banglo berhantu & pelbagai cerita seram #42 {GAMBAR PG17,28&36} 03032011
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Reply 1039# MommyRayyan
kat umh u tu pun mcm ada sesuatu je....beware lah yea ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Reply 1040# idakamaruddin
mmg anchor ke situ? xtau pulak.. |
Reply 1041# pinktriangle
time tu je, after that, xde apa2 dah... tapi x tau la kalau2 org lain, especially adik2 aku yg dok bilik sebelah tu ada terkena. sbbnya, ada suatu ketika, around last year hujung2 jgk, dia takut nak tdo sorg2 dlm bilik dia. xtau la apsal, dia xmau citer. nnt2 la aku risik2kan. tapi yg lain2, mmg xde kena apa2 pun. alhamdulillah. |
time kasih la abg medang bagi aku kacang byk2, aku mmg kenyang la pagi ni, errrrkkk, alhamdulillah ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon8.gif) |
Reply 1041# pinktriangle
geram tgk anak buah akak ni... eee...
p/s: jap lg ai update cerita ye... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
kisah 20:
kisah menganggu dan di ganggu....
Assalamualaikum semua...
harap semua sihat ye..lame gile x update...![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
ok, skg ni aku nk share cerita dr kawan aku ms aku studi dulu....kisah ni berlaku kt area pantai timur..(pantai timur lagi.... ) cerita ni pasal gangguan kat stesen keretapi kt kawasan ni...
mase ni aku nk balik kg, nk balik raya...mase ni kejadian berlaku dlm tahun 2005 mcm tu la...aku mase ni tgh wat diploma lg....aku igt lg, final exam jatuh pas raya..kalau siapa maklum tiket bas kalu bab raya ni cepat je habis..macam goreng pisang panas...so aku ngn kawan aku ni x bernasib baik utk dapat kn tiket...termasuk la tiket bas kampus yg mmg di sediakan utk pelajar pantai timur blk kg...
so alternatif aku naik keretapi lompat, org panggil "gamble"....dr kampus aku nk balik ke kg ni mmg amik mase sgt lame...sbb nk naik bus dulu la, pastu kn tggu keretapi plak....
so dlm tghri aku dpt gak keretapi tanah melayu ni..sgt old skool ok...mcm zaman dulu2....pintu keretapi pn die x tutup...risau aku tgk budak kecik berdiri tepi pintu smbil borak2... ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
tapi ni la transport utama org2 yg duduk kt rail keretapi ni...asik stop je ketapi ni..mcm komuter plak...dlm hati aku ckp ntah bile ntah nk sampai....... pastu aku tgk penumpang die pn byk2 org2 kampung pendalaman...ade yg bw batang tebu pn ade ok....duk depan aku...mcm2 peel........ pstu kawan aku pn ckp la, pemandangan mcm ni mmg common utk die....die pn dulu2 nk g mane2 pn naik ketapi jugak..so die harap aku bertabah... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
ok, panjang sgt aku intro...so bile dlm perjalanan yg sgt mencagukan bontot aku, so aku sampai kt stesen umah kawan aku ni malam dlm kul 8 malam....(aku tumpang umah die sehari sblm makcik aku pick up aku esok nya...) dalam kul 8 malam kami sampai, tp kene tggu abg die dtg amik plak..agak lame la kami duk tercongok kt stesen ketapi tu..sampai la xde org...(kawasan kg, lgpn stesen tu kecik je...kul 9 mlm dh sunyi dah...)
agak lame kami tggu abg die, tp x sampai2.....utk pengetahuan semua, rumah kawan aku ni mmg jauh masuk ke dalam..tu yg lame tu...xpe..xpe...dalam kami melayan perasaan memasing..tetibe aku n kawan aku nmpk sorang lelaki (perwatakan mcm gila) sambil memegang teddy bear yg sgt lusuh, baju compang camping n rambut kusut masai....berlalu sambil bercakap sendiri dan duduk kt hujung kerusi stesen tu....
aku tertarik utk bertanya kt kawan aku perihal lelaki tu....kalu korang nk tau dalam muke die yg x terurus tu, laki tu sgt hensem ok...mmg hensem....aku x tipu....
so, dr boring menunggu abg kawan aku yg x sampai lagi, kawan aku pn buka la cerita....1 hari, ade sorang staff KTMB bertukar kt stesen tu...dlm usia 35 thn mcm tu...die ni sbnarnye ade masalah displin, die ni org KL, ntah ape nth hal die wat tmpt kerja lame..so die kene di tukarkan kt sini...kt hulu org panggil... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
aku name kn die Rahim la ye....Rahim ni mmg gedebe la...die ikut kepala die je nk ckp nk buat..padahal bkn ade jawatan ape pn...cume pekerja biase je...tp die suka act mcm bos...(ni kawan aku cerita sbb abg die ade kawan kt stesen tu) org sume x suke die...kerek semacam je..rase nk tapak kaki je muke die... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
berbalik cerita rahim and org gila tu....sebenarnye org gile ni mmg penduduk tetap kt kawasan kg kwn aku ni...die dulu sgt la terpelajar n berjawatan tinggi...tp xtau knp die terlalu stress ngn kerja die smpai jadi gile..........(ni mak kawan aku cerita kt aku...)
so, aku namekan org gile ni Bad la ye...Bad ade habit yg die suke merayau2 kt stesen keretapi ni pas azam maghrib sampai la pas azan isyak.....xtau la knp, ni org2 kt kawasan tu perhati tingkah laku Bad ni..tp die x kacau org..cume die suke duk sendirian kt kerusi hujung stesen tu...tp xde sape yg nk kacau die or halau die......
cuma si Rahim ni je selalu je x puas hati ngn Bad ni...mcm ayat pernyataan kt atas, aku ckp Rahim ni ade masalah ngn org2 kt tmpt kerja die kn...yg die rase die bujet bagus, pastu kalu die kene marah ngn org atasan, die akan lepas geram kt Bad ni...mcm2 la die buat..mengusik, sorok kn teddy bear Bad ni..tarik rambut...mmg jahat la....
selalu nye Rahim buat mcm tu kalu die kene jage stesen sensorang....kiranye die sorang je la kt situ...smpai menangis2 Bad ni meraung2...sian tau (kawan aku ckp la.... )
so hampir2 tiap2 hari Bad kena kacau, bos Rahim ni pn tau la sbb ramai yg report perangai Rahim yg lahariah ni...so bos Rahim kasi last warning....so Rahim pn x usik dah Bad ni...tp Bad ni mmg degil, walaupun abang2 die marah die datang situ lagi, tp die still dtg lagi...(org gile ape tau kn? )
so satu hari, Rahim ni kena bertugas jage stesen sensorang, mase ni dh kul 12 lebih..sunyi gile la time tu...die xtau nk buat ape layan tv je la...
mase ni stesen ni mmg agak suram je la...lampu di pasang kt tmpt2 tertentu je...bukan semua tmpt..so mmg nmpk skeri la....
Rahim cm biase la, smbil hisap rokok sambil layan tv, tetibe die dgr dr jauh bunyi mcm org berjalan...slow je.....sambil bunyi "ek...ek...ek..." pastu rahim mcm pelik, sape plak yg datang ni...bunyi "ek" ni mcm bunyi selipa budak yg ade bunyi tu...alah kalu jalan die bunyi....
pastu makin lame makin kuat.....pastu tetibe rahim teringat, tu selipar bad si gila.." aik ape org gile ni wat malam kt sini?" rahim mcm seronok bad tu datang sbb die dah xtau nk wat pe...die pk ni satu entertainment utk die malam tu.....
so rahim pn keluar la nk dapat kn bad ni....tetibe die nmpk susuk tubuh mcm bad tu turun ke landasan keretapi...aik pelik...apahal si gila ni wat....pastu rahim biakan dulu, dmungkin bad ni nk lintas rail....bile bad tu turun die pusing kebelakang n lalu kt tepi sepanjang rail tu,..........tetibe bad berhenti, n baring kt tgh2 rail tu..... terkejut la rahim....si gila dah jadi gila...! pastu rahim pn jerit la kt Bad tu suruh bangun n naik kt stesen balik..tp dah name pn org gile, sape nk dgr...so rahim risau la sbb mgkn x lame lg akan ade keretapi yg lalu...die pn turun n dapat kan bad.......
mase rahim turun utk dapat kn bad, sambil lampu suluh yg besar kt tgn, die pn turun n berlari kt bad...tapi yg pelik makin lame makin jauh..padahal kalu dr stesen die nmpk dekat je....die cube lari, tp mcm xsampai2 pulak...aik...pelik ni...bila rase nk sampai kt BAD yg tgh landing baik punye kt rail tu, rahim pn suluh la..suluh pnye suluh bad tu pusing kepala kt rahim.....haaaaaa!! amik kau!! bukan muka rahim, tapi muke hantu yg sangat menakutkan smbil menjelir lidah kt rahim!! ![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif)
rahim ni ape lagi..! terkejut n trbaling lampu tu jatuh.......tetibe die nmpk sume nye gelap...n die bukan ade kt stesen keretapi die tu...sbb mmg btl2 kt tgh2 rail yg gelap gelita ok...xde sape2.....![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
rahim mmg dah takut dh...mcmne die bole ade kt sini...die cube cari lampu yg die bw tu, rupe2 nye dh jatuh tpi semak kt tepi rail tu..rahim cube gagahkan diri nk amik lampu tu, tp xberjaya...tgh2 die usaha nk amik lampu tu, tetibe die nmpk semak gerak2....
ahhh sudah, jgn la ular ke hapa keluar...lain yg die pikir, lain yg die nmpk..rupenye die nmpk kelibat hantu tadi tgh merangkak2 nk dapt kan die.........siap ade bunyi "ek..ek..ek....."
rupenye si Rahim ni dh hilang selama 4 hr dah..org cari die x jupe..sume igt die wat perangai tgglkan stesen n balik KL...tp bile siasat ngn keluarga n teman rapat rahim die xde pn balik kesana.......
ade org kg yg kutip sampah kwasan tu, ternmpk rahim terbaring dlm keadaan yg sgt penat n pucat....org sume kecoh pasal rahim...pas berapa hari rahim di rawat kt hospital, baru la semangat rahim kembali...tu yg start die cerita balik ape yg jadi...
yg peliknye Bad tu mcm biase je, lepak kt stesen ikut timing die..sejak kes rahim tu, ramai gak yg takut ngn Bad, sian kt bad, die dah la xbersalah, kena hukum plak......
tp lame2 org lupe kisah rahim..sbb asalnya mmg rahim tu yg jahat...pas tu, rahim balik semula ke KL..dgr cerita die dh berenti...
dan Bad hidup mcm biase..tp mase aku nmpk bad tu die x pakai plak seliper ade bunyi....mgkn org takut kot, die pakai selipar jepun biase je.... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
sekian utk hari ini.... |
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kisah 20:
kisah menganggu dan di ganggu....
Assalamualaikum semua...
harap semua sihat ye..l ...
idakamaruddin Post at 4-3-2011 10:30 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
pagi, ida..
pergh..cerita ni bikin gue kesereman.tp padan gak muka si rahim tu.sapa soh kaco2 owang.kan dh kena kaco blk. hik3 |
Reply 1047# hakunamatata
org kg pn cakap pasal bende same..die kacau org yg teaniyaa...mmg la kena balik... |
Reply 1046# idakamaruddin
pengajaran buat rahim.....what u give u get back !! :@![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
BETONG: Gangguan kemunculan lembaga berambut panjang di bangunan baru Ibu Pejabat Polis (IPD) Betong di sini, selepas sebulan berpindah ke lokasi itu kini memasuki episod baru apabila makhluk jelmaan menyerupai wanita itu dikatakan beralih angin dan sering merayau di kediaman pegawai pula.![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif)
Jelmaan wanita terbabit dikatakan sering dilihat sekitar kediaman beberapa pegawai IPD berkenaan, malah kelibat menyeramkan itu didakwa turut dilihat penduduk kawasan berdekatan ketika melalui bangunan itu, kira-kira jam 2 pagi.![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
Lembaga itu dikatakan berpakaian lusuh dengan rambut mencecah paras pinggang dan dilihat sering merayau sekitar kediaman pegawai setiap awal pagi sebelum menghilangkan diri.![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif)
Beberapa pegawai di IPD itu mendakwa pernah melihat kelibat wanita berjalan sendirian, malah lebih mengerikan apabila lembaga itu pernah menjenguk kepalanya menerusi tingkap di sebuah kediaman didiami pegawai.![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif)
“Kami pernah melihat kelibat seorang wanita berdiri berdekatan tingkap sebelum menghilangkan diri. Kejadian ini sering berlaku terutama pada awal pagi dan wanita terbabit dikatakan berlegar-legar sekitar kediaman pegawai.
“Boleh dikatakan setiap minggu pasti ada yang melihat kelibat wanita itu. Bukan itu saja, malah dalam lokap pun turut berlaku gangguan tetapi dipercayai oleh makhluk lain,” kata pegawai terbabit yang yang enggan dikenali.
Menguatkan lagi dakwaan itu apabila ada beberapa penduduk berhampiran terserempak dengan lembaga menyerupai pegawai di atas bumbung rumah terbabit.![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
Kejadian berlaku beberapa bulan lalu apabila individu berkenaan melihat kelibat ‘pegawai’ berkenaan di atas bumbung pada jam 2 pagi.
“Namun, tidak lama selepas itu, ‘pegawai’ berkenaan dikatakan menghilangkan diri dan apabila ditanya pada keesokan hari, pegawai terbabit menafikan dia berada di atas bumbung rumahnya pada waktu itu,” katanya.![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif)
Katanya, beberapa anggota bertugas juga pernah melihat kelibat individu tidak dikenali sedang tidur dalam lokap pada waktu malam dan keadaan itu bukan saja membuatkan mereka ketakutan, malah tahanan sendiri merayu supaya dipindahkan ke lokap lain.![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
Sebelum ini, IPD Betong menjadi tumpuan apabila kelibat wanita berpakaian putih dan berambut panjang yang dikaitkan dengan pontianak didakwa sering mengganggu anggota dan pegawai polis bertugas pada waktu malam selepas sebulan berpindah.
Kejadian berlaku beberapa hari selepas IPD berkenaan berpindah ke lokasi barunya kira-kira dua kilometer dari Jalan Kuek Huat Wee bersebelahan Stadium Betong, April lalu.
Sejak itu, satu demi satu kejadian menyeramkan dialami anggota bertugas apabila mereka mendakwa ternampak wanita misteri dalam lokap di IPD berkenaan. Malah, kejadian itu berlarutan beberapa hari selepas itu dengan anggota lain turut mendakwa melihat kelibat lembaga yang ‘menyamar’ rakan setugas mereka.![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif)
Turut didakwa berlaku gangguan menyebabkan seorang anggota penyiasat hampir pengsan dan terpaksa melompat dari tingkap bangunan berkenaan selepas melihat lembaga menyeramkan itu berdiri di depannya. Berikutan itu, pengurusan IPD terpaksa mendapatkan khidmat seorang pengamal perubatan Islam bagi ‘menangkap’ lembaga berkenaan.![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Betong, Deputi Superintendan Mohd Bukhori Saffai enggan mengulas lanjut sambil menjelaskan kes itu bukan berkaitan jenayah.![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif)
BETONG: Gangguan kemunculan lembaga berambut panjang di bangunan baru Ibu Pejabat Polis (IPD) Betong ...
FARISZONE Post at 7-3-2011 13:40 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
baca gak berita ni kat paper td.motipp sokabar pun dh reti tpek cerita hantu???err..![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
Reply 1046# idakamaruddin
aduyai..penceritaan ko ni sungguh sekelakaria...
lagi..lagi..![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
apa kata kita rekemenkan pada pegawai polis kat betong tuh dengan hantukiller... nanti boleh soh hantukiller tuh zassstkan antu tuh....
apa2 pun mintak downpayment 20% dululah...asik kita jer kene pow...bila lagi nak pow polis lak.... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
salam, TT. ash nak tumpang tepek citer. citerni ash dapat dari blog antu dan sangat laseram bagi ash. sori story ni dalam english pastu panjang sket ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
Here is another creepy experience I had during my college time. I remembered this incident like it just happened a few days ago.
It was in 1992 when me and another 2 of my hometown buddies (Yong & Melvin) came down to PJ together to study at one of the colleges near SS2. We found a fully furnish house for rent (it was located just behind the fire station in SS2 facing a small field/playground). Since it was really cheap and near to our college, we took it up and moved in immediately. There were 3 rooms upstairs and one room downstairs near to the kitchen. Melvin took the one room for himself where as me and Yong thought of sharing the room and the other smaller room. Since we only used 2 of the rooms, we decided to rent out the rest of the remaining rooms to minimize our expenditure.
Within the same month all the rooms were taken up. There was 2 girls from Kuching studying in a different college (Carmen and Shian) took up the master bedroom upstairs and the room downstairs was taken up by a working adult (Chan) from Penang who only came to stay when he comes to KL on and off for his work duties. Everything seemed normal for the first few months as everyone were busy with college and studies. In fact, we hardly meet each other in the house except for the 3 of us whom we stick together like a glue all the time. We took the same course and we went to the college the same time and even returned home the same time except for Yong who got a temporary part time job and would always rush off from the house when we got home together. Sometimes during the weekends, me and Melvin would go back to our hometown except for Yong who works during the weekends. However, after a few months, everyone in the house became quite close and we would go for dinner and study together in the hall until late in the night.
One day, Shian became very sick and lasted for a week and was advised by her parents to return home to Kuching leaving Carmen to stay alone for a short moment. That was when things started to get creepy. One night Yong came back late from work and asked me if Carmen was ok because he heard her crying in her room. Both of us went closer to her room door to check on her and we heard the same crying sound. So, I told Yong not to disturb her as she might be having some personal problems and needed privacy. So we went to sleep without any second thoughts.
The very next morning, we bumped into Carmen before going to college and I asked Carmen if she is ok. She look surprised and replied she was fine. In fact she looked normal and there wasn’t a hint of problem from the looks of her face. We went to college after that and decided to tell Melvin what happened the previous night but he just brushed us off and asked us to mind our own business and so we just pretended as if nothing happened.
One day as I needed to finish up something in college, I told my other 2 buddies to leave first. Few hours later after I finished up my work, I went home alone and upon entering the house I saw this lady sitting on the sofa facing the empty TV cabinet. I had to walk pass behind her to go to the stairs and I tried to catch a glimpse or say hello out of politeness but she did not turn around to acknowledge my presence. As I walked straight up to my room, I noticed Melvin was not home and Yong went to report to his part time job as usual. I found Carmen’s room door was still locked with the small little padlock which only meant that she was not home yet. With this, it was only natural that I assumed Chan must have came back to his room. I, however, could not remember seeing his car when I reach home.
When I went back downstairs to collect my clothes which was hung outside to dry behind our house, I could still see the girl sitting on the sofa. While I was there collecting my clothes, I tried to call out to Chan through his window but there was no response. |
Post Last Edit by ashes2ashes at 7-3-2011 20:02
Then Yong came home shortly because he was not feeling very well. It was then I realised the girl was no long there. At that point, I was beginning to feel a little freaked out but I stayed calm instead. When we went upstairs, I could no longer contain my feelings and related to Yong what happened awhile ago. He too freaked out as well. Immediately, both of us decided to search the whole house and found that there were only 2 of us in the house. We decided to keep the incident to ourselves. That night, the 3 of us went out for dinner as Carmen is not home yet. During the dinner, we told Melvin what had happened but Melvin shrugged it off as he didn’t believe in ghost or anything supernatural. We decided to let the whole matter rest although I still felt very uncomfortable about the whole matter since we also realized that Carmen had been behaving suspiciously.
Few days later, Shian came back from Kuching and the following day she and Carmen invited us for dinner. Throughout the dinner both of them kept very quiet which was a little unusual. Shian then suddenly asked Melvin out of the blue if he had brought his girlfriend home recently. Melvin explained to Shian that he didn’t have a girlfriend at the moment. Shian then explained that Carmen had told her earlier that she had first seen the girl in Melvin’s room when he left his room door opened whilst he went downstairs to dry his clothes. Carmen took over the conversation and told us the second time she saw the girl was when the girl was walking out from her room and went straight to Melvin’s room while she was walking up the stairs. Before she could ask the girl why she entered her room, the girl closed the door. Carmen also complained that recently she had heard the girl crying in Melvin’s room and she thought that the both of them had been quarreling.
At that point, we told Carmen that we heard someone crying in her room too! I quickly described to Carmen the girl I saw the other day and she confirmed that exactly the girls she saw as well.
With all that we suggested to find another house to move out as soon as possible and everyone agreed including Melvin who had to follow the majority. That was not before Melvin gave us a piece of his mind by scolding everyone for all the stories and suggested that we behaved like kids who liked to create stories. Everyone selected me to contact Chan about our decision so the next morning I called Chan about our decision. The funny part was Chan didn’t seemed to be curious about our decision but instead asked us to move out as soon as possible. We started looking for new place to move and finally found one not far from the place we stay.
After that, we contacted the landlady of our intention and she came to see us the same night. She asked us why we wanted to move out in such a hurry and we told her we wanted to share a place with other friends and pleading with her to allow us as the tenancy contract was not fulfilled yet. Without any hesitation she agreed to let us go until the end of the month and that was another week to go. We were pretty sure that the landlady knew what was happening since she left us off without any conditions. All of us started packing our things in preparation to move but something happened on one particular night before the last few days.
All of us were sleeping when suddenly we were waken up by a very loud banging sound coming from Melvin’s room as if there was some sort of fighting going on in the room. We heard sounds of shattering glasses and hammering in the room we could hear Melvin shouting and screaming. We immediately went out to check what had happened and saw Melvin suddenly rushing out from his room with his baseball bat on his hand running straight downstairs. He was running and yelling hysterically at the same time when he opened the front door. We rushed to chased after him but he had already ran out of the house but stopped at the playground opposite the house. We ran after him to the playground to check what had happened. The commotion had even woke up our neighbors who came to our aid. Melvin was crying and yelling vulgarity at the house and after some time he finally calmed down. The police even arrived as well to check what had happened. We explained to the police the whole incident and they entered the house and to Melvin’s room. I was shocked to see the whole room was in a mess with the table, chairs and all the window glasses shattered and smashed to pieces. There were blood everywhere and we found Melvin with cut wounds from the shattered glass. One of our neighbor offered him a cup of hot drink and Melvin started talking. I could see him trembling from the shock. Melvin then started telling the police what he had saw.
He said he was awaken by someone touching his face and when he opened his eyes to switch on the bed light, he saw a girl clinging to the room ceiling with her face looking down at him. She then crawled over to the top of the cupboard. When he saw that, he immediately jumped out from his bed to grab his baseball bat. The girl jumped down from the cupboard at the same moment towards him. He used his baseball bat and tried hitting the girl but the girl kept crawling around the room wall and then as sudden as it appeared, it disappeared. That was when he dashed out from his room. We were all so stunned upon hearing what he said. The police, on the other hand, suggested to send him to the hospital. At that point, I could hear one of our neighbor commenting that “the thing” had became more fierce now but I did not bother to ask any further as what happened. The incident had told us everything and it was time to leave the house immediately. The kind uncle next door offered to let us stay in his house for the night. The very next day, we called all our friends to come and help us move out all our things.
We moved into our new house and lived peacefully until we went our own separate ways after our college days. Chan joined us as well at one point and he told us that he saw the girl before standing outside his room window staring back at him. He ignored that and since then, he never come back to stay again. He never wanted to tell any of us his experience because he didn’t want to create any unnecessary fear amongst us. Til today, none of us knew what happened to the house before and we didn’t bother to ask either.
Melvin is now permanently in Australia after his graduation and when the last time we met which was 5 years ago, we still talk about the incident. After this incident we know these things exist, not only in the night but even in the day time and not only in shadows or feeling. They let you see in real. All of us believe now and so does Melvin, the one who never believed once. |
kan... ala2 ju on atau exorcist gitu.. hardcore gila ![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif) |
Reply 877# idakamaruddin
ni mcm bekas u aku je ni. bekas lombong tu.paham2 la.hehehe |
Motip ai br perasan ade update kt rumah ku... |
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