Reply 1043# ifanonline
Hi Doc,
Saya berkawan dengan this guy for about 8 months. Kenal kat office during a projectdiscussion. Im 28, hes 32.Selama berkawan tu, kami sgt comfortable with eachother and as the closeness grows, I can feel that he is interested. As far as I know, lelaki tak akan put effortskalo dia tak interested kn?
Everyday mmg akan ade morning and gudnite wish from him wpundia busy, he brought me to visit his bestfriend dapat baby kat hospital, ajaklepak., ajak balik kampong dia.. he shared his ups and downs, semua ceritalah dia share dgn sy.. Senang cakap, dia buat mcm2 smpi I fall forhim. Walaupun dia tak cakap apa2 pasal being special, but his actions lead meto that thinking.
Problem is, when I started to fall for him, he’s pullingback. Diam terus.. if I initiated, he will reply but sepatah2.. I tried askinghim if ive done anything wrong, he said none. He said ive been thinking andassuming too much, that if would be safer for him to shut his mouth up. I neverever mentioned about feeling, whats the direction of this relationship etc thatwould scares him away. He is a good guy, and I really fall for him. Sekarang rasasakit betul jiwa ni
My questions: 1)
Why the sudden change? 2)
Is there any hope or I should start my moving onplan?
Thank you ifan. |