sbb i mmg suka layan filem2 Marvel/super heroes atau ceta2 human ngan special powers nih... bila layan BvS excitement semcm mana layan the XMen avengers ka captain america bagai x dak la... mcm more to drama gitu...
....batman mmg i kureng... hehehe... x menarik di mataku... DC ni comic dia mcm dark and heavy gitew... sampaikan si heath leadger pun bunuh diri laah punya menghayati watak joker tu...
actually on overall basis score rating BVS nih memang tak brapa tinggi if compare dgn other superhero movies. DC films fm the start, storyline potrayal pon memang very deep & kind of dark. probably also if compare villians dorang memang naturally is villian. if marvel or xmen, some villians begins as good heroes till cause of evil & power makes them turn bad. if notice DC film, humour scene or dialogue very rare. As the plot fm starting all begans fm a serious tone.
DC is trying very hard to gain fans interest thru drama via Fox, Netflix or CW. Gotham series, SuperGirl, Arrow,The Flash, Legends of Tomorow, Constantine. Introducing all the characters fm DC Universe.
And if compare to Marvel & Xmen, DC nih memang agak terlambat in production. Mungkin pasal faktor nih, the next film abt DC is macam terlampau bnyk mixture, cause there is too many things, characters they want to reveal.
Nolan Batman version of coz is the perfect & a masterpiece. cause his planning & direction took years. kematian health ledger pasal drug overdose & coincidence after he acted as joker in dark knight.
nak kena nonton 'I am Heath Ledger ' lagi to clarify.
Justice League has been given a PG-13 rating, and Zack Snyder will also be the only credited director for the highly anticipated DC Extended Universe film. No one was realistically expecting any other rating – were they?The official rating reads PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi violence and actionSnyder created Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Justice League is the follow up to that film. In the upcoming film, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Aquaman come together with Cyborg and The Flash to battle Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf is an alien warlord who’s sole venture is to take over Earth, which should be easier since Superman is dead.This film is very important to DC because a lot of future projects rests on its fate. It was worrisome that Snyder stepped down near the end of the film’s production to take time with his family after his daughter tragically passed away in May. Joss Whedon, who directed Avengers, stepped in to take the film to its finish, however, it wasn’t like he didn’t know what Snyder’s vision was. He was brought on before he had a reason to step down. Whedon has been the sole director of the film since that time, and reshoots have happened and possible script changes. It was unclear how much credit, if any, would be given to Whedon.The credit issue will not end with the official word being put out there by Justice League‘s official website. Whedon’s level of involvement in the film is stated by Gal Gadot as being minimal, and Ben Affleck has stated that the film is as much Whedon’s as it is Snyder’s.Whedon does get credit as co-writer of Justice League, so it is not as if he isn’t getting any credit at all. We may never know just how much of the film he has changed or made his own, but he seems quite content to let Snyder have the credit. Just about anyone involved feels the same way.
Credit: ScreenGeek
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Aku tunggu je justice league ni keluar. Sbb tak salah aku cerita ni nanti dia akan meet dengan marvel skali. Tu aku nak tengok part fight movie ni. Lepas tu mcam mana dia boleh join marvel. Hahaha. Aku nak beli ticket nanti. Terpaksa beli walk in. Nk beli ticket guna apps dari phone. Phone problem. Lol. Lai beli ticket skali.
Post time 11-11-2017 07:53 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by IkramJib at 14-11-2017 12:28 PM
dah lama tunggu citer ni!!! sapa nk join aku tgk tengok wayang. Harap-harap menang tiket yg dri celcom contest buat tu!!!last week dgr cite ada mamat ni dpt fon.join contest gitu2 je pon .sapa2 nak tiket free p la join.zmn skrg kena jimat weyhh.