[SBS] RUNNING MAN [House 5]-Every Sunday 5.20PM [Korean Time]
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eddlisa_uyuk replied at 11-5-2015 08:01 AM
dah tinggal pun ji hyo.....kena lak kwang soo
aahhaa abis arrr
gary pndg cam jeles kan....
gary nya pandangan tu mcm sedih campur jeles masa dia tgk kwang so ngan ji hyo berguling atas karpet tu
aah. hari niee baru ada sub.... selalu hari selasa..
yup...ptg ni maybe nk layan 
ep 246 secret of a fake detective mmg best giler ar episode ni..dh lame x tgk episode mcm ni.mmg suspen giler nk tggu sape la partner ji hyo tu...sbb masing2 duk acting mcm x tahu ape2 psl mission tu
ep 246 secret of a fake detective
opening mmg kelakor abis...sume org terkejut guest tibe2 je muncul dr bawah meja.sume member diberi tepon tuk dgr mission...dlm2 rmai2 ade yg x dpt mission game..ji hyo salah sorang fake detective tu
1st game
detective kena langgar/lompat/buat la mcm mane pon tp yg last tu kena lompat sbb palang tu kayu..last kena amik topi.sape menang dpt klu berkaitan dgn fake detective.ji hyo x tahu mission pakat lompat je palang tu org lain sume duk langgor je.jaesuk, seo joon ngan jong kook menang dpt la hint..1st hint tinggi 185cm...gambar trofi ngn drama script. tgh kwangsoo duk sembang ngan seo joon, jaesuk dan lg sorok kete kwangsoo...mula la duk cari2 kete dia..last2 sukjin jd mangsa keadaan.
2nd game
detective kena cari kad gambar psl movie....main bingo.gary kwangsoo ngan hyun joo menang dpt hint shredded paper S word, big gap age ngan 2 org fake detective.
3rd game
kena cari telefon tuk dptkan hint psl nk rescue acctress tu...ji hyo plak kena cari partner dia dgn hint cramp leg bile dh jupe kena wet finger ltk kat pipi partner nye..sambil ckp sesame oil.haha 1st org yg dpt hint - kena check inner soles kat kasut fake detective. tp kalu salah kasut detective, org tu kena out..haha plok gaduh sgt pi buke kasut dia nk check kot2 ade klu...alih2 kena out.
jaesuk kantoi ngan kwangsoo sbb salah pegang tepon tp syg dia xtau hint psl kasut tu..kalu x mesti dia dah amik kasut jaesuk.
seo joon berjaya dpt hint psal kasut tibe2 teringt kat jaesuk...sume duk kejar jaesuk.alih2 kwangsoo yg dpt..seo joon plok out sbb salah amik kasut hyun joon- detective normal.
rupe2nye mmg betul jaesuk partner jihyo sbb ade hint kat kasut dia nombor 94..ji hyo dpt hint psl inner soles terus cek kasut dia..dpt klu 94 ngan lounge.
rugi kwangsoo x share ngan jongkook..dah la jongkook dh syak ji hyo tu fake detective.kalu x mesti dh menang..jaesuk ngan ji hyo berjaya rescue actress tu.
@loveammar kat sini pon ko lepak ye?
UEE and Kim Joon Hyun to Appear on “Running Man”
On March 12 PD Lim Hyung Taek from SBS‘s “Running Man” revealed, “UEE and Kim Joon Hyun will be on the show as guests and are currently filming.”
They pair will be a part of a mukbang (eating broadcast in which individuals eat very large portions of food) race. It has been revealed that they will be searching for delicious Chinese restaurants in Seoul and Gyeonggi provinces.
In the past, UEE has shown off her athleticism on the show before. On the other hand, this will be the first episode of “Running Man” that comedian Kim Joon Hyun will be guesting on. He will purportedly show off his variety skills through his mukbang.
best ep 246...
sila tengok |
pehhh bikin sakit jantung jek... ingatkan KHJ yg woman abuser tu dtg RM..
hi peminat runningman semua!
iols baru je nk jd peminat/follower runningman ni. sblm ni de jgk sesekali trtgk kt tv2 tu, tp xde la nk folo every episod. tak ingat lak sejak bile.....ttbe jd teruja plak nk folo drg. ni tgk stat tgk dr episod awl2.....now baru smp episod 41yg joong ki kua tu. skrg baru phm knp org fanatik sgt ngn RM ni, sbb penonton pon ble dpt feel bonding drg tu.
arini br trgerak nk cr psl RM kt sni, jmp pon....hehehe.
korang, iols nk tumpang tny la. korg kan lebih tau psl RM ni, sila la beri tunjuk ajar...cewahh hehe
nk tny ni..
1- korg semua ni tgk RM kt mne? kt online ke ade kua tv? channel bpe? iols just tau yg tv2 tu....tv9 br stat siar episod2 awal. ngn skrg ni iols tgh catch up kt website. uols tgk live ke? kt ne?
2- skrg ni drg msh shoot lg ke uols? skrg ni da siar episod bpe? |
knp ek ji hyo skang x best... compare ngn awal2 dulu... asal boleh je... skang ni yg iols tgk bersungguh2 cuma jong kook, jae suk, sukjin ngn kwangso.. haha jihyo n gary mcm malas je... padahal dulu dowang la penyeri kt running man |
yang episode fake detective tu... paling tak bleh blah part Haha out...
gelak guling2 aku  |
shida81 replied at 13-5-2015 01:45 AM
knp ek ji hyo skang x best... compare ngn awal2 dulu... asal boleh je... skang ni yg iols tgk bersun ...
ep 244 besttt... blh tgk couple kwangmong puas2... |
tp still x sama ngn dulu2... dulu2 dia all out.....
penat ke.....
BIGBANG in Talks to Appear on “Running Man” for First Time in 3 Years
According to an exclusive report by Sports Today, BIGBANG is looking to make a group appearance on “Running Man,” for the first time in three long years.
Several industry insiders have stated that the group has a “Running Man” appearance coming up, and in a statement to Sports Today on the morning of May 13, an affiliate of SBS Entertainment said, “BIGBANG is going over final details regarding their ‘Running Man’ appearance. The filming date is predicted to be near the end of this month, but it hasn’t been decided as of yet.”
“Running Man” producer Im Hyung Taek also spoke to media, and said, “It hasn’t been confirmed yet. They are currently in discussions for an appearance.”
tq clara sbb tlg jawabkan.
kshowonline tu iols pon tgk kt situ jgk. best dpt catch up semua ep. ingatkan uols semua tgk kt channel2 korea kt astro ke.....maklum ler iols xde astrok huhu.
uols, drg ni a week after shoot trus tayang ek? very fresh la kirenye ek? xde la mcm kite pny keindonesiakekita tu, smp skrg x tayang pon lagi huhuhu.
tq clara, iols akn menepek kt sni nk baca update uols 
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