Post time 13-10-2013 08:56 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
me_lur posted on 13-10-2013 07:19 PM
Iolss SR je sblm ni.. Tp nk komen gak..
Korg perasan x time zuan melodi intvw AZ n WW, AZ just dudu ...
itu la yg iols try nak sampaikan tghari iols ni penakut...berlapik2 je huhuhu
bila zuan tanya AZ, waswas biasa je la senyum2...n bila was was kena interview AZ byk tgk bawah n tgk bak kata @fayy la kan... xtahu la dlm hati camne....
rienn posted on 13-10-2013 08:53 PM
cari christina aguilera - fighter.. my theme song bila down... heheh...
adoiyai.. oklah utk uols...
christina aguilera - fighter
After all that you put me through,
You think I'd despise you,
But in the end I wanna thank you,
'Cause you've made me that much stronger
Well I thought I knew you, thinkin' that you were true
Guess I, I couldn't trust called your bluff time is up
'Cause I've had enough
You were there by my side, always down for the ride
But your joy ride just came down in flames 'cause your greed sold me out in shame
After all of the stealing and cheating you probably think that I hold resentment for you
But uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do, I wouldn't know
Just how capable I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you
'Cause it
Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter
Never saw it coming, all of your backstabbing
Just so you could cash in on a good thing before I'd realize your game
I heard you're going round playing the victim now
But don't even begin feeling I'm the one to blame
'Cause you dug your own grave
After all of the fights and the lies 'cause you're wanting to haunt me
But that won't work anymore, no more,
It's over
'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
I wouldn't know how to be this way now and never back down
So I wanna say thank you
'Cause it
How could this man I thought I knew
Turn out to be unjust so cruel
Could only see the good in you
Pretend not to see the truth
You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself
Through living in denial
But in the end you'll see
I am a fighter and I
I ain't gonna stop
There is no turning back
I've had enough
You thought I would forget
But I remembered
'Cause I remembered
I remembered
You thought I would forget
I remembered
'Cause I remembered
I remembered
Post time 13-10-2013 09:04 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Hana_Hirokawa posted on 13-10-2013 08:55 PM
kita amik tahu jer pasal AZ n WW.. tp kita umpat pacit ahaha tetiba rasa nak insaf leh git ...
PCQ apa crita? Tak terlayan si tua tu sbab sana sini heboh pasal kes AZ. Last time i jengok dia nye twitter mcm dia hampa...dah tu jwb deqrosenye tweet yg quote psl change must happen in order to grow...pcq ckp something like i hope u will be be with the right people and entah apa lagi tapi sounds like goodbye gitu...tak tau kalau skarang dah love2 balik...diaorg mcm air laut, ada pasang surut...hehehe
nnt bila dh hepi2 balik best jugak kalau kita buat CJ epi 25 kembangkan watak wanda n pak usu...bior izaryl n jannah p hanimun dulu jgn kaco kita..maklumlah bil air dh 9tahun tertunggak...kasi can wanda n pak usu bermadu kasih plak hehhehehe
Post time 13-10-2013 09:10 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
jajahazani posted on 13-10-2013 09:06 PM
nnt bila dh hepi2 balik best jugak kalau kita buat CJ epi 25 kembangkan watak wanda n pak ...
Kita rewrite crita tu...kononnya yg 9 tahun tu mimpi izaryl. Kasi dia motivasi utk sungguh2 carik jannah sbab dia tak nak kawin ngan Damiang n tak nak jaga baby boroi. Baru crita masuk kg cari jannah...pak su, opah, kluarga jannah semua boleh kluar balik.