[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)
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Salam!!! Wendunya kat forum ni...bodo punya negara China block forum Cari...hahah
Manada Caribou ...
swotworld Post at 29-11-2010 01:16 
kirim penampar sedas kat oda.. ckp kalau karibu tu jadi Straw Hat Crew aku nk bagi lagi sedas.. haha.. |
Reply 1061# munkyG
serius...kalu karibou tu masuk Mugiwara Crew...rating One Piece akan jatuh.. |
Reply 1053# ___detective___
daripada caribou jadi crew luffy, baik pilih si duval 
hahaha.... mana taw watak caribou jd funny tuk adventure dlm laut ni... nnt nyesal korang duk kutuk die wakakaka... tp aku pon xsuka caribou ... baik ambik arlong  |
Reply 1059# ___detective___
Alamak.... cam something wrong la klu dia buat 3D. Klu dia nk upgrade, aku lebih suka klu dia guna CG cam Final Fantasy tu. |
Reply 1063# minipuff
Klu Duval aku separuh setuju. Tp dia lebih baik dlm rosy life rider tu je la.  |
Reply ___detective___
Alamak.... cam something wrong la klu dia buat 3D. Klu dia nk up ...
cmf_cluesan Post at 29-11-2010 20:03 
aduhaiii... aku kepelikan.. apasal ramai yg xsuka one piece di 3dkan.. alasan diorg ckp wakta one piece terlampau kekartunan.. xmacam final fantasy cam real manusia... tapi bg aku xkisah la xnmpak real manusia tp best woo nmpk 3d... maybe film naruto 2011 pon akan di 3d kan hoho... |
bagi aku, movie 3d ni nampak macam games...  |
apsal dia tak cuba buat live action je? and plz aku nk yang japan version punya.. hollywood sucksssss!!!!!!!!!!! |
stuju..kalu hollywood buat..trus jadi tak best |
Reply 1067# ___detective___
Siyes mmg tak cantik 3D. Aku lebih prefer klu guna CG.  |
Reply 1069# munkyG
One Piece ni klu nk buat Live Action budget tinggi sgt kot... Nak tak nak kena bagi Hollywood gak klu nk buat Live Action, which is going to be terrible...  |
Reply 1070# swotworld
Hollywood klu dia buat movie adaptation suma dia nk americanized, tu yg jadik cam @#$%^&* tu.  |
Reply 1073# cmf_cluesan
Yeah btol...paling aku kecewa adalah Dragon Ball... |
Reply 1074# swotworld
Tingat dlu, dia tangguhkan premier dragonball, sbb dia kata nak improve. sekali kuar.... cam haram....  |
ciet aku seorg je ygxcited dgn one piece 3d.. xjd la ngok kat wayang... biarkan panggung kosong hahaha,,, |
Spoilers OP Chapter 606 : Adventure in the Depth
Sunny is attacked by a jellyfish in the depth
Chopper tries to touch it, but it's poisonous so Franky blows it away with Coup de Burst
Cariboo hides in a barrel while all this is going on, and thinking to himself
"If I kill them here and now, I can't move the ship. When we get to FI that's when you all will meet your end"
But he had his head stuck out of the barrel, and Franky locked him up in the barrel tight lol
Franky notices Cariboo was gooey like mud, and confirms that he's a logia.
As the crew continues their adventure, they come across undersea volcano, a massive angler fish attacks, and a massive giant comes out and whacks the angler fish and tells it not to eat ships.
(T guesses he's a race that Sanjuan Wolf belongs to)
A song is heard from somewhere... A ghost ship appears. The name of the ship is The Flying Dutchman.
It's wandering the sea under a curse.
The name of the captain is Van der Decken.
The reason why the giant seaman scolded the angler fish is because if it eats the ship, they can't get the treasure. So they are enemy afterall.
They tried to attack, but the Kraken comes between them and they get away safely
Looks like Luffy tamed it using Haoshoku haki.
Zoro/Sanji/Luffy are all in one bubble, and they return to Sunny safely
The name of the sea giant is Wadatsumi.
He's a follower of the Van Der Decken.
The name of the Kraken is Surume (Japanese for dried squid dish)
The volcano is about to erupt, and this chapter ends. |
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Post Last Edit by kyouka at 1-12-2010 14:25
pirates of caribbean....
nie kapten kapal the flying dutchman.... |

luffy?.. |
pirates of caribbean....
nie kapten kapal the flying dutchman....
kyouka Post at 1-12-2010 02:22 PM 
citer tu pun amik dari lagenda lanun dunia..dorang rujuk gak kisah2 lanun dulukala.. |
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