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Author: Jelita

[V47] ~ ALL ABOUT NUR FAZURA ~ FOREVER FAZBULOUS ~ Next as MINA in 'Revenge of t

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Post time 29-8-2019 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sora13 at 29-8-2019 02:27 PM

movie Dora the explorer tu dia bagi 3.5...


the new paper sg - jeanmarie tan, entertainment editor

Local director Glen Goei returns after a decade with his first horror film, set against the backdrop of 1965 Malaysia.
A small village helps a couple (Remy Ishak and Shenty Feliziana) prepare for their wedding day, but a slew of deadly supernatural happenings forcethe husband to confess to the murder of a girl he made pregnant years ago, now believed to have returned as a Pontianak (Nur Fazura in a dual role).

This fresh spin on the classic Malay folklore humanises the bloodthirsty spirit as a betrayed woman fuelled by vengeance.

Malaysian star Nur Fazura is a sight to behold in flashbacks, and yet spine-tingling as the Pontianak thanks to make-up and wardrobe.

The riveting, gorgeously-shot film is coupled with an enchanting soundtrack that intensifies the poignant scenes.

Still, it cannot get away from a cliched premise and dialogue, and rather wooden acting. - JASMINE LIM - 3 Ticks


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Post time 29-8-2019 08:00 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 29-8-2019 08:07 PM | Show all posts
mungkin sebab tu kot dalam beberapa review semua komen lakonan agak stiff termasuklah lakonan faz. aduuhhh!



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Post time 29-8-2019 08:41 PM | Show all posts
Revenge of the Pontianak

Time Out says
4 out of 5 stars

Hell hath no fury like a Malay Mina(h) scorned – and back from the dead.

Revenge of the Pontianak marks acclaimed Singaporean director Glen Goei’s return to the big screen since the release of his 2009 murder mystery The Blue Mansion. Co-directed with Malaysian actor and director Gavin Yap, the film looks at Southeast Asia’s most famous horror icon but humanises her with a romantic storyline. Unlike previous Pontianak films, the vampiric spirit in Revenge of the Pontianak is reimagined through a contemporary lens as well as a narrative that provides her side of the story – after all, there are always two sides.

Set in a small village in 1965 Malaysia, the film follows a newly married couple whose lives are disturbed by a returning Pontianak who seeks vengeance on the man who murdered her years ago. Malaysian actors Nur Fazura and Remy Ishak take on the lead as the titular role of the Pontianak and her on-screen lover.

Whether it’s known as the Aswang and the Manananggal in the Philippines, Nang Nak in Thailand or Kuntilanak in Indonesia, the Pontianak is the epitome of evil in Southeast Asian ghost-lore. The first Pontianak film was released by Cathay-Keris in 1957 and struck gold in the box-office, resulting in Dendam Pontianak and Sumpah Pontianak. The trilogy became a cult favourite.

Though separated by the causeway, Singaporeans and Malaysians have something in common: the love for horror. Cue the usual suspects: a small kampung (village) in Malaysia, highly religious and superstitious folks and a supernatural creature that haunts everyone for a living (or the undead). And Revenge of the Pontianak features all those essentials. With gorgeous settings and madness that surrounds the kampung, there’s no denying that the film slides between the lyrical and the chaos. But what tops it all of is the stunning visuals.

If you’ve seen films like In the Mood For Love and Hero, it won’t come as a surprise that the cinematography for Revenge of the Pontianak stood out the most as the visual consultant behind it is none other than acclaimed Australian-Hong Kong cinematographer Christopher Doyle. Along with fellow cinematographer Jon Keng, the product is a visual dream. Each scene is painted in saturated colours that compliment each other, and the detailed art direction makes the film a work of art. While keeping the storyline an old-school classic tale of revenge, the palate of the film adds a contemporary tone that well brings out the emotions and scenes at play – whether its Mina’s bright red kebaya juxtaposed against the earthy tones of the club or the strikingly green and glossy leaves of the banana trees with silver smoke circling them. And what particularly works well is removing the usual white robe, unkempt hair and demon-like face. Instead, the Pontianak carries a piece of her human self – bright red kebaya in turn for a dirty white kebaya, bunned hair for long, shiny hair and brown eyes for yellow ones yet maintaining her original facial features – think well-preserved zombie.

The plot and acting, while not as stellar as the visuals, are forgivable. The plot still follows the cliché, classic tale of revenge, and although it has been given a slight update (hello, feminism), it's subtle. Then again, a film about the vengeful spirit who dies with child or during childbirth should focus on nothing more than ice-cold revenge – after all, revenge is sweeter with a dose of justice. The acting, on the other hand, could have been more convincing by playing on facial expressions and actions rather than relying on the script.

Asian horror, especially those that stem from Southeast Asian folklore, deserves more recognition and screen time. Revenge of the Pontianak allows us to celebrate that. And if we can celebrate the Pontianak trilogy in the 50s and 60s despite the lack of impressive special effects, we can do with this one. Plus, don’t we all just love a feminist icon?



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Post time 29-8-2019 09:40 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 29-8-2019 09:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Kancilkering at 30-8-2019 08:35 AM

X apa lah kita kita Yang karatz akan memuji muji benda Yang betul ....lepas tgk cerita tu lah....
Frust gak berlakon cam nak mati review teruks plak cehhh

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Post time 29-8-2019 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 29-8-2019 11:28 PM | Show all posts

alamak, time nilah tv dalam bilik ofis aku tu rosak. hampeh betul.

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Post time 29-8-2019 11:29 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-8-2019 08:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 25-8-2019 08:52 PM
Wowwwwww! Gojesssss

Empat malam , empat different looks

Kan. Cantik2 dan on point semuanya. Paling suka yg dress RR tu dgn Innai. Yg masa gi show fiziwoo tu pun cantik.
Semualah senang

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Post time 30-8-2019 08:48 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-8-2019 08:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by alex0991 at 30-8-2019 09:17 AM
sora13 replied at 28-8-2019 10:45 AM
yes, daripada sudut teknikal filem ni menang semuanya. tapi kalau dari segi penceritaannya gagal,  ...

Kan. Tgk gambar2 dan video2 psl filem ni mmg cantik.
Dan filem ni pun katanya  dari sudut pandangan cik ponti.

Terima kasih bnyk2 sora cari n letak all the reviews dekat sini.
Semua reviews iols baca je.
The bad, the good, pujian dan kritikan terhadap lakonan Faz dan filem DP.
Gitulah...masing2 punya pendapat tersendiri.

Apa yg penting iols tak sabar yach nk gi tgk kat pawagam bulan 9 nnti. Nak tatap muka Faz puas2.
Lps ni ntah bila lg nk tgk dia berlakon. Jangan kan dkt pawagam kat tv pun ntah bila.

***ape masalah forum ni hah? Bnyk iklan. Time nk reply pun keluar. Rimas.

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Post time 30-8-2019 09:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Assalammualaikum, Salam Jumaat semua

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Post time 30-8-2019 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Village horror heightened with mystery
The Straits Times29 Aug 201993 minutes/Opens today/ John Lui

REVENGE OF THE PONTIANAK (PG13) The story: From time to time, cinematic monsters from decades past are pulled from the crypt, freshened with modern computer graphics and reintroduced into the wild.

The list includes Frankenstein’s creature and the Wolfman. The most ambitious attempt yet happened in 2017, with The Mummy, starring Tom Cruise.

Co-writers and directors, Singaporean Glen Goei and Malaysian Gavin Yap, are doing the same with an Asian favourite, the pontianak. In one popular version of the folk tale, she is a woman who dies giving birth and thus seen as unfulfilled and incomplete, so she commits murder while consumed with rage, shame and grief. In Korea, a man who dies without marrying is liable to come back because, like the pontianak, he has unfinished business.

The scolding morality of the tales – a person is a failure, doomed to haunt the earth, if he or she dies without performing their reproductive duty – is passed over here in favour of a more direct motivation.

Without giving too much of the plot away, this version enriches the standard 1960s story by weaving into it a mystery-thriller element . The audience knows who the killer is (the clue is in the title), but the reason and need for the revenge is the suspense hook.

That hook does sustain interest, helped along by shock killings at the hands of the ghoul, who remains mostly model-beautiful throughout. It is an ambitious horror technique – the uncannily beautiful can be as unnerving as any monstrous creature, if the context is right.

And the team mostly scores on this account, thanks to the creative use of practical effects, such as dramatic lighting that throws the jungle into silhouette and the use of fog effects.

In what feels like a post-production rejig, the film tries to inject scares with shock reveals and speakerrattling bursts of soundtrack, intrusions that break the tone of creepy melancholy that the film-makers have clearly taken pains to establish.

This is by no means a realistic take on folklore. The camera work is deliberately old-school steady and surfaces look buffed and pristine. The make-up and wardrobe design mimic the pomaded and corseted look of the 1960s originals. The team does not let its chance at the use of colour go to waste – the original movies were monochrome – so things that need to pop, pop. These include the verdant jungle and Mina’s (Nur Fazura) figure-hugging kebayas.

The mixed bag of acting styles from the supporting players, which range from the understatedly naturalistic to the overtly theatrical, causes the weak pacing to become more apparent, but the depth of sincerity of this tribute to the classics and its loving adherence to the form cannot be doubted.

In a small village in 1965, the wedding of Khalid (Remy Ishak) and Siti (Shenty Feliziana) is taking place. Old friends are reunited but the event also stirs troubling memories. Guests meet with a horrific aftermath and soon, one by one, the villagers face the wrath of a mysterious and beautiful woman, Mina (Nur Fazura).

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Post time 30-8-2019 10:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lain org lain pandangan. Kdg2 kita expect to much utk sesuatu film tu with good reviews by film journalist or pengkritik filem. Harap serba serbi tip top. Pengkritik filem ni dia lihat dr byk sudut dan skop. Penceritaan , olahan , lakon layar , skrip , continuity babak ke babak , penataan seni , skor muzik , tatarias set , setting set dll ni belum masuk dr segi delivery setiap pelakon dan chemistry setiap pelakon , lontaran suara , mimik muka , costum pelakon mcm2 la. So for me lain org lain pandangan. Mgkn reviews tu dia hrp DP ni lebih epik , scary or tidak klise mcm film pontianak yg lain.

So jgn jump to conclusion. Sbb kita x tgk lg. Clear you mind. Kdg2 film gagal dr segi penceritaan tp berjaya dr segi teknikal dan lakonan. Belum lg nk kritik psl logik cerita dll.
Iolls bg cth AAC2 Iolls hrp film tu best dan setaraf dgn AAC1 tp sgt2 mengecewakan dr segi penceritaan , babak tp iolls suka dgn mutu lakonan pelakon best dan hidup termasuk Faz. Nak2 film ni dr novel lagi la org nk compare.

So wait and see ... Hrp Sept nnt kita tgk ramai2. Good luck everyone

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Post time 30-8-2019 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Rajin sora tepek reviews...tqvm

Overall aku rasa pengkritik lebih ramai suka dari yg tak suka. Yg tak suka pun komen dia  logik dan boleh di terima

Ya lah...nama pun pengkrtitik, bukan peminat dari library kaka Faz dan bukan juga hater makcik bawang

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Post time 30-8-2019 10:55 AM | Show all posts

Alaa...dah terlepas

aku nak tgk Faz dgn Adam Lee berlakun citer cinta terlarang pompuan senior dgn budak muda...mampuihhh aku kena tembak dgn fans Fattzura

Kalau Faz dgn Fattah tak nampak beza umur.

Karekter Faz tu mesti strong woman sebab dia businesswoman berjaya yg guide hero muda jadi sukses tapi  ending biar sad ending

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Post time 30-8-2019 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 30-8-2019 10:50 AM
Rajin sora tepek reviews...tqvm

Overall aku rasa pengkritik lebih ramai suka dari yg tak suka. Yg ...

so far review yg iols baca mengikut bangsa...hahaha...

kalau Chinese singaporeans mostly suka the movie tapi melayu susah sikit depa nak terima mungkin sbb pada depa pontianak wasnt supposed to be that way. kitakan very possesive about everything hatta jelmaan hantu itu sendiri mesti mengikut apa yang dah biasa kita lihat dan dengar. iols suka ajer baca review tapi selagi iols tak tengok sendiri iols tak boleh nak judge. hehehe....

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Post time 30-8-2019 11:01 AM | Show all posts
miamiot replied at 30-8-2019 10:46 AM
Lain org lain pandangan. Kdg2 kita expect to much utk sesuatu film tu with good reviews by film jour ...

Bnyk filems yg dapat good reviews tak meletop di box office

Dan sebaliknya

Semua bergantung pada genre, citarasa, berapa ramai peminat  dan bnyk lagi faktor

Kita tonton dgn hati terbuka


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Post time 30-8-2019 11:07 AM | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 30-8-2019 11:00 AM
so far review yg iols baca mengikut bangsa...hahaha...

kalau Chinese singaporeans mostly suka t ...

Review yg kata  melayu petik pucuk ubi dan tak hiris tu aku suka...sesuatu yg remeh tapi nampak lack of attention to details
Tapi takdelah slip up yg major macam scene kat kampung zaman kesultanan melaka tiba tiba ada tiang letrik ( contoh saja)

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