parasitology posted on 12-3-2013 05:48 PM
sbb ko tak penah kenal dan tak penah tgk dia berlakon jadi aku tak rekemen citer tuh...takut impre ...
ingatkan citer apa la sang hwa joeom tu.. rupanya frozen flower ek.. adesss... citer tuh...
rasanya tu la lakonan SJH yg paling meninggalkan kesan
tapi actually jalan citer tu best jugak.. dan menyayat hati.. sedihhh
dan boleh tengok song joong ki & noh min woo jadi watak sampingan je dlm citer tu.. cute2..
parasitology posted on 12-3-2013 05:48 PM
sbb ko tak penah kenal dan tak penah tgk dia berlakon jadi aku tak rekemen citer tuh...takut impre ...
ooo klu camtu, ak tgk drama ni dulu, baru tgk filem tu kekdahnye...
mcm kes <--- moon chae won ni,
aku tgk semua drama-dramanya dulu kecuali Painter of Wind , pastu baru tgk filemnya...
dlm filem War of Arrows tu, dia menang semua best new actress awards...
jadi impression aku tak larik sgt
manganini posted on 13-3-2013 12:37 AM
ingatkan citer apa la sang hwa joeom tu.. rupanya frozen flower ek.. adesss... citer tuh... ...
aku lak rasa emosi citer tu tak sampai...kecuali lakonan king tuh...itu jer yang meninggalkan kesan
song ji hyo ni kalau pakai costume sageuk mesti nampak tua sket...
lee dong wook lak ni 1st sageuk role dia kan....teruja nak tgk dia dlm pakaian sageuk
parasitology posted on 12-3-2013 10:25 PM takut mod @eddlisa_uyuk marah...boipren dia tuh...
kekekee.. tp mod @eddlisa_uyuk mcm x pernah tkr avatar je.. mcm da lame je..
takpe la kot nk gne.. heee.. kite tgk mod eddlisa ngn avatar tu dari zaman berkuntum dkt board soap opera thun 2006/2007 x hingat dah... masa tu gigih membace mod eddlisa dok sinopsis kan cite cuando seas mia yang paloma n diego tu x silap..
mse tu x dpt tgk kt tv.. so bergntung dgn sinopsis kt board tu je la.. eh teroff topik plak..
YoonArang posted on 13-3-2013 10:40 PM
kekekee.. tp mod @eddlisa_uyuk mcm x pernah tkr avatar je.. mcm da lame je..
takpe la kot nk g ...
hahhahaha kaann......sengaja je tak nak tukar..
ada hari tuh sekali mmg nak tukar tp ada masalh gan forum kita nih tak apa tukar format perbagai
terus cancel nak tukar...until skrg...
nmpk sgt dah bersarang kat forum nih dah berkurun
one day mmg nak tukar pun......wookie dlm bygn maybe
Lee Dong Wook Braids His Daughter’s Hair in ‘Heaven’s Order’
Ever the loving onscreen father, Lee Dong Wook has been captured braiding his daughter’s hair in the upcoming KBS drama Heaven’s Order.
On March 15, a new photo was released for Heaven’s Order showing Lee Dong Wook and child actress Kim Yoo Bin in an intimate setting, as Lee Dong Wook braids his drama daughter’s hair.
His daughter is seen curiously peering into her mirror, while Lee Dong Wook has on an emotional expression, showing the calm before the storm.
Heaven’s Order is about the oriental medicine doctor, Choi Won (Lee Dong Wook), who searches for every possible way to help his daughter survive an illness while running away from false accusations in a murder conspiracy. This is Lee Dong Wook’s first sageuk drama.
The drama’s production company stated, “Lee Dong Wook’s affection towards Kim Yoo Bin is great. He always treats her like his real daughter and takes care of her.”
eddlisa_uyuk posted on 8-3-2013 08:55 PM
sebab lama dia tak lakon....last pun citer wild romance
lisa abis tgk semua epi strong hearts epi ...
aah ler betul tu....mmg last drama dia tu ler...wild romance..
past tu senyap.....ayu pun sejak LDW join SH...ayu juga tk penah miss..
semata2 hanya dia jer...tu yg tgk
“Heaven’s Mandate” Releases Dramatic Poster of Lee Dong Wook
A dramatic poster for the upcoming KBS drama “Heaven’s Mandate” has been revealed.
“Heaven’s Mandate” is already receiving a lot of interest due to its hot cast of Lee Dong Wook, Song Ji Hyo, Park JI Young, Song Jong Ho, Lim Seulong and Yoon Jin Yi.
The revealed poster features leading man Lee Dong Wook with teary eyes as he carries child actress Kim Yoo Bin.
In the poster, Choi Won (played by Lee Dong Wook) is carrying his sick daughter Choi Rang (played by Kim Yoo Bin) with tear-filled eyes. His heart-aching expression delivers a strong impact on the drama’s atmosphere, which is rising the level of anticipation among the public.
The drama is to depict Choi Won’s earnest and fatherly heart as he tries to escape from an unfair accusation of murder with his daughter. Many are excited to see what kind of “Heaven’s Mandate” will fall upon these characters.
“Heaven’s Mandate” will air after “Iris 2” on April 24.