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Author: EJALTI

[Dunia] Pelajar Malaysia sembunyi bayi dalam beg didapati bersalah membunuh di UK

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Post time 26-10-2024 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Is a life sentence 25 years in the UK?

The length of a life sentence in the UK will depend on the offence that has been committed, as well as the age of the offender. If a case is not suitable for a whole life term, the minimum life sentence will often start at 15, 20 or 30 years depending on the seriousness of the crime.5 Mar 2024

.. sekurang-kurangnya 15 tahun... bebas nanti umur dah 37 tahun

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Post time 26-10-2024 01:17 PM | Show all posts
sentenced to life imprisonment uk law

If you're given a life sentence it will last for the rest of your life. If you're ever released from prison you will spend the rest of your life 'on licence' in the community. If you break licence conditions or commit another crime you can be sent back to prison.

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Post time 26-10-2024 01:24 PM | Show all posts

Malaysian student in UK rejected help before killing baby
By New Straits Times - October 26, 2024 @ 9:22am

COVENTRY: The Malaysian student, convicted of murdering her newborn by stuffing the baby in a cereal box, rejected help from friends and paramedics on the day of the incident.

According to court documents, Teo Jia Xin, 22, who concealed her pregnancy for fear it would affect her studies, gave birth to the baby at her student residence on March 3.

"The birth was not straightforward but was complicated by significant blood loss," said Warwick Crown Court Judge Justice Tipples during sentencing.

Tipples said Teo, who has a history of depression, would have been in considerable pain, weak and exhausted.

"Your baby was alive and well, a full-term healthy baby. But you did not want her. You cut the umbilical cord with a pair of scissors and the baby was alone with you in the bathroom, and she was soon crying," Tipples said in recapping the facts of the case.

After Teo gave birth, she reached out to a friend, Eve, asking for "medication to replenish blood".

She lied to her friends about what happened, blaming her ill health on a period.

About two hours later, her friends passed her red bean soup through the door.

Teo would not let them in but her friends could see she was crouched on the ground looking very unhealthy.

Her friends kept knocking on the door but Teo asked them to leave. Her friend Eve managed to open the door and was shocked by the amount of blood she saw.

By then, Teo had locked herself in the bathroom, with the baby still alive.

Her friends then told the receptionist at the student residence of their concerns. The receptionist tried to help but was also told by Teo to leave.

An ambulance was called and shortly, paramedics arrived offering assistance.

"You (Teo) refused to come out of the bathroom or be treated by the ambulance staff. You told them that you did not want to go to hospital and after 4pm they left," said Tipples.

"Your baby was still alive at this point and on the bathroom floor.

"You wanted all the people who had come to help you out of your bedroom so that you could get rid of the baby and attempt to clean up the bathroom which, at that point, you had been unable to do."

Teo later murdered the child, putting the newborn in a sealable plastic bag, before stuffing the bag in a cereal box which she kept in a suitcase.

"You also made an effort to clean up the blood in the bathroom, so that the situation did not look quite so bad."

Later, Teo was moved to another room and only then agreed to go to the hospital, where it was eventually discovered that she had given birth, despite her initial denial to medical personnel.

It was only when police were called that she admitted what happened.

"You knew that all the people in your bedroom that afternoon were there to help you and were very concerned about you.

"I am sure that you deliberately chose not to open the bathroom door and let them help you so that they would not find out about your baby, and so that you could still kill her and hide her.

"I am sure that you understood full well what you were doing, and what the consequences would be."

Teo was sentenced to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole. She must serve a minimum of 17 years in jail before she is eligible for parole.


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Post time 26-10-2024 01:26 PM | Show all posts

Malaysian student who hid newborn baby in cereal box sentenced to life imprisonment for murder in UK

Teo Jia Xin's newborn child was discovered dead by the police two days later.

SINGAPORE: A Malaysian university student who killed her newborn child was sentenced to life imprisonment on Friday (Oct 25), a day after she was found guilty of murder.

Teo Jia Xin, 22, placed the baby in a cereal box shortly after giving birth on Mar 4. The box was put in a sealable plastic bag which Teo concealed in a suitcase.

Police discovered the body two days later.

“Baby Teo was alive after birth and could have survived but Jia Xin Teo made the decision to place her inside a cereal box knowing that it would kill her," said James Leslie Francis of the Crown Prosecution Service.

Teo was convicted at Warwick Crown Court of one count of murder on Thursday.

In an updated statement, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) on Friday said Teo was sentenced to life imprisonment, and will serve a minimum of 17 years.

According to Malaysian media, West Midlands police were called to Teo's residence two days after she visited a hospital showing signs of having given birth.

Hospital staff asked if she had recently delivered a baby, but Teo denied this.

She admitted to giving birth under police questioning.

According to the CPS, Teo hid her pregnancy from everyone she knew and arrived in the UK knowing she would likely give birth there.

This was reportedly because she was afraid it would affect her studies, said the New Straits Times.

Teo denied murdering her baby, a girl, and said she had been hearing voices telling her to kill the child. This defence was rejected by the jury.


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Post time 26-10-2024 01:32 PM | Show all posts

Many Britons online sympathise with convicted Malaysian babykiller Teo, others call for her to be deported

PETALING JAYA: The Internet is divided on Malaysian Teo Jia Xin who killed her baby by hiding her in a cereal box in the United Kingdom, with some showing sympathy while others calling for her deportation.

Many readers of the UK's Daily Mail online portal empathised with Teo and the possibly difficult circumstances that may have led to her horrific actions.

"Tragic. Fear of shame for the family and herself was too much. If only she sought help, everything could have been different. RIP little one," commented piccadu1234 from London.

"It's impossible for others to be able to judge this woman's actions & understand why she did what she did. Why did she keep the pregnancy secret? Why didn't she seek help? - probably due to fear," wrote NinaP51 from Manchester.

"It's tragic for the baby, but this girl must have been terrified. There are two victims here," added Whins from Scotland.

However many also called for Teo to be punished and deported.

"Please revoke her student visa and deport her to do her sentence, supposedly our prisons are full," commented Unneccsarilycensored from Paradise, UK.

"Our prisons are full! Send her home to do her jail time there," wrote roxy from Eastbourne, UK.

"Send her back rather than keep her in jail here!" added Flocksofpeople from Derby.

According to the Crown Prosecution Service, Teo, 22 arrived in the United Kingdom early this year and knew she was pregnant but did not tell anybody including the father of the child back in Malaysia.

Prosecutor David Mason KC told the court; according to Teo's account she gave the police, her baby definitely survived a least number of minutes and was still moving when she put the girl into the box.

Teo, from Raglan Street, denied murdering the baby but said she has been hearing voices to do so.

The jury at Warwick Crown Court rejected her defence and found her guilty.

She will be sentenced at a later date.

Mason told jurors for a defence of infanticide, those representing Teo would have to establish that her mind was or might have been disturbed or not fully recovered from the effect of giving birth.

However, he said Teo had "deliberately" hid her pregnancy from everyone, lied to the doctors about giving birth and refused a vaginal exam.


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Post time 26-10-2024 01:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
plywood replied at 26-10-2024 01:24 PM
Malaysian student in UK rejected help before killing baby
By New Straits Times - October 26, 2024 @ ...

I am disturbed baca news nih!
Tergamak amoi ni buat camtu dalam keadaan dia weak and so on?
Thank god dia kat uk bukan di bolehland utk guna card oku or mentally disturbed

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Post time 26-10-2024 02:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak psl² habiskan hidup di penjara

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Post time 26-10-2024 03:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miracle_forever replied at 26-10-2024 12:17 PM
sheols dah preggy la masa fly tu kan… sbb enrolled kat uni awal tahun, march dah bersalin.. pelik ...

Rupanya dia exchange student. Dia sebenarnya student UTM

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Post time 26-10-2024 03:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nusaraya replied at 26-10-2024 11:48 AM
Pak Cik, janganlah menipu diri sendiri dengan mengatakan tak ada racism dan politik kuota dari piha ...

Sibuklah ko. Pergi tolong orang negara ko banyak miskin tu

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Post time 26-10-2024 03:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cm_vungtau at 26-10-2024 03:45 PM

Kalau baca sini, memang betul dia memang ada niat kot. Sebab kawan2 yang nak tolong semua dia suruh pergi dari situ.

Maybe baby kecik la kot sampai semua orang taktau dia pregnant. Kalau orang melayu cakap anak luar nikah gini la, perut tak nampak pun, masih boleh sorok.

The full report

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Post time 26-10-2024 03:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
plywood replied at 26-10-2024 01:24 PM
Malaysian student in UK rejected help before killing baby
By New Straits Times - October 26, 2024 @ ...

"Tipples said Teo, who has a history of depression, would have been in considerable pain, weak and exhausted."

Tipples adalah hakim untuk perbicaraan Teo. Jadi kata-kata di atas adalah daripada hakim sendiri.

Judge Tipples kata, Teo ada sejarah depression. Tapi maklumat tentang depression ini tidak diperincikan.

Sejak bila Teo ada depression? Ketika Teo sudah tiba di UK, adakah Teo sedang berada dalam keadaan depression?

Jika Teo sudah mengalami depression sebelum dia melahirkan anak, tindakan Teo sewaktu sedang bersalin dan selepas bersalin bukan sesuatu yang pelik. Itu adalah tindakan yang dipengaruhi oleh otak yang mengalami depression.

Kenapa orang depression mempunyai peluang untuk bunuh diri? Sebab tak de sesiapa yang tahu dia mahu bunuh diri.

Kenapa tak de orang tahu? Sebab perkara tersebut dirahsiakan.

Kita nampak pattern yang sama dengan tindakan Teo. Tidak ada sesiapa tahu yang Teo mengandung. Teo merahsiakan dia melahirkan anak. Teo merahsiakan kewujudan bayinya yang masih selamat. Teo merahsiakan bayinya yang sudah meninggal dunia.

Kiranya, Teo sudah merahsiakan banyak perkara dari awal. Tindakan Teo untuk berahsia bukan bermula selepas dia melakukan jenayah.

Selalunya, orang berahsia selepas melakukan sesuatu perbuatan jenayah. Supaya orang lain tidak tahu tentang perbuatan jenayah tersebut.

Kenapa Teo merahsiakan banyak perkara dari awal?

Ini adalah salah satu keadaan yang wujud kepada individu yang mengalami depression: Individu itu enggan menerima bantuan.

Kita nampak pattern yang sama dalam tindakan Teo. Teo tidak mahu orang membantu beliau.

Kenapa orang mahu mendapatkan bantuan?

Dia ada hope. Dia berharap agar sesuatu positif akan berlaku.

Kenapa orang tidak mahu dibantu walau dia ada masalah?

Dia tak de hope. Dia tak yakin ada solution. Dia tak yakin keadaan boleh berubah jadi lebih baik.

Untuk Major Depressive Disorder, keadaan tidak ada hope adalah suatu symptom: Hopelessness and helplessness.

Manusia bunuh diri kerana dia berasa hopeless and helpless.

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Post time 26-10-2024 03:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ko minta maaf jer pastu...buat lg..minta maaf..buat lagi...minta selalu buat kt Msia...

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Post time 26-10-2024 03:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tiberhhhhh... padahal mengangkang tak reti pakai kondom.. alih2 tuduh suara halus

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Post time 26-10-2024 04:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kena penjara seumur hidup hukumannya ye.

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Post time 26-10-2024 04:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kat sana nak guna alasan mental sesuka hati mmg payah sikit dorang nak caye kan? Kecuali mmg betul2 ada masalah mental la

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Post time 26-10-2024 04:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Besar mana pun masalah, jgn pendam sorg². Kadang² bila dah terlalu tertekan, itu yg buat keputusan tak masuk akal. Cubalah berkongsi terutama dgn mak bapak kalau awak tu masih usia muda remaja. Mak bapak mesti marah tapi dorg akan  bantu anak tu fikirkan penyelesaian yg lebih baik. Ke dia ni anak yatim atau anak terbuang?

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Post time 26-10-2024 11:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nusaraya replied at 26-10-2024 11:48 AM
Pak Cik, janganlah menipu diri sendiri dengan mengatakan tak ada racism dan politik kuota dari piha ...

Kat indon, cainis teruih kena tukaq nama, yachhh

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Post time 26-10-2024 11:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
emera replied at 25-10-2024 10:06 PM
Tanah malaya ni haaaaaa

Negeri mana???

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Post time 26-10-2024 11:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cm_vungtau replied at 25-10-2024 11:13 AM
Orang kata kalau anak luar nikah perut tak besau. Maybe sebab tu orang sekeliling tak tahu. Sebab du ...

Roomate ai sendiri pun ai tak tahu kata dia preknen.. padahal satu bilik chuollssss! Paling best satu office jugak. Maknanya memang siang malam la duk jumpa dia. Terkejut beruk ai bila dapat call dari housemate kata my roomate ni nak beranak. Patut la malam tu dia resah pusing kiri pusing kanan tak boleh tido.

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Post time 27-10-2024 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Edited by nusaraya at 27-10-2024 12:45 AM
Tinot7 replied at 26-10-2024 11:15 PM
Kat indon, cainis teruih kena tukaq nama, yachhh

Pak Cik,  Segeralah kau dan teman-teman kau di Cari membuat usulan perubahan "Regulasi" aturan quota pendidikan untuk bangsa china dan india  lansung kepada PMX ?

Usulkan untuk membuat "Regulasi Baru" bahwa semua warga negara malaysia keturunan China atau India akan dijamin mendapatkan kemudahan "quota" dan juga dijamin juga akan mendapatkan perlakuan berupa "status istimewa" sama seperti yang melayu dapatkan selama ini  asalkan mereka mahu merubah namanya atau identitynya dengan nama melayu malaysia .....

Percayalah ... mereka pasti X akan menolak tawaran itu dan mungkin majority akan segera berubah menjadi melayu ..... Hehehehe


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