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Author: cicicumel

[Tempatan] UiTM Lendu kena serang jin-jin

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Post time 19-1-2013 08:17 PM | Show all posts
oni313 posted on 19-1-2013 07:58 PM
uitm seremban? kampus baru ker? merata2 uitm bukak kampus, camne la diorg handle each of the campu ...

KEBANYAKAN melayu duduk luo bandor..bumis dan melayu majoriti dok sebelah hutan..

idea depa tu BTUL.

banyak kebaikan misal untuk mengembangkan ekonomi luar bandar..logistic kaa strategic kaa seme kene amik pakai

yang hulu2 dan ceruk utan mana tu dapat ler timba ilmu kat tempat yang baru di buka dan bila depa baguih dan rajin dan nak kembang lagi depa pi bandar kosmo cam kolompo or ipoh dan kalo depa menten konsisten istikooooooomah bagus bleh la p oberccc pi london oxpod pi berkeley pi cambridge..itu ler IDEA bagus ler bukak di hutan tuh

bukan asik2 majukan penang, kalo tak penang kolompo..siang malam dok majukan kolompooooooo aje..klcc laa kl tower laa kl eyes laa kl litar lumba laa..eelooooooooooo mesia tu kolompo aje kew

omputeh mai tour depa nak tenguk hutan asli oang utan sungai bersih kawasan nak berehat yang natural or semulajadi

takat konkrit negara depa pun banyok..pompuan2 plastik kat negara depa lai banyok tapi mesia ramai pondan ..tu hasil negara gak hahahaha

nak majukan luarbandar , salah satu cara bukak bandar kecil dan antara cara baguih bukak bandar kecil ialah buat kampus ipt ..nanti ada beribu ribu PELAJAR, depa nak makan sewa umah top uip tepon nak itu ini so sektor ekonomi kampung tu ada laa nyawa nya, kalo ada rezki bertambah , beso ler area tu dan maju, esp kalo ada sumber asli or resort kaa ..macam2 lah

tuhan jadikan MANUSIA sebagai khalifah di bumi, baik jin kaa pokok balak kaa pokok semilu kaa apaaaaa saja seme tuhan cipta tu adalah untuk kegunaan manusia dan di rajai oleh manusia ! so buat apa nak kapuchi pasal djinn

pokok tokleh tebang laa..injin jentolak mati tetiba laa..itu la ini laa lepeh tu satu malaysia dok modal insan apa jadah?

lepeh tu pangey so called pakarrrrrrrrr perobatan alternatif aaaaaaahahahaha darul saka laa darul syifa laa darul enam jahanam la dok buat sarkis halau hantu jin langsuir seme.. tak cukup tu buat muziium hantu haaaaaaaaaaa hahaha buat pilem hantu kapcai laa puaka puaki laa..aduhssssssssssss tak malu kaa? dah abad ke 21, dah makin sempit dan semput donya, dah masuk zaman interne pun hangpa dok kalut cite hantu..adussssss

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Post time 19-1-2013 08:21 PM | Show all posts
neez_cookies posted on 19-1-2013 01:19 PM
Gambar ni dok tersebar..katanya dekat belakang tu macam ada org menari ulek mayang.

ada kawan aku ...

erk mana kepala?


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Post time 19-1-2013 08:23 PM | Show all posts
oni313 posted on 19-1-2013 07:58 PM
uitm seremban? kampus baru ker? merata2 uitm bukak kampus, camne la diorg handle each of the campu ...

seremban memang ade kampus baru, seremban 3.. tapi y member aku g launching tanah baru, dekat kuala pilah dulu.. typo sikit.. tp memang tanah merah la lagi time dierg mula2 bukak tempat tu.. member aku cite balik je, terus g cuci baju ngn kasut.. kotor sgt..

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Post time 19-1-2013 08:30 PM | Show all posts
tepisket.. posted on 19-1-2013 08:16 PM
kalau betul ni sikap orang melayu, apa y boleh kita lakaukan?? x kan selamanya kita nak dengar mom ...

tak amik ati pun...marah ler, tade hal..yang penting apa aku tulis tu pekara benar.. natives memang kuat sentimen dan less praktikal or realistic

salah satu cara ialah kene anjakan minda, berminda macam IMMIGRANT or kaum pendatang..

so cuba fikir dan bezakan pemikiran soang pendatang dan soang penduduk asal sesebuah wilayah or tanah ! ce fikir beza nya

ingat kaum pendatang ada masaaaaaaaaa nak pk hantu polong ka? depa harungi laut for real, demi ekonomi dan nasib lebih baikkkkk depa sanggup mati..ko tau berapa ramai depa mati di laut? dok bawak anak bini anak masih bayi dan bot tu punye ler azabbbb teruk..tadak pelampung jeket keselamatan seme..untuk soang yang selamat mendarat, berapa ramai yang mati? depa ad masa pk pasal djinn hantu lautttttt seme tuh? sure tadak kan..? depa push diri depa to do the impossible

now cuba ko pikir kepala otak soang penduduk asal or the native..cuba kalo susah skit camna reaksi depa? depa malah takut DENGAN BAYANG BAYANG sendiri..kenapa depa takut mende2 yang belum jadi, tak jadi, tak ada, mende2 yang cuma di ceritakan dan bukan REAL dan realistik..pasai pa depa takut mende cengitu? why why why?

kalo nak tuding jari sapa salah..terlalu ramaiiiiii, aku bleh blame dari sultan tu sampai pengemis di jalanan..semua salah tapi paling bersalah ialah yang ada kuasa di kalangan meke2 tu..misal golongan WARTAWAN, golongan ILMUAN, golongan AHLI POLITIK, golongan otoriti , golongan SENIMAN cam zed jedi dan seme artis2 tuh dan lelain lagi

ko tenguk camna wartawan kita MENGKONDISIKAN PEMIKIRAN PEMBACA..ce cek tenguk kalo de kes eksiden jalanraya..takyah cite lain..cite eksiden jek

nanti ko baca, mesti dia tulis, 'hilang kawalan'..lepeh tu nanti last dia cite pasal isu 'kempunan' atau kepelikan yang ada

sama macam dalam drama melayu..kalo ada kes nahas or keburukan , nanti ibu tu sure terjatuh pinggan kaa glass kaa dan musik pun jadi konon2 nak sebut isu PREMONITION laaa tuh , soal tanda tanda kematian

ni seme mende2 sampah, di luar kawalan kita..dan mende cam ni yang salu di sumbat ke dalam otak majoriti melayu sejak kecik

dan oang berkuasa macam oang politik tau mende cam ni so depa umpan dengan main sentimen (melalui kata2 or words) bahwa apa yang di risaukan (pasal luar kawalan manusia) di jamin kononnya oleh depa yang berkuasa i.e oang politik

dan dengan jaminan perkataan saja MEMADAI di terima sebagai REAL  or benar or hakikat oleh majoriti oang melayu !!

masarakat melayu KINI tidak ada AHLI FKIR, tidak ada AHLI ZIKIR, yang ramai ialah ahli lawak dan ahli silap mata i.e pembohong

tu seme sebab oang melayu guna sentimen dan bukan rasionaliti untuk berfikir, amik contoh isu patrik teoh terpacul kata kesat pasal islam jek dah cukup..kan?

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Post time 19-1-2013 08:37 PM | Show all posts
biasa ar.. masa2 nak exam ni kurang stabil emosi, stressed and more vulnerable.
benda2 ni plak pandai pulak kacau orang masa orang tengah mental tak stabil.
aku gelak je dulu bila dengar2 cite macam ni..
sekali kena kat aku masa belajar dulu, rasa la macam mana bestnya kena kacau.
biasa je.. not worth the headlines

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Post time 19-1-2013 09:14 PM | Show all posts
tepisket.. posted on 19-1-2013 08:23 PM
seremban memang ade kampus baru, seremban 3.. tapi y member aku g launching tanah baru, dekat kual ...

owh....uitm kuala pilah la ye... klau yg uitm kuale pilah kampus lama tu lagi seram la jugak dengarnyer, sal menumpang kt bangunan kayu jbtn hutan klau tak silap...

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Post time 19-1-2013 10:16 PM | Show all posts
mane2 pon awek UiTM shah alam gak paling best

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Post time 19-1-2013 10:37 PM | Show all posts
ajinomotonosuga posted on 19-1-2013 08:17 PM
KEBANYAKAN melayu duduk luo bandor..bumis dan melayu majoriti dok sebelah hutan..

idea depa ...

kau masih dok obersi ke bang aji
cer dok kat malaya ni haaa tengok realiti...
lagi maju dunia, lagi banyak kapitalist menjual, lagi terdesak org nak kaya, lagi ramai pakai bomoh...betui aku tak lebong
zaman ni dah kembali ke tahun-tahun 30an

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Post time 19-1-2013 11:14 PM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 19-1-2013 05:03 PM
bisnes x jln mesti buatan org. alasan 99% kaum melayu.

Kedai makan slalu pakai alasan gini..

Yg peliknya kfc nandos etc tu tak kena buatan org lak..
hatta mcd yg katanya sokong israel tu pun teguh berdiri tak disantau sapa2..

Buleh buat buku pasai kepercayaan karut melayu msia nih

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Post time 20-1-2013 12:00 AM | Show all posts
geenie posted on 19-1-2013 02:59 PM
bkn puteri.dayang.klau ikot cerita makcik aku yg antara batch awal2 kat sana

dayang ye? maknanya memang betul la cerita ni dari dulu...

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Post time 20-1-2013 12:01 AM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 19-1-2013 01:45 PM
bodoh. hantu mana boleh capture dlm gambar.  UFO boleh la.

tu la tatau sahih nye gambo ni.

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Post time 20-1-2013 12:01 AM | Show all posts
MelahJanda posted on 19-1-2013 04:44 PM
dop napok pom org tengoh nari?
dok napok antu stabok

kekeke..aku dok tengok jugak menari celah mana...

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Post time 20-1-2013 12:08 AM | Show all posts
JoyahJay posted on 19-1-2013 08:21 PM
erk mana kepala?

tak tau la..macam x nampak sangat je gambo ni.

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Post time 20-1-2013 12:22 AM | Show all posts
tigapersen posted on 19-1-2013 11:14 PM
Kedai makan slalu pakai alasan gini..

Yg peliknya kfc nandos etc tu tak kena buatan org lak..

jin & hantu xkan kacau kedai amerika sbb amerika adalah sahabat baik hantu katanya. hehe

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Post time 20-1-2013 12:32 AM | Show all posts
ajinomotonosuga posted on 19-1-2013 05:03 PM
itm is a place where the stupid malays congregate

pasei depa tempat melayu2 yang kene rejek seken ...

itm is a place where the stupid malays congregate

pasei depa tempat melayu2 yang kene rejek seken offer..lepeh tu tempat anak oang kaya melayu yang bodoh2 tapi mak ayah kedekut nak campak ke overc or maybe tadak duit..duit rasuah seme abis buat bini baru or jadi sugar daddy di kolompo

bila kelabu asap ni berkumpui..cite paling menarik ialah cite hantu, cite seks dan cite politik..btuiiiiii dak? bila agak busan depa gossip artis

tu pasei dunia melayu kalo dapat Ir pun macam nizar gila tu, kalo ada profesor pun seme profesor kangkung cam razak moiden dan lelain, kalo buat masta pun tenguk budak lam nih..sendiri bleh tau TAHAP INTELIJEN dia

sapa lai yang macam syed naquib al attas, arwah syed hussin al attas, macam ungku aziz, macam hamka, macam zaaba???
uik..mrh nmpk pak aji..sabor2....
tp statement yg sy bold tu mmg btol lah..sbb ianya terjd dpn mata sy..
org kata dah lah bodoh,,sombong plak tu..berlagak..kurang ajar dgn lecturer sbb mak bpk bnyk duit tp uitm jugak yg ko layak masuk..pointer pon cukop2 mkn lepas 2.0 tak pon <2.5...puii..sbb berlagak lah,mn lecturer nk halalkan ilmunya..
tp bkn semua  bodoh,kena rejek pak aji..ada yg intelijen,hormat lecturer dan baik...yg ada ciri2 mcm ni mmg dpt dean list pak aji..

dulu uitm tu tmpt untuk ank bumis x mampu dan yg nk skrang dah lain..

p/s : dah off topic..sekadar opinion untuk statement pak aji..sorry mod..


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Post time 20-1-2013 01:10 AM | Show all posts
curi kt porem sebelah

It’s been so scary here in Lendu. Every night there’d be a few cases of stolen items and people kena rasuk, and pukau.

The stolen items part is creepy. First you’d be entering your room and you would think everything is fine. And then you’ll start to realise that one thing is missing. And then two things have gone missing, then you realise that almost everything valuable is missing from your room. And finally you’ll find a note saying this: “Nantikan ketibaan saya di kolej-kolej lain.”, which roughly translated means “Await my presence/arrival at the other colleges.”. Oh by the way, here, we call dorms ‘Kolej/College’. Four places have been attacked so far. All with the same note.

Rasuk, I saw with my own eyes. Real crazy stuff. Rasuk is when a thing enters your body, with the intention to hurt you and the people around you, and use your body to do various things. The girl at my level started dancing, and laughing, and screaming and shouting, walking here and there, and it was going in and out of her body so it was like she was her one second and another person the next.

When it was happening at the early stages, my roomates and I turned on the Yaasin on a speaker and sat together. And then we heard it: something screaming outside our window, as if trying to block out the sound of the Yaasin. When we paused the playback, it stopped screaming. When we turned it back on, it started screaming again. It was horrific. So we told our senior, who was at our level, handling the girl that kena rasuk. She then told us to just keep playing the Yaasin and ignore the sound, or leave the room and go to another room and stay there. We did the latter.

When we went to the other room, and as we were just about to close our eyes to sleep, we heard a different sound: someone tapping at our window. Mind you, we’re on the third floor. Then we heard another sound: a tapping on the bed posts. By that time, the girl that kena rasuk was already okay, but the seniors were still at our level. So we told the same senior again what had happened, and she came in, along with 17 of the other seniors, who are the members of the Majlis Tertinggi Kolej.

We sat in a circle, kept quite, and listened. Then we all heard it at the same time. We all just stayed in the room at the time, with no intention to leave at all, and we asked the seniors what happened the night before, or the other nights, and they told us that it’s only been our college, and one other boys’ college. And it’s quite bad. Bad to the point where the Polis Bantuan, who are the people who guard our entire campus, had to be involved in the search of the boys who kena rasuk, because guess what? They can fly. Yup, they freakin’ jumped off the second floor of the college, and flew away.

As we were telling the story, so many of us can hear what was happening outside our window. Taps, screamings, shoutings, clappings.. you name it. And while one of the seniors was speaking, another senior was signaling towards the window, while the senior that was speaking just nodded as if to say, “Ignore it!” to her. She was describing to us what had happened in her room, and one thing that happened was that she heard claps but just one clap and at different intervals. She showed us the sound of the clap, and then the whole room felt two strong winds blowing at different directions, and bam, the door opened by itself, as if kicked by something outside. But there was nothing there.

That was when we all read the Yaasin together, and decided that the entire room, all 20 of us, will not leave, because apparently the thing was walking around our level, waiting for us to come out. And apparently it was dancing the same dance the girl did when she kena rasuk, right outside our window. Scary stuff right there.

I think that night is just one of the nights that I’ll just keep thinking about for years to come. I mean this is insane. I was scared. And I’ve never been scared of such things. I’ll just have to keep thinking that God is with me and He and His words from the Book will protect me better than anything else. God is greater than anything else, anywhere, any time. He is with me.

Last night, which was Thursday, night of Friday, every college kena kacau by the thing that’s been rasuk-ing. My college was the worst because here we were, reading the Yaasin, and then three people started screaming, as if in pain. It’s was the scariest. Even the three colleges near us could hear the screaming. Word got out really fast so just as our college was being reported with rasuk, another college called in. An ustaz and some boys from the Majlis Penggerak Masjid were the first at the scene in our college. The YDP of Majlis Pewakilan Pelajar was there too.

Then we found out through Twitter that every college was holding a bacaan Yaasin, all at the same time. College lights were flickering and whatnot, and every college was chilly all night. And, from what I read on Twitter, a lot of people couldn’t sleep because of the sounds and the voices. But gosh, it was super creepy. I can still remember the screams.

The pukau part, is just really really frustrating. What these intruders will do is they will knock on your door (or sometimes they just barge in, if you don’t lock it) and they will shake your hand or tap your shoulder. By then you’re screwed. They’ll start talking nonsense to you, and 10 minutes later you’ll realise that you have taken out RM700 from your bank account and given it to these intruders, for a bottle, of literally nothing. They move really quickly. Everybody’s just afraid of staying in their rooms by themselves now because if they forget to lock it, there’s a higher chance of kena pukau. And this pukau thing will only happen if there are any carnivals/bazaar/fairs in our campus, which happens pretty much every two weeks. Plenty people have been pukau-ed. It’s the worst.

I don’t know what’s going on anymore. It’s just been too much lately. At the start of the semester, everything was fine. And then a month later, creepy things start to happen. Hope we can all be safe during this troubling time. Just end this so we can all be in peace. Thing is, we don’t even know what we did that set off the anger in the spirits around Lendu. All the events this week were all Islamic-oriented. Perhaps it’s mad because of that, because two nights ago, there was a talk in which the ustaz explained the Al-Fatihah. And he read it ever so beautifully. Just as he got to the third ayat, strong winds started blowing, and everything went havoc. The projector screen fell nearly hitting the ustaz’s head, backdrop nearly teared, the papers on the registration tables flew around… and man it was just creepy when the ustaz said “Ada benda tak nak saya teruskan bacaan saya ni.”. When he said that, another strong wind blew.

Ugh, I just.. this is freakin’ scary alright. What do we do about this other than pray for safety? I mean it’s all the spirits here combined. Usually it’s one or two just trying to mess with everyone’s head, but now it’s really just disturbing everyone on campus for no particular reason. It’s annoying, and creepy, frustrating. Scary too. Gosh, just end this. End this now.

katanye cik han tgh menari ulik mayang...

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Post time 20-1-2013 01:32 AM | Show all posts
aih..kenapa mereka x kacau yg bkn2 islam?....sbb iblis dah bersumpah akn menyesatkn umat islam shja...

k\jadi..watper dia nk kacau yg sekufu dgn dia yg mmg dah sah2 sesat..
dia ganggu yg umat2 islam ni....agar kita boleh terseat umpanyaya..mencari bomoh2 utk mengubati histeria or penyakit2 kesan dr histeria2 tu...

sbb tu kita x dgr yg kaum2 or agama2 lain nih kes2 sebegini...

n nampaknya strategi dia berjaya sbb dapat membuatkn umat islam terutamnya yg dlm forum nih dok perlekeh2 psl jin2..n histeria..konon hanya tipu...walhal dlm agama kita pon ada sebut...nampak atau x, hanya atas keizinan Allah SWT..

pandangan sy shja..

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Post time 20-1-2013 02:34 AM | Show all posts
mily posted on 20-1-2013 01:32 AM
aih..kenapa mereka x kacau yg bkn2 islam?....sbb iblis dah bersumpah akn menyesatkn umat islam shja. ...

my ustazah said the very same thing. buat apa 'dia' nak keluar effort tarik  orang yang dah memang geng dia? haha

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Post time 20-1-2013 05:59 AM | Show all posts
mily posted on 20-1-2013 01:32 AM
aih..kenapa mereka x kacau yg bkn2 islam?....sbb iblis dah bersumpah akn menyesatkn umat islam shja. ...

dunia manusia tak pandang kat orang islam pada hari ni ..sebelah mata pun depa tak kelik tenguk..depa tau oang islam hari ni tak ubah macam anjing kurap..senang2 di buli

so secara psikoloji , untuk perhatian dan pengisian ego oang islam khusus di mesia tu maka depa terpaksa bermanja dan curik perhatian kaum djinn

tu pasal oang islam di mesia tu asik2 cite pasal kene kaco jin, histeria, pukau dan sebagainya

bangsa manusia lain tak hormat , tak dulik, malah tahan ketawa , kalo ketawa terang2 nanti berdemo plak yer dak? so kene lah tahan gelak nak amik ati bio depa orang islam pasan bagus walhal  di mata bangsa manusia lelain, orang melayu khususnya masih primitif perihal mental depa

adat dan kepercayaan kuno oang melayu TELAH DI BUNGKUS rapi dan di sebut 'agama' islam dan dengan cara dan JALAN ini saja musuh musuh islam yang depa tak leh nampak dengan mata kasor tu dapat di hindari

dan meke2 yang adaaaaaaa ILMU KHAS konon nya bab ni di angkat jadi pojaan dan jadi tuhan

ketetapan Allah swt kita BOLEH TAHU dengan berfikir dan selidik dan dengan ada nya KEINGINAN TAHU or curiousity

itu ketetapan Allah swt..contoh tekanan tinggi turun ke ketekanan rendah, daya graviti, letricity dan semua kejadian semula jadi (fitrah) i.e natural laws , yang jadi sains natural kendian jadi sains seme ketetapan Allah swt..

ketentuan Allah swt kita tokleh tau, hanya ALLAH MAHA MENGETAHUI misal kalo jatuh 10 tingkat punye building mati dak? ada ketetapan BOLEH MATI tapi belum tentu mati pasal banyak gak so called MIRACULOUS falling but not died, baby kecik lagik

nabi musa a.s masa bayi di biar hanyut ikut arus sungai..ce sesapa campak bayi kecik bior terapung di sungai.. dan ce fikir sudut ketetapanNYA dan ketentuanNYA, yang jadi rukun ke enam rukun iman yakni qada dan qadar

apa nak jadi semuanya izin dan ketentuan Allah swt tapi dalam proses kejadian or nak jadi tu yang mula dari tidak ada jadi ada dan jadi macam apa kita mahu, setiapppppp langkah tu adalah ketetapanNYA

manusia lebih baik dari djinn ! manusia ialah kejadian paling dari quran , so manusia lebih baik dari djinn dan sebab itu iblis dengki sampai kiamat..dia nak sesatkan keturunan adam a.s, bukan saja orang islam, semua manusia kalo buleh dia nak tarik masuk neraka dan dok lam neraka selama lamanya..ce kire berapa lama is selama lama nya?

kalo manusia lebih baik dari djinn, pasai apa manusia kene takut kat djinn?

depa jadi takut kat djinn pasei depa bodoh dan malas dia jadi iman cap ayam low class or kabaret, murahan gitu

so darjat depa rendah..serendah djin2 itu gak ler

seeeeeeeeeepatutnya manusia yang rasuk djinn..manusia yang pengaruh yang di buat nabi..yakni dakwah dan seru djinn2 tu tauhid !

saya tenguk hari ni ramai yang bertuhankan agama islam ,dari sepatutnya bertuhankan Allah maha esa

manusia yang bertuhan maha esa , dia mesti beragama
tapi manusia yang beragama, belum tentu Allah itu tuhan mereka, bulej jadi djinn jadi tuhan depa, buleh jadi manusia lain etc

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Post time 20-1-2013 07:27 AM | Show all posts
bagi aku, aku x caya kes histeria serang beramai2 nih

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