respect, their families might be reading the forum too.
[ Last edited by nijtum at 11-4-2007 05:58 PM ] |
itairus This user has been deleted
Reply #25 bayo's post
saper suh bawak kete terhegeh2..kan dah kene...ppuan tu xkan xdgr byi siren kot...
aper2 jer ler... |
Reply #1 Zaidina's post
tak balik awal?? camne ngan ayah aku yg pegi operasi dlm hutan? |
Reply #17 yusri191090's post
kalau dalam hutan pun buleh balik awal... hebat sangat tuh...  |
Reply #18 irwan_norddin's post
Tak bleh lah nak marah suami blk awal, tp belakang citer nih kita tak tau, so tak bleh nak komen byk...
Maybe ada sesetengah anggota tu dia nak luangkan masa kot, ye la klu mlm dah g buat rush, bila nak jumpa bini...tu la org tua kata..sayangkan biini tinggal2kan...tinggal pun tak bleh lama, takut bukak la, rumah kongsi under supervision kan banyak... |
Ala...sayangkan bini tinggal2kan...anggota syif malam kot? |
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