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Author: shanew3stgalz


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Post time 15-3-2011 03:20 PM | Show all posts
x sabar x sabar suke suke

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Post time 15-3-2011 08:38 PM | Show all posts
menyokong sepenuhnya filem jenis gini
bakal cuci kaki menghadap CUN

macam dapat rasa urat kejung stress bakal hilang

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Post time 16-3-2011 01:20 AM | Show all posts

kesian kerbau ni..

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Post time 16-3-2011 01:59 AM | Show all posts
cam sengal dan kecoh giler citer ni.. hu3

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Post time 16-3-2011 02:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 11# manganini

   la...kenapa pulok kerbau kena mekap sampai mcm tu? ni mesti kerbau ni berangan nak jadi macam Ning Baizura. wah! tak sabar nak tengok filem ni, tapi sayang...saya di luar negara. dah lama tak tengok Kak Ning berlakon filem. Last sekali saya tengok semasa dia berlakon dalam filem diva. itupun tak berapa best garapan filem tu. saya pasti watak kak ning mesti best dalam filem cun ni.

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Post time 16-3-2011 11:00 AM | Show all posts
tgk trailer memang bising abis cite ni....tataula jalan cerita smooth or not

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Post time 16-3-2011 11:56 AM | Show all posts
fun trailer. happening movie ni. udah pastinya menghiburkan. Dari ulasan review saja udah bikin hati kepingin banget untuk saya nonton filem ini. Terima kasih kerna letak ulasan di sini.

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Post time 16-3-2011 12:58 PM | Show all posts
wow!!! panjang giler ulasannya. apapun...GOOD JOB !!

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Post time 16-3-2011 01:26 PM | Show all posts
akak nak tambah lagi review dari ntah sapa punya blog ni:


Menonton 10 minit awal filem CUN (dir. Osman Ali), tidak dinafikan bahawa hati saya cukup gusar. Permulaan 10 minit filem ini mengingatkan saya kepada komedi-komedi janaan A. Razak Mohaideen dan Aziz M. Osman, tapi tiada salahnya disitu, mungkin saya secara peribadi telah meletakkan Osman Ali di tahap yang lain dari pengarah-pengarah komersil veteran tersebut.

10 minit yang penuh What the kungfu ini bagaimanapun berubah selepas memasuki minit ke 15.

Maya Karin, seorang personaliti TV, hos program gosip popular MELETOP melarikan diri dari kehidupan penuh plastik ( <-- agak geli menggunakan perkataan ini!!!) di Kota akibat kecurangan tunangnya, Jehan Miskin. Dalam satu adegan komedi gelap yang menghiburkan, Maya telah ter-mengkantoikan Jehan bersama Marsha Londoh sewaktu mahu sahaja memulakan foreplay kinky seks kostum mereka, dihadapan krew MELETOP dan seterusnya merasa sedap dan nikmatnya gosip itu apabila terkena ke batang hidung sendiri.

Dengan satu keputusan terburu-buru, Maya meminta Faezah Elai membawa mereka lari sebentar dari isu panas tersebut dan destinasi yang menjadi pilihan adalah Kampung Mata Air yang juga merupakan Kampung Faezah Elai.

Kampung Mata Air ini adalah sebuah kampung ceruk lagi terhulu yang sangat menepati khayalan dan imajinasi sebuah kampung idaman bagi mamat dan minah-minah kota yang tidak mempunyai kampung apabila disebut akan perkataan kampung itu.

Di kelilingi sawah padi saujana mata memandang, berbukit bukau dan bertali air. Maya telah bertemu cinta sebenarnya iaitu Remy Ishak sepupu kepada Faezah Elai. Satu watak lelaki yang naif tapi baran yang sangat pandai dilakonkan oleh Remy. Keseluruhan hampir 90 peratus adegan kekeluargaan, percintaan di kampung inilah yang menjadikan filem CUN ini menjadi sebuah filem yang sangat CUN dan manis untuk ditonton.


Filem CUN ini merupakan contoh sebuah filem romantik komediscrewball . Pada dasarnya adalah klise seperti Notting Hill, tapi kerana kepandaian Osman Ali mempersembahkan satu jalinan lakon layar yang menarik disokong oleh kekuatan lakonan dari barisan pelakon utama berserta skrip yang bersahaja, filem ini naik satu tangga ke hadapan dari kelompok romantik komedi melayu yang sedia ada.

Inilah yang dikatakan bahawa tidak peduli seklise mana idea sesebuah penceritaan itu kerana bagaimana cerita itu dipersembahkan (plot) dan diceritakan akan menjadikan filem itu ok atau tidak ok. Komedi di dalam filem ini nampak lebih segar berbanding filem Hatta Azad Khan seperti Senario Asam garam danKembar Siang. Ini mungkin faktor umur atau faktor citarasa komedi yang berbeza diantara mereka dan saya selaku golongan yang masih muda lebih cenderung dengan komedi-komedi yang lebih segar sebegini.

Walaupun begitu, terdapat juga beberapa hal yang kelakar dan boleh dipertikaikan terutamanya pada Watak Faezah Elai seperti hal takut gelap, (perempuan kampung yang dibesarkan dalam suasana kampung terceruk begitu tak akan takut pada kegelapan malam), dan sewaktu adegan dia bertemu dengan Remy dimana Remy tidak mengenalinya, oh damn... mereka berdua ini membesar bersama (melalui apa yang dikatakan oleh Kartina Aziz) tak kan boleh tak cam kot. Berapa tahun Minah ni tak balik kampung?

Begitu juga dengan keadaan dan suasana kampung yang agak dibesar-besarkan oleh Osman Ali, tapi apa ada hal. Ini kan filem?

Saya sangat terpesona melihat Maya Karin di dalam filem ini, kualiti bintangya semakin bersinar. Lakonannya semakin baik dari sebuah filem ke sebuah filem. Maya tolong jangan jual roh mu kepada David Teoh.

Saya juga sangat impress dengan Remy Ishak. Alternatif hero Melayu bagi Shaheizy Sam dan pilihan yang lebih bagus dari wajah hero tak berkarekter Farid Kamil. Remy tolong jangan jual jiwa kepada David Teoh.

Gandingan kedua pelakon ini menimbulkan tarikan kimia yang sangat kuat dan memukau. Dan yang pastinya mereka berdua ini sangat - CUN!

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Post time 16-3-2011 01:28 PM | Show all posts
nah ada lagi review nya: omputeh la pulak!

Maya Karin. One of the best working actresses we have today. So when my colleague said that there was a preview/premiere for a movie called Cun!, I was not really into it. But when he said it was Maya Karin, I jumped at the chance to go see it.

I am so glad I did. No, I did not get to meet Maya or any of the other stars of the movie. But I did spot some of them (Farid Kamil, Fimie Don, Kartina Aziz, Lisa Surihani etc) while seated in the cinema hall. The reason I am glad... is because the movie was a nice distraction and of course, I got to meet and chat with one of the most famous blogger in KL... I am not worthy... ahahha...

Anyway, so Cun! tells the story of Luna Latisya (Maya Karin), the host of a trashy tabloid gossip TV show, getting her comeuppance when she caught her actor boyfriend cheating on her. She packed up her life and went away to the countryside to lick her wounds. There she meets Atan (Remy Ishak), a simple kampung boy who is the complete opposite of her world in KL. Meanwhile, her TV show crew plots to get her back in the spotlight...

Story-wise, it's a simple romantic comedy plot... but this one is peppered with strongly written characters, or at least, interesting characters... supporting characters anyway... even the buffalo plays an integral role... and the funny are quite spontaneous and kinda not scripted, for the most part... so that is always a pleasant plus... and for a lighthearted comedy, it tugs on your heartstrings really powerfully too...

As usual, Maya Karin is a delight to watch... haven't really seen much of Remy Ishak movies before this, but I guess I am gonna have to start coz he was quite good here... comic timing and all... the supporting cast was also good... especially Ning Baizura, who is deliciously over the top as the Cruella-inspired producer... ordinarily, I would've been turned off by the characterization but Ning makes it work... you're supposed to find her annoyingly bitchy... hehe...

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Post time 16-3-2011 10:41 PM | Show all posts
xsabar plak nak tgk... maya karin cantek sehhh

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Post time 17-3-2011 03:08 PM | Show all posts
im sure she performed the best in this movie! really really cant wait to see diz movie...and hope diz will be the best romcom ever!

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Post time 17-3-2011 03:52 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-3-2011 08:24 PM | Show all posts
aku tak sabar nak tengok kerbau tu hehehehe

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Post time 18-3-2011 02:33 AM | Show all posts
remi mmg pandai berlakon xdapat dinafikan lagi/..

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Post time 18-3-2011 08:49 AM | Show all posts
kite tggu ye kuar crite neh..heheee....

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Post time 18-3-2011 09:37 AM | Show all posts
suka gandingan Maya & Remy...
memang sepadan dorang berlakon berdua semenjak teater Natrah lagi...

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Post time 18-3-2011 05:43 PM | Show all posts
semangat nona membuak buak bila kuar jer remy tue.. rasa diri ni pun cun!

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Post time 18-3-2011 05:56 PM | Show all posts
nak tengok jehan miskin!

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Post time 18-3-2011 10:02 PM | Show all posts
TIME OUT :: Entertainment

In the style of best rom-coms
by Bissme S.
Director Osman Ali’s latest film looks Cun! enough to be a hit in the box office like his favourite romantic comedies

Director Osman Ali’s romantic comedy Cun! is bound to tickle your funny bone. A preview of the movie was recently held for members of the press and most of them gave it the thumbs up. The film, made on a budget of RM1 million, is set to open in cinemas on March 31.

Osman says although he is perceived as a director who usually only directs ‘big budget’ movies, Cun! proves that he can also handle films of a more modest budget.

"There is one particular story circulating that I used 400 cans of film for my movie Anak Halal. There is no truth to this story.

"But due to that, many producers fight shy of hiring me as they are afraid I will cause the budget to overrun. But Cun! shows that I can be versatile. Different movies require different budgets."

Osman’s previous works include horror flick Puaka Tebing Biru, made on a budget of only RM1.5 million, and the RM1.8 million action drama Anak Halal.

Cun! centres on Luna Latisya (Maya Karin) who works as a host of an entertainment TV show and thrives on exposing scandals involving Malaysian artistes.

All she cares about is getting high ratings for her show. However, she is shattered to discover that her own boyfriend, actor Ryan Hidayat (Jehan Miskin), has been two-timing her with another woman.

Embarrassed at her own scandal, she goes into hiding in the village of her personal assistant Tom (Faezah Elai) where she meets farmer Atan (Remy Ishak).

At first, they hate the sight of each other but love soon blossoms between them. Since they come from two different worlds, can their romance survive?

The chemistry among the cast is really superb and the comic timing is perfect.

So what are Osman’s favourite romantic comedies? He lists them as follows:

While You Were Sleeping (Hollywood)
A ticket collector at a train station, who is a romantic at heart, pretends to be engaged to a man in a coma. Her lies create a hilarious journey for her.

"I love stories that tell of unexpected things happening to ordinary people and I’m a big fan of Sandra Bullock."

Madam Miyop (Thai)
A prince falls in love with a farmer’s daughter. The movie takes a hilarious turn as she tries to adjust to his lifestyle.

"The first time I watched this film, I was only 10. Some of the funniest moments are when she goes to the castle and tries to adapt to life as a royalty. I wonder if I would still find this movie funny if I watch it now. Usually the movies you find funny as a kid may not be as hilarious when you watch them as an adult."

Ali Setan (Malaysia)
A college freshman has a hate-love relationship with a prankster.

"I saw the film when I was a teenager. I think this is one of the first film where the lead is not a decent guy. The comedy looks natural and the characters are interesting."

Mekanik (Malaysia)
A mechanic becomes rich when he stumbles upon a bag full of cash.

"I loved the presentation of this film. It’s a cool urban Malay film. There are some memorable dialogues in it too."

When Harry Met Sally (Hollywood)
A couple, who hate each other end up becoming best friends, and later lovers.

"This is one comedy you can watch many times and yet don’t get bored. The chemistry between the lead characters is amazing."

Never Been Kissed (Hollywood)
A journalist goes undercover as a teenager in a school and ends up falling for her teacher.

"It was after watching this movie that I became a fan of Drew Barrymore. The film’s funny moments are done with a touch of class."

Notting Hill (Hollywood)
The life of a simple bookshop owner changes when he falls in love with a famous Hollywood movie star.

"I love comedies that put emphasis on family values, and almost every character in this movie is interesting."

Sweet Home Alabama (Hollywood)
A young woman runs away from her husband in Alabama and reinvents herself as a New York socialite.

"Another comedy on family values and there are magical moments between the main leads."

You are My Pet (Korea)
A girl who finds a guy in a box and keeps him as a pet.

"I love the way the screenplay captures their emotions. It is a comedy that can make you cry."

Pretty Woman (Hollywood)
A rich businessman falls in love with a prostitute.

"I like this movie because love knows no boundary. You can fall in love with anyone."

Updated: 01:54AM Fri, 18 Mar 2011
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