Love Doc: Q & A Here (Especially for the Ladies)
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veevee2013 posted on 22-12-2012 11:39 PM
oklah saja je nak try soalan mudah.
vee ada masalah 'conflict of interest' dgn hubby.
hi veevee,
soalan2 awak amat menarik perhatian saya dan sangat2 mencuit hati saya di pagi isnin ni...do u know what? it seems that your problem is a very2 common problem among all married couples...so don't worry, sesuatu yg amat2 normal...hehe
sorang suka nature, sorang suka shopping...hmm..jgn risau, dlm hidup berumahtangga kena cari titik persamaan, common interest to both of u...
i can give u an idea...u suka shopping kan? dier suka nature kan? why not find a shopping place dekat2 nature? contohnya Suria KLCC atau Alamanda Putrajaya? U can start both ways samada shopping dulu atau pegi nature dulu...tell your husband, kalau nak pi relaks2, pegi ke taman bunga dulu ke, tepi tasik ke, etc...and then pegi shopping...
but not all the time u pegi shopping kan? the other thing is, looking at an economical point of view, kurang shopping lebih bagus for both of u...duit boleh simpan utk pendidikan anak2 and other emergency related events...
personally, i love both activities...nature and shopping...so i extremely understand what both of u are going through...
ifanonline posted on 24-12-2012 08:59 AM
hi veevee,
soalan2 awak amat menarik perhatian saya dan sangat2 mencuit hati saya di pagi isnin ...
tq for the idea..kena cari area yg boleh buat dua-dua aktiviti la nie..
tapi yela i still believe ni mmg common issue between married couple. bukan me myself sorang yg hadapi. the positive side bila ada kontra2 ni, boleh save duit gak ye... kalau dua-dua kaki shopping pun mengah jugak tiap2 bulan.. |
lea_kdo posted on 25-12-2012 03:37 AM
hi. my name is N. i'm the one yg menghadapi masalah ni. i pinjam my bff (lea) punye id sbb i malas ...
Hi Lea,
You need to ask yourself, do u, or do u not like him? in a competitve world today, u need to take the bull by its horn...jgn malu2, siapa malu tidak akan dpt sesuatu...try and communicate with him, kalau benar2 dier tak berminat, until then baru u cabut lari...i've always believe in pepatah 'belum cuba belum tahu' and 'hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih'
8 Things You Must Give Up to Find Peace
“Peace cannot be kept by force;
it can only be achieved by understanding.”
–Albert Einstein
Peace of mind transpires and thrives when you let go of the things that limit your growth and happiness.
You work for this peace every time you give up…
1. Old regrets and excuses.
You can’t always choose what happens to you, but you can always choose how you feel about it and what you do about it. You don’t have to be defined by the things you did or didn’t do in the past. Don’t let yourself be controlled by regret. Maybe there’s something you could have done differently, or maybe not. Either way, it’s merely something that has already happened.
Be done with these old regrets; they’re just an excuse for people who have failed, and failing only happens if you learn nothing and give up. Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making these empty excuses.
Think about it, you rarely fail for the things you do. You fail for the things you don’t do, the business you leave unfinished, the things you make excuses about for the rest of your life. Read Awaken the Giant Within.
2. The burning desire to have all the answers.
Accept the feeling of not knowing exactly where you are going, and train yourself to love and appreciate this sensation of freedom. Because it is only when you are suspended in the air, with no destination in sight, that you force your wings to open fully so you can fly. And as you soar around you still may not know where you’re traveling to. But that’s not what’s important.
What’s important is the opening of your wings. You may not know where you’re going, but you know that so long as your wings are spread, the winds will carry you forward.
3. The false hope of a pain-free life.
Pain is a part of life, and life’s pains have many shapes and sizes.
There’s the cold feet pain of moving on ‒ graduating, taking the next step, walking away from the familiar and into the unknown. There’s the sharp growing pains of trial and error, of failing as you learn the best way forward. There’s the immense, dizzying pain of life slapping you in the face when everything you thought you knew wasn’t true, or everything you had planned for falls through.
There are the more ambiguous aches and pains of successes, when you actually get what you had hoped for, but then realize that it’s not quite what you had envisioned. And then, from time to time, there are the warm, tingling pains you feel when you realize that you are standing in a moment of sweet perfection, a priceless instant of achievement or happiness which you know cannot possibly last ‒ and yet will remain with you forever.
Even though so many folks forget, pain is actually a good thing. It means you’re breathing, and trying, and interacting with the endless possibilities in this world. Pain is for the living only; it’s worth fully accepting and dealing with while you still have a chance. Read Radical Acceptance.
4. Ties to insensitive people.
People are extremely difficult to change.
Throughout your lifetime people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Don’t consume yourself with trying to change them or win their approval. And don’t make any space in your heart to hate them. Simply walk away and let karma deal with the things they do, because any bit of time you spend on them will be wasted, and any bit of hate in your heart will only hurt you.
5. Obsessing yourself with negative news.
For every prominent newscaster who howls about how bleak and unjust life is, there are thousands of other people behind the scenes working tirelessly to make a positive difference in the world. For every disheartening crisis that is breathlessly reported, there are thousands of real, meaningful success stories that don’t get the attention they deserve, but that have an enormous positive ripple effect on humanity.
Try not to obsess over the negative news; learn from it and use your knowledge to work your way eagerly toward a brighter tomorrow. Life does get better and better when you choose to make it so.
6. The belief that fulfillment resides in the end result.
Fulfillment is not a matter of achieving a specific goal. It is a matter of mindfully enjoying the process required to achieve that goal. Fulfillment flows from focusing your life around specific and authentically held intentions – ideas and activities that genuinely speak to your purpose. When these intentions are clear, consistent and meaningful, you have sufficient means to bring fulfillment and joy to your life, whether you ever fully achieve your intended goal or not.
In other words, the right journey is the destination.
7. Measuring your success by material wealth.
We’re bombarded with images of stuff, with the implication that this stuff somehow elevates personal value and success. So I encourage you to think about how much of your self-worth is connected to owning, giving, and getting STUFF. Because truthfully, success, happiness, and peace of mind have little to do with STUFF.
So what does help create these things?
To laugh often and love genuinely. To respect others and judge less. To win the affection and sincere smiles of children. To earn the regard of honest peers and endure the betrayal of fake friends.
To appreciate the beauty surrounding you wherever, whenever you are. To find the good in people and situations. To give what you can and leave the world a little better than you found it. To have explored ideas and passions and sung at the top of your lungs with jubilation. To know that at least one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is what makes a life successful. This is how happiness and peace of mind are attained. Read The Untethered Soul.
8. The need to keep everything the same.
Things change. People and circumstances come and go. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.
Life moves very fast. It rushes from calm to chaos in a matter of seconds. It happens like this to people every day. It’s happening to someone right now.
Sometimes the shortest split second in time changes the direction of our lives; a seemingly innocuous decision rattles our whole world like a meteorite striking Earth. Entire lives have been swiveled and flipped upside down, for better or worse, on the strength of an unpredictable event.
Most of the time these changes come when you’re not asking for them and not expecting them, but they happen. So are we helpless? Are we puppets? No. These changes are going to come; you can’t help that. But it’s what you do afterwards that counts. That’s when you grow; that’s when you find out who you truly are.
So when you find yourself standing on a threshold, the crossing of which will seemingly change everything, don’t fight it. Begin the next chapter in your life.
Last edited by ifanonline on 31-12-2012 01:24 PM
salam..en.ifan...im interesting wit ur thread....and i have questions..
i'll try to make it short..
aku ada kenal sorg guy ni..he is a single father wit 2 kids (5-9 yrs old)...
aku kenal dia baru dlm 2 bln lah.dia ni mmg tngah mencarik calon isteri lah,last dec dia ada dtg jumpa aku,sanggup dtg dr jauh (utara)..
itu 1st time kami jumpa..
mslhnya,selepas dia balik semula ke sana,dia mmg selalu contact,sms,tiap2 hr mesti ada even sms jer..
dia confessed dia btol2 suka aku,then aku bgtahu dia kita berkwn dulu,kenal2 perangai masing2..
sbb instinct aku seperti aku ni x yakin nak terima dia sebab anak2 dia ni bkn normal seperti yg lain (autisme)..
bg aku bkn mudah nk jd ibu pd ank2 ni,kena sabar 200%..aku ada tnya pasal ank dia ni..
dia ada cerita yg ank dia ni jenis pendiam,more to learning disabilities,dan boleh bergaul dgn kanak2 lain,mcm main sama2..so almost normal lah..
tp aku dah explain pd dia,kita berkwn dulu dan aku rasa aku x mampu nk pikul tnggjwb tu,berat bg aku..
dan sekarang ni makin kerap dia call/sms aku even aku x mulakan dulu pon..
dia terus terang lah,dia suka aku,nak aku jd isteri dia..
now he is pursuing his masters..x habes lg..jdik aku encourage dia habes kan study dulu (tp sebnanya aku nk elak dia tnya lg pasal kawen2 ni)..
so,dr segi level of edu,aku mmg same level dgn dia..
tp problemnya,aku mcm x boleh ngam dgn dia,dia ni pendiam sngt dan aku perlu pancing dia berckp.
aku ni pon bkn talkative tp aku pon bkn pendiam sgt...average laa..aku akan berckp bnyk bila msnya sesuai....dan diam bila keadaan x sesuai...
dia selalu bgtau yg aku selalu buat dia happy..sbb aku ni kdg suka buat joke yg sengal2..
dia mcm bersemngt plak nk abeskan study dia,smgt dgn life dia..aku fhm dia runsing dgn prob ank2 dia..lg2 single father..
kalau aku x layan,x angkat call/sms..mcm serba salah plak..
tp yg pastinya aku x mampu nk terima dia skang ni....
dia plak jenis x berkwn sgt dgn ppn..
dr observation aku,dia seorg yg ada agama,background family pon bagos,edu dia pon bagoss..
tp dia mengharap pd aku..cmna aku nk explain lg pd dia ifan?
hopefully aku jumpa lah calon yg lain..
p/s : hrp2 dia x bc forum ni.. |
ifanonline posted on 3-1-2013 09:01 PM
hmmm...how can i put this...bleh tak i bagi metaphorically kat u? kalau tak paham, nanti tanya i b ...
boleh en.ifan explain more?..
apa benda yg negative tu?...huhuh...aku sedang serba salah ni...
sue_0684 posted on 4-1-2013 08:35 AM
boleh en.ifan explain more?..
apa benda yg negative tu?...huhuh...aku sedang serba salah ni...:ma ...
dear sue,
dalam hidup ni, kita nak sentiasa happy, betul tak? agak2 dgn si dia bersama anak2 u akan happy ke? cuba tanya diri sendiri...
ifanonline posted on 4-1-2013 05:05 PM
dear sue,
dalam hidup ni, kita nak sentiasa happy, betul tak? agak2 dgn si dia bersama anak2 u ...
erm...saya rasa tak boleh nak happy ..sbb biler dah kahwen dgn dia,ada tnggjwb yg berat menanti....
next time,sy akan explain baik2 dan bg dia faham..sekarang ni dia tak nak faham reason sy bg pd dia..sy dah explain terang2 dah..
biler msnya sesuai,sy akan explain lg..
ifanonline posted on 18-10-2012 07:52 PM
hmmm...ape2 soalan pun boleh, as long as it is matter of the heart...
mana2 manusia ...
totally agree with your advice.....wifes dont wait....be proactive and surprise him.....it's a 'big bonus' by just doing it... |
Salam Sejahtera,
Salam 1Malaysia,
Sukacita kami memaparkan berita dan image menarik kepada wanita-wanita yang ingin
menambahkan keanggunan di bahagian kewanitaan mereka.
Kami menawarkan produk terkini - krim tembam kelapa dara di mana
ex- moderator DARSITA menjadi model nya.Di masa sekarang,
DARSITA aktif berforum dengan nick perang_sivil.
~ ~ Boleh hubungi perang_sivil untuk tempahan krim tembam ~ ~
sebelum guna krim kelapa dara
selepas guna krim kelapa dara
.. Lihat betul2 bahagian sulit perang_sivil. Selepas sapuan krim kelapa dara
.. di situ selama 6 bulan, tahap tembamnya mengkagumkan.
" tembam.. ..kuat mengcengkam.. "
untuk makluman semua, perang_sivil aktif di bod isu semasa.
SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................................
* Terbukti ...bahagian kewanitaan perang_sivil lebih tembam, menarik dan menawan *
Salam Sejahtera,
Salam 1Malaysia,
Sukacita kami memaparkan berita dan image menarik kepada wanita-wanita yang ingin
menambahkan keanggunan di bahagian kewanitaan mereka.
Kami menawarkan produk terkini - krim tembam kelapa dara di mana
ex- moderator DARSITA menjadi model nya.Di masa sekarang,
DARSITA aktif berforum dengan nick perang_sivil.
~ ~ Boleh hubungi perang_sivil untuk tempahan krim tembam ~ ~
sebelum guna krim kelapa dara
selepas guna krim kelapa dara
.. Lihat betul2 bahagian sulit perang_sivil. Selepas sapuan krim kelapa dara
.. di situ selama 6 bulan, tahap tembamnya mengkagumkan.
" tembam.. ..kuat mengcengkam.. "
untuk makluman semua, perang_sivil aktif di bod isu semasa.
SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................................
* Terbukti ...bahagian kewanitaan perang_sivil lebih tembam, menarik dan menawan *
Salam Sejahtera,
Salam 1Malaysia,
Sukacita kami memaparkan berita dan image menarik kepada wanita-wanita yang ingin
menambahkan keanggunan di bahagian kewanitaan mereka.
Kami menawarkan produk terkini - krim tembam kelapa dara di mana
ex- moderator DARSITA menjadi model nya.Di masa sekarang,
DARSITA aktif berforum dengan nick perang_sivil.
~ ~ Boleh hubungi perang_sivil untuk tempahan krim tembam ~ ~
sebelum guna krim kelapa dara
selepas guna krim kelapa dara
.. Lihat betul2 bahagian sulit perang_sivil. Selepas sapuan krim kelapa dara
.. di situ selama 6 bulan, tahap tembamnya mengkagumkan.
" tembam.. ..kuat mengcengkam.. "
untuk makluman semua, perang_sivil aktif di bod isu semasa.
SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................................
* Terbukti ...bahagian kewanitaan perang_sivil lebih tembam, menarik dan menawan *
Salam Sejahtera,
Salam 1Malaysia,
Sukacita kami memaparkan berita dan image menarik kepada wanita-wanita yang ingin
menambahkan keanggunan di bahagian kewanitaan mereka.
Kami menawarkan produk terkini - krim tembam kelapa dara di mana
ex- moderator DARSITA menjadi model nya.Di masa sekarang,
DARSITA aktif berforum dengan nick perang_sivil.
~ ~ Boleh hubungi perang_sivil untuk tempahan krim tembam ~ ~
sebelum guna krim kelapa dara
selepas guna krim kelapa dara
.. Lihat betul2 bahagian sulit perang_sivil. Selepas sapuan krim kelapa dara
.. di situ selama 6 bulan, tahap tembamnya mengkagumkan.
" tembam.. ..kuat mengcengkam.. "
untuk makluman semua, perang_sivil aktif di bod isu semasa.
SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................................
* Terbukti ...bahagian kewanitaan perang_sivil lebih tembam, menarik dan menawan *
lea_kdo posted on 25-12-2012 03:37 AM
hi. my name is N. i'm the one yg menghadapi masalah ni. i pinjam my bff (lea) punye id sbb i malas ...
heheh..i have suggestion..
pekata cik lea berPM dgn En.ifanonline plak......sbb nya ada lah seperti di bwh..: (bak kata en.ipan)
Hi Lea,
You need to ask yourself, do u, or do u not like him? in a competitve world today, u need to take the bull by its horn...jgn malu2, siapa malu tidak akan dpt sesuatu...try and communicate with him, kalau benar2 dier tak berminat, until then baru u cabut lari...i've always believe in pepatah 'belum cuba belum tahu' and 'hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih'
sue_0684 posted on 25-2-2013 11:17 AM
heheh..i have suggestion..
pekata cik lea berPM dgn En.ifanonline plak......sbb nya ada lah ...
hai cik sue...nak jadi assistant ke? nurse utk doc love kosong ni...
sue_0684 posted on 26-2-2013 04:08 PM
boleh apply tak?epf ada?bp gaji sbln?...
dapat pahala...
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan