Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-14 05:49 PM:
Israel's possession of nuclear weapons is never officially recorded. But of course, we all know they have it.
Israel's nuclear weapons have actually prevented another major Arab-Israel war since 1973 not because the Arabs didn't have the ability to fight another war but they know Israel's weapons are the last line of defence. The basic attitude is "you destroy us, you're coming with us!".
wrong. israels weapons of mass destruction is never the last line of defence. israel don’t dare use it coz it gonna backfires on its terrorist rapist self. usa's billions worth of arms fed to israel is enough to cause total destruction not only to PALESTINE but arab nations as a whole. but as me said israel is crafty sly lot
On the other hand, can you ensure Arabs won't nuke Israel if they have it themselves?
nope arabs will never use weapons of mass destruction on israel. why? if ure really fairminded as u wanna paint urself u should know why 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 22-3-2004 at 09:07 AM ] |
I have read something few years ago like that the Zionist was an immigrant in Palestine and as the year goes by, keep on increasing. It is for a fact that the whole middle east problem, would not have happened if not for Britain and the UN. The Europeans are smart, they do not want Jews on their land and they pass them to another land, and worst still, give them a control over that place.
Form my personal view, the world now and then is such that,the Western allies can do whatever they please to the world while others, cannot. Now, it is specifically to the US and not so much of western allies anymore.
[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 21-3-2004 at 12:33 PM ] |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 21-3-2004 12:13:
wrong. israel is born thru un dividin PALESTINE. arabs may wanna push israel jews into the sea. on the other hand, the jews wanna genocide PALESTINIANS like wot white americans did t ...
About the middle east thing, thanks for the extra info. Now I see more.
As for the Iraq issue, that is the main point. US is trying to control the world indirectly by having puppet leader or leaders that aggrees to the US and would not cause troubles to them. That is what I can see. They have tried to do it in China back then when there is Internal rift between Kuomintang(Nationalist Party(now in Taiwan) and the Communist party. They gave aid and help to Kuomintang though at that time, Territories under its control was doing very badly with wide inflation growing enourmously by the year while areas controled by communist party is doing very well, and people gave support to them. In addition, some of the Kuomintang members, defected to communist side.
So you see, this might be a neo-colonialism age. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-14 05:56 PM:
sonny boy,
Even without existence of Israel, the Arabs under the Arab League had long started persecution & hostilities towards Jews. You cannot deny this fact. It is because of this that UN decided to divide Palestine into majority Jews Israel & majority Arab Palestsine.
wrong. the arab league lik oic n un is impotent aginst israeli n usa aggression towards PALESTINIANS. when Britain couldNT face the guilt of bein forked tongue nation, it pushed everythin to un n un conveniently divide PALESTINE n usa continue feedin Israel with billions worth of arms to genocide PALESTINAINS. The essence of me cut n paste says it all. read
The British had made promises to both Arabs and Zionists. The 1917 Balfour Declaration supported the establishment of a "national home" for the Jews, while pledging that nothing would be done to " prejudice the civil and religious rights" of the Arabs. But the very presence of a Jewish homeland would, Arabs insisted, infringe on those rights. (delete)
With World War II over and the Nazi death camps open for the world to see, Zionists redoubled their demands that Britain open its Palestine mandate to unlimited Jewish immigration.
Jewish terrorist groups the Irgun Zvei Lumi and the Stern Gang escalated their campaign to force Britain's hand.
Arabs in the region opposed a Jewish influx, but in Palestine itself they lacked unified leadership. So in March 1945, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Transjordan, Yemen, and Egypt organized the League of Arab States to pressure Britain from the other side.
Britain's new labour government (unlike its predecessor) strongly sympathized with Zionism's goal, yet it hoped to remain friendly with the Arabs. Adding to the British quandary was President Truman. whose Zionist leanings were clear. In April 1946, yielding to U. S. pressure, Britain sent yet another commission to study the issue.
The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry recommended that 100,000 European Jewish refugees be admitted immediately, that restrictions on Jewish land purchases in Palestine be lifted, and that a binational Jewish-Arab state be established under United Nations trusteeship. Faced with the political and economic costs of policing Palestine, the British gladly turned the matter over to the UN. In 1947 the UN sent its own commission to seek answers to the Palestine problem. The result, the following year, was the founding of Israel and war between the Jewish and Arab
With 1 US backing, Israel survived the aggressions by surrounding hostile Arabs. With 5 and perhaps all of Muslim world backing of Palestine, Israel is on their way to destruction. I can never understand why US can't give their support to Israel while Arabs can. When Israel is born, the US is nowhere in the picture. It is clearly understood, the conflict worsened because of busy body surrounding Arabs. Aren't they?
read me cut n paste above
Who started the conflict?
the conflict started by Britain forked tongue promises backed by Zionism n holocaust n usa billions worth of arms n un impotency n arab league impotency n the world impotency.
And also never in history Arabs wanted a Palestinian state. That is a fact.
commonsense tells u PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS. Hence they never foresee one day un gonna give way to zionism aggression that they must have Israel in PALESTINE n not in argentina 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 21-3-2004 at 03:08 PM ] |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-14 06:54 PM:
It doesn't matter who is the majority. The point is that Jews are persecuted and there must be a solution. The UN have no choice but to split it into 2. Do you suggests that Jews must be incorporated into Palestine anyhow when they are persecuted by the Arab League? If both are not agreeable, how do they form parliament? If Palestine is not divided, perhaps Jews would have overrun ALL of Palestine as theirs isn't it?
don’t lie. the arab league is impotent. its israel whos rapin n terrorisin PALESTINE. read
"The main difference between Bosnia and Palestine is that ethnic cleansing in the former took place in the form of dramatic massacres and slaughters which caught the world's attention, whereas in Palestine what is taking place is a drop-by-drop tactic in which one or two houses are demolished daily, a few acres are taken here and there every day, a few people are forced to leave" --Edward Said (Washington Report 09/1998)
"The human rights organization Amnesty International said in a report in December that Israel has made about 16,700 Palestinians homeless by destroying at least 2,650 houses since 1987" --From an AP report on home demolitions by Israel dated 04/23/2000.
"The demolition and sealing of houses are among the most severe methods of punishment used by the authorities against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. To our knowledge, this harsh form of punishment is unique to Israel and is not employed by any other nation. Demolition and sealing of houses in the territories contravene international law that prohibits collective punishment and arbitrary injury to property." -- B'Tselem, an Israeli Human Rights Organization. (http://www2.iol.co.il/btselem/)
"... we have no solution, that you shall continue to live like dogs, and whoever wants to can leave -- and we will see where this process leads? In five years we may have 200,000 less people -- and that is a matter of enorous importance." -- Moshe Dayan encouraging the transfer of Gaza strip refugees to Jordan (from Noam Chomsky's Deterring Democracy, 1992, p.434, quoted in Nur Masalha's A Land Without A People, 1997 p.92).
Arthur Balfour's idea of a "national home" for the Jews was never about creating Israel. Just like we the Malaysian Chinese national home is Malaysia. The British promised to respect the rights of non-Jews in the area, and to allow Arab leaders to have their own independent states just like Kurds have their own autonomy in Iraq, the Catalans have their own autonomy in Spain and French have theirs in Canada. But never was intended to SPLIT it into separate states but of a united nation instead.
so wot is meant by me cut n paste 'ere? read
The British government therefore issued the Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917, in the form of a letter to a British Zionist leader from the foreign secretary Arthur J. Balfour: “His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
The misunderstanding was that the Arabs thought Palestine was to be independent Arab state, which was not what the British intended.
In August 1929, the century's first large-scale attack on Jews by Arabs rocked Jerusalem. The riots, in which Palestinians killed 133 Jews and suffered 116 deaths. Mostly inflicted by British troops were sparked by a dispute over use of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque ( this site is sacred to Muslims, but Jews claimed it is the remaining of jews temple all studies shows clearly that the wall is from the Islamic ages and it is part of al-Aqsa Mosque). But the roots of the violence lay deeper in Arab fears of the burgeoning Zionist movement, which aimed to make at least part of British-administered Palestine a Jewish state. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-20 10:55 PM:
hi sonny,
Let's further on our discussion & understanding on this issue. Before I continue, I hope I'm not perceived as standing by Israel alone. I seek to get differing views from both sides of the fence. Seldom do I encounter fair & balanced view.
u have not been fair n balanced in ur view right? if u wanna prove ure bein fairminded u should back ur views with HARDfacts. simple
On this discussion, I'd like to see how far can you go to convince me that Israel is solely to blame as justification for Palestinian to resort to terrorisms.
commonsense tells u u neednt be convinced by SONNYs postins but by HARDfacts
1) As far as I know, Palestinians receive similar oppression and discrimination elsewhere in the Arab world. Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait... also.
Take Jordan alone, the ill-treament of Palestinian refugees and Palestinian Jordanian are well-known that a UN Resolution and many frameworks had to be meted out. I'm sure this issue didn't miss your awareness if you're standing by moral highground which you use in Israel-Palestine issue. The Hashemites are outnumbered in Jordan by the Palestinian people. Though are fellow countrymen (excluding Palestinian refugees), Palestinian Jordanian do not have fair employment rights and property rights. They are 2nd class citizens.
if PALESTINIAN refugees in arab countries r bein oppressed, so be it. its natural for arabs to kill arabs. BUTT its not for israel n usa to aggravate the situation. nonetheless they did aggravate the situation when PALESTINIAN israelis r raped merciless. as of now, there millions PALESTINIAN refuguees. n where most of em? n u expect arab nations to grin away the refugee problems? u need ur head examined. read
Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world.
In comparison with Israel, Israeli Arabs are of equal rights with the Jews although some form of restrictions are imposed similar to our Malaysian Malay Privilege on certain matters. However, on both countries the minorities are living well without disgruntle and are happily in peace. We see many Arabs representing Israel in soccer representing their beloved country. They are not compulsory to join the army as opposed to the Jews which is a must but they voluntarily join the army to protect their beloved country from surrounding Arab barbarity of terrorisms. Moreover, Israel provided jobs to neighbouring Palestine who travels by bus in the throng daily. Palestinians also benefitted economies generated by Jewish communities in Palestine. Recent outcry by Palestinian against Sharon's move to dismantle Jewish towns in Palestine is readily attested. No need further explanation.
the socalled equal rights between israel arabs/PALESTINIANS n jews/israelis r superficial to say the least. Read
Discrimination Against Non-Jews (Israeli-Arabs) citizens of Israel:
Israeli-Arabs are discriminated against based on military service. Israeli-Arabs don't serve in the Israeli Army and most job applications require, implicitly at least, army service for employment. Also, "Arab towns and villages have been disadvantaged in the allocation of budgets and services, leading to wide gaps in development between most Arab localities and their Jewish neighbors" -- Discrimination Against Non-Jews (Israeli-Arabs) citizens of Israel:
1. Israeli-Arabs are discriminated against based on military service. Israeli-Arabs don't servein the Israeli Army and most job applications require, implicitly at least, army service for employment. Also, "Arab towns and villages have been disadvantaged in the allocation of budgets and services, leading to wide gaps in development between most Arab localities and their Jewish neighbors" -- Alouph Hareven, Near East Report (AIPAC newsletter), 10/11/1993
2. The Christian population of (the ever expanding) Jerusalem was 30,000 in 1948; today it is 2000, due to the systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from that and other areas around Israel. (Paul Findley's Deliberate Deceptions, 1996) Unlike Jews, Arabs are always denied a permission to build and expand.
3. 92% of the land in Israel falls under the Administration of the Jewish National Fund, where the land can not be sold to non-Jews. Result: the 18% Israeli-Arabs own only 4% of the land.
4. If, say, a Peruvian converts to Judaism and emigrates to Israel, he immediately has more rights than Israeli-Arabs who have lived in the land for many centuries.
5. "Israel was among the countries cited for discrimination in the U.S. State Department's first annual assessment of religious persecution around the world. While Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Serbia and Burma were subject to some of the report's harshest criticism, Israel was cited for denying its Arab population the same quality of social services that the nation's Jews receive." The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (9/13/99)
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 21-3-2004 at 03:03 PM ] |
Palestinians are sent packing back to refugee camps by governments of Iraq and Kuwait. The list just goes on and on. My years of acquaintances with Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs gave me favourable accounts of equality in Israel and their perception and treatment of Palestine. That is my core belief that certain reports are embellish to reflect anti-Israel sentiments which is not true.
so ure sayin Alouph Hareven, Near East Report (AIPAC newsletter), The Jewish Telegraphic Agency n the like r lyin?
Thus, I don't believe oppression is the driving force in their indiscriminate killings of innocent peoples in the street and busload of toddlers going to school.
the suicide bombins r due to israeli aggression aginst PALESTINIANS. read
"The long-standing gap in levels of income between Jewish and non-Jewish citizens continues.... The Arab minority still does not share fully in the rights granted to, and the obligations imposed on, Jewish citizens... The authorities continue to hold and mistreat Palestinian security detainees, and detention and prison conditions, particularly for Palestinians, are poor." -- U.S. Department of State, Israel and the Occupied Territories: Report on Human Rights and Practices for 1996.
2) I do condemn illegal settlements of Jews in Palestinian territory. That is why we must support Sharon's risky move. He risked losing supports of his cabinet members and people.
as me said sharon’s socalled risky move is to hoodwink the world. read.
"Without them [the settlements] the IDF [Israeli Defense Force] would be a foreign army ruling a foreign population." -- Defense Minister Moshe Dayan (quoted in Geoffrey Aronson's Settlements and the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations, Institute for Palestinian Studies.)
"The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. It's that simple." -- Yitzhak Shamir, Maariv, 02/21/1997. (Quote may be found
3) I agree with you again that the partition wall is uncalled for. I have no issue if it is built along its own borders like Saudi Arabia on Yemen, but to cut acroos towns and farms is hardly any moral justifications. Not even Jews themselves find it feasible as if the Palestinians are animals within concentration camps.
n u agree with me that Israel is rapin PALESTINIANS merciless with the apartheid wall right? Hence suicide bombins have to go on right? unless u can think of any alterntive. am waitin
4) The attack by surrounding Arab countries are not because UN is not taking into account who is majority. You MUST understand this issue well. Palestine is divided because of ongoing Arab hostilities against Jewish people. That is the main factor of dividing Palestine. If majority is the calling shot, then should Iraq be given to Shiites instead of the Sunnis? The answer is no. You can easily find this predicament elsewhere in history.
wrong. ongoing arab hostilities aginst jews r due to jews thru zionism n usa aggression. read
Zionism emerged in response to rising anti-Semitism as a politically secular movement declaring an incompatibility between Jews and other nations, and that anti-Semitism was unavoidable; it went further to categorizing Jews as a nation/race, therefore making Jews as people of their nation, Israel, instead of their respective countries. From this the need for a homeland arose. Most Jews and others were deceived by Zionism's stated overt purpose: to make a homeland for the persecuted Jews. Very few realized that this entailed making another people homeless since Palestine was inhabitted. Therefore, to perpetuate the deception, it was necessary for the Zionists to make up myths, such as the land was empty and that the Palestinians "didn't exist", or that there were people their, but they left willfuly in 1948 at the suggestion of Arab leaders, or at best, that the Palestinians existed but were backward with stagnant culture and Zionism brought them progress and prosperity (similar arguments were made by all colonialists). To hide its colonialist nature, the Zionists employed sugar coating, most famous of which was that the Jews were returning home, and blurred the difference between Judaism the religion, and Zionism, the political movement defining Jews as a nation, and displacing the Palestinians.
5) If the USA didn't supported Israel, Arabs would have push them into the sea. Why is the USA is not justified to support Israel while the overwhelming Arabs are justified to push the Jews into the sea?
inother words usa is superhypocrite right? they call for peace between israel n PALESTINIANS. yet u said they have the right to feed israel with billions worth of arms to genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE. right? u’re talkin rubbish. arabs wanna push israel into the sea coz israel wanna rape PALESTINE to extinction as is proven now
6) On Egypt, it seems to me you're refusing to acknowledge Egypt accepted peace while Syria and Jordan refuse.
accept peace on whose terms? egypt or israel or PALESTINE? its bout israeli PALESTINIAN conflict right?
Arab League was formed to counter Zionist movement. From then on, Palestine's Arabs are hostile towards not only incoming Jews but also to their local fellow Palestinian of Jewish descent. It seems to me you have forgotten that by 1948, majority of Palestinian Muslim Arabs are also immigrants. Mathematical calculations showed 800% surge from 1882-1948.
there u’ve said it. arab league is formed to counter zionism. n zionism is formed to destroy PALESTINE. n u expect arab nations to bow their head in agreement? its an eye for eye really. isreal raped Israel PALESTINIANS. so PALESTIAN arabs rape PALESTINAN jews. simple. nonetheless d u c PALESTINIAN muslims destroy PALESTINIAN jews’ homes as wot israel jews did to Israeli PALESTINIANS. HARDproofs plz. before zionism comes into the pic, wots the ratio between PALESTINIAN arabs n jews. make a guess. n u expect PALESTINIAN arabs to stay docile with the influx of imported jews? u need ur head examined
Palestinian refugees are a result of Arab-Israeli conflicts not wanted by the Palestinian people themselves. Arabs refuse to commit to peace after their aggressions on Israel. If Israel were to retreat BACK, then the Arabs have nothing to lose but to start the whole thing again.
liar. PALESTINIAN refugees r due to Israeli rapin Israeli PALESTINIANS n destroying PALESTINIAN homes. Israeli started the aggression not the PALESTINAINS. Read
The very point of Labor's Zionist program is to have as much land as possible and as few Arabs as possible!" --Yitzhak Navon ("moderate" ex-Israeli president and a leading labor party politician.) Cited on p.179 of Nur Masalha's A Land without a People who cites Bernard Avishai's The Tragedy of Zionism 1985 p.340.
But, that was in the past where Palestine have no say in the UN over the resolutions. Today the right is given to Palestine by the USA. Israel under Sharon had made his move. Now it is up to Arafat to make reciprocal move to ensure Palestine is formed for the FIRST TIME in history of mankind.
as long as usa is superhypocrite there wouldn’t any first time for arafat. its gonna be continuous rapin of PALESTIANS including arafat by usa veto. trust me
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 21-3-2004 at 03:07 PM ] |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 21-3-2004 15:04:
so ure sayin Alouph Hareven, Near East Report (AIPAC newsletter), The Jewish Telegraphic Agency n the like r lyin?
the suicide bombins r due to israeli aggression ...
Wow, much facts which now I know better. Thanks sonny~~.
[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 22-3-2004 at 12:45 PM ] |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
US launced illigitimate war on a soverign ...
I think I don't have to reply to you again. You're off the track! |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 22-3-2004 13:05:
I think I don't have to reply to you again. You're off the track!
You are off track first remember, I was just replying to your statements, isn't that true??? |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
so ure sayin Alouph Hareven, Near East Report (AIPAC newsletter), The Jewish Telegraphic Agency n the like r lyin?
So, I can see that when you read something out of context or with prejudice, you relish in the thought with self-serving pretexts right? Show me the sources first and I give you the right interpretation. You can do that right? Give me the URL please. Right?? I read it first then I make judgement right?? Right?
the suicide bombins r due to israeli aggression aginst PALESTINIANS
The above quite doesn't seems to tally with the following response by you:
"The long-standing gap in levels of income between Jewish and non-Jewish citizens continues"
The quotes are a suppose Israeli Arabs treatment in Israel right? What we're talking about is PALESTINIAN right??? Right sonny?? Palestinian are not Israeli Arabs right??
as me said sharon抯 socalled risky move is to hoodwink the world
So, no matter what Ariel Sharon do isn't right, right? It is wrong right? So, whatever he does is wrong then why should he LISTEN to bigots like YOU right? Since it is all wrong then he should continue with his wrong, right? To let them continue building Jewish settlements is wrong and to dismantle it is wrong, right? Then what is right? Idiot!
n u agree with me that Israel is rapin PALESTINIANS merciless with the apartheid wall right? Hence suicide bombins have to go on right? unless u can think of any alterntive. am waitin
It must be your agenda to push everyone with the slightest support of Israel as Israeli supporter right? Apartheid wall is justified for anyone to kill innocent people right? So, you're in support of indiscriminate killing right? Anyone who builds a wall is downright deserve killing right?
I have no alternative. Unlike you who don't have any solution either but relish in the killings of innocent people. Anyone with half a brain would understand killing of innocent people is one issue. The wall is another. While Islamic leaders around the world including Mahathir is trying hard to correct and repair the tarnish image of Islam you're trying to destroy it right? So, you're in the wrong here right? Mahathir and the rests are wrong right?
wrong. ongoing arab hostilities aginst jews r due to jews thru zionism n usa aggression
Here you're trying to PREVARICATE my point right? I say the division of Palestine is due to Arabs hostilities and you're giving oxymoron statement by bringing in USA into the picture whereas USA is not involved in the pre and post formation of Israel. I see, so you're saying that USA is already helping Jews before and right AFTER Israel is born right???
You have not answer my question. Do you propose that Jews be left killed and suffer hostilities by the Arabs? If yes, then you're a bigot. If no then the division is justified to address Arabs atrocities without which Palestine would still be intact.
inother words usa is superhypocrite right? they call for peace between israel n PALESTINIANS. yet u said they have the right to feed israel with billions worth of arms to genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE. right? u抮e talkin rubbish. arabs wanna push israel into the sea coz israel wanna rape PALESTINE to extinction as is proven now
What utter BALONEY!! The USA helped defend Israel is wrong while Arabs supported Palestine to push the Jews into the sea is right. Downright despicable.... When Arabs make use of Palestine issue to kill Jews USA is not in the picture helping Israel at all. Twisting HARDfact right?? Right??
accept peace on whose terms? egypt or israel or PALESTINE? its bout israeli PALESTINIAN conflict right?
You're a bigot. Its confirmed. Not different from Debmey the anti-Muslim. The Egyptian-Israeli peace is accepted on both terms agreed upon. The rest like Syria, Lebanon and Jordan have to "negotiate". They made the first silly aggression which is racist because they don't want to live with a Jewish neighbour. So, they have to comply after they lost. Where in the world do you see losers dictating their terms? In Sonnyland right?
I'll continue playing with you again.... i have work to do. maybe at night. Hehe... now I have someone to shoot at. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
ou are off track first remember, I was just replying to your statements, isn't that true???
So, you admit you did off track right? Now my turn. Where did I off track? |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-22 01:26 PM:
So, I can see that when you read something out of context or with prejudice, you relish in the thought with self-serving pretexts right? Show me the sources first and I give you the right interpretation. You can do that right? Give me the URL please. Right?? I read it first then I make judgement right?? Right?
u’re weird. first u address SONNY bfore u respond. now theres no more such address. if u think me HARDfact response expose ur hidden agenda, then u may as well keep ur peace. otherwise lets drag the thread pages after pages.
don’t insinuate. me don’t read things out of context or with prejudice. its u who don’t wanna accept the HARDfacts that israel craftily n slyly is rapin PALESTINIANS dry of its land PALESTINE. me don’t give u sources. if u think wot the papers says is cockeye then make a search urself. don’t be lazy. read
1. Israeli-Arabs are discriminated against based on military service. Israeli-Arabs don't servein the Israeli Army and most job applications require, implicitly at least, army service for employment. Also, "Arab towns and villages have been disadvantaged in the allocation of budgets and services, leading to wide gaps in development between most Arab localities and their Jewish neighbors" -- Alouph Hareven, Near East Report (AIPAC newsletter), 10/11/1993
5. "Israel was among the countries cited for discrimination in the U.S. State Department's first annual assessment of religious persecution around the world. While Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Serbia and Burma were subject to some of the report's harshest criticism, Israel was cited for denying its Arab population the same quality of social services that the nation's Jews receive." The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (9/13/99)
The above quite doesn't seems to tally with the following response by you:
"The long-standing gap in levels of income between Jewish and non-Jewish citizens continues"
The quotes are a suppose Israeli Arabs treatment in Israel right? What we're talking about is PALESTINIAN right??? Right sonny?? Palestinian are not Israeli Arabs right??
looks like in ur eagerness to prove Israel is no rapist of PALESTINIANS N ISRAELI PALESTINIANS, ure confuse with wot u wrote. U said "My years of acquaintances with Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs gave me favourable accounts of equality in Israel and their perception and treatment of Palestine. That is my core belief that certain reports are embellish to reflect anti-Israel sentiments which is not true." right? then u said "Thus, I don't believe oppression is the driving force in their indiscriminate killings of innocent peoples in the street and busload of toddlers going to school." hence me response with the cut n paste. simple
So, no matter what Ariel Sharon do isn't right, right? It is wrong right? So, whatever he does is wrong then why should he LISTEN to bigots like YOU right? Since it is all wrong then he should continue with his wrong, right? To let them continue building Jewish settlements is wrong and to dismantle it is wrong, right? Then what is right? Idiot!
u don’t c wot i c right? sharon has built 200 illegal jewish settlements in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories right? n that’s WRONG right? now he wanna dismantle SOME of it right? d u ever stop to think is he gonna dismantle ALL THE 200 ILLEGAL JEWISH SETTLEMENTS or is he gonna dismantle ONLY THE IMPOTENT ONES? why only the impotent ones? coz hes crafty n sly. simple. if he gonna DISMANTLE ALL THE 200 ILLEGAL JEWISH SETTLEMENTS, then me gonna lick me own arse reverently. hehe
It must be your agenda to push everyone with the slightest support of Israel as Israeli supporter right? Apartheid wall is justified for anyone to kill innocent people right? So, you're in support of indiscriminate killing right? Anyone who builds a wall is downright deserve killing right?
a resoundin
how come? simple. sharon knows he gonna jeopardize Israelis lives for buildin the apartheid wall. Right? yet he goes ahead with it right? n u expect the PALESTINIANS to whine endless n not tempted to make israelis suffer as much sharon has caused em to suffer. right? ure weird
I have no alternative. Unlike you who don't have any solution either but relish in the killings of innocent people. Anyone with half a brain would understand killing of innocent people is one issue. The wall is another. While Islamic leaders around the world including Mahathir is trying hard to correct and repair the tarnish image of Islam you're trying to destroy it right? So, you're in the wrong here right? Mahathir and the rests are wrong right?
c? u r prejudice rotten to the core. the alternative is simple really. stop rapin the PALESTINIANS. stop buildin the apartheid wall. solid alternative n yet u wanna PALESTINIANS whine endless. shame
continue ;)
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 22-3-2004 at 05:33 PM ] |
Here you're trying to PREVARICATE my point right? I say the division of Palestine is due to Arabs hostilities and you're giving oxymoron statement by bringing in USA into the picture whereas USA is not involved in the pre and post formation of Israel. I see, so you're saying that USA is already helping Jews before and right AFTER Israel is born right???
agin ure exposin ur biasness aginst PALESTINIANS. history tells u imported jews entered PALESTINE in 10s of 1000s causin the PALESTINIANS to fear for their PALESTINE. n who allowed jews to enter PALESTINE in 10s of 1000s? it’s the british right? then bitter conflicts began between PALESTINIANS n jews. n usa joined in the fray by feedin jews with billions worth of arms startin from truman if not earlier. n the rest is history. read
Britain's new labour government (unlike its predecessor) strongly sympathized with Zionism's goal, yet it hoped to remain friendly with the Arabs. Adding to the British quandary was President Truman. whose Zionist leanings were clear. In April 1946, yielding to U. S. pressure, Britain sent yet another commission to study the issue.
The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry recommended that 100,000 European Jewish refugees be admitted immediately, that restrictions on Jewish land purchases in Palestine be lifted, and that a binational Jewish-Arab state be established under United Nations trusteeship. Faced with the political and economic costs of policing Palestine, the British gladly turned the matter over to the UN. In 1947 the UN sent its own commission to seek answers to the Palestine problem. The result, the following year, was the founding of Israel and war between the Jewish and Arab
In August 1929, the century's first large-scale attack on Jews by Arabs rocked Jerusalem. The riots, in which Palestinians killed 133 Jews and suffered 116 deaths. Mostly inflicted by British troops were sparked by a dispute over use of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque ( this site is sacred to Muslims, but Jews claimed it is the remaining of jews temple all studies shows clearly that the wall is from the Islamic ages and it is part of al-Aqsa Mosque). But the roots of the violence lay deeper in Arab fears of the burgeoning Zionist movement, which aimed to make at leaspart of British-administered Palestine a Jewish state.
You have not answer my question. Do you propose that Jews be left killed and suffer hostilities by the Arabs? If yes, then you're a bigot. If no then the division is justified to address Arabs atrocities without which Palestine would still be intact.
history tells u PALESTINIANS didn’t start the hostilities, it’s the jews when they entered PALESTINIANS in 10s of 100s. read me cut n paste above. as it is the jews n zionists provoked the hostilities to justify their rapin PALESTINE. how they rape PALESTINE? read history in the right perspective
What utter BALONEY!! The USA helped defend Israel is wrong while Arabs supported Palestine to push the Jews into the sea is right. Downright despicable.... When Arabs make use of Palestine issue to kill Jews USA is not in the picture helping Israel at all. Twisting HARDfact right?? Right??
history tells u zionism is formed to rape PALESTINE. hence PALESTINIANS have no choice but wanna push the jews into the sea. But theyre unfortunate in that they have their brother arabs to help em not superpower usa. read
Zionism emerged in response to rising anti-Semitism as a politically secular movement declaring an incompatibility between Jews and other nations, and that anti-Semitism was unavoidable; it went further to categorizing Jews as a nation/race, therefore making Jews as people of their nation, Israel, instead of their respective countries. From this the need for a homeland arose. Most Jews and others were deceived by Zionism's stated overt purpose: to make a homeland for the persecuted Jews. Very few realized that this entailed making another people homeless since Palestine was inhabitted. Therefore, to perpetuate the deception, it was necessary for the Zionists to make up myths, such as the land was empty and that the Palestinians "didn't exist", or that there were people their, but they left willfuly in 1948 at the suggestion of Arab leaders, or at best, that the Palestinians existed but were backward with stagnant culture and Zionism brought them progress and prosperity (similar arguments were made by all colonialists). To hide its colonialist nature, the Zionists employed sugar coating, most famous of which was that the Jews were returning home, and blurred the difference between Judaism the religion, and Zionism, the political movement defining Jews as a nation, and displacing the Palestinians.
You're a bigot. Its confirmed. Not different from Debmey the anti-Muslim. The Egyptian-Israeli peace is accepted on both terms agreed upon. The rest like Syria, Lebanon and Jordan have to "negotiate". They made the first silly aggression which is racist because they don't want to live with a Jewish neighbour. So, they have to comply after they lost. Where in the world do you see losers dictating their terms? In Sonnyland right?
don’t compare SONNY with bro deb***sfe. aaiik puttuiii!!
peace may have been reached between egypt, israel, lebanon, jordan etc. did it do any good to the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict? well?
I'll continue playing with you again.... i have work to do. maybe at night. Hehe... now I have someone to shoot at.
no big deal. i've stretched such thread to pages n me can do it some more. read 
http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthr ... ge=1&sid=7284WK
Mahathir is right: Jews do rule the world
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 22-3-2004 at 05:41 PM ] |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-22 01:32 PM:
So, you admit you did off track right? Now my turn. Where did I off track?
o yes u did off track. u deliberately side track ARIs postin below n called him as below. learn to be honourable in the true sense of the word if u can 
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-3-20 05:45 PM:
No I am not!! You see, Dr. M and I believe that in order for us to resolve something such as firhgting terrorism, we must find out the root cause and eliminate the root cause. When the root cause have been identified, than we can get rid of the problem So you see, we know why there are terrorism. We know why the Palestinians parade over the so called with intestine and the so. What I want to see achieve is that those, all of them stop!! Not tit for tat or what. All must stop, Killings must stop. In order for there all to stop, the root or the cause must first stop. If I can control everything, I can stop first no problem with that. However, the world with people is such that only once the root or cause ceases then only they will cease, otherwise, they would not want to. Likewise, the cause do not wish to stop, and others also do not wish to stop so it goes, the never ending war. Israel and the US must stop their aggressions on the Palestinians and muslims first. Once US and Israel, does their parts, I dare to say(just prediction) that at least 60% of the International Terrorist organisation will cease to cause terror. That, of course remains only my views but with my analysis of the world today, with what is really happening, with what that has happened in the past, I have a little more confidence to say so.
The Buddha teaches us all never to hate, never to kill. I had not kill a fellow human being before. However, my dislike due to injustice done has grown a lot. Sorry for I am still not perfect, nor near perfect.
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-20 11:10 PM:
So, who started the war with Israel? Is defending Israel a form of aggression toward Palestinian & muslim people? How about telling me Arabs support and funding of terrorist factions a form ...
Surely, nobody would make justifications on behalf of terrorists who commits blind atrocities on innocent peoples and children. You're the one. If that is justified in your eyes, then you're not a true buddhist I'm afraid. You're a muslim clone. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 22-3-2004 13:32:
So, you admit you did off track right? Now my turn. Where did I off track?
You called me a clone and therefore it is a must for me to explain myself what am I trying to do. Get it??? Therefore, I am taking instances from others. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
history tells u imported jews entered PALESTINE in 10s of 1000s causin the PALESTINIANS to fear for their PALESTINE
Yes I agree that Jews entered Palestine in the throng. However, the one you're trying to obfuscate is that Arabs were not immigrants themselves. That is misleading. As HARDfact, Palestinian people numbered only 141,000 people in 1882. Nobody wanted to live there. This is the fact collected from observers, embassies in the Middle East and Ottoman government in 1880's. Here, Palestinian means Jews, Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs. How the hell do Arabs surge 800% to 1948 by giving birth?! Thus, they came from elsewhere much the same like the Jews. I also agree that Arabs have always been the majority at any one time. But that is not the capitalizing point for anyone to commit hostilities against minorities. So, who is actually in fear at that time? The Jews are. They are being persecuted by the hapless pious terrorist cum rapist Arabs in Palestine. You're lying by saying the MAJORITY Arabs are in fear. So, who is bias? There you go.
then bitter conflicts began between PALESTINIANS n jews. n usa joined in the fray by feedin jews with billions worth of arms startin from truman if not earlier
There your bigotry shows. " ALESTINIANS n jews". As if there are no original and natural inhabitants in Palestine. Calling bias who? Then again. The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews ensued right? Then Arabs poke their nose into Palestine's conflict FIRST right? Then only USA came into the picture right?
Adding to the British quandary was President Truman. whose Zionist leanings were clear
Yes yes yes. They seem to have the tendency leaning towards Jews as you said as if true in the first place right? Then Arabs started the whole leaning FIRST isn't disputable in your book right? If Arabs can be nosey parker why can't the USA? Who started the first leaning?
Faced with the political and economic costs of policing Palestine, the British gladly turned the matter over to the UN. In 1947 the UN sent its own commission to seek answers to the Palestine problem. The result, the following year, was the founding of Israel and war between the Jewish and Arab
In the above you said the British are leaning towards Zionist right? Then the creation of Israel or the division of Palestine is done in the name of UN right? As stated in the above quote by you right? So, not only Britain is responsible for the division of Palestine right? The world decided to split it because of Arabs hostilities right? If no hostilities there won't be division right? So, it's the Arabs who started the whole inferno right? Then you might want to say who ask Jews to enter Palestine right? Then I shall ask you why Arabs can? So, you'll say Palestine belongs to Arabs right? Then I'll say Palestine belongs to British and the UN never to the Arabs right? So, why can't Jews enter Palestine while Arabs can? Bigot! :lol
In August 1929, the century's first large-scale attack on Jews by Arabs rocked Jerusalem
I see. So, here we have one official figure and depiction that Arabs started the first large-scale attack.
The riots, in which Palestinians killed 133 Jews and suffered 116 deaths
I see. It affirmed my stance that Jews are the real victim and should rightly be the one living in fear not that of the Arabs.
Mostly inflicted by British troops
I see. First you mention that British lean towards Jews right? THen here British inflicted 133 death on the Jews while Arabs suffered 166 right? So, British really are leaning and loves the Jews by killing them right? Lolololol.... oh my god.. I had a good belly laugh!!!
But the roots of the violence lay deeper in Arab fears of the burgeoning Zionist movement, which aimed to make at leaspart of British-administered Palestine a Jewish state
So, the ROOT of the violence is due to Arabs silly suspicions right? As mentioned to you that Arabs misunderstood the whole thing first right? Thinking they would get Palestine right? But in fact I've told you earlier British and Balfour NEVER intended to make Palestine ruled by Jews right? The cause of Palestine's division is due to Arab's hostilities and atrocities right? So, the world is voting to split Palestine because of Arabs uncontrolled idiotic paranoia right? No wonder Islamic militants who fights for Palestine holds the world ransom right? Arabs continues their mistakes by spreading myths right? Then you're one of the many million simpletons who shoot themselves in the foot by giving self-flagelating articles as ammo for anyone who is fair-minded capable to judge and then gladly receiving the ammo to shoot at bigots right?
history tells u PALESTINIANS didn抰 start the hostilities, it抯 the jews when they entered PALESTINIANS in 10s of 100s
I see. So, Jews enter a WASTELAND which only stands 141,000 people not wanted by Arabs previously means Jews are committing hostilities right? Your reasoning is that anybody who enters a WASTELAND is equivalent to HOSTILE right? Then tell me the millions of Arabs who entered Palestine are not hostile towards the original Jewish inhabitants?? Who is calling who bias Sonny? Jews enter the WASTELAND is HOSTILE while Arabs enter the WASTELAND is not called HOSTILE? I see. You need medical check up! On the thing between your ears.
read me cut n paste above. as it is the jews n zionists provoked the hostilities to justify their rapin PALESTINE. how they rape PALESTINE? read history in the right perspective
Humble me. I failed to find any article you pasted above showing that Jews provoked first. But I do find that you showed a paste copy that Arabs started the first large-scale attacks on Jews. Perrrspective!!
history tells u zionism is formed to rape PALESTINE
You must be living in Lalaland. Where is your source saying Zionism is formed to rape Palestine?
hence PALESTINIANS have no choice but wanna push the jews into the sea
What choice? Palestinian Arabs have been living with Palestinian Jews for thousands of years long before Zionism is formed. Oh i see. Their CHOICE is to force a Jews-free Palestine right? When Jews came in great number their dream is shattered right? Thus, they go berzerk right? Round and round merry go round. Arabs are paranoid!
But theyre unfortunate in that they have their brother arabs to help em not superpower usa
Once again, you've been caught shooting off your dumb mouth Sonny. Israel is defending herself when 5 Arab state plus Palestine attack them. 6 on 1. USA is STILL far in the West recuperating from World War. Liar...
Very few realized that this entailed making another people homeless since Palestine was inhabitted
Oxymoron statement again. I wonder where you get this source from. Must a lift-off from anti-Israeli website. Show me please. At the mean time, I would like to point out that nobody is fooled. Anyone with half a brain would know Palestine is inhabited. Only simpletons like the author of that source's article and you would be willingly be fooled. Jews came with the dream of making the desert bloom. That is the most famous manifesto still heard around. Who is not willing to share Palestine? The outsiders Arabs who came with filthy agenda and greed in an attempt for land grab. Then tells the Muslim world that they are already there as if they never migrated AT THE SAME TIME AS THE JEWS myth. Gullible pea-brained simpleton like Sonny would believe it. Not me.
it was necessary for the Zionists to make up myths, such as the land was empty and that the Palestinians "didn't exist", or that there were people their
There you go. Palestine NEVER was a state self-ruled in the history of mankind. Yes, their people were there. Remnants of Jews lived there all the while. Nothing wrong with that. What is not right here??
don抰 compare SONNY with bro deb***sfe. aaiik puttuiii!!
Ok ok... I will never make this comparison again. Take my word for it. Sorry.
peace may have been reached between egypt, israel, lebanon, jordan etc. did it do any good to the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict? well?
You're prevaricating again. Israel made peace with Egypt. The others are still feet-dragging. Why wouldn't it do any good for Israel-Palestine conflict? The conflict is all about Jordan's turf. Syria's turf. If the owner of the land agree with peace, Israel would withdraw from Palestine. Isn't that good for Palestinian?
no big deal. i've stretched such thread to pages n me can do it some more
No problem. I have no guilt as I stand by the truth. I fear not God judge my words in this board for I'm doing my part righting truth from lies. Only those who spreading filthy personal agendas have to answer for their sins. If you want to go on, I'll let you do it. Let everyone reads them and judge for themselves. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
ariya the muslim clone,
My debates are on track with the topic. That is Israel-Palestine issue. Especially Palestine's. You're taking about Iraq. That is another issue.
Be the man... |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 22-3-2004 19:59:
ariya the muslim clone,
My debates are on track with the topic. That is Israel-Palestine issue. Especially Palestine's. You're taking about Iraq. That is another issue.
Be the man...
Yup, I am just giving example why I defend the muslims when you accused me of being a clone. Do not tell me that I am not allowed to defend myself when you accused me of something??? You are accusing based on someone's faith and that my friend is a very sensitive issue. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
I defend the muslims when you accused me of being a clone
Your defence of terrorist's blind hatreds on innocent peoples by justifying their acts through conspiracy theories run contrary to Buddhism concept. Which is why I doubt you're a Buddhist. You insist you're Chinese and are Buddhist. Hope you enjoy yourself behind the veil.
Do not tell me that I am not allowed to defend myself when you accused me of something???
Nobody says you can't defend yourself. This is a public messageboard where each views would get likely challenges from those who oppose.
You are accusing based on someone's faith and that my friend is a very sensitive issue
I'm challenging your principles against Buddhism's concepts as it runs contrary to what is being hold. Never have I seen any Buddhist would legitimate blind killings of innocent peoples as justified. You're talking about US irresponsibility which is out of the topic in this issue. The US nonetheless hit military targets whereas terrorists know to study the map go to where they are suppose to blow themselves up to inflict maximum casualties and damages on innocent civilians and children on bus. THAT is the difference although you may circumloculate with US misfire or mistarget on civilians and houses as legitimate cause of hatred for these people to commit non-stop killings. Some Buddhist you are.
Let's recite some Buddhist quote today:
Wo xin zhi you fo,
wo fo shi zhen fo,
wo ruo wu fo xin,
he chu mi zhen fo.
I doubt you understand those. Fake Chinese fake Buddhist. No need to search the web. Tell me which Sutra you've read and studied. Let's hear the name. Oh ya... you've told me you're not perfect. Neither do i.... |
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