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Author: pendeta

[Tempatan] Edisi fitnah : Dalam kristian tiada kasta!

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Post time 9-3-2018 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 8-3-2018 09:13 PM
Nak jadi lawyer kununnnnn. Jual kincing unta boleh lah......Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrpffftght

Ha ha ... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) masih tak puas hati

Laaa , yg dok togok kencing adalah ko aje
-mesjid = bangunan

Kesian , apa nak buat ... kena jugak suppport gopren , jadik lah tukang sorak

Kah kah kah .... abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) jadik tukng sorak utk gopren dia


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Post time 9-3-2018 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 9-3-2018 02:26 PM
Dwdrum replied at 9-3-2018 03:50 AM
LOL ... selama ni ko mati2 klaim & punyai pahaman songsang :
- mesjid = bangunan
Mana ko belaj ...

Ha ha  ... lobainita minah sewel dah gabra ... dah mati akai ... kot2 memang tak ada akai

U ada bukti yang solomon itu islam ?

Apa tak nya , Nabi Sulaiman(as) tu percaya pada Allah & hanya sembah Allah , Jadik dia muslim

Apa pulak bukti ko yg dia tu kapiak?

Jeng , jeng , jeng

But soalan I simple saja …. Di mana pintu sanctuary itu… ? Kalau dari hujah u boleh di kata kan pintu untuk wall ?.....i tanya soalan guna kan hujah u …. U tahu sekarang u yang mabuk ?

Sebab u bagi enemy attestation patriarch itu nampak nya sanctuary untuk Christians dari christians compound….. bukan di dalam kawasan haram el shariff even …….. kalau yahudi mungkin prostrate di sana ..sebab itu lah I mentioned 2nd temple mungkin wailing wall ..LOL …. But still tidak di terima sebab statement dari patriarch …lol….

Temple mount haram al shariff itu muslim compound sekarang sebab claim masjid nabi solat al aqsa dan ada gua dan batu tempat ibrahim hampir sembelih anak .lol …..Kalau u cakap foundation dari solomon temple nya di tapak masjid al aqsa sekarang … di mana belaku isra mikraj tempat itu di penuhi sampah … even umar al khattab cakap filthy …… belum wujud pun lagi

Sebab itu lah u cuba lari untuk jawab soalan I di mana konon nya actual tempat nabi solat ….

Ha ha ha ha .. sah dah lobainita minah sewel dah mabuk todi

Macamana ko boleh mati2 klaim
- pintu = wall
Hanya org separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje boleh kata sedemikian

LOL .. sekarang argumen ko adalah , mungkin 2nd temple & mungkin wailing wall ... isu skg apa yg penting sgt ttg location tersebut. Yg penting adalah pengakuan Pariarch of Jerusalem

He he he he ... terbarai lagi pemahaman songsang lobainita minah sewel iaitu isra miraj adalah Nabi Muhammad(saw) solat kat mesjid al aqsa , tu pasal dok mati2 mintak location tersebut.

Errr ..... israj miraj bukan spt pemahaman kalut ko tu - ni dia aku tepek pemahaman kurang akai ko :
Temple mount haram al shariff itu muslim compound sekarang sebab claim masjid nabi solat al aqsa dan ada gua dan batu tempat ibrahim hampir sembelih anak .lol …..Kalau u cakap foundation dari solomon temple nya di tapak masjid al aqsa sekarang … di mana belaku isra mikraj tempat itu di penuhi sampah
Isra = Night Journey
Miraj = Ascension
Nothing to do with tempat solat Nabi Muhammad(saw) yg ko mati2 dok mintak GPS location , Nabi Muhammad(saw) solat pasal ada kat mesjid al aqsa

Ha ha ha ha ... patut pon ko dok berpusing kejar backside sendiri. Rupa2 nya ko TAK TAU
- apa tu mesjid
- isra miraj
Tu lah , muqaddam pon tak habis lepas tu tak ambil apa2 initiative utk belajar apa2 ttg Islam melainkan dari gereja atau kuil , skg dah terbarai tembelang ko.
Pada pahaman songsang ko
- mesjid = bangunan
- isra miraj = tempat Nabi Muhammad(saw) solat kat mesjid al aqsa

Memang patut pon ko digelar lobainita minah sewel

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel berpusing kejar backside sendiri pasal TAK TAU apa tu (a) mesjid & (b) isra miraj

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Post time 9-3-2018 01:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 8-3-2018 09:11 PM
sam1528 replied at 8-3-2018 08:53 PM
Kah kah kah ... lobainita minah sewel dah gabra ... dah mati akai ... kot2 memang tak ada akai


Ha ha ha ha ... patut pon ko dok berpusing kejar backside sendiri. Rupa2 nya ko TAK TAU
- apa tu mesjid
- isra miraj
Tu lah , muqaddam pon tak habis lepas tu tak ambil apa2 initiative utk belajar apa2 ttg Islam melainkan dari gereja atau kuil , skg dah terbarai tembelang ko.
Pada pahaman songsang ko
- mesjid = bangunan
- isra miraj = tempat Nabi Muhammad(saw) solat kat mesjid al aqsa

Kalau ikut hujah yang penting isra dan mikraj .... but u tidak boleh buktikan isra itu sendiri .... al aqsa mosque sekarang bukan lah qiblat pertama umat islam lah kan..... 2nd hadith dan al quran mentioned the farthest mosque reffering di mana ? ... percaya haram al shariff sacred holy untuk muslim .... so none ...cuma proclaimed penyanut yahudi saja lah untuk solomon temple  ...sebab u cakap asal kan ada pengakuan patriarch ... di mana di luar haram al shariff .... holy shit gila sam bawa ajaran sesat .....

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Post time 9-3-2018 02:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 8-3-2018 10:41 PM

Apa tak nya , Nabi Sulaiman(as) tu percaya pada Allah & hanya sembah Allah , Jadik dia muslim
Apa pulak bukti ko yg dia tu kapiak?

Jeng , jeng , jeng....

Yahudi orthodox sekarang  islam ?....

2nd mereka terima alquran sebagai holy book ? ...

3rd  Mereka baca tahiyat  depan wailing wall?...

4th.mereka mengaku nabi muhammad nabi akhir zaman?

5th.Muslim pernah preaching  kepada mereka yang solomon adalah islam ?...sebab semua self proclaimed dari agama islam

6th. Heraclious,cesar dan patriarch modestus bertukar agama kepada islam? Sebab u cakap mereka enemy enemy lah sangat sewaktu umar al khattab tunggang donkey ke jerusalem untuk ambil kunci dan perjanjian if not mistaken ...beliau di jemput untuk bersolat di gereja kan ...di situ u kantoi kan gila sam ....

But good news nya persian empire yang pernah jajah jurusalem pemerintah memeluk islam ...termasuk lah yang tawan patriarch zacheriah dan di gantikan dengan modestus...  .... habis penganut majusi yang sopan santun agama keamanan itu pupus di iran tinggal some lari ke india
Nanti lobai ada terseronok sendiri pula.... btw ajaran agama majusi sangat sama dengan ajaran agama islam berbanding agama abrahamic yang lain cuma mereka tiada gunakan kitab 3 kitab seperti yahudi dan christians .... the rest hampir sama... seperti bersolat,5 pillars,lain lupa.... salah satu yang penting mereka tiada hadith transmission seperti mereka ini ganas sedikit my mean pemerintah ...sebab tiada hadith untuk ikut sunnah nabi....LOL... sebab itulah mereka mudah mempercayai islam agama yang bener ............

I'm done..LOL

Nah... kan...mereka ahli kitab saja ...mereka bukan islam ...

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Post time 9-3-2018 02:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 8-3-2018 10:48 PM

Silap abrahimic relligion hubung kait dengan marduk .... i perlu recall semula

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Post time 9-3-2018 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 9-3-2018 03:50 AM
LOL ... selama ni ko mati2 klaim & punyai pahaman songsang :
- mesjid = bangunan
Mana ko belaj ...

Ha ha ... kita sambung lagi dgn lobainita minah sewel yg skg otak dah beku

Ni apa ko merepek :
U faham apa yang u hujah sskarang gila sam?

Ini lagi 1 mabuk kencing unta u gila sam …...

Artikel tersebut dgn jelas catat pembinaan 'foundation of the mosque' & jarak antara mesjid2 tersebut adalah 40 thn.

1).Ini bukti u cakap 40 years?
Ha ha ha ha ... aku paham hujah aku tapi ko tak paham hujah ko pasal ko kaki kencing

Jadik skg pemahaman songsang ko :
- foundation of building = completed building
Ini adalah fahaman org yg mabuk todi

Isu skg apa problem kalo buat foundation mesjid & pembinaan foundation antara mesjid haram (mekkah) & mesjid al aqsa adalah 40 thn?

Sampai skg ko tak mampu bagi apa2 ... hanya merepek bagai org separuh akai yg mabuk todi

Ni lagi kencing ko :
Seriously gila sam … tak kan lah in realife u gila juga ? OMG….
So solomon  dan adam hidup dalam same era? … unbelieveable……lol..

LOL sendiri yang cakap tuduh i cakap ...kuat kencing betul u ini gila sam....LOL
He he he he ... in semua dari cubaan ko utk mengencing :
post#949 aku :
"The answer to that     is that the mention concerns the first construction and the foundation of     the mosque and it is not Abraham who built the Ka`bah for the first time nor     is it Solomon who built Bayt al-Maqdis for the first time. Indeed, we have     narrated that the first one who built the Ka`bah is Adam. Then his progeny     spread out on earth. Therefore, it is possible that one of them built Bayt     al-Maqdis. Later, Abraham (re)built the Ka`bah according to the Qur'an."     Likewise, al-Qurtubi said: The hadith does not indicate that     Abraham and Solomon were the first ones to build the two mosques. It was only     a renovation of what had been founded by others.
post#987 dari ko:
Post u #949
it Solomon who built Bayt al-Maqdis for the first time. Indeed, we have     narrated that the first one who built the Ka`bah is Adam


Narrated Abu Dhaar:
I said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Which mosque was built first?” He replied, “Al-Masjid-ul-Haram.” I asked, “Which (was built) next?” He replied, “Al-Masjid-ul-Aqs-a (i.e. Jerusalem).” I asked, “What was the period in between them?” He replied, “Forty (years).” He then added, “Wherever the time for the prayer comes upon you, perform the prayer, for all the earth is a place of worshipping for you.”
Tq .. ko baru aje buktikan yg ko ni kaki kencing. You truncate my post lepas tu nak cuba mengencing, Kan dah dgn jelas catat :
the foundation of the mosque and it is not Abraham who built the Ka`bah for the first time nor is it Solomon who built Bayt al-Maqdis for the first time.
Pasal apa ko padam catatan tersebut? Tak lain tak bukan nak bohong & mengencing lah
Ni lagi mengencing ko :
Seriously gila sam … tak kan lah in realife u gila juga ? OMG….
So solomon  dan adam hidup dalam same era? … unbelieveable……lol..

LOL sendiri yang cakap tuduh i cakap ...kuat kencing betul u ini gila sam....LOL

Last bonus gila sam naik hantu sebab gelabah ….LOL
Skg macamana yg ko mati2 klaim yg Nabi Adam(as) & Nabi Sulaiman(as) hidup the same time? Kan dah jelas catat - ' is not Abraham who built the Ka`bah for the first time nor is it Solomon who built Bayt al-Maqdis for the first time...'

Kan ko dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali ... nak cuba menipu & mengencing ye

Tambah pulak dgn kureng fasih english

Ni lagi yg ko dok merapu :
Last bonus gila sam naik hantu sebab gelabah ….LOL

boleh u cakap pintu wall mana patriarch maksud kan
Apa yg penting sgt ttg kat location mana? Yg penting adalah pengakuan Patriarch tersebut

Bonus dari i murica passport
He he he he ... macam aku kata ... lobainita minah sewel dah gelabah & skg tanya soalan yg amat kureng cerdik

Penting ke nak tau mana satu pintu? Yg penting adalah pengakuan Patriarch of Jerusalem yg konfom Nabi Muhammad(saw) dtg & solat kat mesjid al aqsa

Kalo aku macam ko , aku malu nak tunjuk passport amerika pasal dah konfom yg ko ni kureng fasih english ... aku rasa pegawai immigration yg interview ko tu hari tu mabuk kot

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel diexpose cuba bohong & lepas tu mengencing dgn pembohongan dia


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Post time 9-3-2018 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 9-3-2018 03:59 AM
Yg meleter hanya ko aje ... mulut tak terhenti henti mengencing ... oh -uh ... ko berak kot mulu ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel yg perasan diri tu org tak boleh handle

Ha ha ha ha .... kesian , you give yourself more credit than what you are .. ni apa ko bebel :
Ini hujah dari seorang MO dari malaysia takkan lah dengan perempuan pun u tidak boleh handle ..hingga merepek tahap begini ...memalukan MO yang lain saja
LOL ... terasa nampak .... kesian

Bila kena cabar dgn klaim ko iaitu baca bible akan masuk kristian ko melenting bagai org gila

Bila kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali , he he he he ... pulak dah , tak boleh handle pompuan macam ko

Ada 4 org kat sini dok gelak bagai nak pecah perut

Nanti aku panggil lagi 3 .... depa sure akan gelak & kata yg ko ni ada personal problem

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel yg dah mati akai atau memang tak ada akai

*** aku kena tag @sofea_uk ... ko tau tak , lobainita minah sewel kata kita tak boleh handle dia .... joke of the century


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Post time 9-3-2018 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 9-3-2018 01:07 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... patut pon ko dok berpusing kejar backside sendiri. Rupa2 nya ko TAK TAU
- apa t ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dah mula merapu bagaikan org mabuk todi + ketum

Merepek apa ni?
Kalau ikut hujah yang penting isra dan mikraj .... but u tidak boleh buktikan isra itu sendiri .... al aqsa mosque sekarang bukan lah qiblat pertama umat islam lah kan..... 2nd hadith dan al quran mentioned the farthest mosque reffering di mana ? ... percaya haram al shariff sacred holy untuk muslim .... so none ...cuma proclaimed penyanut yahudi saja lah untuk solomon temple  ...sebab u cakap asal kan ada pengakuan patriarch ... di mana di luar haram al shariff .... holy shit gila sam bawa ajaran sesat .....
Ha ha ha ha ... kalo dah ada pengakuan Patriarch of Jerusalem (historical method via enemy attestation) bermakna isu tersebut most likely the truth lah. Kan dah bagi rujukkan ttg historical method

Oops .. ko ni kureng fasih english ... kot2 sampai skg ko tak paham.

Isu skg senang aje ... ko dok berpusing kejar backside ko pasal
(1) TAK TAU apa tu mesjid
(2) mati2 klaim Nabi Sulaiman(as) kapiak
(3) TAK TAU apa isra miraj

Kelemahan adalah pada diri ko bukan org lain ... apa pon ko tak paham tapi nak mengencing aje

Kan dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel dok berpusing kejar backside sendiri


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Post time 9-3-2018 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 9-3-2018 02:11 PM
Apa tak nya , Nabi Sulaiman(as) tu percaya pada Allah & hanya sembah Allah , Jadik dia muslim
Apa  ...

Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel yg betul2 dah konfius & clueless

Ni apa yg ko dok merapu :
Yahudi orthodox sekarang  islam ?....

2nd mereka terima alquran sebagai holy book ? ...

3rd  Mereka baca tahiyat  depan wailing wall?...

4th.mereka mengaku nabi muhammad nabi akhir zaman?

5th.Muslim pernah preaching  kepada mereka yang solomon adalah islam ?...sebab semua self proclaimed dari agama islam

6th. Heraclious,cesar dan patriarch modestus bertukar agama kepada islam? Sebab u cakap mereka enemy enemy lah sangat sewaktu umar al khattab tunggang donkey ke jerusalem untuk ambil kunci dan perjanjian if not mistaken ...beliau di jemput untuk bersolat di gereja kan ...di situ u kantoi kan gila sam ....

But good news nya persian empire yang pernah jajah jurusalem pemerintah memeluk islam ...termasuk lah yang tawan patriarch zacheriah dan di gantikan dengan modestus...  .... habis penganut majusi yang sopan santun agama keamanan itu pupus di iran tinggal some lari ke india
Nanti lobai ada terseronok sendiri pula.... btw ajaran agama majusi sangat sama dengan ajaran agama islam berbanding agama abrahamic yang lain cuma mereka tiada gunakan kitab 3 kitab seperti yahudi dan christians .... the rest hampir sama... seperti bersolat,5 pillars,lain lupa.... salah satu yang penting mereka tiada hadith transmission seperti mereka ini ganas sedikit my mean pemerintah ...sebab tiada hadith untuk ikut sunnah nabi....LOL... sebab itulah mereka mudah mempercayai islam agama yang bener ............

I'm done..LOL

Nah... kan...mereka ahli kitab saja ...mereka bukan islam ...
(1) Macamana yahudi orthodoks boleh jadik Islam ... cuba jelaskan

(2) Ada ke yahudi yg terima Quran sebagai holy book?

(3) Ada ke yahudi baca tahiyat depan wailing wall?

(4) Ada ke yahudi mengaku Nabi Muhammad(saw) sebagai rasul?

(5) Tu pasal aku tanya ko ... apa tu Islam ... sampi skg ko takut jawab

(6) Heraclius & patriarch tu peluk islam? Kan dah kata enemy's attestation ... ko ni dah betul2 sewel ... ada problem ke kalo Caliph Umar(ra) dijemput solat kat gereja ... apa jawapan caliph tersebut .... jeng jeng jeng

(7) LOL ... tetiba majusi lah , iran lah , bersolat lah , 5 pillars lah .... nampak gaya personal problem ko dah dtg balik .. ko ada ambil ubat anti depressant ke?

Ha ha ha ha ... you have been done in a long time ago , benda basic macam apa tu Islam pon ko dah kantoi ... takut pulak tu nak jawab

Hanya ego ko aje forcing you to go on ... padan muka ... kan dah malu dgn terhina sekali

Abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , gopren ko dah angkat bendera putih ... ko tak mau masuk selamatkan dia ke ... kesian dia dok menangis sorang diri
Kah kah kah .... lobainita minah sewel baru sedar diri tu dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali


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Post time 9-3-2018 06:20 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 9-3-2018 03:01 PM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel yg perasan diri tu org tak boleh handle

Ha ha ha ha .... kesian ...

Kahkahkah..Minah Sewel perasan dia ciridik, org tak boleh handle...

Minah ni peserta Maharaja Lawak Mega 2018 kaa ??

Dia ingat org2 kagum la bila tunjuk passport US...hahaha.

Hanya org mentality pprt ajer yg suka tunjuk2,
dgn org2 Kg Railway boleh la dia nak eksyen.

Kalo akak malu , dah ler pemahaman English ke laut,
hujah merapu2 terlompat sana sini ubah topik..

Kita kena banyak2 bersabar berdepan dgn pejuang2 Kistian
Badigol perasan ceridik semoga mereka sedar diri suatu hari nanti.

Fuuuyooooo...Minah Sewel ada passport US laaaaa..  

Tapi Bongokk


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Post time 9-3-2018 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sofea_uk at 9-3-2018 06:38 PM
Dwdrum replied at 9-3-2018 02:46 PM
Silap abrahimic relligion hubung kait dengan marduk .... i perlu recall semula

Minah Sewel pergi ke marduk pulakkkk  dahhh..
Sis dah amek obat sirap ke belom ??

Kalau u baca dari page depan mereka quotebible minta di mana jesus claimed tuhan ...  dalam buku yang samamereka claim muhammad nabi akhir zaman bukan jesus  ... hebatpenganut satu ini  kalau boleh claim dan pusing ...sedang kan terang terang dalam bible jesus yang terakhir ...

Punyala konfiden dan kata terang2 dlm Bible, Jesus yg Terakhir..

Sila tunjukkan BUKTI ayat2 Bible yg mengatakan Jesus yg Terakhir.

sedang kan terang terang dalam bible jesus yang terakhir ...

Sampai skrg yillekkk.

Mana dia BUKTI ayat Bible tersebut sis Minah Sewel Tongdram Kosong.??  

Kejap lagi masukla tukang sorak tersohor Loyer Badut Mydin macam Pondan Tua
kena tahan Polis dgn mata terkebil2 datang bekap gopren dia kena kutuk..

Kesian akak tengok , dulu2 Pondan Tua tu kata ramai org2 kagum dgn hujah dia,
skrg ni Badut Bowtie  hanya taraf tukang sorak ajer…

Hihihi…Minah Sewel dah macam ayam togel terkincit2 lari tak cukup tanah.

Mana mau lari haaaa Minaachi..

Memang SAH la kau ni kaki kelentong kencing kuat sampai retak simen toilet bowl !! .

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Post time 10-3-2018 01:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 8-3-2018 11:27 PM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel yg betul2 dah konfius & clueless

Ni apa yg ko dok merapu :

Ha ha ha ha ... you have been done in a long time ago , benda basic macam apa tu Islam pon ko dah kantoi ... takut pulak tu nak jawab

I tahu apa itu islam ... but secara rational nya islam tidak perlu mengguna kan akal untuk berfikir .... terus claim semua sapu bersih last last hujah yahudi dan christian seleweng kitab

Hanya ego ko aje forcing you to go on ... padan muka ... kan dah malu dgn terhina sekali.....

I rasa u guys yang tidak tahu malu ...2nd bukan kah quran tidak complete tiada hukum rejam and then terpaksa quote bible

Abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , gopren ko dah angkat bendera putih ... ko tak mau masuk selamatkan dia ke ... kesian dia dok menangis sorang diri

Kalau tidak tabur fitnah bukan u kan gila sam .... u should check otak u gila sam ... tercirit hingga perlu tabur fitnah .....hina nya hidup u sehingga level ini u perlu buat untuk menang hujah ....

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Post time 10-3-2018 01:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 9-3-2018 09:46 AM

Ingat kan hujah tentang fact yang keluar tentang solomon itu islam.... rupa rupa nya hanya mampu keluar hujah 'apa itu islam'

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Post time 10-3-2018 01:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 9-3-2018 10:42 AM
sam1528 replied at 8-3-2018 11:13 PM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel dah mula merapu bagaikan org mabuk todi + ketum

Merepek apa ni? ...

Ha ha ha ha ... kalo dah ada pengakuan Patriarch of Jerusalem (historical method via enemy attestation) bermakna isu tersebut most likely the truth lah. Kan dah bagi rujukkan ttg historical method
Oops .. ko ni kureng fasih english ... kot2 sampai skg ko tak paham.

Tapi kan gila sam u tidak rasa kan enemy atestation u tidak cukup bukti ....

1. Tiada evidence buraq itu wujud
2. Bagaimana u mahu claim peristiwa berlaku .... even patriarch bukan eyewitness pun
3. Buraq salah landing lah gila sam (itu pun kalau u boleh bukti kan buraq itu wujud ) bukan al agsa mosque (haram al sharif ) i ikut bukti yang di claimed di dalam al quran dan hadith the farthest mosque... u pula bagi hujah solomon yang bina bayt al magdis ....serious gila sam ? ..... sebab itu lah i tanya nabi solat di mana...yang ini u cuba lari ....

Bet ha migdash.... solomon yahudi so i guna kan jewish literature ....

The Arab grammarians classify masjid as "ism makan", i.e., "name of location"; it indicates the place where an action takes place. Masjid being derived from the root sa-ja-da (to prostrate), it means "place of prostration". Since a place of worship is a place where believers prostrate to God, "masjid" is a general term to designate any place of worship without any religious distinction. Later, this word was used to designate Islamic places of worship in particular, i.e., the mosques.

Since prostration is the most honourable act in prayer because of the nearness of the servant to his Lord, the name of the location was derived from it. This is why we call it masjid [location of sujud / prostration] and not marka` [place of ruku` / inclination].[7]

. Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa: A Place Of Prostration For Jews
The Qur'an refers to al-Aqsa as a masjid, a place of prostration. Was this place used for prostration in early times?

Al-Masjid al-Aqsa and the surrounding area (i.e., Dome of the Rock among others) is usually identified with the place where the Temple of Solomon once stood. Bet ha-Miqdash, as the Temple is usually known in Jewish literature, was primarily a place of assembly for the entire people, for purposes of sacrifice, prayer, and thanksgiving. It is in the prayer ritual that prostrations were performed by the priests. Encyclopaedia Judaica provides an interesting account of the prayer ritual by the priests of the Temple.

The priest who had gathered the coals entered the sanctuary first, scattered them over the incense altar, prostrated himself, and departed. Then the priest who was chosen by lot to offer the incense entered, bearing the pan of incense in his hand. He was accompanied by a priest appointed for this task who instructed him in the proper ritual, and he did not offer it until he was told: "Offer the incense!" The officiating priest waited until the space between the hall and the altar was cleared of people, offered up the incense, prostrated himself, and departed (Tam. 6; Kelim end of ch. 1). During the offering of the incense in the sanctuary, the people used to gather in the azarah for prayer, and even outside the Temple these times were set aside for prayer (cf. Luke 1:10; Judith 9:1). After the departure of the priest who had offered the incense, all the priests filed into the sanctuary, prostrated themselves, and went out again.[15]
It is interesting to note that the Temple was considered as the only place of prostration by some Rabbis and that they would refuse to completely prostrate outside the Temple in Jerusalem.[16]

The Jewish concept of worship has extensive vocabulary, out of which hishtahawah, "to prostrate oneself," is the most frequently used in the Hebrew Bible (86 times).[17]

4. Buraq boleh bawa nabi ke syurga dan pulang ssmula di dalam 1 malam di dalam bentuk physical

I perlu kan pot mungkin untuk digest apa yang u cuba hujah kan ...LOL....

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Post time 10-3-2018 01:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Itu lah... perlu berbuat baik dengan israel kan..... mahu masuk jerusalem seperti tikus ..LOL.....

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Post time 10-3-2018 01:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 9-3-2018 10:05 AM
sam1528 replied at 8-3-2018 11:01 PM
Ha ha ... lobainita minah sewel yg perasan diri tu org tak boleh handle

Ha ha ha ha .... kesian ...

*** aku kena tag @sofea_uk ... ko tau tak , lobainita minah sewel kata kita tak boleh handle dia .... joke of the century

Oooooooo.......'kita' ..LOL .... u scandal dengan pakar penis itu yea? ...sedang kan i cakap pada u saja pengecut lobai seekor ini perlu tag lobainita untuk backup ...Loooooooooooool..........

Bukan fitnah tau.. i tanya dulu ....

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Post time 10-3-2018 06:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ever since the Persian occupation, when the Jews had resumed worship on the platform, the Christians had used the place as the city rubbish dump. When `Umar reached the old ruined gates of the Temple, says the Muslim historian Mujir al-Din, he was horrified to see the filth, "which was then all about the holy sanctuary, had settled on the steps of the gates so that it even came out into the streets in which the gate opened, and it had accumulated so greatly as almost to reach up the ceiling of the gateway." The only way to get up to the platform was to crawl on hands and knees. Sophronius went first and the Muslims struggled up behind. When they arrived at the top, the Muslims must have gazed appalled at the vast and desolate expanse of Herod's platform, still covered with piles of fallen masonry and garbage.[21]

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Post time 10-3-2018 06:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The Christian attitude towards Jerusalem can be understood by reading the New Testament. Paul's Epistles and the Book of Revelation may have defined a theological framework for the attitude towards Jerusalem, but the two synoptic Gospels of Luke (19:42-44) and Matthew did more than that. They also provided guidelines for political or quaispolitical actions after Christianity became the officially established religion of the Roman Empire. The Gospels relate how Jesus rebuked his disciples when they admired the Temple's beauty from the Mount of Olives: "His disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the Temple. But he answered them, 'You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left any stone upon another.'" (Matthew 24:1-2).

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Post time 10-3-2018 07:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 9-3-2018 03:39 PM

Post gila sam #389

Apa problem dgn buraq? Aku percaya ttg 'Isra Miraj' pasal ia adalah sebahagian dari rukun iman & ada pulak evidence

Sam cakap ada evidence buraq .... tiada peer review kah mungkin nasa atau spaceX akan kagum 1 night journey

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Post time 10-3-2018 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 10-3-2018 01:33 AM
Ha ha ha ha ... you have been done in a long time ago , benda basic macam apa tu Islam pon ko dah  ...

Ha ha ... lobainta minah sewel hanya mampu bagi 'token resistance' ... dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali

I tahu apa itu islam ... but secara rational nya islam tidak perlu mengguna kan akal untuk berfikir .... terus claim semua sapu bersih last last hujah yahudi dan christian seleweng kitab
Ha ha ha ha ... lagi sekali cakap tanpa bukti ... hanya org yg yg separuh akai yg mabuk todi aje cakap macam ni. Last2 bila tanya apa tu Islam , lintang pukang lari sampai tak cukup tanah nak lari

This is pathetic

I rasa u guys yang tidak tahu malu ...2nd bukan kah quran tidak complete tiada hukum rejam and then terpaksa quote bible
He he he he ... betul kata @sofea_uk , nampak gaya ko ni peserta favourite utk menang maharaja lawak mega 2018

Hmmm , Quran tak complete tanpa hukum rejm .... cuba ko jelaskan macama ni ... oops don't tell me , ini modal dari lobai king of tunggeng @katowjo , yg mati2 klaim ttg kambing makan cebisan ayat rejm ikut the non existant 'hadith bukhari' therefore Quran tak complete tapi tak tau yg Suhuf Hafsah dah wujud sebelum Nabi Muhammad(saw) wafat ... malu oooi

Bila kata ko buta Quran pasal tak tu ttg konsep abrogation , ko marah tapi itu adalah reality

Kalau tidak tabur fitnah bukan u kan gila sam .... u should check otak u gila sam ... tercirit hingga perlu tabur fitnah .....hina nya hidup u sehingga level ini u perlu buat untuk menang hujah ....
LOL , tak mengaku kalah lagi .... ok , teruskan lah kencing mengencing ko tu

Abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , @Maideen. , pon dok togok kencing ko .... sampai 'eeerrrrrkkk' sendawa you

Hang kan gopren dia ... dia kena lah backup ko

Kah kah kah .... luahan hati yg sungguh sedih dari lobainita minah sewel


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